Petition to Remove Title Requirement for GW:EN Armors
Hi, As you all know the current system to be able to buy armors from GW:EN requires you to have a certain title and this requires grinding something not everyone enjoys. Sign the petition please so everyone can get their favorite armor without doing something they DON'T like.
- Ganni
- Ganni
Don't want to grind, don't get the armor. I wouldn't even consider getting r5 grind, I've gotten r5 deldrimor and r4 on the other titles by playing the storyline and dungeons. No need for this to be changed.
sky sliverwolf
/not signed
its not hard to get the lvl's you need, deal with it
its not hard to get the lvl's you need, deal with it
Definitely lower req to level 4 or something at least.
- Vel
Definitely lower req to level 4 or something at least.
- Vel
Not really required, it's not like you MUST have that armour and 1 armour type probably for each class.
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Don't want to grind, don't get the armor. I wouldn't even consider getting r5 grind, I've gotten r5 deldrimor and r4 on the other titles by playing the storyline and dungeons. No need for this to be changed.
/notsigned! If you don't want to work to get the armor then don't get it!
You are lucky because they dropped the requirement to get the armor! Instead of having to get r7, you only need r5 now. That's already a fine change.
/not signed
most of u people knew this was gonna be a pro-grind expansion
deal with it
most of u people knew this was gonna be a pro-grind expansion
deal with it
/not signed
Got 7k (almost r3) in not-whole day, so getting r5 is like 5-6 days. To a week. And I did only 1 dungeon. So quit whining and go grind a bit.
But r4 would be nice.
Got 7k (almost r3) in not-whole day, so getting r5 is like 5-6 days. To a week. And I did only 1 dungeon. So quit whining and go grind a bit.
But r4 would be nice.
I find the armor more valuable after grinding the title.
I find the armor more valuable after grinding the title.

My Green Storage
Rata Sum outpost.
Go South exit.
Get bounty from the Krewe guy.
Clear Magus Stones.
Bounty + bonuses = 3,500 - 4,500pts between 60-75 minutes (Hero/Hench)
You'll easily have 26,000 for Asuran in no time + how many points you had + side quests you do for them.
Go South exit.
Get bounty from the Krewe guy.
Clear Magus Stones.
Bounty + bonuses = 3,500 - 4,500pts between 60-75 minutes (Hero/Hench)
You'll easily have 26,000 for Asuran in no time + how many points you had + side quests you do for them.
/not signed
Work = reward, lack of work = lack of reward. You can't even use the usual bullshit "OMFG ITZ REQUIRED GRIND!!!!1one" nonsense since it's a purely optional item.
Work = reward, lack of work = lack of reward. You can't even use the usual bullshit "OMFG ITZ REQUIRED GRIND!!!!1one" nonsense since it's a purely optional item.
Originally Posted by DarkGanni
Sign the petition please so everyone can get their favorite armor without doing something they DON'T like.
They should be easier to get, but not like that.
I say give more faction points as quest rewards or let us get title points by killing the boss monster at the end of some repeatable dungeon. For example 1000 dwarf points for the scheplcur, 1000 norn for frost maw, etc.
I say give more faction points as quest rewards or let us get title points by killing the boss monster at the end of some repeatable dungeon. For example 1000 dwarf points for the scheplcur, 1000 norn for frost maw, etc.
Stormlord Alex
/not signed.
Arkantos said it all.
Arkantos said it all.
Yeah Arkantos wins this thread... if you don't intend to play the character enough to get r5 in the titles then you obviously don't want hte armour.
/notsigned. I got rank 3 Norn in a few hours. Getting that to rank 5 wouldn't take more than 2-3 days. It's a fairly low req as it stands.
/not signed. lets move on.
i dont have a clue what grinding is and i dont have GWEN but i think you should have to earn the right to wear ur armor.
Diddy bow
you cant just expect stuff to be given to you. And its not like its hard.
you cant just expect stuff to be given to you. And its not like its hard.
Grinding is doing repetetive, boring tasks over and over again to farm faction/title points/money/XP in order to increase prestige or reach a certain goal. Like the death levelers in Pre-Searing going for Legendary Defender.
Anyway, /not signed, as others have said, this isn't something you need to play the game. There's plenty of armor with EXACTLY the same stats that can be crafted with common materials at low costs. If you want the prettier armor, you're going to have to work for it.
There's no prestige if you can get things effortlessly. That's why it's called prestige armor sometimes. Sorry if that sounds condescending, and if it makes you feel better I'm not very close to any new armor myself, but I still can't believe the number of people who don't seem to get the point of elites.
Anyway, /not signed, as others have said, this isn't something you need to play the game. There's plenty of armor with EXACTLY the same stats that can be crafted with common materials at low costs. If you want the prettier armor, you're going to have to work for it.
There's no prestige if you can get things effortlessly. That's why it's called prestige armor sometimes. Sorry if that sounds condescending, and if it makes you feel better I'm not very close to any new armor myself, but I still can't believe the number of people who don't seem to get the point of elites.
L|S >+>+G+<+<
another /NOT SIGNED
i really like the idea that you have to earn the right to speak to the armour guy.
it dont take long to build up the faction so stop whinging and go earn it mate.
next thing you'll want is free ecto's or something ........
i really like the idea that you have to earn the right to speak to the armour guy.
it dont take long to build up the faction so stop whinging and go earn it mate.
next thing you'll want is free ecto's or something ........
You want something, you earn it.
/not signed
/not signed
/not signed
The grind for these armors is much less than the fissure, or even 15k kurzick/luxon used to be. Only difference is that you can't ebay these armors.
The grind for these armors is much less than the fissure, or even 15k kurzick/luxon used to be. Only difference is that you can't ebay these armors.
Anet does 2 things:
1. Anet introduces new titles, which allow you to access cool armor crafters and such. Cool.
2. Anet provides NO WAY TO INCREASE THESE TITLES other then to go around killing things over and over and over again. Quests and such will only get you so far... not far at all!
Therefore, this petition calls for the enactment of one of two options:
1. Remove the requirement of titles from the crafters
2. Provide a way to gain title points OTHER than constant meaningless grind, such as a repeatable quest with a nice reward or a huge bonus for vanquishing an area or SOMETHING.
Right now, the only way to increase ranks in the title is to go in a few areas, kill random things with no purpose, and repeat. For people who hate grinding, this sucks, and we are limited in the game because of it. Either remove the requirement or provide a way to quickly gain points that doesn't involve going around killing things without rhyme or reason. Lets take the grind out of grind wars!
Also, for the "high end" people who like farming and think this would make them angry, they still have those ridiculous crafters that require 75 ecto for a pair of gloves. With my suggestion implemented, "normal" people can play without grinding and still get the armor we were promised when we got the game, and "elite" people can go buy their 75 ecto gloves. Everyone has something.
1. Anet introduces new titles, which allow you to access cool armor crafters and such. Cool.
2. Anet provides NO WAY TO INCREASE THESE TITLES other then to go around killing things over and over and over again. Quests and such will only get you so far... not far at all!
Therefore, this petition calls for the enactment of one of two options:
1. Remove the requirement of titles from the crafters
2. Provide a way to gain title points OTHER than constant meaningless grind, such as a repeatable quest with a nice reward or a huge bonus for vanquishing an area or SOMETHING.
Right now, the only way to increase ranks in the title is to go in a few areas, kill random things with no purpose, and repeat. For people who hate grinding, this sucks, and we are limited in the game because of it. Either remove the requirement or provide a way to quickly gain points that doesn't involve going around killing things without rhyme or reason. Lets take the grind out of grind wars!
Also, for the "high end" people who like farming and think this would make them angry, they still have those ridiculous crafters that require 75 ecto for a pair of gloves. With my suggestion implemented, "normal" people can play without grinding and still get the armor we were promised when we got the game, and "elite" people can go buy their 75 ecto gloves. Everyone has something.
/not signed
armor would be to easy to get then
armor would be to easy to get then
Elite shouldn't mean you are able to withstand doing the same grind over and over again. Monkeys can learn to do that. I think it should be tied to finishing the quest line for each area. You get to purchase Norn after you are rewarded from King Jalis, for example.
Hell, the way it is, now, just doing the quest thread alone, you would have to do it 14 times on one character for the 56k. Yeah, they don't want to encourage grind. Or, you can grind through Bison's fat ass a million times (an exaggeration, before anyone comments).If you want to keep the game interesting, don't make people pound through it over and over until they are bored with it.
It's about as bad as riding the Jununda to grind Sunspear.
It's becoming WoW with a prettier background and no persistent world.
Elite shouldn't mean you are able to withstand doing the same grind over and over again. Monkeys can learn to do that. I think it should be tied to finishing the quest line for each area. You get to purchase Norn after you are rewarded from King Jalis, for example.
Hell, the way it is, now, just doing the quest thread alone, you would have to do it 14 times on one character for the 56k. Yeah, they don't want to encourage grind. Or, you can grind through Bison's fat ass a million times (an exaggeration, before anyone comments).If you want to keep the game interesting, don't make people pound through it over and over until they are bored with it.
It's about as bad as riding the Jununda to grind Sunspear.
It's becoming WoW with a prettier background and no persistent world.
let the monkeys that can do repetitive tasks over and over and....err, the elite rewarded for their hard work.
"Boars are only 2 xp each. Do you know how many boars we would have to kill?"
"6,578,362. It should take 7 weeks giving 3 hours a day for sleep."
let the monkeys that can do repetitive tasks over and over and....err, the elite rewarded for their hard work.
"Boars are only 2 xp each. Do you know how many boars we would have to kill?"
"6,578,362. It should take 7 weeks giving 3 hours a day for sleep."
/not signed
Armor has been dropped to Rank 5, and it barely qualifies as grind considering you can get it just by clearing a few zones.
If it was still Rank 7 you might have had a point.
Armor has been dropped to Rank 5, and it barely qualifies as grind considering you can get it just by clearing a few zones.
If it was still Rank 7 you might have had a point.
Takeko Nakano
/not signed
Rank 5 is quite achievable.
Rank 5 is quite achievable.
-half signed. I want more quests or more methods of getting faction. Clearing zones over and over and over and over and over is fun for 3 hours, then it's like watching MASH...repeated on television for the 42nd time, where you know everyones lines and the humor has dried up.
Seems to be alot of effort for what comic book guy says is, WORST ARMOR EVER
Seems to be alot of effort for what comic book guy says is, WORST ARMOR EVER
Nabru Yar
/not signed
I like the idea of having to 'work' toward the armor, makes it have value (to me personally, at least)
I like the idea of having to 'work' toward the armor, makes it have value (to me personally, at least)
It's frighteningly easy to get rank 5. Leave as is.
I think the OP doesn't mean that it'd be good if people wouldn't have to work to get their presitge armour.
The problem is grinding- it's boring, it's repetitive and it's only purpose is to get to R5.
I'd gladly see it changed to something like this: wanna our prestige armour? No problem. You just have to do this one quest. Of course it's hard as hell and you probably won't do it with henchies and heroes but hey, it's better than grinding, right?
The problem is grinding- it's boring, it's repetitive and it's only purpose is to get to R5.
I'd gladly see it changed to something like this: wanna our prestige armour? No problem. You just have to do this one quest. Of course it's hard as hell and you probably won't do it with henchies and heroes but hey, it's better than grinding, right?
Soon as people have to work its GRIND GRIND
Soon as people have to work its GRIND GRIND
Vl Vl D
/not signed
The game has only been out for a couple of days and it use to be rank 7. GW 2 is not coming out for another year which give you pleanty of time to work towards it. Theres already godly items going cheap or dropping from easy chests.
What is this thing with item skins thatconsumes people to the point where they dislike the the game and spend more time thinking about it then playing.Do you realy want everything right now or would rather discover somthing nice in six months time that you didnt know in the fist two days of playing.Remember its GW2 wont be another year.
The game has only been out for a couple of days and it use to be rank 7. GW 2 is not coming out for another year which give you pleanty of time to work towards it. Theres already godly items going cheap or dropping from easy chests.
What is this thing with item skins thatconsumes people to the point where they dislike the the game and spend more time thinking about it then playing.Do you realy want everything right now or would rather discover somthing nice in six months time that you didnt know in the fist two days of playing.Remember its GW2 wont be another year.
Cale Roughstar
People seem to be forgetting the fact that in NF you would need to grind a few monsters to progress in the game, and people were fine with that. Now that the grind has anything to do with prestige armours everybody FREAKS out! Because heaven forbid, you should not have to actually work for your stuff! OMGEEEEZZZZ I HAVE TO w0rk for my arm0rx!!!1!!one! What the world coming to when you have to put some effort into looking cool...
I find it sad that 2 days after the game is out, people are already finding something so trivial to gripe about. Remeber, this is a game, YOU paid for it. YOU choose to play it. WE don't care that YOU don't want to work for your 15k armours. Do you feel that simply because you paid for GW:EN that it is your Balthazar-given right to have 15k armour? Is your sense of entitlement that big? Do you need that armour to play the game? Because you want it you deserve it? Should it be granted to you with no effort on your part?
You have to work for your armour. Is this really that hard? It requires effort. Do you understand? It's not that much anyways. Am I getting through to you? It requires effort. Such an amazing concept this effort...
oh, before I forget....
People seem to be forgetting the fact that in NF you would need to grind a few monsters to progress in the game, and people were fine with that. Now that the grind has anything to do with prestige armours everybody FREAKS out! Because heaven forbid, you should not have to actually work for your stuff! OMGEEEEZZZZ I HAVE TO w0rk for my arm0rx!!!1!!one! What the world coming to when you have to put some effort into looking cool...
I find it sad that 2 days after the game is out, people are already finding something so trivial to gripe about. Remeber, this is a game, YOU paid for it. YOU choose to play it. WE don't care that YOU don't want to work for your 15k armours. Do you feel that simply because you paid for GW:EN that it is your Balthazar-given right to have 15k armour? Is your sense of entitlement that big? Do you need that armour to play the game? Because you want it you deserve it? Should it be granted to you with no effort on your part?
You have to work for your armour. Is this really that hard? It requires effort. Do you understand? It's not that much anyways. Am I getting through to you? It requires effort. Such an amazing concept this effort...
oh, before I forget....
People seem to be forgetting the fact that in NF you would need to grind a few monsters to progress in the game, and people were fine with that. |
"you need to grind x more points to move the story"
/ not signed
You don't HAVE to have the armor from the crafters.
You don't HAVE to have the armor from the crafters.
Squishy ftw
/not signed
The title requirement is already low enough..
The title requirement is already low enough..
i wouldn't go as far as to say remove the title requirements completely...just lower them a tad. i've finished the game and i still can't craft anything but consumables. (r3 in all the titles) seems kinda wrong you can beat the game, do all the quests, even farm a little bit - and still not be able to craft armor or weapons. *shrug*