Originally Posted by Mythics
To enjoy playing the game, I want to use the skills that I've earned, regardless of which character I was on at the time. My goal when I play is to enjoy myself, and since the storyline is old after the first time you see/hear it, the skill system (which is, imo, the best thing about GW) is the only re-playable part of the game.
While i understand your motivation behind your suggestion (and the many others who post this idea over and over) and sympathize completely (17 character slots ftl X_X), i will have to continue to disagree on allowing access to the unlocked skills simply because it counterpoints the game's basic design.
Can you truly defend the realism side of the RPG, when there are polls like the quote you referred to by Andrew, that show blatant numbers of the community on that forum that agree with the issue, if not the whole suggestion?
Just because the community thinks its a good idea does not mean its a good idea. Just because you want it, doesn't mean you should get it. Theres a point where pleasing the community must not take precedence over a functioning game design.
Theres a lot of ideas that will please a large population of the community but should not or cannot be implemented simply because it would break the design of the game (technically, balance-wise, pace-wise, story-wise etc).
HOWEVER!!!!11ONE This does not mean we cannot come to terms to a compromise of alternate ways to give that same basic function without completely destroying the only sort of character development the game has (which as you pointed out is shallow and pointless enough..but thats just me being cynical).
Grind is a repetitive process that is required to continue through the game, true. You call the skill acquisition a non-grind because it's not required to beat the game, but neither are armor, items, elites, etc. There are a lot of things that aren't truly required, but can actually make or break the game for the player. This is one of those, from my perspective.
No, youve got my pov backwards. In my perspective anything required to continue the game is NOT a grind.
My warrior in PvE uses the elite skill Charge! Her skillset all comes from early in the game: Dismember, Axe rake, Executioner, Watch Yourself! Healsig, Go For the Eyes! res, All very very boring basic skills you earn early on, but effective nonetheless. These things did not require me to grind, since Charge! is effectively along the way of the Primary Quest in perdition.
Heck...my ranger uses all basic skills, Barrage is on a primary mission (markis), my necro uses Reaper's Mark (my favorite necro elite ATM) which she got doing that primary quest at Champion's Dawn (shes from Prophecies).
Geeze....now that i look at it...my builds are pretty boring ._.
Anyway...Would you not agree, that a casual player can make it through the end of the game without really needing a huge pool of skills? Boring basic skills you earn early on can take you to the end of the game.
However i will agree that those various grinds (getting tons of skills, getting tons of elites, getting 15k armors, getting drunk, cartographer, defender, rank, champion, gladiator, treasure hunter) while not really required, are really what makes the game fun (or...not fun).
So what can we do about it? Ive seen various ideas surface on skill acquisition.
-skill trainers accepting quest rewards like Battle Commendations, Luxon Totems, etc.
-more hero points
-return of skill quests
-Discount on unlocked skills
This is probably what i would choose.
-No skill point requirement for unlocked skills
This is a good idea too.
-Skill trainers in the wild that teach you skills if you beat them
-buying unlocked skills in bulk
For me, getting things faster/alternate methods/multiple methods is ok in PvE. getting things instantly is not.