The Aspiring Drunkard's Guide to Binge Drinking

Um Yeah

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Illusions of Grandeur [Illu]


So, after reading your great guide, I decided that I would start making a quick, small start in my monks drunkard by using the spiked's I had leftover from wintersday. I started off using ELC->Warriors (at about 7:15ish EST), but wasn't getting much in the way of results, so I figured that the window was just smaller due to fluctuation based upon time of day as you said is a possible explanation. Anyway, I ended up at Abaddon's Mouth (from there to Warrior's Isle), and found out that nearly every time I zoned, I got 3 minutes. Also, the window seemed to be permanently open. Now, I only had about 50ish spiked's, so I definitely wouldn't call this proper testing, but I think it would be noteworthy/worth undergoing proper testing. Ended up doing this from about 7:25-7:30 EST btw.

Officer Dick

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


wonderful guide, altough i didnt quite get what you were talking about until i tried XD
my guild has the isle of meditation guild hall, and i started trying in ember light camp. the window was incredibly small, and i found it out in a weird way. i used a spiked and went to GH, didnt get anything, then pressed to return to ember and got 1 min. Then, tried returning to GH and didnt get anything, back to ember, nothing, back to GH, nothing, and so on, until one of the teleports gave me another minute, and later i got the other one. as long as i kept teleporting, i noticed i did not miss my drunkness level, but in ember it was taking waaay too long teleporting to get those minutes.
then, i tried nolani, and it was better, but still a small window. So, i said to myself, whats the most worthless place in all of tyria? (my drunk char only has all of tyria open, and a little of the others.). the answer was clear, ice tooth cave (if you dont know this outpost, dont worry, there isnt even a quest here, so you didnt miss a thing.). There, i found a perma-window, even tried different times of the day and it seems to be working. so, put that on your list:
Ice Tooth Cave > Isle of Meditation
at least for me its a perma window, hope it works for other ppl :P


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

For any of you who are getting this behavior (3 Drunkard minutes after every zone), I'd like to know how many drinks you tested this with, how many real-world minutes/hours you spent testing, and what time of the day you conducted your tests (and, of course, where you were zoning to/from). Basically I'm curious to find out if this a "quirk" or an actual repeatable feature that can be consistently utilized.
Ok, I got 3 minutes per zone about half the time... the other half 2 one way 3 the other.

I got about 300 minutes this way, consistently. I didn't check the time but it must have been half an hour or less. It was about 3 EST today from Iron Mines to Imperial Isle.

Pretty much all I did was keep my title window open and see how much the drunk track went up on the first zone (iron mines *to* GH), and drank that many regular eggnogs in the hall before zoning back. It was always 2 or 3 and it would stay on one for a few minutes before going to the other. I used a spiked nog in iron mines and regular nogs in my Guild hall. (I assume this is what you meant, not an exploit that lets you get 6 minutes out of a spiked nog).

Since most of the time is spent zoning, not clicking, you could probably nearly half the time you have to waste drinking if you found a place/time that let you get 3 each way consistently, but even if you only get one minute on the first zone, you can drink one nog in the hall and save a little time.

Officer Dick

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


on my tests, sometimes, when teleporting back from isle of meditation to ice tooth caves, i didnt get anything, but every time i zoned from ice tooth caves to the isle of meditation, i got 1 minute. I actually liked it this way, because it may take a little more time, but when it happens, i get the chance to use another normal alcohol and increase the drunkness i get with less overall alcohol.



Join Date: Mar 2007

I plan on doing this title however i dont want to spend extra money or time zoning in and out of locations....unless it is much cheaper to do it this way.
So whats the cheapest/quickest way to drink in order to achieve this title? Also what types of alcohol yeild how many minutes, ive heard some yield different lengths of minutes



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Urgoz's Warren

Club Of A Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by Officer Dick
on my tests, sometimes, when teleporting back from isle of meditation to ice tooth caves, i didnt get anything, but every time i zoned from ice tooth caves to the isle of meditation, i got 1 minute. I actually liked it this way, because it may take a little more time, but when it happens, i get the chance to use another normal alcohol and increase the drunkness i get with less overall alcohol.

There is no "cheaper" way to obtain the title, the results are all the same. You can do it much faster this way though. Each time you get to lvl 5 of drunkness, you can get up to 3 minutes of time by zoning. You can't get any more than that.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

In Guza Not Allowed [oUcH]


YAY i got it finally

I wanna thx dragou for nice guide, wihout it I wouldnt go for title.

tips for you others: i was getting 3 mins on each zoning using the way Corrupted Isle>>Abbadon's Mouth (GMT 2PM-6PM) thats like 6 in game minutes for 8-10 sec in real time (lower ur music and graphics options)...hope it works for you aswell. And yea, if u have much money buy just Spiked Eggnog its way easier and faster. GL


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Hey dragou, I was just doin some testing and I am getting 3 minutes on each zone from jokanur diggings to isle of wurms....Actually its approximately a 55 second window of 3 minutes each way, and then 5 seconds of the normal 1 minute to hall, 2 minutes back.

This is from 8-9pm gmt and it is still working. Great guide, gonna go through these 2500 spiked nogs in no time ^^

My Sweet Revenga

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Yeah I did it with spiked eggnogs just before new years. Basically if you drink a spiked eggnog, you will get 3 minutes tacked on no matter what. But rather than sitting in one spot waiting for the 3 minutes to be added to your title, you can zone in or out of town and make the minutes expire quicker. Even if you zone through a portal and only 1-2 minutes get added to your title, you're still under the drunk condition and the remaining minutes will be added eventually if you either just sit and wait for the extra minutes to pass, or zone through another portal again to take up the rest of the minutes. This is really inefficient however because it requires twice as much time and work to go through another portal. The quickest and most optimal way to get the drunkard title is to try to satisfy the following requirements:

1) Find an outpost portal that will make ALL 3 minutes expire in one pass and preferably in both directions in and out of town. Most of the towns I tested only did maybe 1-2 minutes in either direction, and some even did the full 3 minutes in one direction, but less going back the other way (ugh!).
2) When you zone on either side of the portal, you are facing directly away from the portal and as close to the portal as possible. That way you can spin around using the 180 turn keybind and just run straight through the portal again after drinking another spiked nog.

Unfortunately, there isn't any one town that meets all these conditions for everybody. As far as I can tell, it is either based on time of day, the number of people in the outpost, account based, regional based, I have no idea. I just know it's not globally the same for everybody. I tested every outpost in all 3 campaigns and I could only find 2 outposts that worked for me, one of which was only temporary.

Iron Mines in Tyria was nice because when spawning on either side of the portal, I was facing almost directly away from the door so I could just spin around using the 180 turn key, drink a spiked nog, and hit the autorun key so I'd run back through the portal. Every time it would tack the full 3 minutes to my title. This was also the fastest portal because when you zone outside, you are about a foot away from the portal so you as soon as I loaded outside, I could quickly drink a spiked nog, turn around and run right back in almost immediately. Instant 3 minutes to title in under 3 seconds. Unfortunately, this one stopped working for me the next day where I would only get 1 minute elapsed zoning 1 direction, and 2 minutes zoning the other way. So I dunno what condition is required for this outpost to be ideal, but it was nice and fast while it lasted.

The other outpost that ALWAYS works for me is Bergen Hotsprings in Tyria. This one is a little more work though because when you spawn inside the outpost, you're not directly facing away from the door. I always had to spin around, hit autorun, and then turn my character a little to the right to aim for the door.

Using this method, you can get 6 minutes in about 10 seconds (depending on how fast your computer loads after going through a portal and how far you spawn from the doors). I got my title in about 6-8 hours, and I got worker's comp for Repeated Stress Injury to boot! (yeah ok I lie about the last part)

Originally Posted by MrPlacebo
I plan on doing this title however i dont want to spend extra money or time zoning in and out of locations....unless it is much cheaper to do it this way.
So whats the cheapest/quickest way to drink in order to achieve this title? Also what types of alcohol yeild how many minutes, ive heard some yield different lengths of minutes
Um, there is no cheaper way of doing this. If you wanna get the title right away, you gotta buy the booze to do it. If you're willing to wait a while, you can collect the booze yourself from festive events, but that seems to involve quite a bit of work to accumulate booze quickly, and we all know time=money. And you don't want to waste time zoning in and out of locations? Zoning is by far the fastest way to get this title. The alternative is to set up some kind of script to make your computer auto drink the booze while you go to bed.... but chances are you'll be recognized as a bot and have your account banned so probably not a good idea.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Works best with a few pint's of Guinness nearby. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!!

Details of 3 mins per zone I was just able to accomplish: (thanks to ..*hick*.. everyone here posting for there experience which inspired me to give a shot...*hick*...lotsa shots)
Time: 11:00 PM (PST) to 12:20 AM (PST)
American server
Character Age: 14 months+

Kamadan + spiked nog ===> GH*Isle of Meditation +3mins Drunk (every time)

GH*Isle of Meditation + 3 regular alcohol of any type ===> Kamadan +3 mins Drunk [(97% of time) :: sometimes I only got 2 mins of drunk time]
NOTE: might be 3 alcohols = 3 mins from GH 100% of time, but I could have been mis-clicking and only hit two alcohols. I did catch myself hitting only 2 alcohol a couple times and it did only yield +2 mins upon return to Kamadan. I also tried experiments with only 1 alcohol and 2 alcohols at start to determine 3 alcohols are needed for the full 3 mins drunk time credit when returning to town from the Guild Hall.

Other towns I tried that had nothing close to the same results prior to this location and method find: Basalt, Iron Mines, THK, Bergen Hot Springs, Bone Palace, Gate of Torment, Abaddon's Gate. Some worked better then others, with Bergen, THK, and Iron Mines being the worst for me.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Clan Chasm


How do you know this was not patched or will not be patched in the future? This is a bug, and an exploit and Anet has probably fixed it by now.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Behind you


Man I want this title so bad I just have a hard time finding sellers for Spiked Eggnog


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ascalon Dung Warriors


Can someone please clarify something for me:

When you zone FROM your GH to the outpost do you lose all of you drunk levels or only those that count towards the drunkard title, such as drunk levels 3,4 and 5?



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Cocolalla, ID


I've seen to have a permanent window that gives me 3 minutes both was between my guild hall (Isle of Solitude) and Kamadan, Jewel of Istan. I'm using 5 Dwarvan Ales both ways, waiting about 5-7 seconds after the 5th ale before zoning.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Pennsylvania, USA


Im just so confused there is too much information and inconsistancies between players. Why would all this drunk levels be hidden and such in the game. I feel like a dumb a55 because how would anyone know to first figure this stuff out.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Canada - Quebec - Montreal

[SWAT] Elite Knights


I was in Maguuma Stade(MS) international [] and found that it was a variable permanent window.

Here is the details switching from MS to Guild Hall(GH) Imperial Isle :

-- Case #1 50/60sec:
Starting from MS.
drink a Spiked Eggnog(SE) (+5 hidden lvl)

Zone to GH.(-2 hidden lvl)
2 minutes gained to the Drunk title.
drink 2 ale ( any 1 min ale, sharmrock ale in this case).(+2 hidden lvl)

Zone to MS.(-5 hidden lvl)
3 minutes gained to the Drunk title.
-- End Case #1, 1xSE+2xAle consumed => 5 minutes gained

-- Case #2 10/60sec:
Starting from MS.
drink a Spiked Eggnog(SE) (+5 hidden lvl)

Zone to GH. (-3 hidden lvl)
3 minutes gained to the Drunk title.
drink 3 ale ( any 1 min ale, sharmrock ale in this case).(+3 hidden lvl)

Zone to MS.(-5 hidden lvl)
3 minutes gained to the Drunk title.
-- End Case #2, 1xSE+3xAle consumed => 6 minutes gained

I did not see any windows as good as this 1, I hope it works for everyone else.

*refer to wiki for what hidden lvl is.

*Always pay attention to your title window to confirm the minutes gained each time you zone.

Vezz Zor


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


DAMMIT..ran out of BOOZ.. 9912 mins

Spirit Of Flurry

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



hey this really works. I got 100 minutes of drunk title in about 10 minutes of real time... awesome guide. Tyvm

Net Flanders

Net Flanders

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Our Quality Needs No Name [1337], also as guild leader


Hm, crazy ^^

Yesterday evening @8 o'clock I tried this and it worked.
5 minutes ago I tried at the same places like yesterday but there's no zone

Whats the best place u think? :P

[email protected] 0f 41L 7ra|)3

[email protected] 0f 41L 7ra|)3

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007



Impressive, some intense research and successful discovery.
this guide is well detailed and contains all necessary info.

Olie Killer

Olie Killer

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007


Yesterday I sat for about an hour zoning and getting 3 points both ways, it was great I rake up about 2,200 minutes! Then I ran out of spiked eggnog, so I shut the game off and when I came back to it a couple hours later and got some more eggnog, I couldn't get the zoning to work at all, I tried everywhere, I nearly wasted my whole 250 stack of spiked eggnog trying. I when did start the game back up there was a small little download, could they have fix the zoning?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Pow Pow Pow [myau]


Wow, Im extremely unhappy, because, to go along with the above post, i believe they fixed it. I have been using 1 minute ales, because i got them for a decent price, so, what I was doing was Drink 5, zone (achieving 3 minutes) drink 3, then zone back (achieving 3 more minutes). Now zoning gives me zero minutes, but I only have to drink one to get back to max drunk. If anyone can comment on this, it would be great. Thanks

Olie Killer

Olie Killer

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007


I to am still waiting for somone to comment on this, I know I was doing it late at night, so mabye I just have to wait until later tonight, not sure. But Im going to be real unhappy if it got fixed, it might have been an exploit but it still took alot of time. Now it'll be almost impossable.

Silent Elvin Ranger

Silent Elvin Ranger

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Ontario, Canada

Well I am not trying to go for the title, but when I saw this thread I tested it. I failed at it. I got it a few times but I couldn't figure out the timezone. I tried it now and im getting nothing at all. They MIGHT have fixed it, cuz i got the update too...but I had trouble with it in the first place, so it could just be me.

I got absolutely nothing for about 1 hour. But I could just have TERRIBLE luck.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

There's this line in the april 5 update notes:

Fixed a bug that caused various game timers to drift out of sync with real time.

That might have to do with this. I'll do some testing tonight.

Spirit Of Flurry

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



Well i got the max title, and thanks to this thread i did but i have to advise that i expend MORE that 2 mill in nogs to be able of get it... this is a REALLY expensive title and is anet fault thou... no enoguht buzz in the game for a good price... but well thanks to Dragou Du Porzan for putting this guide together I actually after reading find out the basis and found the places that work, I found windows of oportunity that work 100 % of the times and are the best to avoid wasting this expensive stuff ... gl to all on persue of this title...


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

I tested, and it still works. I had to find new locations for good results though; my old ones didn't do much for me anymore.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ascalon Dung Warriors


It still works, but I can't find any permanent windows. Also, drunk levels seem to travel across zones even if you dont gain minutes, and the graphic for the drunkeness does not appear.

For example here is what I did:

Drink 5 beers in the outpost
Move to Guild Hall
See how many minutes I gained, for some reason it was usually 1, if it was so then I'd drink one more and go back to the outpost Note: the animation for being drunk is gone even though I still have drunk levels on, because immediately after I drink a beer the graphic appears for level 5 drunk. If I gained zero minutes I'd go back an forth until I see myself gaining minutes. When I see myself gaining minutes I'd drink the amount of minutes I lost, because eventually I would go down from drunk level 5 to drunk level 0 in one travel.
So, it does still work.

I would like to know if drunk levels tranfer across instance zones to outpost, I think that would be an excellent update because then we wouldn't have to rely on this exploit we would actually play drunk!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005


Megalodon Riders


GREAT guide gotta admit i was sceptic at first, but it works like a charm^^
fyi- iron mines of moladune - imperial GH has a constant time window at around noon-ish GMT+1 and here are some things i found that were worth mentioning

i only read the first few pages of this thread so i apologize if someone already mentioned this, but as i was zoning to and from my guildhall i noticed that when another guildie was present in my guildhall i didn't get any minutes towards my title (even after maptravelling to and from a couple of times), but when he left, BANG, i got them when i exited my GH. this 'may' account for some problems you guys've been having.
also, i didn't always get the minutes i was supposed to when maptravelling once - e.g. i didn't get my minute(s) when maptravelling to my GH, but when i maptravelled back -without taking extra alcohol- i got them. if u didn't get the equivalent amount of minutes with regards to the amount of alcohol u drank, just maptravel to and from a few times
from the locations i used it seemed to fluctuate btwn receiving 1 minute when going to the GH or getting 3 minutes when going to the GH (<<spiked eggnogs) but usually i got all the remaining minutes (with or without drinking extra alcohol in GH) when maptravelling back to moladune.

now my only problem is, like so many others', getting the alcohol heh, guess i'll start saving up collector items for this year's halloweenXD

Dragou Du Porzan

Dragou Du Porzan

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Because I'm still getting a fairly large volume of in-game PMs with questions about this guide, I've added a Q-and-A section to the end of my original post. I'm hopeful that this will answer the majority of questions for people having trouble following the guide (particularly on the subject of "windows", which I know has been a sticking point for many). If you still have question you can feel free to PM me, but I ask that you read this Q-and-A section thoroughly before doing so - all your answers should be there. Thanks, and GL to those pursuing Drunkard/IAH!

The Only Warrior

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Guild Hall



i was in Shing jea having drunk a considerable amount of alcheol already, when i remeber hearing about this, so i tryed Shinjea-imperial island, but im on a new comp and didnt want to download 1000+ files atm, so i exited the program (Alt+F4), when i logged back in i was still at Shing jea(server didnt register me leaveing) and i checked my time... i gained 6 min, and i dont know how O.o please someone tell me im not insane



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


Diciples of Rage [RAGE]

Anyone have any input on the city I should start off in.... if I'm zoning to Isle of the Dead?

pork soldier

pork soldier

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

From Breaker Hollow -> Wizard's Isle I'm gaining exactly one minute per zone, I'm losing 0 minutes on exit.

I think they fixed the 'lose all minutes on leave guild hall' effect In any case, it doesn't work with my guildhall.

Drinking while in the hall doesn't get me anywhere either, it's pretty much:

go to Breaker Hollow, drink 5 levels, zone to GH via button, leave GH via button, drink 1, zone to GH, leave GH, drink 1, repeat ad nauseum...

Officer Dick

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by feedmenow
There is no "cheaper" way to obtain the title, the results are all the same. You can do it much faster this way though. Each time you get to lvl 5 of drunkness, you can get up to 3 minutes of time by zoning. You can't get any more than that.
it has been some time since i entered this thread, and i hadn't seen this post of urs until now, but anyway, what i meant was, i got 1 minute from ice tooth cave to isle of meditation, then from isle back to cave i got nothing, then back to isle, got another minute, back to cave, nothing, back to isle, another minute, back to cave, nothing, but i was still lvl 2 drunk! Then i just had to drink 3 lvl 1 drinks, which would be cheaper then 1 spiked eggnog. It's a bit slower, but it is a bit cheaper also.

Thats in theory, btw, because sometimes i lost all my minutes zoning for one to the other, in which case i just used a spiked, but when i didnt i just replenished the 1 minute lost with a 1 minute alcohol.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2007


Interesting thing happened on my way to IAH. I started in Ice Mines of Moladune->Isle of Meditation (Dasha Vestibule stopped working for me for some reason) and got to level 5. Zoned to GH. Gained 1 minute. Zoned back to Ice Mines and didn't gain anything. I zoned back and forth a couple times without drinking anything extra, with no change. When I got back to Ice Mines, I decided to liquor myself back to level 5. When I zoned, I gained another minute. So I tried that again. It seemed that every time I zoned from Ice Mines to my guild hall (not the other way around), I gained 1 and ONLY 1 min of drunkenness and ONLY after I drank 1 drink to bring myself back to level 5. However, I only lost 1 level as well. So I continued that strategy:
Drink 1 more to level 5 while in Ice Mines
Zone (gain 1 min lose 1 level)
Zone back
Drink 1 more back to level 5 and repeat.
I don't know why this happened and why the actual zoning trick isn't working, but was still an accelerated drunk rate, though slower than the original way. An added bonus is that I also did not waste any excess drinks getting myself back to level 5 (I am only on ale for the moment). Anyways, just thought this might help others who are going for this title and have an Isle of Meditation GH.


PS-While the window was not permanent, it was damn near close. I just had to rezone a couple times to get the minute and then start my pattern over.

pork soldier

pork soldier

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Throbinson
Interesting thing happened on my way to IAH. I started in Ice Mines of Moladune->Isle of Meditation (Dasha Vestibule stopped working for me for some reason) and got to level 5. Zoned to GH. Gained 1 minute. Zoned back to Ice Mines and didn't gain anything. I zoned back and forth a couple times without drinking anything extra, with no change. When I got back to Ice Mines, I decided to liquor myself back to level 5. When I zoned, I gained another minute. So I tried that again. It seemed that every time I zoned from Ice Mines to my guild hall (not the other way around), I gained 1 and ONLY 1 min of drunkenness and ONLY after I drank 1 drink to bring myself back to level 5. However, I only lost 1 level as well. So I continued that strategy:
Drink 1 more to level 5 while in Ice Mines
Zone (gain 1 min lose 1 level)
Zone back
Drink 1 more back to level 5 and repeat.
I don't know why this happened and why the actual zoning trick isn't working, but was still an accelerated drunk rate, though slower than the original way. An added bonus is that I also did not waste any excess drinks getting myself back to level 5 (I am only on ale for the moment). Anyways, just thought this might help others who are going for this title and have an Isle of Meditation GH.


PS-While the window was not permanent, it was damn near close. I just had to rezone a couple times to get the minute and then start my pattern over.
That's exactly what I saw going from Breaker Hollow to the Wizard's Isle, I'd only lose the top minute off the top of the stack (minute 5) when I went to the GH - and on leaving the GH I'd lose zero minutes.

I could drink another beer and then go to the GH for another instant minute of drunk time, leave GH, drink booze, go to GH for 1 minute, leave, drink, go, leave, drink, go, leave, drink, etc..

Mishakals Servant

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2007

ok i was trying your windows method from quarrel falls to island of meditation and whenever i switched back or too my GH i didn't get any minutes, and eventually i would get minutes one at a time, but it seemed like it was just doing the reg 1 drunk min per 1 RL min, so i don't know what happende, ( this was a (9:30)...

Viscer Blackrayne

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2007


I've tried this recently using your method. (im using warriors isle as well) and from various places. I think they fixed this little 'problem' cause I've tried and it the amount of time I use transporting for guild hall to whatever city. stays constant with the amount of time I'm drunk. basically its no different if I were to just stand in town waiting for the minutes to pass. it takes me approximately 3 seconds for me to fast travel and click on my guildhall button again. If anyone has any updates it would be greatly appreciated.

Dragou Du Porzan

Dragou Du Porzan

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


To those having trouble getting minutes through zoning, I can assure you that the system still works. A number of people have contacted me confirming that they are still quickly accruing minutes using the zoning strategy. My suggestion is to scan through the thread to see which outpost(s) people using your GH have had success with and trying those locations (a partial list is included at the end of my original post). If you've done that and still are having trouble, try again at a different time of day and see if that helps.

If all else fails, post here and include a.) the GH you're using, b.) the outpost(s) you zoned from, c.) what times of day you made your attempt(s), and d.) any other pertinent info you can think of. Hopefully people who share your GH can offer suggestions as to where/when you'd have the best success.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006


Its Rainning Fame Hallelujah[伞回伞], also as guild leader


hmmm, i have the same result as others, think now is only the 1 min ales works for me, even i drink spiked eggnog or firewaters, it always gives me 1 min no matter waht, so the zoneing still works, just alot slower. i aslo have question for u Dragou, does firewater work affectivly??