Originally Posted by Torqual
My whole point was that use of the mod is widespread - check the OP.
Three types of people have posted in here:
1) Those who did the title without modifying their game client, who are also disappointed that it's been cheapened and can be achieved with 5% of the original effort needed when it was implemented into the game.
How, exactly, is it cheapened? If I load TexMod, it shows me where to go and yet I still need to go there, scrape the wall, and hope that I'm on the RIGHT wall (since some places are on the line between zones). Since I'm still doing the same work you are, it is NOT cheapened.
Originally Posted by Torqual
2) Those who used the mod to get their own title and take offence to me saying they got it on the cheap. Plenty of these. They are as offended by my comments as I am by their use of it to steal the title.
You're offended because you put more work into it than they did, despite their method also being permitted and not directly affecting your ability to play. That is QQ. The only person they cheated, if anyone, is themselves. And if they cheat themselves, it is by their own choice.
Originally Posted by Torqual
3) People that have little interest in the subject or knowledge about it who make a habit of entering random threads and trying to look cool by making throw away comments and putting people down.
Which is what you've done this entire thread, accusing everyone who didnt get LGMC your way of being cheaters, liars, and the sort. Like Saraphim said earlier there may have been a topic of discussion here, but your accusations derailed any hope of that.
Originally Posted by Torqual
I am quite sure that this discussion has drawn the attention to use of the mod and may even increase usage. But come on, there's a link to it on the official GW Wiki! It's well known and as I said in my OP, LGMC is the third-most maxed title you see popping up in Kamadan ... and it's evident why.
And do you honestly think that the mod makes it all that much easier? So the player knows where to go. Big deal. It doesn't defog for them. Learn what it does before you attack it.
Originally Posted by Torqual
Can I also clarify that this is not an attack on the modding community. I have enjoyed some great mods in many games: RTW, CS: Source, even Kick Off 2 (bet no-one here knows what that is).
Beggars can't be choosers. Deal with the fact that it isn't cheating, or attack all mods everywhere. To enjoy mods in one game but another is being a hypocrit (sic?).
Originally Posted by Torqual
This is a very, very smart mod, a really fine piece of programming. And I would suggest that use of this mod to put someone on 99.7% out of their misery is quite a reasonable and understandable thing. I am not a grind Nazi. But using the mod to take yourself from 60% to 100% in half a day ... I'd call that ABUSE of the mod. When does a mod cross the line from time-saving to being performance-boosting? Should we give Legendary titles to people that do this? And is such use what the mod-writer intended?
So you finally admit that the mod is a great thing. But who are you to tell me (or anyone else here) how to play their game? They abide by Anet's rules, they don't get banned. Anet has an entire page on the wiki devoted to this program and clearly state their opinion of it. Given that, you have no business telling anyone they are a cheat or a liar or anything of the sort because of their use (or lack thereof) of this mod. If they go from 60% to 100% in half a day, kudos to them! If they do it with TexMod, still kudos to them! Doubly so if in Tyria or Elona where the map is bigger. But that's not ABUSING the mod. The mod is doing exactly what it was designed to do, and if a player chooses to play that way it isnt your right to tell them not to do so.
Please, for the sake of the community accept that you are wrong and get over it.