And if A-net buffs the mesmer skills ,the balance in PvP goes too h**l
If you want to play leet Pve-mesmer take casting and magic
Toilet Oni
Originally Posted by Toilet Oni
The thing i dont like about mesmer skills are the SKY-HIGH recharge time.
And if A-net buffs the mesmer skills ,the balance in PvP goes too h**l If you want to play leet Pve-mesmer take casting and magic |
Toilet Oni
Originally Posted by Puebert
...So the only thing a Mesmer is good for is playing a weaker version of a Nuker?
Originally Posted by Pakana
Interrupting is actually the part of mesmer that works BEST in PvE.
Originally Posted by Ensign
I agree, and that's one of the prime reasons for the sorry state of the class in PvE. Why are interrupts the part of the mesmer that works best? Because it is immediate. Most Mesmer shutdown is attrition based, gradually wearing down a foe, with only a few skills that immediately say 'no' to what an enemy is doing. As has been mentioned, resources don't really wear down in PvE, not when you're blowing up trash at least. So yes, interrupts can be pretty valuable to blunt some of those initial volleys.
The problem being that interrupts really aren't a reason to take a Mesmer. Against a lot of mobs they don't do much. Against the mobs where they are valuable, you can have DBlow on melee, the dual interrupts on every Ranger, PDrain or Leech Signet on anyone who feels like going /Mesmer, etc. If a Mesmer could do some other really useful things I'd be glad to take one, but no way am I grabbing one just for interrupts. Not when even my herohench bars have a minimum of 3 interrupts. Peace, -CxE |
Captain Dingo
Originally Posted by Captain Dingo
"We all know one of the least wanted professions in the game is the Mesmer.
The profession seems to be focused on slowly taking down 1 target" You've never seen me work, have you? :P I'll drop any Elementalist/Necromancer/Monk in five seconds flat. Show me one, count to five, and it's dead. Mesmers are only unwanted because people have bad experiences with players who don't know how to use a Mesmer. My primary is a Mesmer and is incredibly powerful. I feel sorry for people who see me in a mission outpost and overlook me as an option for their party. They'd rather have some cookie-cutter "Lawl echo nuker!". And at the same time, it's very discouraging that people don't want my class just because they don't understand what it is I can do. |
Originally Posted by Captain Dingo
You've never seen me work, have you? :P I'll drop any Elementalist/Necromancer/Monk in five seconds flat. Show me one, count to five, and it's dead.
My primary is a Mesmer and is incredibly powerful. I feel sorry for people who see me in a mission outpost and overlook me as an option for their party. They'd rather have some cookie-cutter "Lawl echo nuker!". And at the same time, it's very discouraging that people don't want my class just because they don't understand what it is I can do. |
Originally Posted by Captain Dingo
You've never seen me work, have you? :P I'll drop any Elementalist/Necromancer/Monk in five seconds flat. Show me one, count to five, and it's dead.
Mesmers are only unwanted because people have bad experiences with players who don't know how to use a Mesmer. My primary is a Mesmer and is incredibly powerful. I feel sorry for people who see me in a mission outpost and overlook me as an option for their party. They'd rather have some cookie-cutter "Lawl echo nuker!". And at the same time, it's very discouraging that people don't want my class just because they don't understand what it is I can do. |
Originally Posted by Renegade26
In RoT the mesmer would probly do better. The monk has Spell Breaker (interupts ftw) and then other terrible skills. After the healer is dead the team will fall, especially with Empathy and Backfire spread around.
Originally Posted by Captain Dingo
"We all know one of the least wanted professions in the game is the Mesmer.
The profession seems to be focused on slowly taking down 1 target" You've never seen me work, have you? :P I'll drop any Elementalist/Necromancer/Monk in five seconds flat. Show me one, count to five, and it's dead. |
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Or, tagging along with Dark Spirits thoughts... have fast casting decrease the chance that a mesmer can be interrupted. Think of it as being able to cast around or through the interrupt inherently with a percent increase as fast casting goes up.
Originally Posted by DarkSpirit
Buffing up mesmer skills is nice but there is a possibility of abuse from secondary mesmers so I have another suggestion. One of the most limiting aspect of a primary mesmer is the Fast Casting attribute.
Energy is a HUGE problem for mesmers, in fact I would even go as far to say that energy is one of the mains reasons why primary mesmers are not as popular in PvE. Why? Just look at the unique attribute lines of every profession in GW: <snip> If being a primary mesmer is to be energy disadvantaged in PvE, then of course the trend would be to either build secondary mesmers or avoid the mesmer class altogether. My suggestion to ANet would be to Add an energy advantage to the Fast Casting attribute line to fix this problem. Maybe something along the line of, the more points into Fast Casting, the higher your energy regen and scale that appropriately. |
Originally Posted by the_jos
Compare that to high end PvP, where mesmers do have a role.
At least, I see them often in top 100 GvG and HoH battles. That's the kind of environment mesmers can and do make the difference. No blocking, less AoE, people can't run off to kill the enemy monk. Enemies are hitting hard and are probably healed by two monks. They focus on the most vulnerable parts of the team. That's the kind of environment where energy pressure and diversion work. Change the PvE part of the game to that and mesmers will be valuable. And about 80% of the PvE population will quit screaming it's too hard. I know, I'm switching from PvE to PvP right now and PvP a tough environment compared to PvE. |
Originally Posted by aubee
I agree that mesmers not having any energy benefit from their primary attribute is a problem. But I just don't think ANet is likely to change that. The potential for unbalancing PvP with that would seem to be much higher than just adding some PvE-oriented AoE elites. I also don't think there is much chance of abuse by secondary mesmers of skills like that. You'd have as hard of a hard time getting in a PUG as an ele or necro advertising as a "Crush Delusions nuker" as mesmers currently do getting in a group as a "fast casting fire nuker" or "fast casting SS nuker", imo. As a true nuker, a secondary mesmer just couldn't do as much damage as a primary who could use runes to get their attribute to 16... if mesmers just had some really good nuking spells like necros and eles currently do.
Retribution X
Originally Posted by Captain Dingo
You've never seen me work, have you? :P I'll drop any Elementalist/Necromancer/Monk in five seconds flat. Show me one, count to five, and it's dead.
sage tank
Originally Posted by dgb
Put Willa the Unpleasant in every mob in PVE IMO.
(not that she is actually that hard to take out, with decent builds/players but the average stance tank and ECHO NUKAR generally struggles). |
Originally Posted by DarkSpirit
Interrupts - Mesmers face serious competition from rangers in this area. Rangers can interrupt more frequently but they need line-of-sight. In PvE monsters are too dumb to hide behind walls, so rangers can be argued to be better interrupters than mesmers at least in the pve stage.
Originally Posted by DarkSpirit
Primary mesmers need to find a role that they are best at without making secondary mesmers over powered.
Originally Posted by Ensign
I think everyone pointing to Fast Casting for a reason why Mesmers aren't popular are missing the point entirely. Fast Casting is a perfectly good attribute in PvE. Casting spells faster = things die faster. Ever notice how Elementalists seem to love those fast casting mods? Fast spells are good. Fast Casting is good.
You want to know the real problem with Mesmers? has balanced the game in such a way that against the mobs where a Mesmer should be at his finest - the nasty bosses that stand out as a threat that needs to be tamed with mes effects - a Mesmer is instead an utter gimp, his spells ineffective from a bunch of game mechanics that serve to make bosses more 'mes-proof'. You want to make Mesmers good? Make there be boss monsters that people want to kill, that are incredibly dangerous unless tamed by strong mes effects. Guild Wars focuses far too much on cleaning out trash mobs - and bosses, for the most part, are glorified trash. In World of Warcraft, everyone designs their characters and thinks of tactics to use to take down the bosses - clearing out the trash mobs is an afterthought. Until that sort of mentality makes sense in Guild Wars, I can't possibly see the Mesmer being an interesting profession in PvE. |
Originally Posted by Aigred
Don't improve Mesmers in PvE by changing any Mesmer skills.
Improve Mesmers in PvE by changing the monsters instead. Add more good healers like Mungri Magicbox and Coventina the Matron. Have more groups with 3-monk backlines, with a mix of prot and healing, so that simply focus firing the monsters one at a time is not good enough. You have to care about shutting down the monks. Make mobs regenerate energy the same as players, so that e-denial is practical. Give the mobs ward of stability and balanced stance, so that Echo-Meteor Shower is not as effective. Add kinetic armor tanks, 55-hp, and 600-hp monks who are difficult to take down by raw damage but can be easily killed by enchant removal. To encourage interrupts, continue to give bosses double damage but don't give them double casting speed. To encourage using hexes, don't give bosses Prophecies-style half-hex/condition duration. If the fights take longer as a result of these changes, then compensate by having fewer fights. |
Originally Posted by Aigred
Don't improve Mesmers in PvE by changing any Mesmer skills.
Improve Mesmers in PvE by changing the monsters instead. |
Originally Posted by upier
if the point will be that a foe will require massive ench removal - that necro will grab two ench removals and that nuker also INSTEAD of taking a ench removal messy with them!).
Originally Posted by upier
my guess - that the mesmer cant be pve-fixed before c4. because we need new skills
Originally Posted by upier
yes - pve should change - but only so much that the mesmer also becomes a viable option and not the only option.
Obey The Cat
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
Why does empathy and backfire have to be two different spells?
Originally Posted by Aigred
Don't improve Mesmers in PvE by changing any Mesmer skills.
Improve Mesmers in PvE by changing the monsters instead. |
Originally Posted by Shmanka
Ok, lets do it your way.
I'll change every single piece of AI in ascalon, you do it for the shiverpeaks, and lets see how long that would take. Hmm? Be reasonable FFS, there is no way that staff could handle a complete vamp on all 3 chapters to suffice such a low cause. People aren't educated on how mesmers work, most of their elite skills are useless PvE wise, just give them some skills and not make them look like Elementalists begging for quarters. |
Power Surge [E] - 15e, 1/4c, 20r Hex Spell. Interrupt target foe and all nearby foe's actions. If a foe under this hex is interrupted, that foe takes 5..25..32 damage. |
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by Darcy
Most posters who keep saying give them more powerful skills or AoE ones are missing the point. Upping the damage or AoE of current or future skills will not work unless those skills are attached to Fast Casting. Otherwise, the new or changed skills will be overused by x/Me PvP players and again the mesmer will get nerfed.
If you want to see more mesmers in both PvE and PvP groups, ANet needs to give them quality skills that cannot be used by a mesmer secondary character. |
Originally Posted by Darcy
Otherwise, the new or changed skills will be overused by x/Me PvP players and again the mesmer will get nerfed.
If you want to see more mesmers in both PvE and PvP groups, ANet needs to give them quality skills that cannot be used by a mesmer secondary character. |
Originally Posted by GrimWizard
Since we are mentioning poor elites, does anyone else wonder why Spiteful Spirit is a Necromancer elite and not a Mesmer one? Mesmers get the lesser form of SS, but necros get the elite form. Just another elite Mesmers got screwed out of.