A discussion on 7 heroes
Because you can't use "it doesn't apply to me" as an argument to get something?
They don't feel like allowing 7 heroes probably because they want to make sure people HAVE TO team up in order to do some difficult stuff (elite areas or whatever), and also to make sure that NOT EVERYONE can steamroll through the game SOLO (without any social interaction). Saying that "I'd still team up with my friends even if I can use 7 heroes" doesn't really mean anything to them.
Since this is my first post here, let me clarify that I want to use 7 heroes as well. But I don't see it coming AT ALL unless Anet drops the whole "People should play cooperatively" vision bollocks anytime soon.
They don't feel like allowing 7 heroes probably because they want to make sure people HAVE TO team up in order to do some difficult stuff (elite areas or whatever), and also to make sure that NOT EVERYONE can steamroll through the game SOLO (without any social interaction). Saying that "I'd still team up with my friends even if I can use 7 heroes" doesn't really mean anything to them.
Since this is my first post here, let me clarify that I want to use 7 heroes as well. But I don't see it coming AT ALL unless Anet drops the whole "People should play cooperatively" vision bollocks anytime soon.
Originally Posted by romeus petrus
The only argument against 7 heroes is that it would probably put an end to hench. Maybe make it exclusive to HM?
I hardly see how its an argument against at all really.
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
Because you can't use "it doesn't apply to me" as an argument to get something?
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
But I don't see it coming AT ALL unless Anet drops the whole "People should play cooperatively" vision bollocks anytime soon.
Oh, gee, when I saw the GW box and read about not having to play with real players I thought their visions was "play how the hell you want".
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
Oh, gee, when I saw the GW box and read about not having to play with real players I thought their visions was "play how the hell you want".
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Actually, I believe that A-Net's vision is that "people should be able to play cooperatively without having to join a guild to do so".
Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
Ok have it your way. Ofcourse it applies to me too in some way. I can't use the synergy builds when my friends are offline. I'm having lots of fun experimenting with those synergy builds. I guess I have to invite strangers in our guild again (tried it a few times, they left within days) who will never feel at home cause we're real life friends living within a few miles of eachother often sitting next to eachother when playing at one of our homes. I'm sure we're not the only players who're in this situation.
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
The bolded part doesn't really change anything (and you don't need a guild to play cooperatively).
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
It's not the bolded part. It's the words "be able to" that are the key.
Care to read through the end of the line?
As I said, if only repeating myself over and over could change something...
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
You and me both honey.
I really want 7 heroes... Just to be able to try Urgoz's Warren at least once.
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
"....(and you don't need a guild to play cooperatively)."
Whether that concern is valid (or not) is subject to debate.
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
But what can we do about it? it's been 3 YEARS.
Yep - and I'll continue to voice my opinion too. They may have made a decision and said it was final, but I believe any decision can be reversed. They just need to know how many folks really want this and maybe they will relent.
I also rarely team up with human players. 3 heroes or 7 heroes won't change that. I'll continue to play GW with 3 heroes and 4 hench if I have to, but I would really enjoy trying out some synergies with a full team where I can control the builds. For me (and I know many others) this would breath some fresh life into GW while we wait for the sequel.
I also rarely team up with human players. 3 heroes or 7 heroes won't change that. I'll continue to play GW with 3 heroes and 4 hench if I have to, but I would really enjoy trying out some synergies with a full team where I can control the builds. For me (and I know many others) this would breath some fresh life into GW while we wait for the sequel.
Jetdoc..having 7 heroes isn't going to hurt PuGs because many of us refuse to PuG no matter how many heroes are available. Those that would use 7 heroes are the same people that will only H/H now.
I group with guildies/allies, and I play with my gf, and I H/H, but I will not now nor will I ever PuG, heroes or no.
Heroes, content, etc, had small impacts on PuGs. People had the greatest impact on them..the very people you all clamor that we socialize with. In short, most people suck, which is why I quit PuGing a long time ago, along with everyone else that won't PuG.
I group with guildies/allies, and I play with my gf, and I H/H, but I will not now nor will I ever PuG, heroes or no.
Heroes, content, etc, had small impacts on PuGs. People had the greatest impact on them..the very people you all clamor that we socialize with. In short, most people suck, which is why I quit PuGing a long time ago, along with everyone else that won't PuG.
On one hand, a 7 H/H would kill the cooperative spirit of the game, making it much more like an offline RPG.
But, on the other hand, PuGs are retarded.
These are the principal ideas of why 7 Heroes should or shouldn´t be implemented.
But, on the other hand, PuGs are retarded.
These are the principal ideas of why 7 Heroes should or shouldn´t be implemented.
I remember when I first started playing GW...
Nobody would have even DREAMED of bringing along henchmen into a group unless it was 3 AM and there was nobody else on the servers. People joined PuGs - some QQed, some had a good time. I stopped playing GW shortly after the release of EotN because I could never play with other people. The typical group became either a) 2 players and 6 heroes, or b) 1 player, 3 heroes, and 4 henchmen. People prided themselves on being able to do instances without other human players to help (heck, I finished most of Nightfall with H/H).
No longer an MMO in any sense of the word, I left GW to play... oh no, here it comes... World of Warcraft! *gasp*
There are some things I miss about GW - the tactical play, the fact that healing was enjoyable on my monk (WoW-style healbot FTL). However, I could not honestly tell myself that I was not bored with Guild Wars. I'm not sure how things have changed since I left, but the fact of the matter is - WoW is intensely social and I enjoy playing online with other people. I don't play online for a single-player experience. I know many of you will immediately say something about WoW being for kiddies, but having experienced both games for a good amount of time at this point, I would have to say that they are about the same in that regard.
Granted, WoW has its negatives and GW has its positives. Overall though, I truly can say that I enjoy playing WoW more than GW.
Anyways, I just wanted to chime in - I remember reading this thread shortly before I quit GW. There is a new patch coming out for WoW, and I had some time to kill so I thought I would check in on the state of the game here. All in all, I'm glad I left - ANet's creation was a beautiful thing back in the day, but I could never come back to the game GW has become. To each his own, but H/H is a game killer, in my opinion.
Nobody would have even DREAMED of bringing along henchmen into a group unless it was 3 AM and there was nobody else on the servers. People joined PuGs - some QQed, some had a good time. I stopped playing GW shortly after the release of EotN because I could never play with other people. The typical group became either a) 2 players and 6 heroes, or b) 1 player, 3 heroes, and 4 henchmen. People prided themselves on being able to do instances without other human players to help (heck, I finished most of Nightfall with H/H).
No longer an MMO in any sense of the word, I left GW to play... oh no, here it comes... World of Warcraft! *gasp*
There are some things I miss about GW - the tactical play, the fact that healing was enjoyable on my monk (WoW-style healbot FTL). However, I could not honestly tell myself that I was not bored with Guild Wars. I'm not sure how things have changed since I left, but the fact of the matter is - WoW is intensely social and I enjoy playing online with other people. I don't play online for a single-player experience. I know many of you will immediately say something about WoW being for kiddies, but having experienced both games for a good amount of time at this point, I would have to say that they are about the same in that regard.
Granted, WoW has its negatives and GW has its positives. Overall though, I truly can say that I enjoy playing WoW more than GW.
Anyways, I just wanted to chime in - I remember reading this thread shortly before I quit GW. There is a new patch coming out for WoW, and I had some time to kill so I thought I would check in on the state of the game here. All in all, I'm glad I left - ANet's creation was a beautiful thing back in the day, but I could never come back to the game GW has become. To each his own, but H/H is a game killer, in my opinion.
Originally Posted by Dravyn
Jetdoc..having 7 heroes isn't going to hurt PuGs because many of us refuse to PuG no matter how many heroes are available. Those that would use 7 heroes are the same people that will only H/H now.
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by Magnus_1
I'm glad I left - ANet's creation was a beautiful thing back in the day, but I could never come back to the game GW has become. To each his own, but H/H is a game killer, in my opinion.
Farewell! |
They're the same people that gave us a lot of wonderful things, I'm a hardcore fan of Anet and this game but this is going beyond my ability to understand.
Here in Belgium we have a nice saying that goes something like this: ending between ship and shore is bad as you'll end up in the water. The concept of 3 heroes ends between ship and shore, okay. PvP went downhill and became a minority, pugs are dead (except for some areas with Ursan), and the majority of the pve players want or wouldn't mind 7 heroes.
Epic Fail! Mr. J Strain. (you'll have another chance with GW2 though, which seemed to be inevitable now)
But there's not one game out there, I like that much as GW atm. Ironic isn't it.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
There are many, many pages of debate on this very issue in this thread. All I am saying in post is that the concern is likely on A-Net's mind...whether that concern is well founded, however, is subject to debate.
At the moment those that solo for whatever reason are forcibly gimped because they are limited to crappy henchman. Those that pug still pug, but admittedly they are few and far between..mainly because people don't like having to deal with the cesspool of childish idiots or min/maxers that ruin PuGs.
Its not really open to debate..as this entire thread and the one on GWO has been an overwhelming majority confirming that yes, they would rather h/h or 7 hero or guild/ally group than PuG, period.
Edit - on a side note, the other mmo that I play mostly aside from GW is Lineage 2..and PuG's there are completely and utterly non existant..there's no heroes or henchman available at all in that game. People either play with clanmates or duo with close friends, or they run three accounts so they can solo. You can't force people to socialize with other people.
I would love to see a 7 hero system implemented. As things are now, with titles and the HoM, you're quite pressured to play just one character. However, if you can fill your team with 7 heroes, you'd be able to get a lot experience with the other professions and their skills. You can do that now, but with only 3 hero slots available, you don't have a lot of room to play around, and almost everyone will end up using the same 3 heroes over and over (ie sabway).
I'm one of those people who H/H 90% of the game; I'll come out to PuG once in awhile just to switch things up or if I don't feel like controlling a whole team at that moment. It would be same way with 7 heroes. I think it should be an option available to us.
I'm one of those people who H/H 90% of the game; I'll come out to PuG once in awhile just to switch things up or if I don't feel like controlling a whole team at that moment. It would be same way with 7 heroes. I think it should be an option available to us.
Sleeper Service
Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
Here in Belgium we have a nice saying that goes something like this: ending between ship and shore is bad as you'll end up in the water. The concept of 3 heroes ends between ship and shore(...) |
I think the English equivalent would be "sitting on the fence" but it does not convey the same feeling of uh...unenviable positioning.
edit: ah yes the equivalent is "between a rock and a hard place", but yours is more comical...
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
Thats rather poetic, would you mind giving it in the original please?
edit: ah yes the equivalent is "between a rock and a hard place", but yours is more comical... |
Thanks, I didn't know the English expression.

Originally Posted by Magnus_1
Granted, WoW has its negatives and GW has its positives. Overall though, I truly can say that I enjoy playing WoW more than GW.
Anyways, I just wanted to chime in - I remember reading this thread shortly before I quit GW. There is a new patch coming out for WoW, and I had some time to kill so I thought I would check in on the state of the game here. All in all, I'm glad I left - ANet's creation was a beautiful thing back in the day, but I could never come back to the game GW has become. To each his own, but H/H is a game killer, in my opinion. Farewell! |
For me, H/H is a big part of what makes GW so good, and why I left WoW. It was the LFG miasma in WoW that was the "game killer" for me. You are correct in saying that WoW is intensely social (and it's a fun game, I grant you). Social, indeed, is pretty much required in WoW -- as opposed to GW, where it is pretty much optional any way you slice it: whether you have three heroes, seven heroes, or only henches.
My "social" in GW comes from (guild) chat and occasional grouping with friends, guildies, and, yes, even PUGs. The addition (or not) of 7 Heroes is not going to affect my primarily solo playstyle. When I log on, I just want to play, not LFG.
But I can also certainly appreciate where you're coming from. I doubt any MMO is going to be able to accommodate such divergent gaming preferences to everyone's satisfaction.
Originally Posted by tmr819
For me, H/H is a big part of what makes GW so good, and why I left WoW. It was the LFG miasma in WoW that was the "game killer" for me. You are correct in saying that WoW is intensely social (and it's a fun game, I grant you). Social, indeed, is pretty much required in WoW -- as opposed to GW, where it is pretty much optional any way you slice it: whether you have three heroes, seven heroes, or only henches.
Further I would add that if you want an intensely social game that allows some solo play (the opposite of GW) then they already have their perfect game - WoW. They also have most of the other MMO's out there and gamers like me have one, and only one MMO they can play and that is GW. That is a large part of why so many still around mainly H/H or play with their guild groups - we have nowhere else to go.
People want WoW without the monthly fees, I want GW. Anet doesn't really like where GW went in terms of it's community but as long as they create an online game that is as solo friendly as GW is it will end up the same way simply because we have no where else to go. Yes, the no monthly fees are nice but if WoW was as solo friendly as GW then I would most likely be there instead of here (however GW content isn't such as I would pay a monthly fee either - so again it is a factor but isn't a deal breaker all by itself).
As is GW is hands down the best MMO I've played because I *can* do both ways through nearly 100% of the game. That's why almost three years later and I still pretty much log in for my daily hour or so of play I have done since the beginning. Seven heroes would make it nearly to the point of being a perfect game to me and many more people - in fact that is probably true for a greater amount of people than 7 heroes would tick off.
I agree that the main reason why I consider GW "unique" is the ability to play with henchmen and heroes.
I'm not saying which one is better. But for me, if I want to PuG I'd play other MMOs where making a PuG is very easy with robust PuG interface and stuff like that. And also, in such games, playing in a team means that you're playing in a difficult area and most of the time you get SOMETHING (aside from the so-called "I play for fun" feeling in which I'd say it depends on each person's definition of "fun") from it.
Anet should work on improving GW's uniqueness, and stop trying to be another so-called online game on the market.
I'm not saying which one is better. But for me, if I want to PuG I'd play other MMOs where making a PuG is very easy with robust PuG interface and stuff like that. And also, in such games, playing in a team means that you're playing in a difficult area and most of the time you get SOMETHING (aside from the so-called "I play for fun" feeling in which I'd say it depends on each person's definition of "fun") from it.
Anet should work on improving GW's uniqueness, and stop trying to be another so-called online game on the market.
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
Thats rather poetic, would you mind giving it in the original please?
I think the English equivalent would be "sitting on the fence" but it does not convey the same feeling of uh...unenviable positioning. edit: ah yes the equivalent is "between a rock and a hard place", but yours is more comical... |

On a number of occasions I've tried to do missions with people. Even though consulting with other people and adjusting builds is interesting, if the other guys are stupid, inpolite and/or useless just takes the fun away. Just the other day, I wanted to do Rilohn Refuge for Masters (Did it a looooong time ago for standard) and i was looking for some guys to do it with. After numerous attempts i met another guy, who sayd my builds suck, and wanted everything to be done his way. After trying to do everything i can, i told him to F"!# Off and i ended up finishing the missions with my "Sucking build" heroes and henchies. In his face!
People like that make playing the game with 7 customizable AIs look better and better.
People like that make playing the game with 7 customizable AIs look better and better.
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
I'm bored of hero/hench play. I look back to the days in Prophecies when I spent the majority of my time playing with other players, be they in a guild or in a random group. I simply dont see that anymore and I miss it. Takes a lot of coordination to get a guild group of that size together to do something in PvE, so it has more to do with the larger community preferences than with any given guild.
I say bring out the option to play with all heroes anyway. There's no going back from where we are currently at, so why not? Its not inherently more powerful than an organized party and it has no effect on the social dynamic since there are already so many who prefer hero/hench play when a friend isnt on. Even I would like once and a while to build and manage a full team. |
Agreed with so many of you here it is unbelievable, and I thought we were the silent minority just having to put up with it.
I also quit for about a year during Prophecies when I would have to take like 30-40 mins to get a group or could never get into a group with my ranger, then rolled a monk and warrior, finding 'pugging' a nightmare, long winded and basically making GW a poor game for me to play. I came back and it was great to have heroes and not deal with the pugging and LFG issues which I think is a waste of my time, and so many others when you get folks who are rude, go afk, take quests when they should not, aggro everything, spam, quit and all the other horrible experiences that many of us have had.
I play with friends that I have met, who are similar in style but mainly elite areas or dungeons and fun things, or title hunting (wow what an epic waste of time). Sadly, there are too many things that make pugging impractical. Firstly most pugs unfortunately have limited knowledge of the game, I admitt it myself, I have learned so much in the last year. Secondly title farming means that your friends are busy, including guildies and alliance buddies, so we are forced to make do with a 'forced' situation and penalised for it, so pug it, leave your friends and find an active guild or use the poor henchies.......
Coming up to 3 years in Guild Wars and I have all the campaigns and from what I have heard if GW2 is about pugging it, I will certainly not get the game, which is a real shame because I do enjoy it.
The developers need to decide where they want to take the game, cater for a variety of styles which it currently does e.g. pvp, solo, farming, grouping, guilds etc or narrow the field to grouping, pvp and guilds.
At the end of the day, there is a significant group who really want to have their 'own' space to play the way they want, I hope Guild Wars continues with that.
Off to obtain pointless or near impossible titles..........whilst waiting for friends to come on...woohooo!
I also quit for about a year during Prophecies when I would have to take like 30-40 mins to get a group or could never get into a group with my ranger, then rolled a monk and warrior, finding 'pugging' a nightmare, long winded and basically making GW a poor game for me to play. I came back and it was great to have heroes and not deal with the pugging and LFG issues which I think is a waste of my time, and so many others when you get folks who are rude, go afk, take quests when they should not, aggro everything, spam, quit and all the other horrible experiences that many of us have had.
I play with friends that I have met, who are similar in style but mainly elite areas or dungeons and fun things, or title hunting (wow what an epic waste of time). Sadly, there are too many things that make pugging impractical. Firstly most pugs unfortunately have limited knowledge of the game, I admitt it myself, I have learned so much in the last year. Secondly title farming means that your friends are busy, including guildies and alliance buddies, so we are forced to make do with a 'forced' situation and penalised for it, so pug it, leave your friends and find an active guild or use the poor henchies.......
Coming up to 3 years in Guild Wars and I have all the campaigns and from what I have heard if GW2 is about pugging it, I will certainly not get the game, which is a real shame because I do enjoy it.
The developers need to decide where they want to take the game, cater for a variety of styles which it currently does e.g. pvp, solo, farming, grouping, guilds etc or narrow the field to grouping, pvp and guilds.
At the end of the day, there is a significant group who really want to have their 'own' space to play the way they want, I hope Guild Wars continues with that.
Off to obtain pointless or near impossible titles..........whilst waiting for friends to come on...woohooo!
If I were ArenaNet and wanted somehow to bolster PUG-ing and the social/grouping dynamic in GW1 -- and I was worried that the Seven Heroes feature would kill what little is left of said social interaction -- I would add some kind of "Party Animal" title: you get XX reputation points in the title or tokens of some kind every time you vanquish an area, complete a mission, or complete a dungeon for each (additional) player in your group.
Then I'd offer some sort of reward -- special armor, weapons, tome(s) of your choice, minipets, consumables, whatever -- that you could then redeem your tokens or rep for. Kind of like the way you collect tokens elsewhere in the game, but for better rewards than, say, a Superior Salvage kit. (Maybe offer Runes of Holding to increase your bag space even more or something.
Or as I mentioned in another thread, I'd reserve all elite areas for player groups only -- no henches, no heroes -- and offer great rewards there.
None of that would interest me personally very much, I must admit, and it would not get me to group any more than I already do. But it might recharge the incentive for many players to start grouping/PUG-ing more frequently.
If the "Seven Heroes" idea chiefly benefits the solo-ers among us, then something like this would benefit those who love to group up. And everybody wins.
Then I'd offer some sort of reward -- special armor, weapons, tome(s) of your choice, minipets, consumables, whatever -- that you could then redeem your tokens or rep for. Kind of like the way you collect tokens elsewhere in the game, but for better rewards than, say, a Superior Salvage kit. (Maybe offer Runes of Holding to increase your bag space even more or something.
Or as I mentioned in another thread, I'd reserve all elite areas for player groups only -- no henches, no heroes -- and offer great rewards there.
None of that would interest me personally very much, I must admit, and it would not get me to group any more than I already do. But it might recharge the incentive for many players to start grouping/PUG-ing more frequently.
If the "Seven Heroes" idea chiefly benefits the solo-ers among us, then something like this would benefit those who love to group up. And everybody wins.
Originally Posted by Silverblad3
Coming up to 3 years in Guild Wars and I have all the campaigns and from what I have heard if GW2 is about pugging it, I will certainly not get the game, which is a real shame because I do enjoy it.
As long as every part of the game has the ability to be soloed many, if not most, will do so due to all the problems with making PUGs. The only way to truly "encourage" PUGs is to either disallow solo play or make the rewards for humans groups significantly better than AI groups to the point where people have to PUG to get decent stuff. That is, make it impossible for people to realistically solo the game. But then many will exercise another option - quit and not purchase any of the games again.
Originally Posted by strcpy
So far Anet has said that they are removing henchmen and heroes and scaling encounters (no mention as to how those will be scaled). They are also giving you a "companion" to play with. Many are taking that to mean the end of solo play and forcing PUGs. However, Anet at the same time says GW2 will be easier to solo so I think, based on that last part, that those people will be disappointed. As far as Anet has said GW2 will be fully soloable like GW1 just in a different manner. Time will tell if the new method of soloing is fun or not.
As long as every part of the game has the ability to be soloed many, if not most, will do so due to all the problems with making PUGs. The only way to truly "encourage" PUGs is to either disallow solo play or make the rewards for humans groups significantly better than AI groups to the point where people have to PUG to get decent stuff. That is, make it impossible for people to realistically solo the game. But then many will exercise another option - quit and not purchase any of the games again. |
If you are lucky enough to find a good pug it is a blast.I have been lucky enought to get into some of thoee pugs.Still overall they are rare.My expierence ...others have probably found it different.With heroes I can come on and play the game.In the immortal words of Kihm"Your healers a sissy".
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by strcpy
People want WoW without the monthly fees, I want GW. Anet doesn't really like where GW went in terms of it's community but as long as they create an online game that is as solo friendly as GW is it will end up the same way simply because we have no where else to go.
As is GW is hands down the best MMO I've played because I *can* do both ways through nearly 100% of the game. That's why almost three years later and I still pretty much log in for my daily hour or so of play I have done since the beginning. Seven heroes would make it nearly to the point of being a perfect game to me and many more people - in fact that is probably true for a greater amount of people than 7 heroes would tick off. |
EDIT: Can we have a poll on this one? Also leave the 'cake is delicious' type of vote option out of the poll. Don't wanne get cake post in this topic.
Holly Herro
It hurts my feelings when I can't get a group :'(
If they don't want to give us 7 heroes, they should at least provide a 'spread the f*** out feature' for henchman. I can micro heroes but henchmen love the Fire Storm.
i would love 7 heros. the henchmen just arent cutting it anymore.
Amy Awien
Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
It can never be that easy as with 6 ursan + 2 monks
![]() |
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
No, because it wasnt always that way. Heroes made it that way. If anything, they should remove them altogether.
Not sure if this was mentioned before or not (I admit that I did not read through all 43 previous pages) but PUGs allow you to meet new people. All of my RL friends play WoW or other MMOs, so everyone I know online I met through PUGing.
Also IMO, when you initially group with guild/alliance people, you're pretty much in a PUG since you don't know them.
In short, I feel PUGs are a good experience. Granted, most of the people you will meet will fall short of your expectations, especially if you are a long-time player of GW. But, there are those times you meet some really good people that end up on your "Friends List".
Just my $0.02...
Also IMO, when you initially group with guild/alliance people, you're pretty much in a PUG since you don't know them.
In short, I feel PUGs are a good experience. Granted, most of the people you will meet will fall short of your expectations, especially if you are a long-time player of GW. But, there are those times you meet some really good people that end up on your "Friends List".
Just my $0.02...
Im sure this has been mentioned but I roll with 6 heroes whenever I can. I just have a friend or guildie come run my bars on their heroes and then we go to the zone or mission, and they leave the game. Then its me and 6 heroes.
Sure as hell beats using crap henchmen and there's no way I'm taking a pug with me for vanquishing.

I guess the developers need a good motivating factor to give us the additional heroes. It has to be structured. After all, doing this must be difficult for the the dev team.
Note: the letter I sent to those concerned.
It's been quite awhile since I have finished all 3 gw installments. Indeed the EOTN is a good addition, but short and somewhat boring along the way.
I was hoping that you may consider this proposal as an incentive for us gamers and a monetary opportunity for you.
Would you consider adding heroes slots? Instead of just having 3, we could perhaps have 7 or 11(urgoz party size) at max? It does sound unfair, but sometimes we crave for insane power over the game. since we've finished the game we would like to play the game in a stupidly god-like manner, just for fun and satisfaction.
You could make this available only to those who have finished all three gw.
you could even sell it for a limited time; say $40 to activate additional heroes slots, available only in the next 3 days.
Example, imagine 200,000 gamers multiplied by $40; 8 million dollars.
The monetary benefit you get from this is a great boost for product development of GW2 and this will give value to gw accounts with additional heroes slots.
It opens up new opportunities for both you and us gamers.
Like I said, I was hoping that you may consider this proposal an incentive for us gamers and a monetary opportunity for you.
Note: the letter I sent to those concerned.
It's been quite awhile since I have finished all 3 gw installments. Indeed the EOTN is a good addition, but short and somewhat boring along the way.
I was hoping that you may consider this proposal as an incentive for us gamers and a monetary opportunity for you.
Would you consider adding heroes slots? Instead of just having 3, we could perhaps have 7 or 11(urgoz party size) at max? It does sound unfair, but sometimes we crave for insane power over the game. since we've finished the game we would like to play the game in a stupidly god-like manner, just for fun and satisfaction.
You could make this available only to those who have finished all three gw.
you could even sell it for a limited time; say $40 to activate additional heroes slots, available only in the next 3 days.
Example, imagine 200,000 gamers multiplied by $40; 8 million dollars.
The monetary benefit you get from this is a great boost for product development of GW2 and this will give value to gw accounts with additional heroes slots.
It opens up new opportunities for both you and us gamers.
Like I said, I was hoping that you may consider this proposal an incentive for us gamers and a monetary opportunity for you.
Hmm, I probably wouldn't pay that much. But make it $5/additional slot or, better, $10/to open all four on a given account, and I'd be sorely tempted.
From Anet's standpoint, it would be a good financial bonus from a game that is otherwise fading marketwise. So, it'd be a win for players and a win for them.
From Anet's standpoint, it would be a good financial bonus from a game that is otherwise fading marketwise. So, it'd be a win for players and a win for them.