Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Bingo. I talk to players often, and I'm on the forums every day, and I know that you're right. The three things you've listed there have been, consistently, the three most requested changes to Guild Wars, and the things that folks have most hoped for with each new campaign. (Oh, wait, maybe hairdressers is in the top three, I'm not sure. )
But seriously, every campaign, "Will there be new races?" "Are you going to make Guild Wars more like an MMO?" "Are you going to raise the level cap?" You can check me on that, because it's in log after log after log. So, players asked for these things, and they'll be in the next game. Hmmm.. I wonder if there's a correlation between the two! |
There might be 5000 people on the forums that are advocating for an increase on the level cap, but what if there are 15000 (numbers are completely random) that are in favour of them staying where they are? Is it known how many people are in favour for the higher limit and how many like it as it is? Has there been a poll or a survey of the players? If there has and 80% are in favour/don't mind the higher levels then by all means, go for it. If it's 80% like it as it is, then it'd probably be better for it to stay the same.
If there hasn't been one, perhaps a [Dev Poll] do you want higher class levels would be nice, or perhaps to get a better sampling, perhaps give an option as you load the game to participate in a survey with the different options, races, higher levels, etc. Hair stylist is all well and good, but then people aren't forced to use it if they don't like it. These options, well some of these...I guess people don't have to play the other races if they don't want to, are a little more direct and people are going to have to deal with them. I'm hoping that a sample will be taken from the entire audience and not just the squeaky wheels which only represent a minority of the community.