Originally Posted by Dalmascan Princess
@ Ruby Lightheart:
(Sorry the answer comes late, but it's early morning here and I was asleep until half an hour ago. ^.~) You say GW2 (if it turns out to be the way you expect it to be after reading the article) has so little to do with GW that you have no reason to buy it. Fine. Your opinion. You won't play it, no one (who doesn't know you) will care, life goes on etc. Okay. The one question I still have is why you post here repeatedly if you just state your opinion over and over again. "Nothing you say will change my mind" you've said, fine, but if you don't want to discuss, not even a tiny little bit, then what are you doing here? Stating one's opinion is great and all, but if that's all you do - why do it over and over again? @ the "GWEN/playing GW is useless/worthless now" people: I still don't get it, but I'm still trying to understand you. Yes, I'm a persistent little brat. ^.~ What makes GW less fun now? The fact that you know there will be another game set in the same world were you have the chance to play/must play different characters? Remember, you can still play GW after GW2 comes out. You can even play both! Saying "but GW won't count for anything once GW2 is on" doesn't convince me: Do you really need a fanbase focused on GW to feel that something you do in a game is "worth" something? Do you really only play to be able to think you're special? @ the "GW is already dying" people: How come you say that? GW2 won't be "there" until at least 2 years from now. That's longer than GW has been around so far. Are people already dying because they are fifty (and most likely won't live to be 100)? Talk about the ultimate ragequit... I know I've already asked some of these questions. But I want anwers, damnit, not more whining. @ the "GW2 will be a WoW clone/juyt another (bad) MMO because..." people: ... because there will be multible playable races: And that makes it a clone? Oh please. There are hundreds of games with multiple playable races and I doubt it'll damage the quality. If anything, it'll mean more customisation/more possibilities, and are you really going to say that is a bad thing? ... because of the new level cap/grinding: I hate grinding. It's my least favourite part in any game that has it. I'd be seriously disappointed if GW turned out to be that way. IF. I said it before, I'll say it again: We know next to nothing about the new level system. You can whine all you want about the idea, but until (and I doubt it'll happen) for sure that GW2 will be a grindfest, STOP saying it will suck because of this. Seriously. @ again, the "Anet broke their promise of making a new campain for GW every 6 month" people: I have an honest question for all of you: If I promised you to give you a candy every month, but then find one that might taste much better, yo I'll give you that one (maybe not every month but every second month), AND also let you keep the old ones (tjat can be eaten as often as you like), would you whine that I broke my promise too and that people should quit "supporting" me in any way? Because that's basically what your doing. Anet will concentrate in GW2, but you will still be able to play what you have, i.e. GW2. Okay, you might not agree with the GW2 = tastier candy metaphor, but even if you don't like it, assume that lots and lots of people will. Should I stop giving people the "better" candy because you don't like it? Should Anet abandon GW2 for a "lesser" game because some people don't like it? Besides "a game every six months" was more like a plan than a promise anyway... |
PC Gamer May 2007 Information - "Guild Wars Reborn"
Hi, for those of you who need more info or havn't read the article from PCG yet. There is a new thread by ChaoticCoyote in riverside that will hopefully clear some unanswer question for some people.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Ninja Spectre
I definitely think the new jumping and swimming system will be great, I would like to dodge, arrows and possibly bullets of some sort by jumping and swimming..also to have quests or where you must swim into a cave or something sounds very good I guess that opens up a lot of doors, you could also jump on some kind of puzzle indiana jones style, I hadnt thought of it that way at first, but another night sleeping on it has gotten me thinking. Or you could have everyone in a town jumping up and down like bunnies :d that would be pretty cute. Please would you let us know more about the jumping and swimming and how it will function in GW2 in quests or pvp, thanks Gaile.
good idea no great idea!
good idea no great idea!

I just wanna know 1 thing...
Will the GW1 servers continue to run after the GW2 launch? If so, then who CARES if GW2 sucks, carry on playing GW1...
If GW1 servers are going to be switched off, then tough luck hey... go to GW2 or another MMORPG!!!
I was so uber pissed off when Wing Commander 4 and Mech Warrior 4 wouldn't run on my new PC cos it was too fast, I didn't die a slow death or what not... I moved on to other things...
Games are kinda like life - They'd a jouney, not a destination, enjoy the ride...
And to all those who are saying "whats the point of even carrying on now?" STOP THEN!!! Close your GW account today, or in fact, give it to me... I will enjoy your Chars and Items for you if you want...
Gamers... pfft, worse than woman!!! (generalisation and steriotype here, please don't flame me ladies)
Will the GW1 servers continue to run after the GW2 launch? If so, then who CARES if GW2 sucks, carry on playing GW1...
I was so uber pissed off when Wing Commander 4 and Mech Warrior 4 wouldn't run on my new PC cos it was too fast, I didn't die a slow death or what not... I moved on to other things...
Games are kinda like life - They'd a jouney, not a destination, enjoy the ride...
And to all those who are saying "whats the point of even carrying on now?" STOP THEN!!! Close your GW account today, or in fact, give it to me... I will enjoy your Chars and Items for you if you want...
Gamers... pfft, worse than woman!!! (generalisation and steriotype here, please don't flame me ladies)
Mr Bingo
Originally Posted by Ninja Spectre
Its funny how the people against most aspects of GW2, are being called the "minority" I read in your post. have you actually read all pages? we are not the minority...what makes you think your the majority have you asked everyone who plays GW1 what they think of this? I think not.. and the "minority" is not "bitching" we are voicing our concerns. If you consider it "bitching" dont read it and ignore it. Some of us dont want to see guild wars go this way, and this makes us the minority just because you want to see it go this way? well thats not fair. Unless youve spoken to everyone in GW2 and heard theyre "bitching" dont call us the minority...we certainly dont call ourselves the majority, and sure we can scream..if thats one way anet will hear us...we will scream. o0 ok someone quote me now from on of my posts
The Cantio
I agree with Mr Bingo.
Dalmascan Princess
Originally Posted by Destinyy
Will the GW1 servers continue to run after the GW2 launch? If so, then who CARES if GW2 sucks, carry on playing GW1...
Halius Novadore
Wow, when I first heard about Eye of the North and GW2, I was skeptical, even doubtful that Anet would even attempt such a feat. But after reading what is going to happen with GW2, and how GWEN will help bridge GW and GW2, I'm bloody excited.
To all those that think this will ruin the game, think again, if Anet let GW continue along the same course it has been on, people will lose interest very very quickly, making it a very unplayable game. GW2 is the best change to come, as it will offer (dont break my heart Anet) a new environment for us all to play in, not just a new campaign.
Cant wait till 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all those that think this will ruin the game, think again, if Anet let GW continue along the same course it has been on, people will lose interest very very quickly, making it a very unplayable game. GW2 is the best change to come, as it will offer (dont break my heart Anet) a new environment for us all to play in, not just a new campaign.
Cant wait till 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Useless posts removed, continue in that fashion and action will be taken.
man. the wait is gonna be the end of me.
There are a lot of people who like GW1 the way it is here. BUT you're forgetting one important thing, there are MORE people out there that would rather buy some other game OVER GW1 for this or that reason.
GW2 is built not only for GW1 players. but for Players who missed the original series for this or that reason.
when Anet say they have listened to what players want. They have not just listened the "majority" of the people who have countlessly quoted their grief on this forum and thread. they have listened to hundreds of other players who play other games. THOSE people are the majority. not you hardcore GW1 players.
and TBH it's really your own fault for being so attached and going hardcore on a game that was aimed at casual players to begin with.
man. the wait is gonna be the end of me.
There are a lot of people who like GW1 the way it is here. BUT you're forgetting one important thing, there are MORE people out there that would rather buy some other game OVER GW1 for this or that reason.
GW2 is built not only for GW1 players. but for Players who missed the original series for this or that reason.
when Anet say they have listened to what players want. They have not just listened the "majority" of the people who have countlessly quoted their grief on this forum and thread. they have listened to hundreds of other players who play other games. THOSE people are the majority. not you hardcore GW1 players.
and TBH it's really your own fault for being so attached and going hardcore on a game that was aimed at casual players to begin with.
Originally Posted by Mr Bingo
look mate, if u are against gw2 just dont play it.
The Cantio
You don't have to stop playing, Guild Wars 1 is still there, and will always be. Mr Bingo's point is that if you disagree with Guild Wars 2, there is no point in complaining about how it differs from Guild Wars 1, just do not purchase the product. You still get the game you liked originally, 'the only skill based game on the market'.
Dalmascan Princess
Originally Posted by RhanoctJocosa
Why should they have to stop playing the only actual skill-based game on the market because some scrubs want a cheap WOW? It's hardly fair. People need to realise GW is supposed to be a high-end PvP game. PvE is only there as a little 'side-thing'. It might sound like a cliche by now, but just go play WoW. I'm not trying to FW but seriously, that post just shows nothing.
Second, when will you people reaise that all the "GW = PvP is all that counts, PvE is only there as a bonus" drivel is nonsense. It doesn't get mysteriously "more right" just because you keep saying it. How often do anet-people have to say they value PvP and PvE equally so that you'll finally understand it?
Originally Posted by My Sweet Revenga
Nice summary. No level cap is a welcome change. Although the thought of a single uber high level player kicking the crap out of other lower level players... reminds me of a quote from South Park. "How do you kill someone that has no life?"
Let's all go and kill Boars in the woods for 7 weeks!
Everyone should be made to watch this South Park episode - especially the GW development team.
i just want to SEE something.
"A key design goal for Guild Wars is "balanced competitive gaming"." - Quoted by Wikipedia, which is quoted by GW.
Please be less ignorant. Just ask yourself, what does 'Guild Wars' mean?
Please be less ignorant. Just ask yourself, what does 'Guild Wars' mean?
Originally Posted by Torqual
Let's all go and kill Boars in the woods for 7 weeks! Everyone should be made to watch this South Park episode - especially the GW development team. |
anyway. im gonna go freeze myself.......this wait...come on....COME ON!!!
Originally Posted by RhanoctJocosa
"A key design goal for Guild Wars is "balanced competitive gaming"." - Quoted by Wikipedia, which is quoted by GW.
Please be less ignorant. Just ask yourself, what does 'Guild Wars' mean? |
You didn't read or notice Gaile's many comments on this subject, yet you call others ignorant?
Dalmascan Princess
Originally Posted by RhanoctJocosa
"A key design goal for Guild Wars is "balanced competitive gaming"." - Quoted by Wikipedia, which is quoted by GW.
Please be less ignorant. Just ask yourself, what does 'Guild Wars' mean? |
Knightsaber Sith
I posted my thoughts on character transfer on GWO so I may as well share it with the class here. I know it's been brought in this thread somewhere, but I'm not even going to try and follow the ongoing discussion. This is the situation as I see it for you to take into consideration as you ponder the issue of character transfer. This is not directed at anyone.
I don't know if someone's already brought up these points, but I'll explain why I see characters as being unable to transfer.
For starters, let us quantify what actually constitutes your character:
(forget weapons/armor/items at the moment, this is about the character itself)
-a)the appearance
-b)the name
-c)titles earned
-d)skills you have
-e)xp earned
-a)Gw2 will have different character models so it would be impossible to simply import your GW1 character's appearance into the new game.
solution: just take us to the character creation screen after we transfer so we can remake our appearance and be GW2 compatible, then the rest will still be like your original character.
-b)Name, in tact - already being transfered.
So far we have altered appearance and same name.
-c)Titles also in tact already.
Now that's: altered appearance,same name, and same titles.
-d)Skills, Gw2 will be using new skills; may not even have the same professions. Not many options here. Maybe just start with the basic skills normal GW2 characters would or let you pick what skills you have equal to the number of skills you used to have.
That's: altered appearance,same name, same titles, modified skills.
-e)Finally we're down to the final item, xp you have earned on your character. You're already getting to keep your name and titles, but you'd have to modify your appearance and skills- all that's left is xp. Do you mean to tell me what this all boils down to is people want to keep the xp they've earned?
The only thing that could possibly be transferred that isn't already, is the xp. It's true that xp will have more significance in GW2 since the cap will be over 20, but do you honestly think xp should transfer for some reason? Do you just want a lead on new players?
To those that do just want the xp, it's a new game. Start from scratch and work your way up, don't be lazy. To those that don't want to transfer just for the xp, but also aren't satisfied with just the name and titles, unfortunately the other reasons just aren't possible as explained above.
I don't know if someone's already brought up these points, but I'll explain why I see characters as being unable to transfer.
For starters, let us quantify what actually constitutes your character:
(forget weapons/armor/items at the moment, this is about the character itself)
-a)the appearance
-b)the name
-c)titles earned
-d)skills you have
-e)xp earned
-a)Gw2 will have different character models so it would be impossible to simply import your GW1 character's appearance into the new game.
solution: just take us to the character creation screen after we transfer so we can remake our appearance and be GW2 compatible, then the rest will still be like your original character.
-b)Name, in tact - already being transfered.
So far we have altered appearance and same name.
-c)Titles also in tact already.
Now that's: altered appearance,same name, and same titles.
-d)Skills, Gw2 will be using new skills; may not even have the same professions. Not many options here. Maybe just start with the basic skills normal GW2 characters would or let you pick what skills you have equal to the number of skills you used to have.
That's: altered appearance,same name, same titles, modified skills.
-e)Finally we're down to the final item, xp you have earned on your character. You're already getting to keep your name and titles, but you'd have to modify your appearance and skills- all that's left is xp. Do you mean to tell me what this all boils down to is people want to keep the xp they've earned?
The only thing that could possibly be transferred that isn't already, is the xp. It's true that xp will have more significance in GW2 since the cap will be over 20, but do you honestly think xp should transfer for some reason? Do you just want a lead on new players?
To those that do just want the xp, it's a new game. Start from scratch and work your way up, don't be lazy. To those that don't want to transfer just for the xp, but also aren't satisfied with just the name and titles, unfortunately the other reasons just aren't possible as explained above.
"Just ask yourself what does Guild Wars mean."
Ok, I asked myself, and the answer for me is "casual, fun PvE play for free."
We all have different answers to this question. It would be wise to accept the fact that not everyone plays the game for the same reasons.
I agree with you. Nothing will transfer except your name (if you want it), Titles, and anything special unlocked in GW:EN. IF weapons and armor tranfer, it will be representations only, as the stats will be different in GW2.
Gold will NOT transfer... that would kill the GW2 economy before it even started. (And yes, I hope there will be an auction house).
Please. "GW2 is gonna suck because its just a stupid copy of WoW," ain't that simple.
We really have NO idea what the particulars of Guild Wars 2 will be. Let's wait and hear some exact stuff before predicting the "Death of Guild Wars."
(geez, I wish I had a Plat for everyone who says that....)
Ok, I asked myself, and the answer for me is "casual, fun PvE play for free."
We all have different answers to this question. It would be wise to accept the fact that not everyone plays the game for the same reasons.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I don't know if someone's already brought up these points, but I'll explain why I see characters as being unable to transfer. For starters, let us quantify what actually constitutes your character: (forget weapons/armor/items at the moment, this is about the character itself) |
Gold will NOT transfer... that would kill the GW2 economy before it even started. (And yes, I hope there will be an auction house).
Please. "GW2 is gonna suck because its just a stupid copy of WoW," ain't that simple.
We really have NO idea what the particulars of Guild Wars 2 will be. Let's wait and hear some exact stuff before predicting the "Death of Guild Wars."
(geez, I wish I had a Plat for everyone who says that....)
GW2 is gonna suck because its just a stupid copy of WoW.
"If you dont like it, dont play it"
It aint that simple. GW2 is gonna kill GW1, and since GW2 is gonna suck, bye guild wars
"If you dont like it, dont play it"
It aint that simple. GW2 is gonna kill GW1, and since GW2 is gonna suck, bye guild wars

I'm going to stop now, because I'll just end up getting in trouble.
Parting notes, regardless of whether it's PvE or PvP based - or a balance between, it's supposed to be skill based. To excell in the game you are supposed to be able to grasp the concept of the game, skills, races, insight into the mind of other players, communication. Look at raids in WoW (look at the one described in the OP), sure you might use vent, sure you might have a team formation, but the demand for skill is going to be far less. That was regarding the supposed "GW2", now look at "GW1" - Alliance battles. If you play a PuG then yeah, there's really no organisation - just a place to have some fun. However, if you want to, you can surely set up a group of 4 with appropriate builds for the goals of AB, and win it easily. You might argue that you can do this in a raid, but think about it... what's a raid? Yeah. Getting to it, I'll admit, the main reason why everybody is getting annoyed (the people who are, anyway) is because ANet is integrating so much of WoW into the game. We play Guild Wars because it's not like WoW. Putting their personal aggenda aside, they are screwing us around. Rather, they are screwing up one of the most skill-demanding games in the market (and that's both PvE and PvP). If ANet were to add new game mechanisms that promoted, even more, the concept of player skill then well.. guess we'll never know. Guild Wars was (is) a simple game, you clicked to walk, had 8 skills, etc. etc. This is what appealed to people - not to mention the very impressive graphics. That is how GW2 should have been. In fact, there shouldn't have even been a GW2. ANet should have addressed their problems properly. NF shattered any balance we had in our PvP aswell as PvE, but there wasn't really much done (nerf this here, nerf that). Instead of doing that, why didn't ANet introduce new conditions (I don't mean burning and stuff) - I really don't know, I'm not a game designer. Go have a look through this very forum, and you'll see ideas that could surely pick GW back up off it's feet. In short, Guild Wars is still going to be here for 2 years, and in those 2 years I intend on playing a skill-demanding game that I can play within my school timetable and still get somewhere.
If someone can find the GW proph-box quote I'd appreciate it. Went something along the lines of "Your skill decides your victory". Because really, it does. FYI, who put the "game-box quote" on the game box? Me?
Parting notes, regardless of whether it's PvE or PvP based - or a balance between, it's supposed to be skill based. To excell in the game you are supposed to be able to grasp the concept of the game, skills, races, insight into the mind of other players, communication. Look at raids in WoW (look at the one described in the OP), sure you might use vent, sure you might have a team formation, but the demand for skill is going to be far less. That was regarding the supposed "GW2", now look at "GW1" - Alliance battles. If you play a PuG then yeah, there's really no organisation - just a place to have some fun. However, if you want to, you can surely set up a group of 4 with appropriate builds for the goals of AB, and win it easily. You might argue that you can do this in a raid, but think about it... what's a raid? Yeah. Getting to it, I'll admit, the main reason why everybody is getting annoyed (the people who are, anyway) is because ANet is integrating so much of WoW into the game. We play Guild Wars because it's not like WoW. Putting their personal aggenda aside, they are screwing us around. Rather, they are screwing up one of the most skill-demanding games in the market (and that's both PvE and PvP). If ANet were to add new game mechanisms that promoted, even more, the concept of player skill then well.. guess we'll never know. Guild Wars was (is) a simple game, you clicked to walk, had 8 skills, etc. etc. This is what appealed to people - not to mention the very impressive graphics. That is how GW2 should have been. In fact, there shouldn't have even been a GW2. ANet should have addressed their problems properly. NF shattered any balance we had in our PvP aswell as PvE, but there wasn't really much done (nerf this here, nerf that). Instead of doing that, why didn't ANet introduce new conditions (I don't mean burning and stuff) - I really don't know, I'm not a game designer. Go have a look through this very forum, and you'll see ideas that could surely pick GW back up off it's feet. In short, Guild Wars is still going to be here for 2 years, and in those 2 years I intend on playing a skill-demanding game that I can play within my school timetable and still get somewhere.
If someone can find the GW proph-box quote I'd appreciate it. Went something along the lines of "Your skill decides your victory". Because really, it does. FYI, who put the "game-box quote" on the game box? Me?
Dalmascan Princess
I Go To America, care to explain why you think it'll be a "stupid WoW copy"? Taking into account the counter arguments that have already been brought up?
Originally Posted by I GO TO AMERICA
GW2 is gonna suck because its just a stupid copy of WoW.
"If you dont like it, dont play it" It aint that simple. GW2 is gonna kill GW1, and since GW2 is gonna suck, bye guild wars ![]() |
Originally Posted by RhanoctJocosa
If someone can find the GW proph-box quote I'd appreciate it. Went something along the lines of "You're skill decides your victory". Because really, it does. FYI, who put the "game-box quote" on the game box? Me?
Thanks, ~Rhanoct |
But one thing we know for sure, these huge persistance places will NOT replace GvG or Instances. Those will still exist.
I wish people would look at the new stuff as additions to Guild Wars. They are not taking anything away, just adding new stuff, so they can attract new players and give older players something new to play with.
As for the quote on the box: Sorry, I only have the CE, which just says
Originally Posted by GW CE
Make your Guild Wars experience complete! Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of Guild Wars, then use the latest voice chat technology to lead your teamates through the vast world of Tyria. Everything you need is here, so get ready and take your adventure to the next level!
Originally Posted by RhanoctJocosa
I'm going to stop now, because I'll just end up getting in trouble.
Parting notes, regardless of whether it's PvE or PvP based - or a balance between, it's supposed to be skill based. To excell in the game you are supposed to be able to grasp the concept of the game, skills, races, insight into the mind of other players, communication. Look at raids in WoW (look at the one described in the OP), sure you might use vent, sure you might have a team formation, but the demand for skill is going to be far less. That was regarding the supposed "GW2", now look at "GW1" - Alliance battles. If you play a PuG then yeah, there's really no organisation - just a place to have some fun. However, if you want to, you can surely set up a group of 4 with appropriate builds for the goals of AB, and win it easily. You might argue that you can do this in a raid, but think about it... what's a raid? Yeah. Getting to it, I'll admit, the main reason why everybody is getting annoyed (the people who are, anyway) is because ANet is integrating so much of WoW into the game. We play Guild Wars because it's not like WoW. Putting their personal aggenda aside, they are screwing us around. Rather, they are screwing up one of the most skill-demanding games in the market (and that's both PvE and PvP). If ANet were to add new game mechanisms that promoted, even more, the concept of player skill then well.. guess we'll never know. Guild Wars was (is) a simple game, you clicked to walk, had 8 skills, etc. etc. This is what appealed to people - not to mention the very impressive graphics. That is how GW2 should have been. In fact, there shouldn't have even been a GW2. ANet should have addressed their problems properly. NF shattered any balance we had in our PvP aswell as PvE, but there wasn't really much done (nerf this here, nerf that). Instead of doing that, why didn't ANet introduce new conditions (I don't mean burning and stuff) - I really don't know, I'm not a game designer. Go have a look through this very forum, and you'll see ideas that could surely pick GW back up off it's feet. In short, Guild Wars is still going to be here for 2 years, and in those 2 years I intend on playing a skill-demanding game that I can play within my school timetable and still get somewhere. If someone can find the GW proph-box quote I'd appreciate it. Went something along the lines of "Your skill decides your victory". Because really, it does. FYI, who put the "game-box quote" on the game box? Me? Thanks, ~Rhanoct |
The quotes that guild wars depends on skills still stand ... Guild wars pvp is still going to be as balanced as before...
Does ANET not create tournaments where the winner gets prizes and cash ? it would be stupid if it was just a matter of level and items... so the games stays the same and the BS about the balance of GW will be broken is stupid.
PvP is still going to be the same, as balance as before.
The only difference is that Anet has finally decided to improve over GW1 by changing what the community did not like in GW1.
We all know that the PvP in GW1 was the best around, so it is stll going to be the same if not even more balanced than before
As for PvE, we all knew that there were better PvE games out there, and that is why Anet decided to improve it. The PvE in GW1 was crap as it was more of a fashion show... It became so stupid after NF that the only reason some ppl actually pve was to make a pvp char for GvG. PvE in Proh was good, but PvE in NF was more a chore than actual fun.
As for skill over time spend, it is still going to be the same. Someone with better skill/build and lower level > someone with echo mending with higher level.
And with more level, those quests that ppl are actually avoiding in GW1 can actually be put to more use. Who cares about quest in GW1? most ppl only focus on main quests and missions and by the time, they finish the game, they have all skills and level 20 already. More levels is more incentive to play and actually do those quests. And guess what? more fun too unless u gonna solo (then u are prolly better off playing single player game instead of an MMO/CoRPG ) Quest Rewards > Grinding level through farming.
As for the "LFG level 70 only" , we can already see that anet is thinking about it already. Side-kick system is already on the way. Hence more interaction between higher level and lower leve. Higher levels may even get more incentive to party. Thus, better community.
What anet is trying to do with GW2 is actually make the game better community-wise and hence all the changes in PvE. If you prefer playing alone, then why is the point of even playing an mmo?
And if you prefer to play at your own pace and dun't have much time, guess what? the devs are still planning on keeping the option to allow players to play solo.(how they going to do it is still unknown but they did mention their intention to allow it). And best of all, the game is actually free! so you can play at your pace without feeling that you "have" to play as in other MMO because you are paying monthly fee.
After reading the actual article and not peoples interpretations of it I must say I applaud Anet. It takes a wise and brave company to take things step further. I like the way they think. Instead of saying 'why mess with a good thing', they realize that this 'good thing' is an excelent platform to take things even further. If what I understood correctly they are abandoning the concept of a linear story in MMORPG (CORPG or MMO) as it makes no sense.
They will create a world which is more responsive to the players, I always liked AB and the way players action influence the Kurzick/Luxon border. There was always a feeling of unity among the people belonging to a faction.
The insults between the Luxons and Kurzicks are always fun to read.
Now imagine having AB that has more effect then just the border imagine mass strugles which enable some quests or disable others...it something that will really pull the comunity togather. Some people have disdain for the gw community saying there are too many noobs or whatnot, I disagree i think that overalll the gw community is a good one.
Remember how during the last wintersday the whole community agreed to have even districts for Grenth and odd for Dwayne (edit: Dwayna). This was not an official strategy the community came up with this. I mean you had over a million people reaching an agreement, I think that's amazing.
ANet noticed that as well, and they are planning to make it a central part of GW2 ....
Hooray for ANet I support them. And yes I am excited about GW 2 now!
They will create a world which is more responsive to the players, I always liked AB and the way players action influence the Kurzick/Luxon border. There was always a feeling of unity among the people belonging to a faction.
The insults between the Luxons and Kurzicks are always fun to read.
Now imagine having AB that has more effect then just the border imagine mass strugles which enable some quests or disable others...it something that will really pull the comunity togather. Some people have disdain for the gw community saying there are too many noobs or whatnot, I disagree i think that overalll the gw community is a good one.
Remember how during the last wintersday the whole community agreed to have even districts for Grenth and odd for Dwayne (edit: Dwayna). This was not an official strategy the community came up with this. I mean you had over a million people reaching an agreement, I think that's amazing.
ANet noticed that as well, and they are planning to make it a central part of GW2 ....
Hooray for ANet I support them. And yes I am excited about GW 2 now!
Originally Posted by RhanoctJocosa
"A key design goal for Guild Wars is "balanced competitive gaming"." - Quoted by Wikipedia, which is quoted by GW.
Please be less ignorant. Just ask yourself, what does 'Guild Wars' mean? |
Neriandal Freit
Could anyone enlighten us a little more on this talk of races having a bit of difference "Stat Wise"?
I'm not wanting to judge this yet, but, if this is the case, why couldn't we just have the races as a cosmetic thing?
I'm not wanting to judge this yet, but, if this is the case, why couldn't we just have the races as a cosmetic thing?
Dalmascan Princess
Neriandal, the article says very little about races and stats. All the article says is that different races will have different "primary attributes" (that's the words it uses), but that's about as far as it goes. We can only speculate - the ability of the Norn to "shapeshift" into bear-like creatures might very well be their "primary attribute".
Neriandal Freit
So, what we are hoping (or me at least) is that this "Primary Attribute" will act much like our current Primary Attribute?
Or, is it a secondary Primary Attribute that accompanies a Ritualist Norn?
Surely we will be able to play a Ritualist Norn and not be able to shapeshift into a bear..
Or, is it a secondary Primary Attribute that accompanies a Ritualist Norn?
Surely we will be able to play a Ritualist Norn and not be able to shapeshift into a bear..
Another Felldspar
I haven't seen the issue of Guilds or Guildhalls addressed yet, though I am sure I might have missed it in such a long thread. How will guilds be handled in GW2? Will our guild pass unscathed through the centuries? Will our guild's amenities (NPCs) still exist? Or will we have to build the resources to purchase a new hall and NPCs in the brave, new world? What about guild names being reserved for current guild leaders? What if not all of our happy guildmates wants to leave GW1, but some do? Will an absent leader be able to offer a "pass" on the reservation to allow other guild members or officers to activate the fellowship? I know it's a long ways in the future for making every decision, but if these issues were addressed in the Gamer article can some one pass the information along, please?
Dalmascan Princess
Interesting questions. Another thing that caught my eye is the fact that the article says nothing about classes/jobs in GW2, i.e. we don't know what they will be like. Another theory I've heard is that the races act like the classes we have now, but I doubt that. At this point, pretty much everything is possible: It could also be that the races' primary attribute will combine with both the profession's attributes... Who knows. But it's fun to speculate. ^.^
EDIT @ Ayelet:
The article doesn't say anything about guilds, so we don't know anything about it either, sorry.
EDIT @ Ayelet:
The article doesn't say anything about guilds, so we don't know anything about it either, sorry.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I don't know if someone's already brought up these points, but I'll explain why I see characters as being unable to transfer. |
Thoughts on "Primary Attribute":
If each race has a "unique" Primary Attribute (ie, Norns and "Shapeshifting"), where would that leave Humans?
Would the other races lose their Primary attribute from their Profession? That seems harsh (and unplayable pretty much, unless their unique attribute is just that good, in which case what's the point of being human?)
Maybe Anet is going to change the whole idea of Primary attributes, or maybe Races will just be other "Professions" in effect?
If each race has a "unique" Primary Attribute (ie, Norns and "Shapeshifting"), where would that leave Humans?
Would the other races lose their Primary attribute from their Profession? That seems harsh (and unplayable pretty much, unless their unique attribute is just that good, in which case what's the point of being human?)
Maybe Anet is going to change the whole idea of Primary attributes, or maybe Races will just be other "Professions" in effect?
English Warrior
hey i like GW1 as much as you lot possibly more but there bringing out 1 last 4th chapter then GW2 if u want to keep level cap at 20 stay on GW1 if not go on GW2 thats what im doing i find lvl 20 so easy to get too im looking forward to being high level cap
Another Felldspar
Thank you for your reply Damalscan Princess.
I'm a bit disappointed that something as basic to the game as guilds wasn't addressed at all. Perhaps Gaile or one of the Devs will be kind enough to shed some light on the matter, or even tell us that it hasn't been decided yet.

Master Ypoc
instead of giving a opinion, i´m gonna state some facts:
Fact 1 -
if you want to enjoy all the features of GW as we know it, gamers have to pay a fee every six month in order to get new content. for example WOW, despite of the game differences from GW, can also be payed every six months, and you know you still have something new waiting.
Fact 2 -
we are still waiting for many details that lack in GW today and can make it an even better game, details that should have been in the game from the start or added much more sooner, and details that should be available in all the 3 chapters.
( pets controls, decent storage upgrades, armor insignias in the 3 chapters, these three come instantly to my mind but we all know there are many more... )
Fact 3 -
in 2 years the only real content update in the 3 chapters until today was Sorrows Furnace.
Fact 4 -
Anet is telling us that the present game Guild Wars is not worth improving and therefore they decided to create a new game with the name of the old one, using the background a of huge 3 chapters "beta testing" game.
it´s not my fault that many people posting have, IMHO, a naive point of view,
i guess Anet appreciate and welcomes that.
people are talking about the eventual resistance to changes of others to justify the already announced end of GW as we know it, that's not the point, me and others that agree with me welcome evolution, the point is demanding that as customers we get the best quality in the service/product we are buying.
If i don't like the general results of GW2 when it comes out i'm gonna feel ripped off by Anet. because remember one thing, we the gamers are not the ones who owe Anet, if Anet is announcing a new GW game they can thank that to us.
oh, and don't tell me you're gonna be playing a game like you always did when you know theres a bigger and better version in town... don't be hypocrites.
Fact 1 -
if you want to enjoy all the features of GW as we know it, gamers have to pay a fee every six month in order to get new content. for example WOW, despite of the game differences from GW, can also be payed every six months, and you know you still have something new waiting.
Fact 2 -
we are still waiting for many details that lack in GW today and can make it an even better game, details that should have been in the game from the start or added much more sooner, and details that should be available in all the 3 chapters.
( pets controls, decent storage upgrades, armor insignias in the 3 chapters, these three come instantly to my mind but we all know there are many more... )
Fact 3 -
in 2 years the only real content update in the 3 chapters until today was Sorrows Furnace.
Fact 4 -
Anet is telling us that the present game Guild Wars is not worth improving and therefore they decided to create a new game with the name of the old one, using the background a of huge 3 chapters "beta testing" game.
it´s not my fault that many people posting have, IMHO, a naive point of view,
i guess Anet appreciate and welcomes that.
people are talking about the eventual resistance to changes of others to justify the already announced end of GW as we know it, that's not the point, me and others that agree with me welcome evolution, the point is demanding that as customers we get the best quality in the service/product we are buying.
If i don't like the general results of GW2 when it comes out i'm gonna feel ripped off by Anet. because remember one thing, we the gamers are not the ones who owe Anet, if Anet is announcing a new GW game they can thank that to us.
oh, and don't tell me you're gonna be playing a game like you always did when you know theres a bigger and better version in town... don't be hypocrites.
dead man ivan
Sheesh what Facts are you talking about!!
If you read the article Anet said that they cannot improve the game as it stands because some of the design decisions made when they first brought out the game does not allow easily the changes to be made which they make. It is in fact easier to make a new game.
The differences in the game between WoW and GW are not just in gameplay but in the way the whole game is made. The way they introduce new content in WoW is to bring in a new boss or new area which are simple additions to the game whereas in GW there are no changes as such(except for rare cases such as SF) to the actual content. They add new content via new games. You can choose to add that content if you wish. Now the GW developers have agreed that their method is not feasible to continue from a game developing perspective. Therefore they might be thinking of abandoning their way of making chapters and look for something different to give the content out. This was emphasized in fact during the interview between the developers and PCGamer magazine.
The so called details you speak of are not mandatory and actually would be bonuses for all GW players since Anet gets revenue from selling new content and if you want more you have to pay more as simple as that. Yes the gameplay would be a lot more interesting but we have to see this from a business perspective if they don't sell new content they will not get the money they want.
In the end I would just like to say based on what I read(& I did read the whole article) I love the features they want to implement in GW2 and seeing the screenshots of GW1 which are gorgeous by the way I am looking forward to both these games & you will need GW:EN to get Hall of Monuments so I am getting both of these.
P.S--:ANet can you confirm will there be a collectors edition for GW:EN or not. It just might be my first collectors edition.
IMHO people have been resistant to changes, I would know ,I was one of those when they changed the AI for AoE spells and damage but in time I have had no problems with these things and frankly I have had no problems what so ever now and look forward to Hard Mode--GW:EN--Beta(you know I want in)--GW2 and whatever in the future!!
Anet is telling us that the present game Guild Wars is not worth improving and therefore they decided to create a new game with the name of the old one, using the background a of huge 3 chapters "beta testing" game. |
if you want to enjoy all the features of GW as we know it, gamers have to pay a fee every six month in order to get new content. for example WOW, despite of the game differences from GW, can also be payed every six months, and you know you still have something new waiting. |
The so called details you speak of are not mandatory and actually would be bonuses for all GW players since Anet gets revenue from selling new content and if you want more you have to pay more as simple as that. Yes the gameplay would be a lot more interesting but we have to see this from a business perspective if they don't sell new content they will not get the money they want.
In the end I would just like to say based on what I read(& I did read the whole article) I love the features they want to implement in GW2 and seeing the screenshots of GW1 which are gorgeous by the way I am looking forward to both these games & you will need GW:EN to get Hall of Monuments so I am getting both of these.
P.S--:ANet can you confirm will there be a collectors edition for GW:EN or not. It just might be my first collectors edition.
IMHO people have been resistant to changes, I would know ,I was one of those when they changed the AI for AoE spells and damage but in time I have had no problems with these things and frankly I have had no problems what so ever now and look forward to Hard Mode--GW:EN--Beta(you know I want in)--GW2 and whatever in the future!!