Since I was responding to the first post ... as common and expected everywhere on the net that host a forum .... Does this forum have different expectations then normal?
To quote and reply to those who do not follow common flow ...
Post #1
Originally Posted by PyrAnkh
Is this new? I going to DoA from kaineng, and i passed kamadan. I needed a +30 for spear for a while, so i figured id go like BUYING +30hp for spear in every city i would pass. So i was in kamadan, and i entered it a few times and boom, i disconnected.
Emphasis mine. He admits to spamming.
Post #14
Originally Posted by PyrAnkh
Well i used all chat. I was just skipping tru towns hoping for somebody to PM me. I contacted customer support, but no answers yet. Personally i think its pathetic to ban people for THREE days because of this. I mean, if you change the code, please drop a warning before you wtfban people.
Emphasis mine. He admits yet again ... *sigh*
Post #92
Originally Posted by PyrAnkh
I highly doubt that seeing as that is exactly what i did. I dont see why people post DESERVED BAN!!!oneone. I mean, cmon, 2 lines each city i attend on my way to kamadan can hardly justify a ban for spamming.
I totally agree on banning people spamming their WTS stuff for hours on an end though.
He gets a little bit more specific. Claiming 2 lines, in the non-trade channel ... hmmm ... have you read this thread at all?
Post #125
Originally Posted by PyrAnkh
Let me give you a report about how it went.
I send in report with details and a lot of question marks.
Couple emails follow about details, my account name and serial key etc.
In the end, i get a mail with roughly the following (i wont copy it):
After reviewing logs we concluded that you are rightfully banned for
Bla bla bla EULA link bla bla bla.
Regards bla bla.
First of all, i have to say that the customer support is really fast. Good work. But apart from that, i think its PATHETIC that i get banned for a couple lines in each city. I dont know how their logs register stuff, but it better include location, cuz this isnt really cool. I think i said it 2 times in kaineng and maybe 5 in kamadan. I was done in kamadan and about to maptravel to DoA when i got wtfbanned.
Conclusion: massive banning and complaining wont help. Sit the 72 hours out and merch all your stuff cuz youre not allowed to sell anymore.
Emphasis mine. He went through customer service, and they reiterated the agreement that he AGREED to and kept the ban. Now he comes in here complaining because he wants to back out of the agreement. The solution is simple ... if you don't like what
you agreed to, then quit. It's simple. Here's a definition, in case you missed it ...
Screenshot posted in post #132, except it is not showing at the time of this post. Ref:
Post #142 mentions he was unbanned, congrats. Lets hope he learned his lessons and stick with his side of the agreement.
Post #197 mentioned no warning before banned .... ouch
The above are pretty much all the posts he made in this thread, since you missed them.
It is unfortunate that the ban was probably gm made and not automated as there are still children spamming in many cities.
It's really weird. I have seen you replied a few times in this thread, but all of a sudden, you forgot what the guy actually posted when you read my post? Funny how people are like that sometimes.
After seeing how you are serious in your ignorance, I rather educate you then celebrate your ignorance. Please read his posts, I even listed the post numbers for you.
If you want to insult someone, at least check your ignorance at the door first.