Originally Posted by Rehnahvah Gahro
Well, ONE Armbrace trading for a tormented weapon... that's normal, that probably happens several hundred times a day, but has anyone actually a pic where someone has thousands of Armbraces in his inventory (NOT the trade window), I mean, no offense to all your friends or friends of their friends but it's: no pic => it didn't happen. The only thing I've seen until now are 7 Stacks of
Armbraces in a TRADE window... if someone could plz confirm those in his or her INVENTORY I would be convinced.. |
All item duplication exploit (do not name players please)
Bryant Again
Rehnahvah Gahro
I am not saying that everything is ok, something is really broken atm... I'm just sceptical.. seen too many hoaxes in the past.
Actually I'm excited... it's exciting what's going on right now, I am also concerned but you must admit: Finally there's something to talk and think about again. Just when you think it's getting boring BAM you're wrong XD.
Well, seriously, it could ruin part of the game if it is indeed some kind of infinite Armbrace-Bug... let's hope everything will be ok soon
Actually I'm excited... it's exciting what's going on right now, I am also concerned but you must admit: Finally there's something to talk and think about again. Just when you think it's getting boring BAM you're wrong XD.
Well, seriously, it could ruin part of the game if it is indeed some kind of infinite Armbrace-Bug... let's hope everything will be ok soon

The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by Malice Black
To be honest I think I'm past caring. This game just isn't what it use to be.
Anyway, gogogogogogogogogo unstackable armbraces and untradable mini pets.
Originally Posted by -Loki-
You obviously weren't around for the CoA Axe bug, where it had 2 grip slots. In the space of a night, people had dozens of them. Arenanet just replaced every single one of them with a plain white, minimum stat axe. They have the ability to do anything with anything in their database. They would be stupid to design a system where they couldn't.
I think you'd have to make damn sure with Gaile that Anet would reimburse you of the item you traded just to be sure whether this is a trade window glitch or if those armbraces are the real deal. Because i can't see a high-end trader risking a very valuable item to test a bug out without insurance, so to speak.
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by undeadgun
Nice ectos stacks. They are pretty.
I havnt been this excited over gw in a long time. Either something crazy is going down like dupe or there are some really rich people playing gw who have somehow avoided anets attention.
Bryant Again
Shanaeri Rynale
Just pray they don't wipe em all out, like they did the axe a while back, or the 20/20 rockmolder.
That axe was truly gamebreaking though, Anet made the right call, considering how many of them had been harvested from that quest. The 20/20 Rockmolder i think they could've left though.
Its impossible to get this many even if you got to DoA from day 1 of NF and have farmed 10 hours per day since then. And honestly, ANet could care less, or they would have limited 1 stack of each type of item per trade.
Shanaeri Rynale
I guess we'll find out what they will do soon enough. I'm not going to do anything until we do mind. No point in trading for something worth so much, if there is even a remote chance it will go foom.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
My guess; Mallyx quest bugged allowing players to accept the reward multiple times allowing them to get stacks of gems then exchanging those for ambraces (since there is a spirit of truth right there beside Mallyx's corpse).
Edit: On the flip side, maybe they had the quest done long ago and simply never cashed it but kept exploiting it.
That's just nuts.

Originally Posted by Karlos
However, Mallyx's quest wasn't exactly being "cashed in" a whole lot recently. I am thinking it may be a glitch with the spirits of truth. It's not a general duping bug, it's something DoA specific.
Bowstring Badass
Originally Posted by Atlas Ravens
Anet might be so incredibly inefficient in catching bots that this is happening regularly.
i have to agree with Karlos, it is very very DoA specificed, only armbraces has been largly amount offered, non other rare items such as diamonds, or mutiple rare pets.. so it is something wrong in DoA imo
It does seem most likely... but i've never wanted a Tormented weapon so i've never used a Spirit of Truth, as such i have no idea how exactly it works.
But i would've thought that you only get the item once you hand over the gems. I mean even some sort of trick like dropping the items on the ground halfway through talking with the Spirit or disconnecting/reconnecting just wouldn't make sense.
It could have nothing to do with DoA, Armbraces were just chosen for this bug because they're the most valuable stackable item?
But i would've thought that you only get the item once you hand over the gems. I mean even some sort of trick like dropping the items on the ground halfway through talking with the Spirit or disconnecting/reconnecting just wouldn't make sense.
It could have nothing to do with DoA, Armbraces were just chosen for this bug because they're the most valuable stackable item?
true Evilsod, but i havent seem amy or heard any WTS 7 Mini Kanaixa or panda etc, though u have the point of Armbraces is the most valuable stackble item in game

Originally Posted by Evilsod
It could have nothing to do with DoA, Armbraces were just chosen for this bug because they're the most valuable stackable item? |
The scammers clearly aren't too smart. If they really wanted to keep the scam going they would have kept it on the down low instead of going beserk with carelessly making ludicrous offers. So that threads like this weren't started that expose something fishy is going on which will lead to the devs nerfing the scam.
Would there of been as much reason to be suspicious if you were trading with someone who had offered 1750 ectos? I mean its quite possible this has been going on for longer than 1 month and people have been duplicating ectos or other rare materials. They just got a bit greedy and duplicated Armbraces only recently.
Whatever it is i just hope Anet can get to the bottom of it.
Whatever it is i just hope Anet can get to the bottom of it.
Bowstring Badass
Had some guy say he is paying 800 armbraces for mini kanax and 250 for mini panda.
I hate to say it but if ANET cannot find a way of getting rid of said exploit then they can devalue the items simply by changeling the trade value of the item.
One of each Gem for one armband? Just a suggestion
Has it occurred to anyone that there are BOTs (People) farming DOA in the Korean or other Districts for companies. Can anyone verify if that might be happening?
One of each Gem for one armband? Just a suggestion
Has it occurred to anyone that there are BOTs (People) farming DOA in the Korean or other Districts for companies. Can anyone verify if that might be happening?
this sucks for some of us who "worked" hard to get a tormented weap
no way you can bot DOA imo the zoning locations are all random and even using the ; key to target the zoning sign doesnt work cus there are so many of them they wont get a accurate zone
Originally Posted by GloryFox
I hate to say it but if ANET cannot find a way of getting rid of said exploit then they can devalue the items simply by changeling the trade value of the item.
One of each Gem for one armband? Just a suggestion Has it occurred to anyone that there are BOTs (People) farming DOA in the Korean or other Districts for companies. Can anyone verify if that might be happening? |
Neo Nugget
yes they are, got so far 1 hammer 1 dagger 1 staff 1 offhand 1 shield, they are real yes
hmm i kinda wanted a torment shield too... =(
Neo Nugget
=O......=O that is soooo not fair lol.
Im not sure how im gonna react to this.........try to buy one?Or see what happens to the weapons soon.....i really dont know what to do because im sure like many others.....i want one lol.*drroooool at the staff* lol.
I really dont know how anet will get this solved.:O
Im not sure how im gonna react to this.........try to buy one?Or see what happens to the weapons soon.....i really dont know what to do because im sure like many others.....i want one lol.*drroooool at the staff* lol.
I really dont know how anet will get this solved.:O
I really wanted one of those things, but seeing this I think I will hold off till after the investigation. Someone stated this has been going on for a week now? What if it had something to do with the crash? If it’s true that something got hacked though, I wonder what else did.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Let the hunt begin.
thing is this wont effect only the prices of armbraces. people alredy selling their armbraces willing to pay high ammounts for items that are usualy cheap, soon most rare items would be unatainable by the normal players who didnt trade their minis for 1750 armbraces so the high end market would be more towards the select few. also me and gladius were talking yesterday and we were questioning the fact of controlling the mini pet market. in the end if these "dupers" or w/e they are get all the rare and limited pets they can eventualy ask watever they want for them and if there is a recall on all these armbraces they will still make a fortune unless the minipets can be tracked to accounts somehow.
Originally Posted by undeadgun
yes they are, got so far 1 hammer 1 dagger 1 staff 1 offhand 1 shield, they are real yes
I mean you cant sell alllll those right?
They've shown they can change items in people inventories, because they changed the Rockmoulder, HoD bow and axe, etc, even in peoples inventories. They've shown they can stop items from being traded - they do it to pre order weapons. If they really took this seriously, they could make armbraces untradeable until they figure out what's going on.
This would also have the benefit of helping them find out what is going on. If you couldn't trade the armbraces with people, and these were duped items, those people would likely trade them for a lot of tormented weapons, so they could trade and make some gold. If there is no huge influx of tormented weapons, it's likely a GUI bug.
This would also have the benefit of helping them find out what is going on. If you couldn't trade the armbraces with people, and these were duped items, those people would likely trade them for a lot of tormented weapons, so they could trade and make some gold. If there is no huge influx of tormented weapons, it's likely a GUI bug.
Well its merely speculation on a forum at the moment, and more to the point its been brought up on a weekend and its come to a head on Sunday night. I mean it goes beyond all logic that a person could actually have 1750 without some sort of hack/dupe... So far we've only had 2 posts from Gaile... hopefully we'll get a little feedback tomorrow so we know what they're actually doing about it, because as shade was saying, if 1 person ends up controlling all the rare mini-pets in the game they'll completely screw up the market, and they might not stop there...
how about anet just add some more of the limited minis to the game? not in massive quantities but enough to satisfy the market for them in high-end.
Kendar Muert
Gaile- I was talking to a friend on teamspeak the other day who said that when gw first opened, there was a bug that allowed you to multiply the amount of items in your inventory. I was wondering if this is true, and if this may have come back, because, if so, it could mean hell for the in game economy.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
Well its merely speculation on a forum at the moment, and more to the point its been brought up on a weekend and its come to a head on Sunday night. I mean it goes beyond all logic that a person could actually have 1750 without some sort of hack/dupe... So far we've only had 2 posts from Gaile... hopefully we'll get a little feedback tomorrow so we know what they're actually doing about it, because as shade was saying, if 1 person ends up controlling all the rare mini-pets in the game they'll completely screw up the market, and they might not stop there...
Goldfinger Lives!!!!!!
I’m sorry I could not help myself. Anyways well this screw with my chances of getting one, till this whole things get cleared up. Yeah I can only hope for some type of update on the situation.
*speaks to the economy*
No i expect you to die!
No i expect you to die!
well i got both a panda and kanaxai so i'll do some researching tonight to see how many people try to offer 1750 armbraces for them. i'll be sure to take screenshots and all