The Aspiring Drunkard's Guide to Binge Drinking

shadows of hob

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Rocky (Dragon)Mountains


I am sorry to open this threat again, but is this still acurate?

Frozen Isle>Ember light camp>Frozen>etc doesn't seem to work anymore.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


You can try the remains of sahalja (wrongly spelled it's a place in desolation of nightfall where the challenge mission is). You go out the zone to the ss/lb run part. Supposedly if you drink1 spiked eggnog go out the zone, drink another go back to town you'll get like 6 minutes each and every time.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Legion of Losers [LOL]

I'd also like to ask if this is still accurate. Perhaps an update fixed it?



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


From the looks of it, anet has fixed this completely. I took a fire water and drank it went outside of remains of sahalja came back in town (1 minute). Then a minute later I got my drunk effect in town (2 minutes).

So now it keeps tracks of your drunkard rank even if you zone out and back in so it takes 3 minutes to get 3 minutes of drunkard title.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




I've also noticed that firewater dosnt give me 3mins per zoning, i suspect they updated it.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


The only stupid thing is the official wiki links to this guide on how to speed up drunkard title. Yet they fixed it or messed it up or something. I wish we could get gaile to comment on this.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Scars Meadows [SMS]


The whole "Window" thing sounds like a made up theory which came out of the misunderstanding of the drinking mechanics. it might be related to the seconds dial on the Anet's server's clock, but believing that every outpost has a different "window" assigned to it, is in my opinion, just forcing your random subjective experience into a this made up theory.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


I can't get this method to work any more, however I did manage to find a new way with 100% success. No guild halls needed. I gained about 500 minutes in 2 hours (however I wasn't doing it nonstop). I am not saying this method doesn't work, but to me I tried in several areas and couldn't get one that was reliable enough to gain minutes fast.

Started my own service thread about it here

Note, I looked through all the rules and don't think it's breaking any. If it is then I can easily edit all of this out.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Just downed a stack of firewater this week, there's nothing wrong with zoning to speed up the process. I tried between an outpost and an explorable, and between two explorables and both worked reliably once you found a good pair. Seemed to be unidirectional, so drinking then zoning from A to B worked, but drinking then zoning from B to A didn't. Worked for one district but not for another. The same pair worked 100% reliably on 2 different sessions, but didn't work at all on the third, then worked again on the rest (I usually do 50 rounds max per one session to avoid lapses in concentration and subsequently wasted booze).



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

MercenaryKnight, this place you found, does it let you take one flask or firewater, zone, take another firewater and u got 6mins?.. or you gotta do it 3/1?



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


My place is always 3/1 then repeat. Of course, their is nothing wrong with this other method. It just takes a lot longer to find zones that you can get to reliably work. My method has been available all day long nonstop.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


Since it seems like my method has been fixed might as well let anyone try it out.

Go to american district of whatever town, drink to level 5 and zone to europe district. I was able to get 800 minutes in a few hours in gunnar's hold. However, ever since then it was unreliable and seems to of stopped working. Maybe try messing around with different towns.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007


Since it's Christmas...

On this past Sunday Olafstead's Europe district had a 3 minute window that lasted 24 hours, so keep an eye on that zone this coming Sunday. Sifhalla's Europe district had an amazing 48 hour window that has lasted since Monday to today (Tuesday) and is still going strong. I zoned from my GH, Uncharted Isle, to said zones and gained 3 minutes 100% every time. Dec. 23rd I started with 850 minutes, Dec. 25th I am now 10,001 minutes. Credit for finding Sifhalla goes to a friend of mine, happy drinking.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007

Just a quick question.

Will you lose the drunk level if you zone outside the window of opportunity? I'm very stingy with my money and would rather not "test" this out.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


You don't lose your drunkard level. It just means you have to wait out the time normally.

An easier way to do it is to go around in weird towns. Zin ku corridor, cavalon, kurzick towns, imperial sanctum, gunnar's hold and go to american district. Drink to level 5 then zone to europe district. Some times it'll work and you'll keep getting 3 minutes every time you go to europe.

However it doesn't follow a schedule. So 1 monday at 5 it may work, another monday it won't work in the same spot. So all you have to do is try various towns until you find one that works.

You can't see me

You can't see me

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006



Great guide. I'll have to try it out.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I've tried multiple towns, districts (international, europe, america) and have seen no jump in minutes at all. Spent about 3 hrs trying different combinations. The only time my counter changed on the "H" screen was when one full minute was up regardless of towns/zoning etc. For me at least, none of these approaches are valid or working. Bummer.

steve harrison

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Dust [Dust]


Ok, i've found a good one here if any of you have the frozen isle guild hall. It seems to me after about 3 days (on and off) of warping, if you drink your spiked in the guild hall, and warp to Shing Jea monastery of all places, this almost every single time gives you 3 minutes - one way of course.

i'm working on accurate times, (GMT) as the window does shut - doesn't seem to work 24 hours a day to my knowledge.

at 11am GMT (euro servers) the window shuts and doesn't work - but just now (12noon) it's restarted again, so there may be other times of day where it's hit and miss, but it's been very successful for me so far.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Last night at 12:00am EST, Amnoon Oasis to Prophets Path in Europe d1 gave me 3 minutes while zoning. Unfortunately, it doesn't work today.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005




Nomad to Euro Shing Jea is working for me right now with 1-pointers. Just a heads up

Loot Junkie

Loot Junkie

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007

in a utopian dream

clan dethryche[dth]


Funny thing, last night healing princess found a portal that works going from amnoon oasis out into prophet's path and the two of us zoned our brains out. Today i gave it a try, popped off a spiked eggnog and walked out into prophet's and....nothing. So i decided that i would go to nolani academy and farm some gargoyle skulls and when i had mapped there i had my 3 extra drunk minutes from the eggnog i used in amnoon.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


Yes if you don't find a zone that works, you can try a bunch of towns/ zones and randomly you should find your 3 minute zone.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008



Hello guys

I seem to not be able to get this to work. I understand the process and the concept behind but I can't get my mins clocked in. My guild's hall is the Isle of Wurms and I tried warping from dasha to guildhall and back and there would be no changes. I would warp back and forth a couple times but I only occurred 1 drunkard points per real minute. As a side note I'm using spiked nogg. I've gotten a buttload over the holidays.

Any suggestions? Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008


[Rise] of the Phoenix


Hey this is a great guide, good work on the research~

I think I have found a permanent window Quarrel Falls -> Burning Isle GH.

EDIT: After reading a bit more it seems that most windows like this arent permanent, but w/e I can't test atm so someone else go for it if you want

I decided to try this zoning theory out with my small supply of Spiked nogs, this is how i went:

First off, I couldn't find any referance for Burning Isle GH, so I decided to try using another GH in my alliance, Isle of Meditation (as this one is noted as having a limitless window in the first post i beleive).

I went to Quarrel Falls, chugged a Spiked nog and hurried to the GH, nothin happend, travelled to and from a couple times without drinking anymore, still nothin, then I noticed that my counter was going up as it is designed to, every minute.

I didn't really get why it wasn't working (possibly because it's not my GH?), at any rate, I returned to Quarrel, drank one and headed to my GH (Burning Isle).

My minutes went up 3.

I went bak to quarrel and tried again, +3 again, I then drank one while in the GH and travelled back, no effect but I waited to see if the timer would take effect and sure enough it went up +1 after a minute, I returned to the GH and got +2.

After this i decided that drinking in Quarrel and then going to GH and back ~repeat, was my best bet (ie. simplest way, im not out to be the fastest nog chugger out there) and set about finishing off my 25 Spiked's, each one worked without fail and with no timing on my part, I just drank and travelled at random for about 10-15 mins before i ran out. (I also had some normal nogs which worked the same when i drank 5 and then travelled.)

I don't have the riches or the boozes to test this anymore atm but I thought it was worth mentioning as I don't think there is any info on Burning Isle GH or for that matter, using an allies GH (though this is relativley unimportant I think) in this guide/thread.

Keep up the good work to all who got involved

Heretic Angel

Heretic Angel

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Amatz Basin >>> GH: Warriors Isle

worked very well today from 4-6 gmt.

Miss Sneaky Killer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2007

The Sneaky Killers


ok - i managed to get 500 minutes in 60 minutes actual time mapping from Sifhalla to olafstead between the hours of 20:00Gmt and 21:00Gmt in european district - the window was permanently open - dont know if it would last any longer as i exhausted my supply of spiked eggnogs and other booze



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


For me, I notice that any mapping/ zoning that doesn't include a guildhall generally does not repeat itself every x day at x time. For me I can go to gunnar's hold american district, drink go to europe district and get 3 minutes for hours. Then next week I can't do it at all.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Legacy of Echovald


Another strange one for you, currently I can jump from Sifhalla to Olafstead and then to Gunnars it works, yep that's two jumps.. But seems to work fine...

Heretic Angel

Heretic Angel

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


just zone from olafstead -> gunnars forge to gain 3 minutes, u wont need sifhalla. i finished my title in 3 hours thank you Dragou for this great thread and a big [email protected]



Polar Bear Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

right now, Gunnar Korea -> Europe = instant 3mins



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Legacy of Echovald


Pleasure Heretic Angel. I'm 3 mins away from the title, having a party this weekend in our Guild hall to celebrate.

Excellent thread, it has really helped me


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005


Would it be possible for someone to post concrete times and dates on which the specific windows are open?

I see a lot of "I did it here at such and such a time", however, those posts have limited usefulness since they don't work by the time someone reading the posts tries to do it. And there seems to be no clear indication of when those windows will be open again. So then what use does that have to helping the reader of the post use the window too?

I just wanna know the exact times and dates and places when/where I can do this without having to do any guesswork or waste any alcohol. Can anyone provide that?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by Witchblade
right now, Gunnar Korea -> Europe = instant 3mins
It still works.

Feathermoore Rep

Feathermoore Rep

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

PM me for JACT Invite

Feathermoore Clan


Really? I just tried zoning from Korea -> Euro there and it didn't work.

EDIT - However Gunnar -> Olfsted Euro is working for insta 3 min

The Mountain

The Mountain

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Realm of the GWAMMs

Teh Academy [PhD]


Got my last 2500 mins up to lvl two zoning from Kamadan American to Kam Euro.
Sorry for not posting earlier, my fellow drunkards.
The window still appears to be open as of 10:30 EST on Super Tuesday.

Navaros, read the dates and times of the posts to see when the windows were open. We can't tell you what the future will be. But, remember that minutes are no longer wasted. If you zone and only have 1 (or even 0) minutes added, your drunk timer does not reset (any more). Even though the graphics disappear, the minutes continue to count.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Virtual Dragons [vD]


well i threw in 1 spiked eggnog on jade isle, then i traveled to quarrel falls euro (ger dis) and had + 3minutes, back to gh and always repeated this. worked perfectly, also with other alc and 1 min alc.

assassin of the night

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007



i dont get how to do this and i hate wating for 3 min and spending weeks getting my title so can someone quickly explain how to do this i tried gunar korea to gunar europe and didnt get my points ...wat do i do ? =/

assassin of the night

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007



i have even tried Quarrel Falls -> Isle of Meditation and it still doesnt work how do i do this PLZ TELL ME =(


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2008


A lot of you guys have been saying that you only get 1 minute per spiked eggnog. Some of you guys even say that after several attempts at rezoning that you finally get the other 2 minutes.

Now here is my hypothesis you can only get 1 drunken minute per one alcohol comsumed by using the zoning method. Mind you that you have to be drunk level 3 or above (i think haven't tried the lower levels of drunkness). So the actual schematics goes as follows.

you are at outpost -> drink spiked eggnog -> zone to guild hall within window -> get 1 drunk point -> zone back -> drink regular ale (only gives 1 drunk level) -> zone to guild hall within window -> get 1 drunk point

To describe this phenomena I would say that you can only fastforward 1 drunken minute per alcohol (I don't think you can fastfoward 2 or 3 at a time though). This means that you can fast forward 1 min and then wait around for 2 normal minutes and get the total 3 min of drunk. This explains why some of you only got 1 min per spiked eggnog and after rezoning a whole bunch of times or zoning elsewhere got the remaining 2 min because you actually spent 2 minutes drunk.

Now you can only drink the alcohol in the outpost and zone to the guild hall to get the point (mind you zone within the allowed timeframe). you can't drink in the guild hall and zone back, it just wastes the alcohol. Furthermore changing districts and zoning to other outposts doesn't seem to do anything, but you keep your drunkness.

A quirk i found was that you can:

drink alcohol -> zone to a different outpost -> zone to guild hall in the new outpost's allowed window -> gain 1 drunk point

NOW the disclaimer. This is my hypothesis. I've only tried it out on my account and my sister's account. My sister verified and tried it herself. We have the guild hall isle of solitude (not really sure if guild hall makes a difference). The outpost we used was Ember Light Camp. The time window was the same for both of us from 2 sec to 44 sec using internet time. This didn't seem to change over 2 days day or night. I've tried iron mines of moladune and and Ring of fire and the hypothesis holds true except they had shorter windows. I've also tried kamadan and dasha vestibule and it seems true also (but i think the window for those two is short, was lazy to find the exact time frame and not rich enough to experiment)

Now I'd like some imput from you guys if my theory holds true or if you find or found any quirks. With this method I get 5 points per min or 4 per min leisurely if any you guys know a faster way that really works I'd like to hear it.

Thanks alot guys and hope you hear from you guys soon.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2008


Drunk Level 5 -> Zone to guild hall within allowed window -> get 1 drunk point -> guild travel back to outpost -> wait 1 minute (or until next drunk point) -> zone back to guild hall within allowed time frame -> get 1 drunk point.

--This is an admendment to what i said earlier about only being about to fast forward 1 drunk minute per 1 alcohol beverage. For Example if you drink 1 spike eggnog and use the method above you can fast forward 2 drunk minutes if you wait 1 minute between the two.

--While you can do it this way its not as fast as drinking a regular alcohol everytime, but you can speed up the usage of spiked eggnogs or flasks of firewater.