If only there was time to explain each and everything that went wrong with GW. See this post as a complaint, or see it as it was intended to be, and that is to show what happens when the focus from the game shifts from a to z.
Compliments to Rahja on this great thread... though I must say and I'm certain many people would agree, he mentioned not even half of the problems that actually exist in gw, most likely due to the fact that he only wanted to point out the most important problems (and even that took essay of nearly 2,000 words to write)
I just feel like adding what I think is one of my main concerns. The concern being that really no-one cares about the story of gw anymore. I only started playing gw about 2 weeks after the release of factions, but man, i followed the storyline like i was living it myself. I just couldnt wait for the next cinematic or the next plot twist, because it was awesome. I got goosebumps when Shiro killed Master Togo, as I'm sure many players got goosebumps when they first saw they would have to battle an undead Rurik. It was like watching a movie which lasted hours and hours (horrible voice acting though, but thats not the point
), always exciting and keeping you on your toes. Players werent rushing through the game just so they could get an ammy or access hm, which later came to be the case. Players skipping cut scenes were in the minority.
This game has come to be a one-dimensional grind. Getting max titles and getting rich is really all the game is about now, with the odd 1 or 2 players just going out to have fun, experiencing the game as im sure it was originally intended to be. And truth be told no-one really cares what title you have, youll get an applause from someone every now and then because they dont know all it took was hours and hours of repetitive gameplay from your side.
I remember what a great feeling it was on becoming only a canthan explorer, my first title achieved and it meant something to me. Later achieving canthan protector and gmc was like a gw dream come true, i could now go out and enjoy my life in the world of cantha and tyria. Now when i get a max title i smile briefly then continue to the next repetitive action needed to complete something utterly worthless. I now use my character wearing either no title or 'Slayer of All' since it sounds really awesome
My other main concern is the attribute and interchangeable 2ndary profession system, where after an update you could change ur 2ndary prof within a second with a click of a button, which is where cookie-cutting came in place, which was probably the worst and most annoying thing ever, second only to loot scaling. There is now absolutely no strategizing according to what the players builds are focused on, before a mission or a difficult quest (which hardly ever happens due to many reasons including players never playing together anymore). Though this cookie-cutting subject can be explained to death, i will not since anyone who knows anything, knows what a major mess-up it is.
I assume by this time you have figured out the point im making, if not, this is it...
This is no longer a rpg based on dedication (and by dedication i dont mean endless grinding) and skill, its a grinding bore-fest with hardly any worth as an Role-playing game