Originally Posted by Tom Swift
2: ANet repeatedly has assured players in the past that duping items was impossible because the information was all server side (thus assuaging some of the suspicion that would normally arise in the player's mind when being offered multiple armbraces) 3: ANet recently made DoA easier to access (and advertised this quite efficiently) leading to the reasonable assumption that armbraces and gemsets would fall in price quite rapidly. 4: I had no real idea myself how much an armbrace was worth in this game until this issue - many other players surely are in the same boat. |
On duping:
I check out these forums at least once a day (though I've been trying to scale back). Over the past few months I saw a few threads about "scammers" who were offering to "dupe" things for people in one of the desert missions. I recognized this from earlier readings in "common scams", as posted here on guru and on the old wiki. Many of the people here said things like, "you can't dupe in GW... everyone knows that... tell us something we don't know."
Well, it would seem it was possible... and most of the people who "knew it all" didn't know. They, and I, dismissed such things as newbies to the game uncovering scams long forgotten (almost) by the rest of us.
On Value of items:
I don't do much trading these days, and I've only once traded something worth more than 100k. So that something that is stackable is worth more than 10k... even 20k as an individual item would have been news to me. I'm just not that well versed in the minutia of GW mercantile (I spend more time playing the game than running auctions, and I have little interest in spamming WTS/WTB for hours on end). If a guildie were to say, "Hey, I got some armbraces for cheap, want some?" I'd probably say sure, and chalk it up to DoA becoming easier with the recent update... after I remembered what an armbrace was, and factored in that the prices of ecto and other matts have plummetted recently. I guess I'm kind of lucky that I don't have any armbraces in my inventory. Especially considering I did have to reconnect twice this weekend - once while vanquishing with guildies, and another time while puttering on another toon.
So from my point of view, I hope the only non-dupers getting banned are those with obsene amounts of armbraces/ectos/other-duped-valueable-items. If I hadn't seen this thread (and not all players frequent forums), I would not have had the tiniest suspiscions about duped items offered in trade. After all... duping in GW is impossible, right?