Is this the worst class in the game?
Originally Posted by arsie
Out of 10 professions, 4 can do without spells, and 6 has to cast spells.*
* Warrior, Paragons, Assassins, Rangers CAN arguably do without spells. I feel that Dervishes cannot do without it. Sins can't hold for too long if they don't have some type of enchantment spell.
Their more vulnerable to melee, less energy regen, slower attack speed.
In your eyes I could be considered a enchantment-RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO, but lately I've been using the A/D Death Blossom Farmer for Farming and PvEing, and it completely relies on being able to use and sustain enchantments.
^---I get about 3K per 15 minutes with that build (this includes "merching" the golds/purples that drop).
* Warrior, Paragons, Assassins, Rangers CAN arguably do without spells. I feel that Dervishes cannot do without it. Sins can't hold for too long if they don't have some type of enchantment spell.
Their more vulnerable to melee, less energy regen, slower attack speed.
In your eyes I could be considered a enchantment-RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO, but lately I've been using the A/D Death Blossom Farmer for Farming and PvEing, and it completely relies on being able to use and sustain enchantments.
^---I get about 3K per 15 minutes with that build (this includes "merching" the golds/purples that drop).
Coloneh, I don't mean to seem disingenuous, but are mesmers worthless, or only human mesmers?
Are they universally worthless, or only worthless in PvE?
Are they universally worthless, or only worthless in PvE?
Originally Posted by Sqube
Are they universally worthless, or only worthless in PvE?
and mesmers are incredibly useful in PvP I wont ever say that they aren't. but in PvE, theyr useless.
Quote: Originally Posted by BlackSephir Why are you talking about PvE? It's PvP that really shows how good characters can be. This is the PvE forum section. maybe you clicked the wrong one on accident?
Coloneh, just because you can't play a class well doesn't mean it sucks. Yes, any retard can slap a leet SF/SH build on their ele and cause massive AoE. Come across a good Power Block mesmer build, and that ele is useless and dead in five seconds.
Anyone that says certain classes suck has their head in the sand. I've played every class but Monk and Dervish, and they all have their points. Played by the right person, they will shine. The thing is to understand their mechanics and perform within those boundaries. As said ad infinitum, sins go in, kill the softie, then jump out or, if they are safe enough, jump to the next kill. Played that way, they are the most lethal 1-v-1 in the game.
It's one thing to say "I hate sins" or I hate playing mesmers". That is a matter of taste. Saying "Paragons suck" just shows your ignorance. That or just flaming for its own sake, which is just as lame. so you're responding to me saying "mesmers cant Own Mobs" by saying "a human mesmer can shutdown that ele so he cant own Mobs"...... are you kidding? when do you need to shutdown that enemy SF ele in PvE?
The only class that is crap is mesmers(In PvE). i will say that Paragon skills are a bit underpowered, but i wont pretend that thats not an opinion. Mesmers are underpowered because of the simple fact that in PvE they effectively have no advantage as a primary class. Fast casting has no use at all. yes, strength is as useless as fast casting, but warrior primaries get 80 base armor. mesmers dont.
"I own at 1v1"...... good argument, you dont sound like a mending wammo at all. /sarcasm
Coloneh, just because you can't play a class well doesn't mean it sucks. Yes, any retard can slap a leet SF/SH build on their ele and cause massive AoE. Come across a good Power Block mesmer build, and that ele is useless and dead in five seconds.
Anyone that says certain classes suck has their head in the sand. I've played every class but Monk and Dervish, and they all have their points. Played by the right person, they will shine. The thing is to understand their mechanics and perform within those boundaries. As said ad infinitum, sins go in, kill the softie, then jump out or, if they are safe enough, jump to the next kill. Played that way, they are the most lethal 1-v-1 in the game.
It's one thing to say "I hate sins" or I hate playing mesmers". That is a matter of taste. Saying "Paragons suck" just shows your ignorance. That or just flaming for its own sake, which is just as lame. so you're responding to me saying "mesmers cant Own Mobs" by saying "a human mesmer can shutdown that ele so he cant own Mobs"...... are you kidding? when do you need to shutdown that enemy SF ele in PvE?
The only class that is crap is mesmers(In PvE). i will say that Paragon skills are a bit underpowered, but i wont pretend that thats not an opinion. Mesmers are underpowered because of the simple fact that in PvE they effectively have no advantage as a primary class. Fast casting has no use at all. yes, strength is as useless as fast casting, but warrior primaries get 80 base armor. mesmers dont.
"I own at 1v1"...... good argument, you dont sound like a mending wammo at all. /sarcasm
Originally Posted by Angra
actully i often run melee shutdown in ab on my mesmer... ineptitude is just too funny
![]() Enko
i've been pushing my mesmer through all three campaigns now with just tyria left and its actually pretty fun. a lot of the bosses are a lot easier now. paragon's pretty fun too. its just that you need to realize that mesmers or paragons are not designed for mass damage. once you break away from that line of thought, you can actually enjoy mesmers and paragons for the different style of play.
odd, I do great in PVE with my Mesmer. Mes makes a great combo with Heros and hench also, because the healers stay back with you, and don't run in. If you think mesmer sucks for PVE, then you don't know anything about the class.
strength has a ton of skills aswell. something that erks me too is mesmers dont have a decent self heal, while other classes have 2 or more :\
basicaly mesmers are the least effective in pve, its like a spkyer F1 car, worst of the bunch, but still good... Coloneh
the mesmer-lovers are bringing it back to my original point now that they dont actually have a reason for using them besides "I do good with them, u stupid if you think they no do good."
I have to agree with Coloneh.
I have played a mesmer all the way through pve more than once. Yes it can be fun. Yes, you can do some things effectively. However, the things that a mesmer does best just aren't valued 99% of the time. Raw damage works better. In PvP, of course this is not the case. fireflyry
There are idiots in every class, fact is most classes are far more forgiving than Assassin.
Originally Posted by Arcain
A Sin is a melee skilled character with the relative armor class, or squishyness (skill dependant), of a caster.If Ele's had to do all their work while standing next to the mob and taking aggro you'd see just as much hate towards them as there is towards sins. That does'nt make it the worst class in the game, it just makes it the most transparent for spotting crap players. You'll notice, and possibly whine incessantly about, as many do, the dead sin before you realize your Warrior/Monk/Elemental is a moron as well.Fact is they get more leeway through either armor rating, skills, aggro or mob proximity. It's that simple. A crap Sin is dead in 2 seconds, 99% of the time first, 100% of the time the whole team notices it immediately and god forbid they get rezzed to instantly die just as easily again.Players of similar inaptitude in other classes are far less noticeable to the team.A crap warrior can often get by on his armor class alone and a few basic skills in many levels without anyone noticing a thing, a caster merely due to the fact they are in the back line, etc, etc. If any class was more unintentionally designed to be the common, all be it unfairly at times, scapegoat of a team in GW it's the badly played Assassin.It's the choice of least thought and first target in the team wipe abuse cross-hairs. Imo Assassin is the hardest class to play well.It's high risk, high skill, high reward.That's why I like it the best. Quote: odd, I do great in PVE with my Mesmer. Mes makes a great combo with Heros and hench also, because the healers stay back with you, and don't run in. If you think mesmer sucks for PVE, then you don't know anything about the class.
I would state the complete opposite.
Any class looks great in certain PvE where your henchies/heroes take all the aggro.Heck you could run a completely empty skill bar and still "pwn teh mobz" if your sending henchies in first.That does'nt make a class great.I'd like to see it work in high level.Fact is I would'nt, and never will. It's not about Mesmers sucking man, it's the fact they are the most ineffective main class in PvE.Also most who say that speak from experience, don't think otherwise. It's awfully off-topic though, maybe another thread should be started as I thought this was targeted specifically at the Sin class. SotiCoto
As far as PvE goes... the Mesmer Class only exists to supplement other classes.... IMHO. That'd be why Mesmer Secondary is an excellent choice in so many situations (Especially the Inspiration line for Hex / Ench removal, Energy gain and defensive Mantras... and the unattributed Echo + Arcane Echo)... and yet Mesmer Primaries are bloody rare... mostly because Fast Casting sucks balls in PvE. Experienced
XD if you call them terrible.. I will KILL you!!
( Ingame ) They are the ULTIMATE profession Incredible and match my personality exactly.. although i want a more dangerous profession ^^ Issac
I made a sin not to long ago, they do some pretty good damage as far as I've seen. Some stuff you don't know until you play that profession, thats how the assassin is.
Icy DS
Is there such a thing as a skilled assassin?
Can one be better than another at pressing 1 2 3? fireflyry
Originally Posted by Icy DS
Is there such a thing as a skilled assassin?
Can one be better than another at pressing 1 2 3? Every offensive melee class has a repetitive attack chain cycle.Dervish and especially Warriors are no different. What's your point? For a Sin, if not all classes, skill is defined by tactics and effectiveness, not by your attack chain. BLOODGOAT
This is a really trite argument. Let me introduce you to my monk.
6, 7... 1, 8, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 1 Enemies aren't dead yet? Here, let's try this: 6, 7... 1, 8, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 1 Not dead still? Well then, how about another combo: 6, 7... 1, 8, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 1 Icy DS
You have 7 and 5 in the wrong order! Try it again and maybe they will die silly goose!
What build is that BLOODGOAT?
Originally Posted by
What build is that BLOODGOAT?
Looks like a 55 of some sort, 6 and 7 being balth spirit etc.
Oh wait, he uses 6 and 7 more than once. :X Melody Cross
Assassins are the easiest class to get killed by playing wrong. If you've just started playing GW, then yes: they are the worst thing you could start with because they have the steepest learning curve. They don't forgive mistakes.
Paragons are the most nerfed in recent memory (that doesn't make them a bad class at all; it just shows how unbelievably powerful they used to be). I'm including the necro energy management nerfs in that statement; Paras got slaughter-poomped by comparison. And yet, HA still sees balanced builds with paragons holding halls. Paragons second warriors in terms of armor. Its a no brainer to see the appeal of the class. At least it should be. i blame whining and bad farm capability on the classes loss of appeal. Mesmers are the most misunderstood and underrated by people who don't know better (PvP: mesmers dominate; PvE: try Duncan with and without one then talk). People ignore the power interrupts give to the game because direct damage and direct healing is easier to understand. A mesmer interrupting an SF cast in either PvP or PvE is a powerful action. Not only does it have the capability of damaging your opponent (armor ignoring damage that can range over 100) it reduces the damage that backline characters need to heal. That same mesmer shutting down a monks Aegis (AI monks use Aegis now ![]() ![]() In either playstyle, good disruptive capability is a double threat. Fools don't see that (meaning no disrespect...well, maybe a little disrespect ![]() While I said sins are the easiest class to get killed by playing wrong, they are not the hardest class to play. Human mesmers do not have the server ping and reflexes of AI. They are largly disrespected because they can't powerblock a reversal of fortunewill. But where they excel beyond AI is threat analysis. The truly good ones know what they should shut down to help the team the best. It may be the monk. It may not. But a bad mesmer probably won't die missing interrupts and shutting down the wrong target. She'll just get other players killed doing it. Ritualists are the most misunderstood and underrated by players who should know better. Lots of whining in game about rits being too easy to play=rits are a far more powerful class than people give them credit. Necromancers? Comeon; half the hero builds I see people run require an SS or MM in PvE. Their hex spam has nearly broken GvG meta and they've always had a place in HA PvP. Dervishes...have broken the meta twice now. Grenth's dervs destroyed heavy enchant builds. Melandru dervs are still kicking. If you like to PvE tank, run an Ebon Dust Aura derv. The damage they prevent is often more than anything a warrior's armor can boast. While they can't extend into a backline the way wars can, the damage output makes them fearful in pvp even after the avatar nerf (and nerf and nerf...and nerf). and Rangers? Ask a monk or a runner if rangers suck in PvP. Run a R/Rt in PvE (splinter and barrage can outpace many AoE caster builds). I think the disruptive aspects...I think I covered that with mesmers. The rest is whats called the "holy trinity" Warriors, Monks and Elemenalists. Easy to see what they can do, and they do it quite well. They wax and wane in popularity, but there is almost always a place in a balanced build for these three characters. Are any classes "the worst"? In the end, I say no. They are all good at doing what they do. The real question should be: "what do you want to do?" Most class bias is based on the other players expierience with the class. if they sucked at it, you must also...or else they might not be as good as they thought they were ![]() So do what you want to do and play the class you like to play. Some players will scorn your choices, but you know their dirty little secret (most of they suck; if they won't invite you its a good thing for you...because when the team wipes after they did invite you--and messed up--its you they'll blame). Some will see your skill and want you in groups--playing what you play. those people make friends, make guilds, win tournies and farm phat lewts ![]() GGs Dodo The Extinct
Imo, this thread will go on forever because "worst" is too broad of a term...
Melody Cross you seemn to understand skills, but not professions. you entire post was about skills. the mesmer part is just plain silly. all of the interrupts are available to any profession with a secondary mesmer and interrupts dont lose any power with lower attributes. why would you play a mesmer primary?
and i have to disagree with you again. i dont know any good players who use gern for any reason other than that she looks good. Snow Bunny
Again...depends on the player skill...but still...
I hate taking Sins with me on PUGS. heroes probably have better skillbars/equipment..and are generally SMARTER. ![]() Melody Cross
Originally Posted by Coloneh
Melody Cross you seem to understand skills, but not professions. you entire post was about skills. the mesmer part is just plain silly. all of the interrupts are available to any profession with a secondary mesmer and interrupts dont lose any power with lower attributes. why would you play a mesmer primary?
and i have to disagree with you again. I don't know any good players who use gwen for any reason other than that she looks good. Were that the case, no one would play mesmers in PvP. They'd just run E/Mes for the energy boosts the other profession has in abundance. The fact that so many hero builds rely on mes for their secondary does not detract from the classes power; it shows just how good it is. After all, if the mesmer skills are available to all professions, wouldn't it stand to reason that using them in their intended profession would make them even better? Shutdown isn't just about interrupts. MoR/Diversion in most PvE areas is even more powerful than in PvP because the monsters don't have a full skillbar. High Domination improves the effectiveness of PD, of powerblock too, and increases the amount of time a single cast shuts a character down. Runes increase damage and energy management for mesmers too, and the energy managers they have rely heavily on FC to be useful...instead of interrupt fodder for the other side. Fast Casting makes the energy managers that mesmers do have worth bringing. People complain about the nerfish buff to drain enchantment. Its exactly what I wanted them to do. It took the energy manager out of the hands of monks (in itself, a buff to PvP mesmers if not in the direction many players wanted) but kept it in the hands of mesmers. It no longer serves 3 actions (spike assist, disruptive skill AND an energy manager) but it still does two. It steals an enchantment from something and gives you energy for doing it. While Talkora was my primary mesmer in Tyria Hard Mode (low enchant strips made taking Life barrier an easy choice to H/H the game), I ran Norgu through Nightfall, considered him an integral part of many of my builds...and still use him today in conjunction with Gwen. He's butt ugly and everyone knows it. But him, Gwen, the mesmer and ranger henchmen are capable of shutting down bosses and monks (often capable of shutting down the entire mobs backline and most of their midline at the same time when I call targets and lock target right)...which let my warriors (and that EDA dervish previously discussed) have a field day on the other sides' red bars. My ele can get its hard hitting spells off without fear of AoE spike retaliation and without protective spells blocking their power. Many times, I just lock their targets, heal once or twice, and sit back to watch my build pwn Anets higher levels. So when I agree with most players that heroes are not smart enough to run the really powerful builds effectively, you know that when a guildie wants to roll his mesmer and play with me, I woot because I know my job--and everyone else's--just got a lot easier. The fights are going to be much shorter, much more one-sided, and I will not have to exhaust my energy bar spamming heals and prots against the massive damage these EoTN and Hard Mode mobs are capable of throwing out. If you never cast, you die quicker and to less damage. my point is: In caster heavy areas (and metas) there is nothing better than a solid disruptive midline. And there are no classes more capable of shutting down casters than mesmer. I hope my post did not offend you Coloneh, after everything you previously said about mesmers. But please, do not assume that what you do is the only way to play this game. There are many other--and in some areas better--weapons to bring to a game than those found in the Holy Trinities red bar go up/down tactics. And it is just as important to bring those weapons on the right character--the best class to use them--as it is to use swords with sword mastery. GG Coloneh
Originally Posted by Melody Cross
wouldn't it stand to reason that using them in their intended profession would make them even better?
go back to pre searing and learn how primary and secondary classes work please.
also no one is denying the use of mesmers in PvP, but in PvE fast casting and extra points in mesmer attributes are just not useful. Melody Cross
Originally Posted by Coloneh
go back to pre searing and learn how primary and secondary classes work please.
also no one is denying the use of mesmers in PvP, but in PvE fast casting and extra points in mesmer attributes are just not useful. I find it a little funny how you've accused mesmer lovers of calling you stupid because their argument has no leg to stand on, but your rebuttal to me consists of comments like this. I shouldn't, since it shows how much I have upset you. It is obvious that I have offended you, and for that I do feel sorry. Please do not forget, I have not called you stupid. I have called you foolish. Some of the smartest people I know are capable of being some of the most foolish because their intelligence in one area makes them stubborn in others. I do not segregate PvE and PvP. I am one of the few remaining--it would appear--holdouts that still consider this one game and enjoy all of its aspects. I do use PvP experience in PvE build construction, but I do not ignore the power of skills that would never see power in PvP play. The two cannot be completely separated for me. Before you insist this is the PvE forum, would you kindly link the post where a mod or GWGuru official has stated such? I have tried to explain why FC and proper rune application makes mesmer an attractive profession to bring against PvE mobs. I have tried to show why mesmer primary attribute skills (Mantra of Resolve; and I probably should have explained how good Power Return is with high FC) can create builds that will be wonderfully effective at disrupting mobs. I have also tried to explain why runes increase mesmer skill effectiveness (not just the interrupt; the extra shutdown skills like PD and powerblock can offer). Your post tells me that I have failed in this attempt. For that I feel very bad. I can only hope that you will continue to play, learn and grow as a player, so that one day you can come to understand just how good this class is. its not for everyone to play. And its not for every monster and every mob in the game. But in the areas that it does shine, mesmer is a blindingly bright character primary profession. Back on topic. There are no bad classes, imo, and no one worst class because of this. There are classes that are played badly, or played wrongly for the area you are in and the mobs you face. I hope that my posts in this thread reflect that statement and will encourage all players to experiment beyond what they "know" works. GGs Samurai-JM
Hmm well I haven't been on here in quite a while, and I even retired from GW a bit, but im back into EOTN now and I don't really know what to expect. If people are still just running SPBOA sins around then all is lost >< Sins are diverse if you know how to use em, I've said that for months. They own in the right hands, and die alot in the wrong ones.
Melody Cross:
Go to Under the Campfire section, it says: Quote:
PvE Builds and Discussion | Share your strategies, experience and tips here for builds and groups for PvE. As far as mesmers and PvE: Try this since you claim to be so open minded. Take Acolyte Jin, Margrid the Sly, and a third ranger hero or Zenmai. But Barrage and Splinter Weapon, Distracting Shot, Favorable Winds and Savage Shot on each bar. Run 12 marksman, 9 expertise, and leftovers in channeling. If you use Zenmai, give her Critical Eye, Sharpen Daggers, and Barrage. Go to a large group of enemies. Before battle, lay down FW and cast Splinter Weapon on each character in your party that will be attacking. Call out a target in the middle of a mess of enemies. Watch the results and compare to a party with 2 mesmer heroes. You will find the battle is several times shorter, and if disruption is necessary, it is certainly there. Worst case scenario = adding Broad Head Arrow or Concussion Shot to one of the rangers. Mesmers are all well and good, but their value goes down in PvE *greatly* due to 1 simple fact: A dead enemy doesn't need to be disrupted or disabled. And to the OP's query, assassins are definitely one of the best at accomplishing this. Coloneh
Melody cross- im going to do this in bullet points. maybe you will get it then...
-this is the pve forum -PvE and PvP are different games. if you think you can use the same build/tactics in both then you are sorely mistaken. -Fast casting is not very useful -Damage is effective -having more points in an attribute that deals damge is more useful than casting spells faster -disrupting mobs is not useful. -killing mobs is useful. -the rare enemies that do need some sort of interrupts can easily be covered by a ranger hero that also does plenty of damage. -single target damage is not as useful as AoE damage. theres a few things for you to ponder. Melody Cross
TY for the link jesh, I stand corrected.
I've never tried Barrage on my sins. When I did run something similar, the AoE from Splinter with daggers is enough if I prot her well and give her good of teleports to use, plus it gives me the added bonus of throwing in a Mobius strike/Death Blossom combo into the mix. I will try your suggestions if I get another nice bow to drop (the /bonus ones are junk). I have run a full B/P with a friend, now that we have Pyre. It is quite nice for some areas. For Coloneh. -I have stated as much as of this post. -Most of the PvE builds you use today find their roots as overpowered PvP exploits. Study of PvP improves performance in PvE. It teaches proper kiting. It teaches proper agro control via placement. It teaches. -Even if fast casting is not as useful for you as it is for me, the skills it has make up for its failings as a PvE attribute. But it is useful for me. -Damage is effective when your character can deal that damage to solid effect. If you’re spamming damage through prots, you’re casting more times than you need to. I submit that my 1 dual attune ele can kill faster than your 2 SFs when he doesn’t have to worry about it getting healed. -getting a spell off without having it being Dshotted or Powerblocked (ty Anet) will do more damage than you will wanding while your bar recycles. The BSurge that never lands, never blinds your ranger. -disrupting monks helps you keep your hexes in place longer, helps your warriors hit without worrying about Aegis. I saw again; if disruption weren’t useful, why all the Mo/Me Hero builds? Is Power Drain just an energy manager to you? If that is the case, put Channeling on your heroes. It gives back more when they need it instead of one big, wasted clump when they don’t. -duh. And interrupting their res isn’t? -In some areas, it is. For some people, it is. You may be one of them. I don’t care at this point. -shutting down the right target can let other members of the team deal more damage for less energy. Oh, and I wouldn’t let the warriors, sins or get a chance to read that little statement. Edit and remove before you get flamed. Beyond youre continued FC bashing, nothing you’ve said contradicts what I’ve said. I never said AoE wasn’t good. But good disruption makes it better and cheaper. It helps support your midline and backline, in the right hands. You’ve turned into the equivalent of a 13 year old telling people who've been down the road you're traveling how you know better than thye do. I was wrong. You aren’t simply being foolish…and I’m wasting my time trying to explain this to you. GGs Nikki Moonlight
power drain is an energy manager, with an interrupt as an added bonus, imo. channeling is rarely good outside of HA , since you don't ever want your monks that close to the enemies. but gotta agree with Coloneh in general too..mesmers are sometimes fun to play, but other classes are just more effective in PvE in general.
done arguing with you cross. nothing you said in your last post made any sense. it dosnt sound like you have ever played PvE.
In the beginning, PvE was the set-up for PvP. You leveled up, unlocked skills and weapons mods there, then went to own in PvP. Thing is, the PvE side took off, and Anet saw they needed to do more for those players.
Mesmers were always dominant in PvP. In the beginning they were great in PvE as well. Then came the mobs in Factions and the high-level mobs in Nightfall, along with SF/SH. Yeah, a Mesmer can still do the job, but your average group doesn't want to sit around chiseling away at a mob as it degens. They want to get it done fast as possible, especially since many missions are timed for Masters. Why take a Mesmer when a SS/MM Necro can do the job better? And yes, FC deserves the hate, because every primary owns it. PvP, with limited team size and human casting speeds, works great for the mesmer, even with the nerfbat. PvE, with crazy mobs and AI speed on casting, does not. These are facts. Too many people, including those who play mesmer often(mine just finished EotN), see this for what it is. It's logic. If you think it's a fun class, you play it. Just don't deceive yourself into thinking a Mesmer will eliminate the mobs better than an ele or a necro. That isn't their job, and, unfortunately, that is what PvE wants. Damage. Sorry I contributed to this being a Mesmer discussion. Can we move back to the greatness of sins, please? No one spikes like them. No one can get in and out as fast as them. No one looks as cool doing what they do. Sins are fun AND useful. fireflyry
Originally Posted by Melody Cross
I do not segregate PvE and PvP.
Your joking....surely.
Sin worst char in the game? Hell no!! In my opinion the worst char is the ranger. with their interuptions, blocking and blinding me all the time. That why I always make sure there is one on my team whether hero or pug dosen't matter, it's respect for the class. I love my sin and wouldn't trade her in for the world, but to say that there is a worst class in the game is just pure ignorance on how to run them. I don't run a mesmer or monk cause I don't like playing them, yet again I have great respect for those that can. That dosen't make them a bad class.
I have seen stupid warriors,monks,mesmers ect.Thats why I like playing with random pugs, it's more of a challenge and if you make it thru the mission you feel that you accomplished something other than making it thru with the normal cookie cutter team. To classify sins as the only class to have stupid people running them is border line racist. In my opinion the worst class in the game is the one that can kill me, but it's my fault to hate them if I can't find a way to beat them....that makes me the worst class. Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by haggus71
Sorry I contributed to this being a Mesmer discussion. Can we move back to the greatness of sins, please?
No one spikes like them. No one can get in and out as fast as them. No one looks as cool doing what they do. Sins are fun AND useful. Except.... they're glass cannons that spike and die. At least.....99% of them. I can honestly with all great confidence say that I have never played on a team with a sin and not regretted it, at least in pve. In pvp they were broken.....still sort of are...but that's different.
Snow Bunny, seems like you've met the wrong sins then.
it may be just me but I don't understand what you mean by broken. Is there any class in game that is not "broken"?
Snow Bunny, you seem to have the same experience with assassins that ive had with Paragons. I assure assassins can be quite useful and survivable. im sure you know they can spike, but spikes dont win PvE. sustained DPS does. and a mobius + DB build has great dps along with survivability. sadly though most PvE sins are either complete idiots or PvP players attempting to use PvP tactics on mobs.
Warriors / basic infantry
Dervishes / advanced infantry Assassins / elite infantry Paragons / infantry support Monks / medics Necromancers / relief Ritualists / relief Mesmers / anti casters Elementalists / superweapon Rangers / sniper I'd say the Ranger is the "worst" but they're still good / usefull. |