The Aspiring Drunkard's Guide to Binge Drinking


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007

Marshlands of 'The Wilds'

Chese Eaters of America

cheers for taking the time and effort to write up this guide Dragou, i'd also like to acknowledge the fact that you've maintained helping and aiding anyone who's had queries related to your guide, and am glad that there are members of the community like you who seek to the 'less informed' contingent (myself included).

Keep up the good work mate! I bookmarked this guide a while back and have now found it very useful during my title upping' preparations for the upcoming gw2



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Great ty! finished my last 360min. in like 1/2h



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ascalon INT1


Great ty too!


Jason Xll

Jason Xll


Join Date: Sep 2005

Ice Tooth Cave


I got 1000min in 40min with spiked eggnogs giving me 3min each Used the Nolani academy portal. Method still works for sure.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

I was only able to get the first minute immediately after the zoning, but then I had to wait for the two remaining minutes normally. I tried from Iron Mines of Moladune, Ascalon City and Kamadan to Isle of the Dead, all with the same result. This was on an American districts, 2.30 - 2.55 GMT+2 hours. I will try again tomorrow around 14.00 GMT+2 hours.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Eleventh Fleet [XITH]


jason what gh u using?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Eleventh Fleet [XITH]


Wizards' Isle - Beknur Harbor

00:00ptm - roughly 00:38ptm

works like a charm, thx for the guide


2 windows ranging 45+sec

from gunnar's hold/Eye of the North to Wizards' Isle


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006


I did a search on this thread to see if there was any expiermentation on the size of parties. Like banding together with 8 people to see if anything is benefitted that way or changed. Anyone known?




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Has anyone tried this recently? Having trouble with it lately ;P



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Legion of Sacred Light


i got to 10.000 minutes in... 10.000 minutes

i like doing things how they are supposed to be done >.<




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Originally Posted by ekamdu
i got to 10.000 minutes in... 10.000 minutes

i like doing things how they are supposed to be done >.<

Thanks for the helpful post. ;P

I would rather actually play the game than stand around for 10k minutes. I have done tons already, would like some helpful feedback please. Thanks.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Eleventh Fleet [XITH]


ok, this is the thing:

you can drink and quest, meaning you dont just STAND ard doing nothing...

the 2 thing:

you can just tell u what guildhall you using, and we'll find some alternetive for your problems... i dont find anything wrong at my tests... i always make it

so its not the method, its the execution...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


Scouts of Tyria

Maybe he just wanted to confirm that the behavior of zoning "using up" your drunk level but still getting credit on your title progression.

So if someone can simply confirm that zoning from GH to whatever random town you choose to use results in a sudden bump in the title, then that would be great.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Just switched to Wizards Isle recently, but I used to zone using Kamadan from AD1 to AD2 and I cannot get it to work anymore. So yeah, just wanted to know if it works for others ;P



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Zoning from Dasha Vestibule to GH, or at least Uncharted Isle, still adds 1 minute. It's repeatable, and it always works. You can only drink in Dasha though, or the portal trick reverts to the standard timer. You will then have to zone all over the place in other towns, or wait it out. I have not found any repeatable 3 minute portals.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006


Its Rainning Fame Hallelujah[伞回伞], also as guild leader


not working for me, tried many many towns already-_-

Joyce MDI

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Hero's of the rose


Team Arena to isle of the dead Gh gives you 1 min with alco lvl 3, you don't get anymore for alco lvl 5



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


Is the remains challenge mission to sulfurous waste still working? A guy posted on this thread saying drink 1 spiked eggnog, zone out to sulf waste, drink another go back to town and he would always get 6 minutes.

Can anyone test this?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Royal Asacalonian Vanguard


I guess I understand the zoning somewhat but then again I dont understand it at all, I mean yeah I can zone from an outpost to my guildhall (isle of solitude) but how am I to zone back to the outpost I came from when I bring up the worlds map and I'm in the pvp arena map... id have to travel to Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center or Kamadan and then travel to wherever the outpost is... I guess it may be more time consuming to do it the way it was intended but you're also talking to a LDoA here :P so I've spent my fair share of time slowly death leveleing charr in pre lol



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS]

Originally Posted by MTCOOLJ
but how am I to zone back to the outpost I came from
Press G(though it should already be up since you've just travel to your Guild Hall and didn't close it) and click Leave Guild Hall(same spot as the Guild Hall button)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2007


The Club Adventure For Men [Inc]


Well. Maybe im stupid, maybe something goes wrong but..

I dont understand and I even red all the pages..

I try it on: Kamadan to warrior isle ( supposed to be 45/60 sec )

I low my graphic and my sound.. I zone in like 1 sec..

I exactly do:

Open my Inventory:
Open My G:

-Click on spiked eggnog
-Fast click on guildhall
(Im now in warrior's isle)
My G window and I window is already up.
-fast click on leave guildhall
(Im now in kamadan)

I look at my tittle:

I only had 1
I zone multiples times.. I get like 1 more mine while zooming 2 min..

Can someone explain to me clairly wtf is going wrong..
Because other ppl do:

Spiked E
Zone Gh
(had 3min)
Spiked E
zone outpost
(had 3min)

I woulda like to be able to do that..
Help me please! Thanks you

princess of teddys

princess of teddys

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2007

The oblique magical animal[CUTE]


I dout Ill spend that much for a title.Maybe try aim for kurzick title



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


as is with most things .....doesnt work for me, no I will be doing this one the same way I did cartography the long hard way....<sigh>



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

The Allegiance Of The Lost


Prof: ele
GH: Meditation
acct age: 28 mths
char: age: 24 mths (got an aatxe ^.^)

doesnt work reliablily for me anywhere ive tried. tried THK, mines, Kamidan, gate of abbadon, abbadns mouth, the portal in nolani, quarrel falls, dist hopping in thk....

anyone got suggestions for working area? for me? im in GMT-7 (1 hour after offical GW event timers) so an area that works in the evening would be best for me

Drakken Breathes Fire

Drakken Breathes Fire

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2007

They May Be Dead [DEAD]


I don't mind the slow steady drinking.
I am now 1 hour into my drunkard title and it gives me something to do in my lurking around town time. I figure 1000 alcohols is easy enough for me, since I don't plan to max it all the way. (Drunkard sounds better than IAH by FAR.)



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2006




nolani acadamy from 12:30am to 1:30am central standard time.

I was able to use the 1 min Halloween booze as follows:

drink up to level 5 in outpost, run outside gain 1 min,walk back in no gain, drink 1 walk out, gain 1 min. At times I would not gain 1 min while walking outside, I immediately zoned to GH and got the 1 min, mapped back to nolani and repeated as above. Every time I drank in the outpost I was immediately returned to level 5.

I did have firewaters and experimented with those, it seemed much harder to get it to work. I believe that the minute(s) only get stripped when the graphic for drunkenness is present. the only exception to this is when i mapped to gh from dessia low lands using 1 min boozes and didn't receive the 1 min when walking outside.

I do have a good connection and my load times are fast.

This is rather tedious but faster than realtime and prob less costly.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Eleventh Fleet [XITH]


btw: since EotN gives a rather easy alcohol farming method YOU can test it with drinking and zoning... HOWEVER there is still another method: look for patterns in the dissappearance and reappearance of people and keep an eye out on the chat window for alcohol buyers...

AND: this still works from nearly anywhere i have tried, and i have tried all major cities and crowded towns... i have an asumption its related to lag (scored loadas of windows during the event) however the point in wich you get 1 minute for level 5 alco indicates you are doing something terribly wrong, Joyce MDI. The guide says you ought to drink a lvl 3 when zoning from place A to place B and then drink a lvl 3 again (i shaves off 1 minute, there is allways a "predominant window (i figure its the strongest window in a way i still do not know)" that when zoning to will take 1 level from the tipsy level and when zoning from will take all levels... (usually its the guild hall))... basicly you were experiencing zoning to a "predominant window" with a level 5 tipsyness and thus loosing 1 minute equaling into level 4 tipsyness, i beleive there is a bug preventing you from reaching the other 2 expendable minutes from zoning unles you drink again wich would make the swirl animations reappear (this or waiting 1 minute wich allso resets the animation).


note: IF you dont wanna read thru the babbling (wich is quite strong on theories) you can just follow this rule:

1.- go to a desired location: drink up to level 5 tipsyness
2.- check current drunkard minutes
3.- zone to desired secondary location
4.- check drunkard minutes (if you only benefited one you did the procedure OK and you picked the right outpost 1 and 2)
5a.- drink level 1 alcohol (if you have only got 1 minute) thus re-emerging to level 5 tipsyness.
5b.- drink up to level 3 tipsyness (if you benefited 3 minutes)
6.- zone back to original town (a.k.a town 1)
7.a- (you have now benefitted 3 minutes if working in an open window) do process 5b.
7.b- (you have now benefited 1 minute from the process) do process 5a (only 1 level was lost in the transaction).
8.-zone forth (to town 2) notice you are all in all on square 3 now...

etc, etc, etc.... you get the pattern right? well i hope so... if you dont understand any detail... either PM me or read the babbling again


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Las Vegas, NV

Currently Guildless


So what is the best way to use Spiked Eggnog since Zoning does not appear to work (at least for me)? What I have been doing is starting with a Spiked, then every minute or so using a "1 minute" booze. It is slow, but I am racking up the minutes.

Spiked Eggnog appear to be "5 units" but since you only get drunk minutes for LVL 3 and above, they are really only 3 units. I am thinking I am better off with 1 minute booze than using Spiked since Spiked typically cost 5x more than other 1 minute booze. I have been buying 1 minute booze for 150GP each but Spiked are 750GP each.

Want to make sure I maximimze my drunk ability with Spiked so I use them effectively and drinking one every 3 minutes doesnt sound right.

Any tips? I only have 220 Spiked so I guess that will be 660 minutes drunk right?






Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Um if you are paying 750g for spiked you are majorly over paying. I can buy quite a bit for 300g or less. And not that much work. And the lvl 1 you can find tons for 100g each. Too much booze around right now from Halloween and such. Also it can be farmed in Gwen as stated about (in the snowman cave or from the Bison Tourny which with Bison tokens you can get lvl 5 booze)

And as for the post above that I was "doing something terribly wrong" read my older posts as I was doing EXACTLY what I was doing before and it no longer worked.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


Does the remains of sahlaja (wrong spelling) out to the desolation zone still work? Someone said that if you drink one in town, zone outside to the exploreable area and drink another to come back to the town it always results in 6 minutes of drunkard time.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Las Vegas, NV

Currently Guildless


Pfft... gotta love people who pretty much call you a dumb ass for over paying then proceed to NOT answer the question you posted. If I had a Plat for every person who told me "oh you paid to much for that" I would never need to farm again.

You seriously dont think I tried to pay less than 150? Seriously? You think I am completely stupid? Only about 1 out of 10 people I traded with would go less than 150. I dont have time to sit and wait for the very few people who will sell it for less. I sat in L.A. for days and found that 150 was the easiest way to load up. When was the last time you bought booze in quantity? If it hasnt been in the last week, then you dont have a clue what you are talking about.

Anyway, is there anyone out there who can actually be helpful and answer my question?






Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


I never said anything like that - I have 5,000 mins all of which I have paid 100g a point or less. I was not trying to be rude, I was saying you could get for cheaper. I >>> JUST NOW <<<< bought quite a bit for 100g. Once again not trying to be rude, since I have "no clue" I am pointing it out. Also everything I said was ways to get it easily on your own as well. If you don't want to good for you, others on here may use that info. All your comments are just your own crap to deal with dude.

There is also no other way to "maximize" if zoning is not working which I have not been able to get to work myself either. You can drink a spiked then wait 3 mins and drink 3 regulars or do like you were saying and wait 1 min then drink one. In the end using spiked and regular together would get you extra minutes because it maxes at lvl 5 and only the first 3 mins give you "drunkard" time - but I don't feel like doing the math.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Las Vegas, NV

Currently Guildless


< sitting in a corner dealing with my own crap >

I sat in L.A. trying to buy Booze for 100GP tonight and all I got was laughed at. Guess you know something I dont mate. I wasnt trying to be rude either but I just get tired of people telling me how much cheaper they get things for. Telling me this doesn't help, and just makes me feel like I have been ripped off. Many months ago I bought Ecto's for a very good price, and a day later, when ANET nerfed UW farming, the price increased over 5k per Ecto. I learned that day that prices are driven by the market and what you buy today may not have anything to do with what you bought a week ago so telling someone they paid too much is like farting in an elevator. Sure you feel better, but the other person in the elevator is sort of wishing you would have kept it to yourself.

So based on the last few posts, it does appear that zoning may not work any more. Anyone still getting the minutes racked up by zoning? I have tried it from Hells to my Warriors Isle GH and any number of towns back to my GH and if I look at the clock the only time I get a minute incremented is when 60 seconds have passed, not when I move from one place to another. Hopefully someone else can verify this. I did zoning for my first 6000 minutes a few months ago so I understand the concept but it appears as though my last 4000 minutes will need to be done "the hard way".

Based on this I sort of wish I would NOT have paid for the Spiked and just stuck with the 1 minute booze. Seems like having enough Spiked to "jump start" you is good, but then having cheaper 1 minute booze is easier to keep track of.

Hopefully someone else wil try Zoning and let the rest of us know if it still works. Seems stupid for Anet to nerf something that only a few people even remotely care about.



Mr None

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by TallDoode
< sitting in a corner dealing with my own crap >

I sat in L.A. trying to buy Booze for 100GP tonight and all I got was laughed at. Guess you know something I dont mate.
here is a good news - yesterday I bought 300 minutes during 1 hour for 100g a min

All you need to do is sit in Shing Jea and buy Monastery Credits for 100g each (which is a good price, people sell them for 50-80 as well) and exchange them right there for hunters ale

PS. zoning does work - you dont need to zone from GH to an outpost, ANY zonning will work (crossing any portal)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Las Vegas, NV

Currently Guildless


I must really suck at this. I sat in the Monastery looking for credits the other day for an hour. I found 50 of them for 100 each. No one else was selling. Maybe I am just on at the wrong times.

Oh well, at 150 a pop I have all the booze I need for my 10,000 minutes. Just a matter of finding time to drink it. Need to do some dungeon work this weekend to finish them up so that will be a few hours at least.

Funny that zoning works for some and not for others. I tried it again this morning (no lag) and once out of every 10 zones I would get a 1 minute increment w/o waiting for one minute. I never got a 3 minute. I tried Hells Precipice to my GH, Beetletun to my GH, and a few others. Same results. I tried from town to town, I tried running in and out of a town. Same results.

Oh well, c'est la guerre. I will do it the old fashioned way.





Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Eleventh Fleet [XITH]


guys i strongly suggest you two take it to PMs ...
i have tested my theory for zoning today and it works... might differ wheather you are on an american server or not... i do it on europe and i just gor 300 min today... easy-peasy, lemon squeezy...

EDIT: due to my post being a bit late on arrival i am adding this edit:

dude! this zoning thing works... go try it from gunnar's hold to GH and do it the way i said... it must work... and if you can have your pc on at night i suggest this to help you rack up minutes
enter "drunkard bot" onto google and download the first program you find i checked the 1. one out it works and it didnt kill my other account or stole it or whatever alltho its prty advanced, so im guessing its safe from the dev.'s site... about ANet policies i dont have a clue! really i dont know weather or not it is viable or not.....



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2007

GameAmp Guides [AMP]


Originally Posted by mikrobx
enter "drunkard bot" onto google and download the first program you find i checked the 1. one out it works and it didnt kill my other account or stole it or whatever alltho its prty advanced, so im guessing its safe from the dev.'s site... about ANet policies i dont have a clue! really i dont know weather or not it is viable or not.....
Do you honestly think it's worth the risk having anything to do with a bot programme?......

Back to topic - The 'standard' price for buying alcohol from other players is 100g/min. When it comes to aged dwarven and spiked eggnogs, you should pay between 300 and 500, depending on how you feel about it giving you 5 levels of drunkenness but only 3 minutes to your drunkard score. Some players will try to get you to pay more for absinthe, but it's still only a 1-minute alcohol and you're drinking for the title, not the screen effect.

What I find helps is having an empty inventory that I can fill with stacks of 3 1-minute alcohols. A row of alcohols will each be 15 minutes. Start off with a spiked or aged, and then click on a stack after 3 minutes every 3 minutes, or after a zoning.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Eleventh Fleet [XITH]


ok, you are right... having a bot do your drinking isnt worth the risk and isnt really legal from the side of EULA... so, dont mind my stupid idea
and your technique for drinking is remarkable! it helped me sort out the mistakes i had with zoning... i got 3 minutes for 2x the worth until i realized something's wrong i paid double fer my minutes

and about the problem with "only 1 min only when i zoned", you should then drink a lvl 1 ale and zone like mad from gh and back until it gives you the title boost... shouldnt be a problem with a fast pc... you prooly have window time issues...



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007


I couldn't find a three minute zone to save my life. I've yet to find a zone that's rewarded me with three minutes as opposed to giving me one minute for zoning (this is using Spiked Eggnogs) then having to wait out the other two minutes. Hoping that'll change by this coming Winter's Day celebration.

However, I found that Ember Light Camp has been the best place to use for getting more bang for your buck out of level one drinks (i.e. Witch's Brew, Vial of Absinthe.)

I took 20 Witch's Brews, for this test:

1) I drank five Witch's Brews in Ember Light Camp.
2) I zoned from Ember Light Camp to Perdition Rock, I gained one minute.
3) I zoned back into Ember's and drank one brew.
4) I repeated steps 2 & 3 until I had no brews.
5) I waited in town for the last two minutes. These two minutes are from the first 5 Witch's Brews you drank in step 1.

I gained 17 minutes for 20 Witch's Brews, thus saving me not only time but Witch's Brews.

I tested this in American District 1, as a Monk, at 3:00 P.M. EST and 8:00 P.M. EST. Both times gave me 17 minutes for 20 Witch's Brews.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2007


I just did the ember light one with witche's brews and got about 140 mins worth in i think 35 real mins... But there are lapses when you don't get points.. So I wasted about 15-20 mins worth but id much rather lose 1.5k of drinks than spend and extra hour and a half sitting nowhere doing nothing

Great guide btw