13 Dec 2006 at 03:45 - 56
Ok, it is nearly 4am, and my posts aren't coming across exactly how I want them too.
I know Anet haven't nerfed the difficulty. But, the Torment weapons were, basically a reward for doing the quests. One consolidation I take, is that if rumour is to be beleived, then the quests lead up to the elite mission. As long as they do not nerf the difficulty, then only a few will get there.
Oh, and the Monkey Island thing was a stupid example.
Use Rubber Chicken With High-Wire. Lol.
No, I don't believe it's a grind. I've played through City about 9 times now, and haven't suceeded. But now I've got it sorted, I know what to do. That's my enjoyment, refining it. Learning, and going on to complete it. It's not a grind as you dont HAVE to do it.
But, whilst thinking about it more thoroughly, I bet if I finally complete all the quests, and am say, 8 gems short, I'll probably be pissed off and then it will be a grind. But I'm willing to live with that.
And I wasn't getting on a high horse about anything.
And I'm not trying to make it un-fun.
All I'm saying is, across the 3 chapters, there are 55 odd missions, thousands of quests, and areas. I just want Anet to leave in ONE stupidly hard place, for those of us that want it.
And personally, I don't think I'm asking too much.
Off to bed now, I'll re-read this all when I wake, and try to be more articulate.
Edit - And the mission 21 comment, was in reference to the hundreds of people who will now flock back, attempt, fail again (as the difficulty hasnt changed) farm for a bit, get bored, and think it might be worthwhile buying the gems.
Edit 2 - Just thought... What about some kind of DoA only title, for those that do complete it all? (Not like I'll ever complete it at the rate I'm going, but just an idea)