[Dev Update] Farming and Loot Scaling
Alas Poor Yorick
This just isn't much fun anymore.
I don't really farm but it was a lot of fun to complete an area and then count the cash - most of it from white and blue items and cash drops. The gold and green drops were exciting but not enough of them to keep me interested.
Now, almost nothing.
Ran through one area in hard mode - less than 500g because I had full heroes and henchies. (completely cleared Pongmai valley with full heroes and henchies and got less than 1k)
Thought maybe I would do better in normal with out the heroes etc - no better.
Ok - how about pre north of the wall - only 2 person groups max, surely the update didn't affect that! Five charr in a row and not a single drop. Averaged just slightly over 1/2 normal drops.
So golds, dyes and greens are exempt from nerf? Big deal! Most golds aren't maxed and might as well be merched for less than 300g. Greens have dropped in price and continue to do so - plus they take forever to sell. Dyes, except for black and white, have dropped since preview window was introduced.
I'm a casual player. I don't want to have to learn how to run the high end areas just to get anything. I don't even want most of the 15k armor. I just want enough rewards to keep the game interesting and to have a little hope that if I really want something nice I actually have a chance of saving up for it.
It was fun seeing something fancy someone else had and thinking i had a chance to get it myself someday, or finally getting that new armor and showing it off. Now the rewards are so meager there is no point in looking at that new knight's armor - I'll never be able to afford it.
Now, once you have completed the story line, the game is just killing a lot of mobs for almost nothing - not my idea of a rocking good time!
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted - I'll keep an eye on the forums and if I see a change for the positive, I'll play again. But for now, yawn.
I don't really farm but it was a lot of fun to complete an area and then count the cash - most of it from white and blue items and cash drops. The gold and green drops were exciting but not enough of them to keep me interested.
Now, almost nothing.
Ran through one area in hard mode - less than 500g because I had full heroes and henchies. (completely cleared Pongmai valley with full heroes and henchies and got less than 1k)
Thought maybe I would do better in normal with out the heroes etc - no better.
Ok - how about pre north of the wall - only 2 person groups max, surely the update didn't affect that! Five charr in a row and not a single drop. Averaged just slightly over 1/2 normal drops.
So golds, dyes and greens are exempt from nerf? Big deal! Most golds aren't maxed and might as well be merched for less than 300g. Greens have dropped in price and continue to do so - plus they take forever to sell. Dyes, except for black and white, have dropped since preview window was introduced.
I'm a casual player. I don't want to have to learn how to run the high end areas just to get anything. I don't even want most of the 15k armor. I just want enough rewards to keep the game interesting and to have a little hope that if I really want something nice I actually have a chance of saving up for it.
It was fun seeing something fancy someone else had and thinking i had a chance to get it myself someday, or finally getting that new armor and showing it off. Now the rewards are so meager there is no point in looking at that new knight's armor - I'll never be able to afford it.
Now, once you have completed the story line, the game is just killing a lot of mobs for almost nothing - not my idea of a rocking good time!
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted - I'll keep an eye on the forums and if I see a change for the positive, I'll play again. But for now, yawn.
Levi Garett
Well I'm happy that they at least tried to un-nerf solo farming. It's one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game for me and the drops always made it seem worthwhile.
The only problem I see with this is the market was already flooded with items and selling anything lately has been iffy at best. Actually I've had the best luck selling common and rare materials in the last month over rare weapons and such. Now since I'm only going to get rare items when solo farming I'm forced to sell these items to other people to make money.
I really wish that blue and purple items were exempt as well since one of my best solo farming spots is mostly runes. Since minor runes are normally worth much more than superior runes (besides a handful) then this really hurts my profit. And lastly the best part about rune farming was not having to spam/sell I/G since there is a handy merchant that will gladly purchase the runes from you!
But all in all-thanks for listening ANet and semi-unnerfing solo farming. This one act probably ensured that I will be buying GW:EN and sticking around a bit longer.
The only problem I see with this is the market was already flooded with items and selling anything lately has been iffy at best. Actually I've had the best luck selling common and rare materials in the last month over rare weapons and such. Now since I'm only going to get rare items when solo farming I'm forced to sell these items to other people to make money.
I really wish that blue and purple items were exempt as well since one of my best solo farming spots is mostly runes. Since minor runes are normally worth much more than superior runes (besides a handful) then this really hurts my profit. And lastly the best part about rune farming was not having to spam/sell I/G since there is a handy merchant that will gladly purchase the runes from you!

But all in all-thanks for listening ANet and semi-unnerfing solo farming. This one act probably ensured that I will be buying GW:EN and sticking around a bit longer.
Gaile Gray
Who am I?
What do I do?
I am the person who reads these forums daily. Who puts up with the name calling and the insults and the questions of my worth to try to answer your questions, listen to your concerns, relay matters of import to the designers, and share their wisdom, insight, reasoning, and updates with you.
I am a member of the design team, a member of the company that made the game that you play.
I am a human being, with a passion for my job, a caring for other people, and a real interest in communicating and helping out.
And I have now left the building.
If anyone wonders why, just read this thread.
What do I do?
I am the person who reads these forums daily. Who puts up with the name calling and the insults and the questions of my worth to try to answer your questions, listen to your concerns, relay matters of import to the designers, and share their wisdom, insight, reasoning, and updates with you.
I am a member of the design team, a member of the company that made the game that you play.
I am a human being, with a passion for my job, a caring for other people, and a real interest in communicating and helping out.
And I have now left the building.
If anyone wonders why, just read this thread.
Originally Posted by Hikan Trilear
I do not think it's possible to solo all of the missions(not even before the fire islands). Having 1 character with the defensive and healing capabilities to take on the damage of a mob (I'm talking about a mob of diverse professions) of level 24s and the damage output to get through their healing and defense is simply not possible with 8 skills and 200 att points.
EDIT:@Kaleban I didn't say you got it easily, I said most people did. I made sure not to say all because there are some truly talented farmers out there. |
And you can't even generalize about people getting it easily. If its so easy, then why aren't you and everyone else also doing it? Therefore eliminating the disparity?
Of course, you don't want to put in the effort, you'd rather ANet hand it to you by taking it away from others.
I don't mean you specifically, but that's effectively what Anet has done, and I disagree with it.
Remember, in a dynamic economy, the equation for Reward is:
R (reward) = # of monsters killed (k)/# of players present (P)
R=k/P, whether its 1 or 8 should give a fair and equitable share of loot dependent on the amount of work done (kills) divided by how many players it took to accomplish those kills (P).
Hikan Trilear
I am surprised they listen to the community anymore (which they do, even though it's not on every topic) I have never seen Gaile lose her temper but this thread would be enough to drive anybody to outright rage. And then instead of being sympathetic to somebody who has such an overbearing job and has finally lost their temper, you continue to bash them.
I'm all for constructive criticism, but this is ridiculous. this is no longer criticism it is insulting.
I'm all for constructive criticism, but this is ridiculous. this is no longer criticism it is insulting.
This is complete nonsense the rational you show to justify why you needed to loot scale DOWN Gaile and you either know that.
A simple analogy is someone who is casually playing notices in your latest A NERF run you hit a number of skills they normally used in there build. So they need to go replace say, 3 kills seems fair on a moderate size nerf run. So realisticly speaking thats 3K.
Now the casual player is casual so they in fact need to detour there playing to gain this extra cash to get there new skills.
In the pre farm nerf that was a simple 30 to 40 minutes spent farmin vermin for the raw gold and white and blue rare weapons, anything above was pure bonus. But theyed grab the gold, sell the white and blue rarity weapons and go buy there new skills and be on there way in about an hour and continue to casually play.
Now with your nerfage statisticly they now have to spend 8+ hours to get those 3 new skills which for a casual gamer can span upwards to there whole week of free time they have that they can dedicate to your game.
THAT is highly unrewarding and totaly gimps your casual players to the point that even the slight above casuals are now hurting into falling into poverty.
"COOL" skinned weapons is completly subjective. To be frank ive seen collector skin weapons that appeal to me even more then say a zodiac skinned weapon. I find the butterfly sword skin nice but the dead sword skin apallingly gross. However there will people people out there with the opposite view.
Fact is though everyone looks at the skins of weapons when there done the game and say "Ohhh thats a nice one" and then go about seeing how they can get it. They try to farm it on there own, or they look at how much that skin weapon costs and decide which route they want.
The pre nerf economy worked real well where anyone could afford the armor skin they liked be it 1.5K, to 15k to vabbian or FOW. nd then they could afford time wise and patience wise the method they chose to FARM the wealth they needed for that vanity. The money was an outlet to an enjoyment factor and sense of pride and victory. With your new method of farming that effectivly throws out the window to the casual gamer any realistic chance to FOW or even Vabbian, and rather possibly any 15K as well. That is unfair and for you to sit at your chair and try to justify this is for the better is completly unacceptable.
Another thing people strived for after they beat the game that gave em replay value well waiting for a new add on to GWs were the titles. HOWEVER the mass majority of these titles require a high investment in both time and money. With this new nerfing you have made these titles horrible masochistic grind fests that are more likely to fail and upset your casual gamer for the simple fact they cant afford the title on either aspect. In order to get the title they need money, but now they need to spend 8 times that time just to get the money needed. By the time they get that money there more frankly to be bored and sick of the thought of spending more time on a vanity title and that is a horrid thing for you to willingly do to your gaming community.
If you were intending to hurt bots this method fails on every account. The only viable method to stopping them is to make a team of GMs who moniter the high farm areas and find the easilly discoverable farm bots and start laying out bans to the bots. The fact you instead cast a blind eye or a half arsed attempt and stalling them only encourages them to stay and get more farm bots in here. The simple fact is they do not fear you because you do not stick up to your rules on botting and selling GW gold for real money. If you started laying out reprecusions to the botters they would start to hesitate instead of being so openly public with there botting. Lets face it you sit in the citadel for 30 minutes well you adn your guild set up plans to finish a titan quest(which is a very common thing for many in GW) and if you even devote maybe a quater of your attention to the portal you will pick out a number of bots.
The other option that you coul of made this nerf for that also fails is HM. I understand completly and agree HM should not suffer the same degree of farmability as DOA recieved however the fact you leak this out into normal mode is a poor tactic to do and even more appaling that you not ony try to sneak it into the game via hidden in an almost fine print method behind the good of the intro of HM but also that your now in damage control to try and justify this nerfing to save grace and pride and avoid the truth that you did in fact willingly upset and harm a large portion of your gaming community. The casual gamer. The actions you did this weekend leave a terrible taste in many peoples mouths like no other bad thing ever done before because this in fact HURTS FUN FACTOR on all levels of GWs PVE at the very least.
What would of been more effective is that you have shown you can keep HM and NM seperate entities from each other. So show its able to implement this current farm code into HM to keep it farm free but leave NM alone so the casual game can maximise there fun with time spent. This current fine printed nerf does nothing to promote your game and keep the masses in till EotN and even longer till GW2 and does not encourage newcomers to come in before hand.
This new nerf will create a larger loss of current players then help promote it to new players and satisfy and keep current. Basically this nerf does A NET a hell of a lot more harm then good.
The fact is A NET has in fact slapped there gamers in the face and naturally the gamers are upset but to see that your now in damage control instead of saying oops sorry we screwed up is junk. You dont slap your customers in the face and expect them to remain loyal and faithful customers. This weekend you probably just made a decent chunk of your customers start looking at alternative games to invest there money into. A game that wont be hypocritical and stab em in the back like this. Weve all seen the quotes and read the articles of your stances on farming but then you do the complete opposite in a hidden manner this weekend. Wow.
Im sorry too Gaile because when I first heard of you being the voice of the people I thought it was great and how you would ask questions a lot but to see actions like you pull in this thread... To be frank I dont view you as my voice. Im a casual gamer and you say this is what we wanted? Well I believe the mass majority of the community is saying they didnt want this. Im sorry but dont come into my house and fart and then blame it on the dog.
A simple analogy is someone who is casually playing notices in your latest A NERF run you hit a number of skills they normally used in there build. So they need to go replace say, 3 kills seems fair on a moderate size nerf run. So realisticly speaking thats 3K.
Now the casual player is casual so they in fact need to detour there playing to gain this extra cash to get there new skills.
In the pre farm nerf that was a simple 30 to 40 minutes spent farmin vermin for the raw gold and white and blue rare weapons, anything above was pure bonus. But theyed grab the gold, sell the white and blue rarity weapons and go buy there new skills and be on there way in about an hour and continue to casually play.
Now with your nerfage statisticly they now have to spend 8+ hours to get those 3 new skills which for a casual gamer can span upwards to there whole week of free time they have that they can dedicate to your game.
THAT is highly unrewarding and totaly gimps your casual players to the point that even the slight above casuals are now hurting into falling into poverty.
"COOL" skinned weapons is completly subjective. To be frank ive seen collector skin weapons that appeal to me even more then say a zodiac skinned weapon. I find the butterfly sword skin nice but the dead sword skin apallingly gross. However there will people people out there with the opposite view.
Fact is though everyone looks at the skins of weapons when there done the game and say "Ohhh thats a nice one" and then go about seeing how they can get it. They try to farm it on there own, or they look at how much that skin weapon costs and decide which route they want.
The pre nerf economy worked real well where anyone could afford the armor skin they liked be it 1.5K, to 15k to vabbian or FOW. nd then they could afford time wise and patience wise the method they chose to FARM the wealth they needed for that vanity. The money was an outlet to an enjoyment factor and sense of pride and victory. With your new method of farming that effectivly throws out the window to the casual gamer any realistic chance to FOW or even Vabbian, and rather possibly any 15K as well. That is unfair and for you to sit at your chair and try to justify this is for the better is completly unacceptable.
Another thing people strived for after they beat the game that gave em replay value well waiting for a new add on to GWs were the titles. HOWEVER the mass majority of these titles require a high investment in both time and money. With this new nerfing you have made these titles horrible masochistic grind fests that are more likely to fail and upset your casual gamer for the simple fact they cant afford the title on either aspect. In order to get the title they need money, but now they need to spend 8 times that time just to get the money needed. By the time they get that money there more frankly to be bored and sick of the thought of spending more time on a vanity title and that is a horrid thing for you to willingly do to your gaming community.
If you were intending to hurt bots this method fails on every account. The only viable method to stopping them is to make a team of GMs who moniter the high farm areas and find the easilly discoverable farm bots and start laying out bans to the bots. The fact you instead cast a blind eye or a half arsed attempt and stalling them only encourages them to stay and get more farm bots in here. The simple fact is they do not fear you because you do not stick up to your rules on botting and selling GW gold for real money. If you started laying out reprecusions to the botters they would start to hesitate instead of being so openly public with there botting. Lets face it you sit in the citadel for 30 minutes well you adn your guild set up plans to finish a titan quest(which is a very common thing for many in GW) and if you even devote maybe a quater of your attention to the portal you will pick out a number of bots.
The other option that you coul of made this nerf for that also fails is HM. I understand completly and agree HM should not suffer the same degree of farmability as DOA recieved however the fact you leak this out into normal mode is a poor tactic to do and even more appaling that you not ony try to sneak it into the game via hidden in an almost fine print method behind the good of the intro of HM but also that your now in damage control to try and justify this nerfing to save grace and pride and avoid the truth that you did in fact willingly upset and harm a large portion of your gaming community. The casual gamer. The actions you did this weekend leave a terrible taste in many peoples mouths like no other bad thing ever done before because this in fact HURTS FUN FACTOR on all levels of GWs PVE at the very least.
What would of been more effective is that you have shown you can keep HM and NM seperate entities from each other. So show its able to implement this current farm code into HM to keep it farm free but leave NM alone so the casual game can maximise there fun with time spent. This current fine printed nerf does nothing to promote your game and keep the masses in till EotN and even longer till GW2 and does not encourage newcomers to come in before hand.
This new nerf will create a larger loss of current players then help promote it to new players and satisfy and keep current. Basically this nerf does A NET a hell of a lot more harm then good.
The fact is A NET has in fact slapped there gamers in the face and naturally the gamers are upset but to see that your now in damage control instead of saying oops sorry we screwed up is junk. You dont slap your customers in the face and expect them to remain loyal and faithful customers. This weekend you probably just made a decent chunk of your customers start looking at alternative games to invest there money into. A game that wont be hypocritical and stab em in the back like this. Weve all seen the quotes and read the articles of your stances on farming but then you do the complete opposite in a hidden manner this weekend. Wow.
Im sorry too Gaile because when I first heard of you being the voice of the people I thought it was great and how you would ask questions a lot but to see actions like you pull in this thread... To be frank I dont view you as my voice. Im a casual gamer and you say this is what we wanted? Well I believe the mass majority of the community is saying they didnt want this. Im sorry but dont come into my house and fart and then blame it on the dog.
Alas Poor Yorick
Gaile - I know it's no fun to get your feelings hurt.
But let's face it. There have been hundreds - or is it thousands now - of post stating that the new update keeps the game from being fun.
So, if you insist on telling us how wonderful it is when our experience is telling us otherwise, you're gonna stand a good chance of getting flamed.
But then most of us get flamed and called names by those who disagree with us, just like you - that's nothing new. No, it's not right. But that's life.
But let's face it. There have been hundreds - or is it thousands now - of post stating that the new update keeps the game from being fun.
So, if you insist on telling us how wonderful it is when our experience is telling us otherwise, you're gonna stand a good chance of getting flamed.
But then most of us get flamed and called names by those who disagree with us, just like you - that's nothing new. No, it's not right. But that's life.
Meh, you guys can still whine over your 'nerf'. Ill go back to farming in hard mode and getting 1-2 golds every 3-5 minutes. Have fun.
Great update for the most part ANet, I was kinda dissapointed about the loot 'nerf' but after the certain items have been excluded from this, I am much happier overall.
Great update for the most part ANet, I was kinda dissapointed about the loot 'nerf' but after the certain items have been excluded from this, I am much happier overall.
Ella Cookie
Originally Posted by Drazaar
HOWEVER the mass majority of these titles require a high investment in both time and money. With this new nerfing you have made these titles horrible masochistic grind fests that are more likely to fail and upset your casual gamer for the simple fact they cant afford the title on either aspect. In order to get the title they need money, but now they need to spend 8 times that time just to get the money needed. By the time they get that money there more frankly to be bored and sick of the thought of spending more time on a vanity title and that is a horrid thing for you to willingly do to your gaming community.
The actions you did this weekend leave a terrible taste in many peoples mouths like no other bad thing ever done before because this in fact HURTS FUN FACTOR on all levels of GWs PVE at the very least. You dont slap your customers in the face and expect them to remain loyal and faithful customers. This weekend you probably just made a decent chunk of your customers start looking at alternative games to invest there money into. A game that wont be hypocritical and stab em in the back like this. |
If nothing else, I believe that the Design Team's comments only goes to demonstrate that they haven't got a clue of how to manage the in-game economy in a meaningful way. Reading between the lines, it is obvious they have made changes in the past that admittedly made the game less enjoyable (friendly) in an attempt to contain bot farming. They further admit that, even though these changes had a negative impact on the community-at-large, the changes did not contain the bots or deter what they deem to be extreme farming.
In reading through their comments, it is apparent that they really have no idea of how this loot scaling scheme will affect the overall game. Rather than part of a well thought out strategy to improve the overall game economy, this appears to be nothing more than a "quick fix" with unknown consequences. This is bolstered by the fact that they made substantitive changes (expanding the exempt loot) within a very short time of introducing the update. Whether or not loot scaling will have the desired effect on the economy, it certainly has drawn the ire from a large segment of the existing player base.
Even after reading, and rereading, the Design Team's comments, I didn't come away with a clear cut understanding of exactly how loot scaling will improve overall game play or solve the perceived problem of bot or extreme farming. In reading the posts to this thread, apparently I'm not alone. I, for one, did not see the clear and concise plan for wealth distribution or stabilizing the economy as did one poster. I only saw supposition and then an immediate change (expanded exempted loot) that had a huge impact upon their supposed "plan".
Perhaps Anet should expend more effort upon determining what would benefit the majority of players overall, rather than introducing half-cocked measures (nerfs) to deter those they feel are "abusing" the game (yet affect everyone). Personally, I'm tired of the Design Team catering to the minority of "advanced" players. Shouldn't more consideration be given to providing for a character's normal development so that, over time, even a casual player would be able to play all areas of the game or to get the loots wanted? Why force the vast majority of the community (casual players) to grind farming gold in normal mode to buy items that only the few advanced players can obtain? If this is the future of PvE in Guild Wars, then it's pretty apparent the the game will be pretty short-lived for the casual player.
In reading through their comments, it is apparent that they really have no idea of how this loot scaling scheme will affect the overall game. Rather than part of a well thought out strategy to improve the overall game economy, this appears to be nothing more than a "quick fix" with unknown consequences. This is bolstered by the fact that they made substantitive changes (expanding the exempt loot) within a very short time of introducing the update. Whether or not loot scaling will have the desired effect on the economy, it certainly has drawn the ire from a large segment of the existing player base.
Even after reading, and rereading, the Design Team's comments, I didn't come away with a clear cut understanding of exactly how loot scaling will improve overall game play or solve the perceived problem of bot or extreme farming. In reading the posts to this thread, apparently I'm not alone. I, for one, did not see the clear and concise plan for wealth distribution or stabilizing the economy as did one poster. I only saw supposition and then an immediate change (expanded exempted loot) that had a huge impact upon their supposed "plan".
Perhaps Anet should expend more effort upon determining what would benefit the majority of players overall, rather than introducing half-cocked measures (nerfs) to deter those they feel are "abusing" the game (yet affect everyone). Personally, I'm tired of the Design Team catering to the minority of "advanced" players. Shouldn't more consideration be given to providing for a character's normal development so that, over time, even a casual player would be able to play all areas of the game or to get the loots wanted? Why force the vast majority of the community (casual players) to grind farming gold in normal mode to buy items that only the few advanced players can obtain? If this is the future of PvE in Guild Wars, then it's pretty apparent the the game will be pretty short-lived for the casual player.
Dude, Kane, please chill out... No one is out to get you on these forums man...
This guy has some sense, please listen to him. I dont even work for Anet and I'm getting pissed off at the amount of rudeness from everyone.
Us players are probably ruining Gaile's life if she takes this to heart, c'mon, be reasonable. Hard Mode is one of the best features in the game that has ever been implemented, and we're all acting like 8 year olds trying to prove each other and Anet wrong, this should end here, some of us are sick of this nonsense already, and even our own nonsense trying to help everyone else out. This is no longer about loot-scaling, but it has turned into a flame war.
Please, any moderator or admin out there, help!
Originally Posted by Hikian Trilear
I am surprised they listen to the community anymore (which they do, even though it's not on every topic) I have never seen Gaile lose her temper but this thread would be enough to drive anybody to outright rage. And then instead of being sympathetic to somebody who has such an overbearing job and has finally lost their temper, you continue to bash them.
I'm all for constructive criticism, but this is ridiculous. this is no longer criticism it is insulting. |
Us players are probably ruining Gaile's life if she takes this to heart, c'mon, be reasonable. Hard Mode is one of the best features in the game that has ever been implemented, and we're all acting like 8 year olds trying to prove each other and Anet wrong, this should end here, some of us are sick of this nonsense already, and even our own nonsense trying to help everyone else out. This is no longer about loot-scaling, but it has turned into a flame war.
Please, any moderator or admin out there, help!
Liberations, you have to see that most people get to reduced to 8 year olds when they think that solo farming is nerfed to hell. Most of the people here haven't fully farmed yet post update (that corrected the original issue)
They like to think that everything is ruined before they've even tried. So they become rude and insulting, yippee.
They like to think that everything is ruined before they've even tried. So they become rude and insulting, yippee.
Why don't we just remove loot scaling once and for all and throw a special apology event and open sayings of "we didn't anticipate this, we're sorry, we should have tested this more". This is causing too much harm. Then make a poll on what could be improved, and work on it together, Devs and Players, to get the best result. It's jut too much nonsense and the fact is solo farmers may not have been as detirmental as this is. I'm tired... i'm going to bed. i hope everyone doesn't kill themselves because of this.......
This is what happens when big updates are released. People get upset. IMOH GW is not as great as it used to be. Sure there has been many cool new things that were implemented, but mostly masked by other updates that weren't so. GW has a special part in our lives, and destroying what we used to love isn't exactly going to be pleasant. People do not get angry if they do not care about something.
Alright.. where to start...
First of all I understand that there are different views on this issue, and I'm not here to moderate which one is right or which one is wrong. I can't let a lot of these posts go, though, because they're done without tact and without courtesy.
So, to put it succinctly, at GWG the staff and I personally will not tolerate rude posts, and I have made sure those responsible for them have been dealt with accordingly. Whether your view is merited or not, if you can't put it in a way that won't offend the reader, you should not post it. If you do, you're setting yourself up for a ban or possible complete removal from the forums (among whatever else I might find suitable for you).
I think that after a year of posting here some people would understand that but they can't, and regardless of their time spent here, they won't get away with it.
I would also like to personally apologize for the lack of moderation, and resulting nosedive this thread took. It was a failure on our part to do what we are here to do and for that I'm sorry.
Now, please continue the discussion civilly. I will not be afraid to ban you for over a month if you decide to ignore this post and continue bashing other people. Play nice, keep things clean, and this will go fine.
Additionally, if you have a comment on this post specifically, please e-mail it to me and do not reply to it in this thread. I will also not be afraid to delete your post without reading it if you ignore me.
First of all I understand that there are different views on this issue, and I'm not here to moderate which one is right or which one is wrong. I can't let a lot of these posts go, though, because they're done without tact and without courtesy.
So, to put it succinctly, at GWG the staff and I personally will not tolerate rude posts, and I have made sure those responsible for them have been dealt with accordingly. Whether your view is merited or not, if you can't put it in a way that won't offend the reader, you should not post it. If you do, you're setting yourself up for a ban or possible complete removal from the forums (among whatever else I might find suitable for you).
I think that after a year of posting here some people would understand that but they can't, and regardless of their time spent here, they won't get away with it.
I would also like to personally apologize for the lack of moderation, and resulting nosedive this thread took. It was a failure on our part to do what we are here to do and for that I'm sorry.
Now, please continue the discussion civilly. I will not be afraid to ban you for over a month if you decide to ignore this post and continue bashing other people. Play nice, keep things clean, and this will go fine.
Additionally, if you have a comment on this post specifically, please e-mail it to me and do not reply to it in this thread. I will also not be afraid to delete your post without reading it if you ignore me.
Originally Posted by Pro-Monk
In reading through their comments, it is apparent that they really have no idea of how this loot scaling scheme will affect the overall game. Rather than part of a well thought out strategy to improve the overall game economy, this appears to be nothing more than a "quick fix" with unknown consequences. This is bolstered by the fact that they made substantitive changes (expanding the exempt loot) within a very short time of introducing the update.
Even after reading, and rereading, the Design Team's comments, I didn't come away with a clear cut understanding of exactly how loot scaling will improve overall game play or solve the perceived problem of bot or extreme farming. |
As the value of gold increases, the solo farmer will be able to buy almost the same things on the market anyway. They make less gold, but items will sell for less as well. Only static costs are going to significantly rise for them (skills, 15k for armor) The drops sound more like 1/4th instead of 1/8th so soloing vermin isn't a bad way to make money compared to groups, it's just not so amazingly better than parties anymore.
Note: I tried posting this earlier, and a major power failure cut me off mid-post. By the time the power came back on, I tried posting again only to find the thread had been closed. I felt strongly enough about my opinions that I'm posting it now. Although it may seem slightly out of place at this point in the conversation, I still believe it is pertinent. Also, it is difficult to properly convey emotion in simple text, so just to set things straight, please don't read any anger into my post. There is a degree of indignance, and even frustration, but it is not intended to be directed at any individual. Thanks
Many posters have mentioned inflation and the effect of these changes on the economy within Guild Wars. The problem with trying to gauge the impact of any single event on an economy is that any two economists will give you opposite opinions on what will ultimately occur. The fact is that unless what is being tried has been done before in the exact same circumstances(and even then sometimes), there are too many variables to be absolutely certain what impact the change will have until it has been implemented and tested in reality. With that caveat in mind, I have my own analysis on how these changes will affect the GW economy. I've posted my position already, and I'm not going to type it again. If interested, you can read it here, and to sum it up, I believe that this will effectively raise the value of the gold which players have already in storage prior to the update, effectively keeping prices near their current level, while reducing the availability of new gold within the game and making it harder for players to obtain such gold, raising relative prices for everyone.
I can't speak for Kaleban, but many of us are tired of having the game changed with no explanation other than PR spin with no real logical argument or factual evidence. Personally, I do my best to remain civil, but I don't like being patronized and I'm frustrated with the poor responses we have so far received, so please understand if we seem a bit upset.
It is important to keep in mind that these players were also doing 800% of the work as other players. The game has always had a choice with a tradeoff, work together with other players and get through the enemies faster but with less loot, or work alone (or in a smaller group) and work harder and longer, but have more to show for it in the end. Unless I greatly misunderstand, a choice of how to play with accompanying consequences and rewards is a major part of the Guild Wars experience. What else would you call the option to use the new "Hard Mode?" Until now, there has always been an equality of opportunity, as all players could choose their method of play. There was equity in the system, any inequity between players was a result of player choice (or skill, which I thought was also a major part of the game).
I think that the best(but certainly not the only) example that debunks this argument is the Obsidian armor. This armor has two major components, the first being a large amount of gold (60k-75k depending on if the armor includes a headpiece). This gold is a fixed price, it does not nor has it ever fluxuated with the in-game market economy. The other major component is a large quantity of rare crafting materials, Globs of Ectoplasm and Obsidian Shards, 105-120 of each. In a typical trip to the Underworld or Fissure of Woe, there are usually one or two drops of these items. So, in an eight player group, and assuming a high average of two drops per run, each player would get 1/4 of an ecto or shard in a single run to the UW or FoW. Therefore, it would take a player between 840 and 960 runs to obtain enough materials to craft this armor. While the prices of these materials have fluctuated over time, their rarity has ensured that they have been and always will be relatively expensive. By design, the armor and its components are high priced to the point that the only feasible way to obtain it is by farming, either for the components themselves or the gold to buy them. If farming the components directly, the only truly viable method is to do it solo or in small groups so as to lessen the number of runs needed. I understand that the drops of these items have been restored in the recent update, but the point is that these armors are intentionally costly and near "unattainable" by the design of the developers, not because of any influence in the in-game economy, the actions of farmers, or the amount of gold in circulation. If prices in game are high, bear in mind that a great deal of that is because high end items were given those fixed prices by the game's designers, not the players. In fact, any inflation in the game would have made these fixed-price high end items more attainable by players by lowering their relative cost.
As pointed out before, if this is true, then it has been by the design of the developers. If rewards available in-game from completing quests and missions is not enough to purchase the high-end items in game, then of course players must turn to alternate methods of obtaining gold if they want to buy the high end items. In short, if you have to farm to get the "coolest" items, it is because Anet set it up that way, not because people farm. Many players consider the "coolest" items in game to be the "designer" armors (15k, Vabbian, Obsidian, etc.), they are certainly among the more expensive items, and claiming that they can only be attained by farmers because there are farmers is a blatant falllacy.
I'll agree that farming is less fun for many players, myself included. I hate farming, but I have resorted to it to obtain the items in game that I want. But I don't place the blame for the need to resort to farming on other farmers.
If farming is truly "ok" with you, stop making it more difficult or less profitable to do. If you don't intend for it to be "required," then either improve the rewards in other parts of the game or lower the fixed prices so that we can accomplish the goals you have made available in game without resorting to farming.
So instead of experiencing a decrease in loot after a few trips through an area (which is about all a "casual" player would be doing in one sitting), players experience a constant and permanent decrease in loot any time they try to farm with less than a full group. How is this more "fair" or "appropriate?" You're probably right, this most likely will not "punish" the "expert farmer," but rather it punishes the casual farmer. My understanding from the first day I picked up the GW box was that the game was designed to cater to the casual gamer, but more and more I see changes that provide content only attainable by players who devote massive amounts of time to the game, and this change to the loot system only serves to underscore this trend.
I am a casual player. I enjoy games for their plots and stories, as well as the development of my character. I don't have a lot of time in my life to devote to gaming, and I'd prefer to get the most out of the time I do have. This means that I'd rather spend as little of it farming and as much of it playing missions and quests as possible. These new changes do not remove the need to farm, but rather increase the farming time required to achieve the same goals. Rather than farm even more to reach these goals, casual players like myself are more likely to become frustrated and give up on such goals altogether. This change does not raise the fun value of the game for anyone, it just makes it more of a pain and more likely to receive less attention and playtime from players like me.
This loot change, the change to soul reaping, and many others in recent months have made it appear that Anet has been coming up with "fixes" without considering their full impact on the game. Half-formed explanations that can't stand up to a cursory examination have done nothing to improve their case. Truly casual players who don't spend a great deal of time in a game tend to rely on using the same tactics over a long period of time because they don't want to constantly have to spend their time rethinking how they play, they just want to play. Constant changes to skills, abilities, and game mechanics that require frequent changes to play styles only serve to alienate the casual gamer. Anet had better do some research on the history of MMORPGs such as SWG if they want to keep their playerbase, especially if they plan on the bulk of current players buying GW2.

Many posters have mentioned inflation and the effect of these changes on the economy within Guild Wars. The problem with trying to gauge the impact of any single event on an economy is that any two economists will give you opposite opinions on what will ultimately occur. The fact is that unless what is being tried has been done before in the exact same circumstances(and even then sometimes), there are too many variables to be absolutely certain what impact the change will have until it has been implemented and tested in reality. With that caveat in mind, I have my own analysis on how these changes will affect the GW economy. I've posted my position already, and I'm not going to type it again. If interested, you can read it here, and to sum it up, I believe that this will effectively raise the value of the gold which players have already in storage prior to the update, effectively keeping prices near their current level, while reducing the availability of new gold within the game and making it harder for players to obtain such gold, raising relative prices for everyone.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Kaleban, I don't use "belief doublespeak," and I'd prefer to keep this discussion away from the personal. Disagree with my position all you wish, but there is no need to be truly disagreeable, is there?
![]() |
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I will explain the reasoning for the change:[*]It could be said that in the past, when certain players were receiving 800% the rewards of other players, there was an inequity.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]All players were seeing high prices for the most desirable items; they noted a push to unattainable of items they wanted to get.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]The only players able to attain the coolest items fell into a certain player type, the farmer.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]This reduced the fun factor of the game, in that the game seemed to require that players play in a certain way if they wanted to get those items.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]Farming is ok with us, no problem at all, but we did not intend that farming would be "required," or that only farmers would be able to obtain the coolest items.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]Loot scaling was implemented, in part, to adjust for the changes to the game that affected normal mode with the addition of Hard Mode. If you're able to enter a map more often without a reduction in loot, and if you can complete a map or kill X number of mobs faster, then loot scaling makes the rewards more fair and more appropriate. See the original post in this thread for more information.[/LIST]Here's one way of looking at it, perhaps this will make sense to some: The intention of loot scaling is not to "punish" the expert farmer. The intention is remove the numeric punishment that was previously inflicted upon those who play casually and/or who play in a party.
I am a casual player. I enjoy games for their plots and stories, as well as the development of my character. I don't have a lot of time in my life to devote to gaming, and I'd prefer to get the most out of the time I do have. This means that I'd rather spend as little of it farming and as much of it playing missions and quests as possible. These new changes do not remove the need to farm, but rather increase the farming time required to achieve the same goals. Rather than farm even more to reach these goals, casual players like myself are more likely to become frustrated and give up on such goals altogether. This change does not raise the fun value of the game for anyone, it just makes it more of a pain and more likely to receive less attention and playtime from players like me.
This loot change, the change to soul reaping, and many others in recent months have made it appear that Anet has been coming up with "fixes" without considering their full impact on the game. Half-formed explanations that can't stand up to a cursory examination have done nothing to improve their case. Truly casual players who don't spend a great deal of time in a game tend to rely on using the same tactics over a long period of time because they don't want to constantly have to spend their time rethinking how they play, they just want to play. Constant changes to skills, abilities, and game mechanics that require frequent changes to play styles only serve to alienate the casual gamer. Anet had better do some research on the history of MMORPGs such as SWG if they want to keep their playerbase, especially if they plan on the bulk of current players buying GW2.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Who am I?
What do I do? I am the person who reads these forums daily. Who puts up with the name calling and the insults and the questions of my worth to try to answer your questions, listen to your concerns, relay matters of import to the designers, and share their wisdom, insight, reasoning, and updates with you. I am a member of the design team, a member of the company that made the game that you play. I am a human being, with a passion for my job, a caring for other people, and a real interest in communicating and helping out. And I have now left the building. If anyone wonders why, just read this thread. |
unfortunetly we can't expect people who get their jollys by exploting a system so they can feal "ub3r l33t" to have the ability to be respectfull of other people when attempts to fix the economy effect their ability to screw it up.
on behalf of those of us who have fun playing the game, instead of haveing fun by takeing advantage; and as someone who apreciates a dev team that interacts with the players to silicit ideas - i will appologie for all the [removed: let's not fuel the flames] here who can't express themselves without launching personal attacks at others.
Synles Chyld
i just gotta say ive been reading these forums for a while now and only recently starting postin myself on here(by the way i have my wife workin on my avatar as we speak itll be up soon) im with the majority that i used to sample solo farm a few non to good but paid decent areas to come up with items to merch or salvage to earn my living in GW now this is gonna be so much harder with most of the ways i earn money to be gone now btw i supply all the nicites for me an my wife she just plays im the one who hooks her up not to mention our heroes now thats a money sink all in its own but i gotta keep my baby lookin hot in her 15k threads u feel me but now its not gonna be as easy if at all hell as it was it would take me roughly a month to save up enuff to buy me an her a new set of 15k and i was really hopin some day to be able to put some fow on her monk all in blak ...
i think imo if u wanna kill the bots make gold and loot even more availabe whereas the normal playerbase can gain massive amounts of gold and there wont be a need for ebay gold at all anymore and for the cool wpns an such just have them drop a lot more often ....or not....
actually i liked it fine the way it was myself...
my main 2 gripes was the heroes and henchies i mean they (heroes at least) r controlled by me outfitted by me and ect ect... so how come they take a share of my loot they r mine (as my char my acct) all those items they take away from me sorely makes playin with them less enjoyable u know...
my idea to kill the bots is GM their asses outta existance sure they will buy anther acct and try it all again but u catch em at the game again (its called ip addys and email accts and computer id's) an u just ban em agian and again as long as it take for em to get the pik they r not welcome here in our GW game...
and lastly but definately not leastly we really need an aution house and shop sytem sooooo badly it hurts...
Gaile ... A-net... i love u guys like ur my family and in a way u have been for almost 2 yrs now i believe in u and if anyone can turn this around into somethin awesome then its u guys ...
Gaile i would like to apoligize for all the rudeness u have received from all the flame posts on this site...quote Jesus:they know not what they do forgive them
i think imo if u wanna kill the bots make gold and loot even more availabe whereas the normal playerbase can gain massive amounts of gold and there wont be a need for ebay gold at all anymore and for the cool wpns an such just have them drop a lot more often ....or not....
actually i liked it fine the way it was myself...
my main 2 gripes was the heroes and henchies i mean they (heroes at least) r controlled by me outfitted by me and ect ect... so how come they take a share of my loot they r mine (as my char my acct) all those items they take away from me sorely makes playin with them less enjoyable u know...
my idea to kill the bots is GM their asses outta existance sure they will buy anther acct and try it all again but u catch em at the game again (its called ip addys and email accts and computer id's) an u just ban em agian and again as long as it take for em to get the pik they r not welcome here in our GW game...
and lastly but definately not leastly we really need an aution house and shop sytem sooooo badly it hurts...
Gaile ... A-net... i love u guys like ur my family and in a way u have been for almost 2 yrs now i believe in u and if anyone can turn this around into somethin awesome then its u guys ...
Gaile i would like to apoligize for all the rudeness u have received from all the flame posts on this site...quote Jesus:they know not what they do forgive them
Maybe someone can correct me, but how is the loot-scaling of ho-hum whites/blues, collector items, and gold really affect hardcore farmers, or even casual farmers? Especially since Hard Mode gives such greater rewards on the whole. You are still able to farm, in fact, with mobs gimped in Normal Mode, you can farm almost as good as the "good ol days". They just made it so that Hard Mode and overall adventuring will reap better rewards. That, to me, rewards the average Joe even more, which to me is a win/win.
But again, please correct me.
But again, please correct me.
I just noticed in several places today that in hard mode I would end up making about 2x the money in the same exact explorable than if I did it in normal. What gives?
So wait... you mean... you're talking about yourself, too?
Seriously, folks. It goes both ways. A mod just got through closing this thread, cleaning it up, then posting a warning and you feel the need to come in here, reprimand people for being jerks, and then turn around and act like one yourself?
I'm sorry that people can't talk to Gaile about the issue without resorting to personal attacks, as, unfortunately, she's just doing her job. But the only people acting like asses are most certainly not the people against the update.
Originally Posted by WildmouseX
unfortunetly we can't expect people who get their jollys by exploting a system so they can feal "ub3r l33t" to have the ability to be respectfull of other people when attempts to fix the economy effect their ability to screw it up.
on behalf of those of us who have fun playing the game, instead of haveing fun by takeing advantage; and as someone who apreciates a dev team that interacts with the players to silicit ideas - i will appologie for all the pree-teen losers here who can't express themselves without launching personal attacks at others. |
Seriously, folks. It goes both ways. A mod just got through closing this thread, cleaning it up, then posting a warning and you feel the need to come in here, reprimand people for being jerks, and then turn around and act like one yourself?
I'm sorry that people can't talk to Gaile about the issue without resorting to personal attacks, as, unfortunately, she's just doing her job. But the only people acting like asses are most certainly not the people against the update.
Psychic Watch
Originally Posted by FoxBat
As the value of gold increases, the solo farmer will be able to buy almost the same things on the market anyway. They make less gold, but items will sell for less as well. Only static costs are going to significantly rise for them (skills, 15k for armor) The drops sound more like 1/4th instead of 1/8th so soloing vermin isn't a bad way to make money compared to groups, it's just not so amazingly better than parties anymore.
The part in bold is the problem, as several people have stated.
It may be the case that the numeric price for most items may go down, as gold becomes more valuable. However, if the corresponding amount of wealth also decreases (since fewer overall items are dropping), then there is no net change in the actual value - the poor stay poor, the rich stay rich.
Worse still, as you stated, static costs end up being higher than they were before, since gold is now worth more.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Maybe someone can correct me, but how is the loot-scaling of ho-hum whites/blues, collector items, and gold really affect hardcore farmers, or even casual farmers? Especially since Hard Mode gives such greater rewards on the whole. You are still able to farm, in fact, with mobs gimped in Normal Mode, you can farm almost as good as the "good ol days". They just made it so that Hard Mode and overall adventuring will reap better rewards. That, to me, rewards the average Joe even more, which to me is a win/win.
But again, please correct me. |
And the only solo farming in normal mode is limited to high-end areas were gold, ectos, shards, etc drop.
Hard core farmers are not going to have any issues. Ectos will still drop normally and they will still make 100k a day.
I farmed Hydras outside Augury Rock. I farmed Vermin. I was satisfied with what I made. Farming them now is useless.
Originally Posted by kumarshah
You solo farmed in hard mode? Good for you. Guess what an average Joe won't be able to do that.
And the only solo farming in normal mode is limited to high-end areas were gold, ectos, shards, etc drop. Hard core farmers are not going to have any issues. Ectos will still drop normally and they will still make 100k a day. I farmed Hydras outside Augury Rock. I farmed Vermin. I was satisfied with what I made. Farming them now is useless. |
Wait, where did I say anything about solo farming hard mode? No, I'm saying normal, everyday, adventuring - in hard mode. That's right. Full party, go out and kill stuff. Guess what: you get good drops. It's not as fast as farming vermin, or hydras, but the rewards are greater, which means you make about as much. The average Joe can surely do this.
Like you, I used to farm Vermin, back about a month and a half after Factions was released and the run was more public. I also farmed hydra, minotaurs, trolls, ettins, pongmei, etc. I have also farmed UW a little, and that wears on me. The other spots are more fun, and I see where this "casual" or "average" farmer ideal comes from.
I also understand that farming those areas now, solo, reaps fewer rewards. My point is - Big Hairy Deal. My point is, it is now possible to make as much money, as fast as before, by simply exploring and killing things in a team - in hard mode. Now it's much more fun, and feels like I'm actually playing, instead of mindlessly smacking 1,2,3,4 to make money. What's more, is that you can actually still farm your vermin, minotaurs, hydras, etc, and even better than before because they're dumbed down. You can still have your fun, if that's why you farmed, and you can still make your money, if that's why you farmed. Why else is there to farm, I ask you?
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Wait, where did I say anything about solo farming hard mode? No, I'm saying normal, everyday, adventuring - in hard mode. That's right. Full party, go out and kill stuff. Guess what: you get good drops. It's not as fast as farming vermin, or hydras, but the rewards are greater, which means you make about as much. The average Joe can surely do this.
Like you, I used to farm Vermin, back about a month and a half after Factions was released and the run was more public. I also farmed hydra, minotaurs, trolls, ettins, pongmei, etc. I have also farmed UW a little, and that wears on me. The other spots are more fun, and I see where this "casual" or "average" farmer ideal comes from. I also understand that farming those areas now, solo, reaps fewer rewards. My point is - Big Hairy Deal. My point is, it is now possible to make as much money, as fast as before, by simply exploring and killing things in a team - in hard mode. Now it's much more fun, and feels like I'm actually playing, instead of mindlessly smacking 1,2,3,4 to make money. What's more, is that you can actually still farm your vermin, minotaurs, hydras, etc, and even better than before because they're dumbed down. You can still have your fun, if that's why you farmed, and you can still make your money, if that's why you farmed. Why else is there to farm, I ask you? |
You're right. Going out in a group to kill things in hard mode, you can make decent drops. However, for your idea to even be really worth anything, you need to clear a large portion of an entire area. After clearing an entire area + the money for vanquishing everything for about 1-2 hours of work (depending what area you're in) and you've made 2-3k... that in no way at all compares to, for instance, farming vermin (before this update).
In an average run (I don't farm vermin anymore, haven't for months) I made 3k, sometimes 3.5k. A single run would take me about 15-20 minutes, depending on how ADD I was at the time.
You do the math. 3-3.5k per 15 minutes, or 2-3k every 1-2 hours.
Since I know that, depending on your build, vermin farming may have taken a little longer than before the initial NF update, I'll instead compare this with slave farming. My runs were roughly 12 minutes long, give or take a minute or two + maybe 1 minute to travel to the zone. I usually made somewhere around 2.5k.
So again, you do the math. 2.5k per 12 minutes, or 2-3k every 1-2 hours.
I understand what you're trying to get at, but suggesting that you can make the same amount of money through normal play in hard mode than you could in the same amount of time solo farming is absolutely, positively incorrect.
Well I have experienced farming first hand Post patch update, and must say the rate of Gold items to drop is a bit better in Hard Mode then when I was farming the area. And about merching whites, etc, I din't farm for merching stuff to the trader before the update either. It was a nice bonus to make 1 or 2K. But the rares are the priority. I haven't been to UW yet post patch. But after hard mode release I couldn't break even. Oh well I will check that out Tonight, europe doesn't have favor at this time anyways ^^.
You even give your opinion, concerns on a saturday evening/ sunday morning. That's shows dedication for the community, because those aren't your work hours by a long shot, I hope
So I would like to thank you for that, and I hope the Quality of the Posts from other people will be more constructive.
You even give your opinion, concerns on a saturday evening/ sunday morning. That's shows dedication for the community, because those aren't your work hours by a long shot, I hope

Originally Posted by explodemyheart
If you really did farm vermin, I wonder how you can suggest the things that you do. Either that or you made very, very terrible money over long periods of time.
You're right. Going out in a group to kill things in hard mode, you can make decent drops. However, for your idea to even be really worth anything, you need to clear a large portion of an entire area. After clearing an entire area + the money for vanquishing everything for about 1-2 hours of work (depending what area you're in) and you've made 2-3k... that in no way at all compares to, for instance, farming vermin (before this update). In an average run (I don't farm vermin anymore, haven't for months) I made 3k, sometimes 3.5k. A single run would take me about 15-20 minutes, depending on how ADD I was at the time. You do the math. 3-3.5k per 15 minutes, or 2-3k every 1-2 hours. Since I know that, depending on your build, vermin farming may have taken a little longer than before the initial NF update, I'll instead compare this with slave farming. My runs were roughly 12 minutes long, give or take a minute or two + maybe 1 minute to travel to the zone. I usually made somewhere around 2.5k. So again, you do the math. 2.5k per 12 minutes, or 2-3k every 1-2 hours. I understand what you're trying to get at, but suggesting that you can make the same amount of money through normal play in hard mode than you could in the same amount of time solo farming is absolutely, positively incorrect. |
Again, maybe I'm just lucky, but it seems that with the increased droprates of purples and golds in hard mode, along with certain drops that can only be found in hard mode, more than make up for the several little drops you're not getting from solo farming. That is my point. I don't know, maybe some tests are in order, since we at least agree on the average vermin farming rate - 3k/15min. or 12k/hr.
Prometheus lst
As an Addendum to my previous post referencing new trade options, i.e. Bazaars, and Auction houses....
Why has this been a constant HOT SUBJECT of major controversy among SO MANY players among your customers for SOOOOOO LONG now...and yet...
It has NEVER been addressed by ANET in any Dev-Comments...???
If you think that it's a bad idea, give us some reasons WHY you think it's a bad idea. If you CAN'T add an automatic trade function to the game....tell us and explain WHY. If you don't WANT to add that functionality to the game {for whatever virtuous, yet extremely misguided reason} then....once again, tell us that and explain why.
That subject is one of the most griped about issues IN THE GAME.......and yet all we hear from the "Constantly listening Devs....." is crickets.....{sigh}
Why has this been a constant HOT SUBJECT of major controversy among SO MANY players among your customers for SOOOOOO LONG now...and yet...
It has NEVER been addressed by ANET in any Dev-Comments...???
If you think that it's a bad idea, give us some reasons WHY you think it's a bad idea. If you CAN'T add an automatic trade function to the game....tell us and explain WHY. If you don't WANT to add that functionality to the game {for whatever virtuous, yet extremely misguided reason} then....once again, tell us that and explain why.
That subject is one of the most griped about issues IN THE GAME.......and yet all we hear from the "Constantly listening Devs....." is crickets.....{sigh}
I gotta say, as much as I dislike farming, blackbird71 made some excellent points in this post.
It seems that a lot of the criticism of this update stems from the belief that farming is the only way to make money. While I don't hold that particular opinion, maybe ArenaNet should look into that issue and consider giving casual players more opportunities to earn money in other ways than farming.
On a different note: keep in mind that the players who post on this forum may not be a completely accurate representation of the player base as a whole. This forum in general is filled with more "hardcore" players, but Anet needs to consider the opinions of everyone who plays the game, not just the vocal ones.
It seems that a lot of the criticism of this update stems from the belief that farming is the only way to make money. While I don't hold that particular opinion, maybe ArenaNet should look into that issue and consider giving casual players more opportunities to earn money in other ways than farming.
On a different note: keep in mind that the players who post on this forum may not be a completely accurate representation of the player base as a whole. This forum in general is filled with more "hardcore" players, but Anet needs to consider the opinions of everyone who plays the game, not just the vocal ones.
Originally Posted by Prometheus lst
As an Addendum to my previous post referencing new trade options, i.e. Bazaars, and Auction houses....
Why has this been a constant HOT SUBJECT of major controversy among SO MANY players among your customers for SOOOOOO LONG now...and yet... It has NEVER been addressed by ANET in any Dev-Comments...??? If you think that it's a bad idea, give us some reasons WHY you think it's a bad idea. If you CAN'T add an automatic trade function to the game....tell us and explain WHY. If you don't WANT to add that functionality to the game {for whatever virtuous, yet extremely misguided reason} then....once again, tell us that and explain why. That subject is one of the most griped about issues IN THE GAME.......and yet all we hear from the "Constantly listening Devs....." is crickets.....{sigh} Holla? -Prometheus. |
b: All those trades has to be stored on data on new servers >
money investment.
If you check the official guildwarswiki site you can see on developments for the near future a better trade system ^^.
Auction house == less power trading

Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Well, I agree with your numbers on Vermin Farming, that's about accurate. However, I disagree with your numbers on hard mode exploring. Maybe I'm just really lucky, but Vanquishing Pongmei Valley, which took about an hour, netted me around 3k in standard drops/cash, and on top of that 3-4 gold items, several purples (I think around 7-8), and two Elite Tomes, which I could've sold for 3-6k each. That was just Pongmei, a relatively easy-going area.
Again, maybe I'm just lucky, but it seems that with the increased droprates of purples and golds in hard mode, along with certain drops that can only be found in hard mode, more than make up for the several little drops you're not getting from solo farming. That is my point. I don't know, maybe some tests are in order, since we at least agree on the average vermin farming rate - 3k/15min. or 12k/hr. |
I'm not saying that I'm not still making okay money. The money I make for any single period of time in hard mode now nets me more money that I would have had playing the same thing normally before the update, so I won't scoff at that. I just know that I'm not making, comparatively, the same amount in the same time as if I had been solo farming.
Is that bad? For me, right now... no, not really. But if I were trying to save up money to afford something I wanted, I can see how it'd be a bit frustrating to yield less result for more work.
Another random thought about loot scaling; why exempt all dyes from scaling? Would it really hurt anything to let the "common" dyes fit into that so that people in groups still get more?
(was thinking about it while running around killing stuff
(was thinking about it while running around killing stuff
Meh .. they force us to sell to players to make money but give us no decent means to do so (you try getting your message heard in LA district 1). We need an auction house!
Originally Posted by explodemyheart
Is that bad? For me, right now... no, not really. But if I were trying to save up money to afford something I wanted, I can see how it'd be a bit frustrating to yield less result for more work.
I also did see how some parts of farming can be fun, like watching hordes of enemies fall at your feet, and trying/testing out that ingenious build designed to exploit the weakness of a static foe. What Anet has done may not be perfect, but it does seem to address those many different play styles, without letting any of it get way out of hand or abused. It's a compromise. I like compromises.
Originally Posted by Psychic Watch
It may be the case that the numeric price for most items may go down, as gold becomes more valuable. However, if the corresponding amount of wealth also decreases (since fewer overall items are dropping), then there is no net change in the actual value - the poor stay poor, the rich stay rich.
Worse still, as you stated, static costs end up being higher than they were before, since gold is now worth more. |
Originally Posted by strcpy
Without the merchant being the primary source of income we *really* need traders or an auction house for most things even if it only allows "perfect" mods.
An auction system would become flooded with crap without some restriction on what's tradeable, but how restrictive should it be?
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Maybe someone can correct me, but how is the loot-scaling of ho-hum whites/blues, collector items, and gold really affect hardcore farmers, or even casual farmers? Especially since Hard Mode gives such greater rewards on the whole. You are still able to farm, in fact, with mobs gimped in Normal Mode, you can farm almost as good as the "good ol days". They just made it so that Hard Mode and overall adventuring will reap better rewards. That, to me, rewards the average Joe even more, which to me is a win/win.
But again, please correct me. |
Well casual farmers AIM for the blue/white/collectors items.
Expert farmers do hard and troublesome stuff, for great rewards (ecto's, for example), while casual farmers do 1/2 quick farming runs to obtain the 1K they need to buy a skill.
Now, casual farmers have no way to obtain cash. Unless they improve to expert farming, but learning how to expert farm is quite expensive as well *remembers the over a 100 failed UW runs trying to learn it. Over a 100K wasted just to get the hang of it.)
And most casual farmers don't even WANT to farm long/troublesome things. They just want to do 1 or 2 quick farm runs to buy little stuff. Maybe more quick farm runs to slowly - but surely collect for 15K armors, etc.
Even non-farmers do small farm runs from time to time to buy new runes, hero weapons, skills etc. They don't have a choice, cause everything is so darned expensive.
Now, the only thing casual gamers can do, is get a party and clear entire area's. They're now forced to do more grinding a farmer would ever do, and for less reward. Not quite fair, is it?
Originally Posted by reetkever
Now, the only thing casual gamers can do, is get a party and clear entire area's. They're now forced to do more grinding a farmer would ever do, and for less reward. Not quite fair, is it?
So how is it that repetitive, casual farming considered less grinding than exploring an area with a party? That is truely a misnomer if I ever did see one. You don't have to clear the whole thing, heck, consider actually questing, you get rewards for that, too. Just about everything you do in GW gives you rewards, the only real complaint is that the rewards aren't high enough, and thus causes people to want to farm.
I feel that the average Joe player should be in the spotlight, with extra rewards for team play. Do you honestly think that copy-pasting a build and mindlessly smacking the keyboard for hours on end gives you every right to have more money than "average Joe" non-farmer who just logs in to have fun with his buddies, explore and quest around, etc for the same amount of time? Why should anyone have to be subjected to mindless grind just to "keep up with the Jones's"?
By not eliminating farming, they allow players to choose what they want to do with their time - fantastic. By eliminating the need for farming just to get some of the nicer things (including more necessities like skills), they give everyone more time to do what they want - incredible!
An old argument farmers used to use to excuse what they do is boredom. There simply wasn't anything left for them to do but grind for more crap. Enter Hard Mode. The answer to every farmers wish except that seemingly innate need to farm. That part always confuddles me.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
I feel that the average Joe player should be in the spotlight, with extra rewards for team play. Do you honestly think that copy-pasting a build and mindlessly smacking the keyboard for hours on end gives you every right to have more money than "average Joe" non-farmer who just logs in to have fun with his buddies, explore and quest around, etc for the same amount of time? Why should anyone have to be subjected to mindless grind just to "keep up with the Jones's"?
Person 1 chooses to do this over and over and over to reap the rewards.
Person 2 chooses not to, thus doing quests and missions and general exploring.
Person 1 could easily take the route of person 2.
Person 2 could easily take the route of person 1.
It doesn't matter, they both have different goals (or at the very least, a different opinion of how to reach the same goal).
Since anybody can mindlessly mash buttons, I'd say that it's not unfair that the person who chooses to spend the time solo farming gets the reward for choosing to do so because person 2 can do what person 1 is doing.
In the real world person 1 decides to get a job lifting heavy brick day in, day out for 12 hours in the hot sun.
Person 2 decides to get a part time job washing dishes at a restaurant and then volunteer part time at a local homeless shelter.
Both people are doing work. One is doing more arduous work, they want to be able to reap the rewards of it. The other person is doing things more along the lines of enjoyment (working a little, conversing with people) understanding that if they worked harder, they could have more money, but they don't care because they're doing what they enjoy. Person 2 isn't doing the same job as person 1. It would be completely unfair for the government to step in and give everyone the same exact payment regardless of hours worked or effort spent.
Of course this is not the real world, but the same concept still applies. If someone takes the time to work hard, they want to (and should be able to) reap the rewards. After all, the person who does not solo farm chooses not to, for whatever reason.
Synles Chyld
the aution house system for FFX1 was prolly the overall best ive seen used in an mmo u had to pay a fee to use it u could on put so many (like a stak for stakable items) in at a time in each group and if they dint sell in such an such time u get ur items bak and have to give it another shot in the aution house there was seperate catagories for wpns and items an such u just put ur price u want for it and if someone wanted to buy it they bought it and when u next chekd the house out if u sold u got paid if u dint then u got ur items bak or w/e ...
anything even close to this aution house sytem would greatly GREATLY improve our trading economy market wise in GW not to mention it also provides yet another gold sink in which to use up some of the inflated gold ingame thus helpin with the gold influx problem ....
anything even close to this aution house sytem would greatly GREATLY improve our trading economy market wise in GW not to mention it also provides yet another gold sink in which to use up some of the inflated gold ingame thus helpin with the gold influx problem ....