"Fresh Guild Wars announced" From the Inquirer!
Q1=jan, Feb, March
Q2=april, May, June
Q3=july, Aug, Sept
Q4=oct, Nov, Dec
Q2=april, May, June
Q3=july, Aug, Sept
Q4=oct, Nov, Dec
dead man ivan
Just got the following from GWOnline.net. Here is a post by Gaile!!
Disappointing but at least she didn't leave us hanging!!
Disappointing but at least she didn't leave us hanging!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Fossa View Post Yeah I saw that yesterday when I checked Anets homepage. The last one is from august 2005 Whoa, I have no idea what caused that time warp! Thanks for pointing it out. We have all archives on this page: http://www.guildwars.com/press/releases/ but we'll get everything archived onto the company site, too. Quote: Originally Posted by Zetria View Post OK it's 10pm on Tuesday night here in New Zealand and I'm wandering if I shou head to bed or keep refreshing the Guild Wars Site. Oh, dear, I just saw this. I hope you went to bed! Quote: Originally Posted by ivan the good View Post Quick Question Gaile where is my today's fix of official Guild Wars news? You told us to expect a tidbit today and I realize it's only 8am PST but I am eating into the bandwidth of GuildWars.com by refreshing that page every 2 minutes!! Or you are, are you? There's a little news coming out in about, oh 3-4 hours from now. It's 10:30 a.m. PST here now. Look for something early afternoon, say between 1 and 3 p.m. PST. And remember, this is not a major announcement, nor the details that I know you're seeking. This is just a very small info bit that we think you'll enjoy. Quote: Originally Posted by Scutilla View Post Chill. Anet usually doesn't update the news until around 11 or noon. And I wouldn't really expect anything more than "Look for a groundbreaking first look at the next GW product over the next few weeks in <insert names and countries of magazines here>." *looks over shoulder for a spy cam* Yes, once again, in the interests of assuring that the unnamed "messenger" survives this whole experience, I want to share again that nothing major is coming out today, just a bit of info I believe you'll like to have. Quote: Originally Posted by Ostriig View Post This internet thing is pretty serious stuff... /popcorn *lol* __________________ Gaile Gray Community Relations Manager ArenaNet www.guildwars.com |
super strokey
Originally Posted by Arduinna
Yup, right under my Speculation Boot
![]() At the moment, that Boot is circling around Theos' post, about the races. Sounds plausible, in my opinion. Why go looking for Elves if we already got Druids? [EDIT] Where did that Mat go? |
speaking of druids, they could make a decent new class prehaps
Originally Posted by natuxatu
Edit: I also hope it's pay to play.. that way there anet can do the updates ect and it will weed out the stupid players from those willing to pay and take it more seriously (to a degree.) I have no problem paying a monthly fee for a game that i'm enjoying... plus it would be easier for a.net than having to pull out an expansion every couple of months.
Im on the fence with tranfering from GW1 to GW2.
The main thing id like is some way to acknowledge my characters "impact" in the GW1 world.
My thinking to acomplish this is that if we could have our character directly come back in some sense this is how it would fit:
The character has long since died in some fashion between GW1 to GW2 and have rightfully earned there space in the Mists as legendary heros. The stopped the titans from destroying Tyria, stopped Shiros fiendish plot, and saved the world from Nightfall by defeating Abaddon, and whatever else they do in GW1.
However theres a new evil afoot in GW2 and the gods are calling upon the heros of old to help them cause there some of the better choices for some reason to help save the world again(Perhaps its from intament knowledge of stopping similar threats, perhaps there accension plays another role, etc), so the gods breath life into the heros and send them back into the world to help them.
The catch is the Hero has been in the Mists and at rest for so long so there eliet status and strength has dwindled so they must relaern all they once knew only in a fashion that fits into this new world. This would explain there sudden drop from level 20 to 1 and loss of old skills. And since theyve been dead for so long obviously there weapons and armor are now lost somewhere in the anals of history so they must get new armor, weapons and wealth well they get stronger to face this new evil that the gods sent them back to face.
I think that would work. Gone are the old skills, engine and armor and weapon skins to fix into the new. The only thing they perhaps get is there saved name, body build, skin tone, face structure, and hair style and hair color. This would probably be the only stretch were facing here but perhaps it could also be made on the side as A Nets kind of way of saying thank you for sticking with us and following us on the new road. The "l33tness" if you can call it that is simply cosmetic. The player gets to keep there name and appearence but that is it.
Would this not be perhaps an acceptable method where a GW2 retains its fresh start but gives the players whove followed them through this long path of GW1 to GW2 a little reward and acknowledgement?
If not then perhaps a "heirloom" from the character? Like perhaps they could make a pre order to GW2 and one of the things is it has a code in it much like the pre order weapons. You put this code in and its as a "transfer" between GW1 to 2 that it gives you "pre order" weaponsthat has a equivalent to green rarity that reflect your old characters. So it would read that I have a necro, a warrior, monk, rit, and assassin. And if these classes are being transfered from GW1 to GW2 in some fashion we get to make "custom" weapons to reflect those old characters as heirlooms. So you then go and choose one of so many skins, then build put in the mods and thats your pre order weapons AND your reflection to your characters of GW1?
In the end ill welcome GW2 so long as it can keep to the same goals and ideals GW1 held. For me especially I chose this game cause it did not have to have a monthly fee. This told me that A Net is interested in making money well offering us a game but at the same time keeping it a fun affordable game that anyone could afford and enjoy. It keeps its concept of a game to me, as it doesnt not become a constant drain on my ever tight budget and doesnt rip me off if suddenly I need a week off for studying or such that RL called me in for. GW1 with its concepts and ideals has been a great success it seems and so long as GW2 doesnt change these concepts, goals and ideals then ill welcome the transition when/if it happens but if they change them then I cant garentee they will have me, infact i feel more compelled to say I will move on as if GW changes these things they pretty much fall into the catagory of just another MMO. Right now with what it brings to the table GW is one of the more, to most unique MMOs out there so why mess with a good thing?
The main thing id like is some way to acknowledge my characters "impact" in the GW1 world.
My thinking to acomplish this is that if we could have our character directly come back in some sense this is how it would fit:
The character has long since died in some fashion between GW1 to GW2 and have rightfully earned there space in the Mists as legendary heros. The stopped the titans from destroying Tyria, stopped Shiros fiendish plot, and saved the world from Nightfall by defeating Abaddon, and whatever else they do in GW1.
However theres a new evil afoot in GW2 and the gods are calling upon the heros of old to help them cause there some of the better choices for some reason to help save the world again(Perhaps its from intament knowledge of stopping similar threats, perhaps there accension plays another role, etc), so the gods breath life into the heros and send them back into the world to help them.
The catch is the Hero has been in the Mists and at rest for so long so there eliet status and strength has dwindled so they must relaern all they once knew only in a fashion that fits into this new world. This would explain there sudden drop from level 20 to 1 and loss of old skills. And since theyve been dead for so long obviously there weapons and armor are now lost somewhere in the anals of history so they must get new armor, weapons and wealth well they get stronger to face this new evil that the gods sent them back to face.
I think that would work. Gone are the old skills, engine and armor and weapon skins to fix into the new. The only thing they perhaps get is there saved name, body build, skin tone, face structure, and hair style and hair color. This would probably be the only stretch were facing here but perhaps it could also be made on the side as A Nets kind of way of saying thank you for sticking with us and following us on the new road. The "l33tness" if you can call it that is simply cosmetic. The player gets to keep there name and appearence but that is it.
Would this not be perhaps an acceptable method where a GW2 retains its fresh start but gives the players whove followed them through this long path of GW1 to GW2 a little reward and acknowledgement?
If not then perhaps a "heirloom" from the character? Like perhaps they could make a pre order to GW2 and one of the things is it has a code in it much like the pre order weapons. You put this code in and its as a "transfer" between GW1 to 2 that it gives you "pre order" weaponsthat has a equivalent to green rarity that reflect your old characters. So it would read that I have a necro, a warrior, monk, rit, and assassin. And if these classes are being transfered from GW1 to GW2 in some fashion we get to make "custom" weapons to reflect those old characters as heirlooms. So you then go and choose one of so many skins, then build put in the mods and thats your pre order weapons AND your reflection to your characters of GW1?
In the end ill welcome GW2 so long as it can keep to the same goals and ideals GW1 held. For me especially I chose this game cause it did not have to have a monthly fee. This told me that A Net is interested in making money well offering us a game but at the same time keeping it a fun affordable game that anyone could afford and enjoy. It keeps its concept of a game to me, as it doesnt not become a constant drain on my ever tight budget and doesnt rip me off if suddenly I need a week off for studying or such that RL called me in for. GW1 with its concepts and ideals has been a great success it seems and so long as GW2 doesnt change these concepts, goals and ideals then ill welcome the transition when/if it happens but if they change them then I cant garentee they will have me, infact i feel more compelled to say I will move on as if GW changes these things they pretty much fall into the catagory of just another MMO. Right now with what it brings to the table GW is one of the more, to most unique MMOs out there so why mess with a good thing?
Originally Posted by super strokey
speaking of druids, they could make a decent new class prehaps

Argh, the waiting is killing me.
Coffee Despot
Originally Posted by Arduinna
Yup, right under my Speculation Boot
![]() At the moment, that Boot is circling around Theos' post, about the races. Sounds plausible, in my opinion. Why go looking for Elves if we already got Druids? [EDIT] Where did that Mat go? |
In regard to the ruffled feathers with races: how is a different skin to be used on a character model any different from a new set of armor or a different style of weapon? There's a fairly strong chance it'll be mostly cosmetic anyway, so where's the issue here? Is it one of aesthetics?
Races are for WoW? Sure, just like they're for just about every other fantasy game. It gives people further customization over how their characters look. How is this a bad thing?
super strokey
I highly doubt there will be any carry over of old characters other than a generic "heroes of old" reference in the story line. I also dont want teh characters to carry over as well. I dont want there to be any limitation on a new battle system and UI that would have to accomadate the old characters. I want a whole new game that draws on the previous chapters for its lore but nothing else. If it does try to work with the old games too much i fear it will be nearly the exact same game just prettier which in my mind would be terrible, innovation is good.
Originally Posted by Drazaar
Im on the fence with tranfering from GW1 to GW2.
In the end ill welcome GW2 so long as it can keep to the same goals and ideals GW1 held. For me especially I chose this game cause it did not have to have a monthly fee. This told me that A Net is interested in making money well offering us a game but at the same time keeping it a fun affordable game that anyone could afford and enjoy. It keeps its concept of a game to me, as it doesnt not become a constant drain on my ever tight budget and doesnt rip me off if suddenly I need a week off for studying or such that RL called me in for. GW1 with its concepts and ideals has been a great success it seems and so long as GW2 doesnt change these concepts, goals and ideals then ill welcome the transition when/if it happens but if they change them then I cant garentee they will have me, infact i feel more compelled to say I will move on as if GW changes these things they pretty much fall into the catagory of just another MMO. Right now with what it brings to the table GW is one of the more, to most unique MMOs out there so why mess with a good thing? |
It would be neat if you could migrate your name and toon over and becasue (insert plot line here) you had to learn a new profession, weapons and tactics. Maybe at some point int he game, those old skills become usable again?
My main concern is monthly fee. I can afford $50 every 6 months...that is about all the spare change I have as a 32 year old father of 2. going to a PTP system would force me to step away...or stay rooted in GW1 forever.
so..the news on the welcome page of the official site has been updated since this morning, but i don't see the tidbit we're all waiting for.
whats the dealio?

Originally Posted by Drazaar
The only thing they perhaps get is there saved name, body build, skin tone, face structure, and hair style and hair color. This would probably be the only stretch were facing here but perhaps it could also be made on the side as A Nets kind of way of saying thank you for sticking with us and following us on the new road.
Originally Posted by thelegendozelda
Q1=jan, Feb, March
Q2=april, May, June Q3=july, Aug, Sept Q4=oct, Nov, Dec |
* 1st Quarter: October 1, 2006 – December 31, 2006
* 2nd Quarter: January 1, 2007 – March 31, 2007
* 3rd Quarter: April 1, 2007 – June 30, 2007
* 4th Quarter: July 1, 2007 – September 30, 2007
American FISCAL quarters (of which is designated by the Qs) is set by the above, not by physical yearly quarters.
Notice Q3 happens from April 1st to June 30th of this year.
Please don't put down financial quarter information you know nothing about.
Gaile said the announcement was something to do with mini pets.
Me thinks that 2nd year bday presents will be something like a signet of mini pet capture where u can cap w/e u want as a mini pet. Personally, I would want a mini Xunlai Storage Agent where u could click on her where ever u are in the game and storage would open up. How l33t would that be!?!
I really hope that C4 is a lvl 20 only major content expansion. Afterall, isnt that what all of us pve junkies really want... a entire expansion filled with elite missions and exploration. I'm tired of pushing all of my chars through the same old missions and quests for what seems like no reason whatsoever.
Go A-net... WTB Mini Pet Cap Sig!
Me thinks that 2nd year bday presents will be something like a signet of mini pet capture where u can cap w/e u want as a mini pet. Personally, I would want a mini Xunlai Storage Agent where u could click on her where ever u are in the game and storage would open up. How l33t would that be!?!
I really hope that C4 is a lvl 20 only major content expansion. Afterall, isnt that what all of us pve junkies really want... a entire expansion filled with elite missions and exploration. I'm tired of pushing all of my chars through the same old missions and quests for what seems like no reason whatsoever.
Go A-net... WTB Mini Pet Cap Sig!
Knightsaber Sith
^Actually, I believe she said the announcement was going to be about the PC Gamer and what exclusive mini it comes with....
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Knowing you guys, no matter where you're located, you'll be sharing the info from your regional magazines, and that's great. I want to make sure that I let you know, this isn't some small feature -- I would boldly say that any Guild Wars player would want to buy one of these magazines, subscriber or not! In part this is because they'll offer great articles with a lot of cool info. In part it's because the magazines will give you the chance to adopt your very own exclusive new miniature. Check our website for more info tomorrow!
Originally Posted by Aerian_Skybane
* 1st Quarter: October 1, 2006 – December 31, 2006 * 2nd Quarter: January 1, 2007 – March 31, 2007 * 3rd Quarter: April 1, 2007 – June 30, 2007 * 4th Quarter: July 1, 2007 – September 30, 2007 American FISCAL quarters (of which is designated by the Qs) is set by the above, not by physical yearly quarters. Notice Q3 happens from April 1st to June 30th of this year. Please don't put down financial quarter information you know nothing about. |
Second of all, do we know whether ANet or whoever is actually speaking of fiscal year. It seems unlikely, as it does not translate well, as you can see.
Third of all, the institution I work for, fiscal year Begins July 1 and ends June 30. There is no "American" fiscal year unless count tax year, which indeed for most individuals is Jan 1-Dec 31.
So let's just all wait and see, hmm?
Originally Posted by Aerian_Skybane
Ahhhhh!!!! Not really true!
* 1st Quarter: October 1, 2006 – December 31, 2006 * 2nd Quarter: January 1, 2007 – March 31, 2007 * 3rd Quarter: April 1, 2007 – June 30, 2007 * 4th Quarter: July 1, 2007 – September 30, 2007 American FISCAL quarters (of which is designated by the Qs) is set by the above, not by physical yearly quarters. Notice Q3 happens from April 1st to June 30th of this year. Please don't put down financial quarter information you know nothing about. |
Fiscal quarters aren't some fixed thing. A company can start their fiscal year whenever they want.
Please don't put down financial quarter information you know nothing about. o_O
Originally Posted by Aerian_Skybane
Ahhhhh!!!! Not really true!
* 1st Quarter: October 1, 2006 – December 31, 2006 * 2nd Quarter: January 1, 2007 – March 31, 2007 * 3rd Quarter: April 1, 2007 – June 30, 2007 * 4th Quarter: July 1, 2007 – September 30, 2007 American FISCAL quarters (of which is designated by the Qs) is set by the above, not by physical yearly quarters. Notice Q3 happens from April 1st to June 30th of this year. Please don't put down financial quarter information you know nothing about. |
Originally Posted by Corran Horn
Suspiscious? Why in the world would they change their model? Has GW made money? I'm pretty sure that it has, so why change their model just because they're making a "new" Guild Wars? I havn't seen any time where anyone at ANet or NCSoft have said anything about the possibility of a monthly fee(if I'm wrong show me).
One thing I'm sure the devs feel they have run into is a "ceiling". With a standalone model, you can't introduce new and more powerful stuff in later expansions without invalidating the reason to purchase or play in the older campaigns, and you have to advance new chars at ever more rapid rates. They got into a rut of needing to make new classes and new noob islands all the time. The skills start piling up into all sorts of obscene combos and making it a sudden shock of huge expenses for latecomers to become competitive in PvP. They've pushed items about as far as they can go with the new inscriptions and insignias, no truely new items can be created. If they keep adding classes it gets out of control trying to support the old ones with each successive chapter, but you get mass QQing from old players if their favorite class isn't offered anything at all as reward for playing through the new campaign. They feel the pressure to keep doing new things to have features to sell like faction-pvp and heroes within the same old game engine with the same old character and skill framework. And with so many towns to support the new content, the player base is spread increasingly thin among the new and old. These constant expansions were a novel concept but there are definite flaws that make it difficult to sustain over the long-term.
But the most telling reason of all is they only made 2 standalones before resorting to a final expansion and calling it quits. They had planned to do this for longer but changed their mind for whatever reason. Likely reasons that will be valid and fresh in their minds with GW2 so they will try to avoid the mistakes of the past. Although they may find other ways of extracting money than a subscription like micropayments and so forth.
Tide to Go
Its not up on the main website yet, when is it sapose to be? I remember reading yesterday it was going to be posted today..
mojave mango juice
A lot of the stuff just looks really fake to me. I won't trust it until I see it from Anet or PC Gamer or the like. As Inde said a few pages back, we can't take this info to be fact. I believe there's going to be a PC Gamer article about GW coming out soon? Let's see what that has to say.
Well, think of the players who have had their characters for two years. And what about the ones who have spent millions of gold on FoW armour? Look at the screenshot threads, people are proud of their characters, of the progress they have made, and of their armours and weapons.
And titles...what about the pvpers who have spent hours upon hours gaining fame, glad points, etc? What about those who have spent insane amounts of gold and time on Ale Hound or Sweet Tooth?
The point is...these people aren't saying their characters are any better than new ones...they just...love them.
As for races...If I saw a Charr in Kaineng Center, I wouldn't see it as an ally, I would want to kill it o_O.
Originally Posted by FoxBat
I also don't get why everyone wants to bring over their characters. Yes, you put alot of time into them, but guess what? They are hardly any better than a noob who just got their first character to level 20, which was the point of GW. Their collector items are almost as good as yours, they have decent functional skills if not your UAS, they have max armor even if it isn't black FoW. The only hard work you could carry over are skins and titles that would be utterly irrelevant in the new game which will have it's own leet skins and titles, and it seems about impossible that they'd want to carry over the huge number of often trashy or gimmicky skills from the original.
And titles...what about the pvpers who have spent hours upon hours gaining fame, glad points, etc? What about those who have spent insane amounts of gold and time on Ale Hound or Sweet Tooth?
The point is...these people aren't saying their characters are any better than new ones...they just...love them.
As for races...If I saw a Charr in Kaineng Center, I wouldn't see it as an ally, I would want to kill it o_O.
What is that little man thing?
asura miniature posted at www.guildwars.com
Knightsaber Sith
i want one!!!!!!!
A norn? Maybe? It looks damaged but similar to the Norns from the game "Creatures"...
EDIT: oh my God, the rumors are true! lol
EDIT: oh my God, the rumors are true! lol
Splatter Mcnasty
so i'll ask the obvious question here: What the hell is an Asura?
what kind of boot is that? new armor? whats that world in the background new place?
OMG, if this is a Asura, then another feature in the Inquirers post proves correct ^^
Sidenote...boohoo for us Dutch and Belgian people... (and Luxembourg ofcourse)
Sidenote...boohoo for us Dutch and Belgian people... (and Luxembourg ofcourse)
The minipet is an asura not a norn.. it says asura minipet.
In Hinduism, the Asura (Sanskrit: असुर) are a group of power-seeking deities, sometimes referred to as demons. They were opposed to the devas
hm..... sick!(took from wikipedia btw)
hm..... sick!(took from wikipedia btw)
That Asura thing looks hideous. Hideous as in: any game having monstrosities like that as playable characters won't be a game I'd ever consider playing. No matter its merits. Heck, I wouldn't play it if just the simple act of me playing it would cure cancer.

Corran Horn
Where did my post go? Ok, just for the record, I posted the picture first!
\\Also, I now HAVE to get a copy of PC Gamer!
\\Also, I now HAVE to get a copy of PC Gamer!
Knightsaber Sith
ASURA! It's mini Asura people....
Sai of Winter
Well, that's surprising o_o I thought the Asuras would be another human race like in Rappelz. Funny looking little thing.
Silent Coyote
I'm starting to get nervous about the direction their taking GW in...
Seriously though, that Asura thing just seems more like a character from some animated childrens film than GW
Seriously though, that Asura thing just seems more like a character from some animated childrens film than GW

Looks like a bunny. Now the question is...where the hell in Tyria did that thing come from?
Dobby the house-elf anybody?
maybe a new slave.......
maybe a new slave.......
Who was talking about bunnies and upcoming chapters again?
Corran, umm... that was me. I thought it was a photoshopped spam post. LOL, sorry!!!