Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
They arent doing well because a community relations manager comes and tell you loads of details doesnt mean its true, if they told you that they had sold 150 million copies would you beleive them? You probably would.
BMP sell seperate petition.
crazy diamond
The promotion was up for MONTHS. Click, read, decide. Promotions usually have a time frame, do this- get that. This one was a very very long promotion.
I chose to buy GWEN online. I would've rather have the BOX, but I wanted the BMP. I made a choice, and now, I have my BMP and no GWEN Box. Plus, when I made that choice, I had no idea what I was really going to get, if the whole deal was worth me not having a GWEN box. I took a risk, went for the promotion in a timely fashion, and I'm happy I did.
If you chose NOT to meet the terms of the promotion, well that was your choice.
If you missed the promotion ( because you missed the link that was on your log in screen for months), then you missed it. In real life, I can't go to a store and say, " I want in on the promotion you ran last month, what you gave away was really cool".
If you don't have a credit card, ask somebody to buy it for you and pay them back? I mean, what would you do if you wanted to buy something in Amazon because they were giving away something cool and you don't have a credit card? if you come up with an answer, the I guess you should've done the same.
If they were to make this available a different way, then I would also like the option of buying it THAT way, get a refund for the 2 Gwen copies I bought, and go to any retail store so I can add that GWEN Box to my collection.
I chose to buy GWEN online. I would've rather have the BOX, but I wanted the BMP. I made a choice, and now, I have my BMP and no GWEN Box. Plus, when I made that choice, I had no idea what I was really going to get, if the whole deal was worth me not having a GWEN box. I took a risk, went for the promotion in a timely fashion, and I'm happy I did.
If you chose NOT to meet the terms of the promotion, well that was your choice.
If you missed the promotion ( because you missed the link that was on your log in screen for months), then you missed it. In real life, I can't go to a store and say, " I want in on the promotion you ran last month, what you gave away was really cool".
If you don't have a credit card, ask somebody to buy it for you and pay them back? I mean, what would you do if you wanted to buy something in Amazon because they were giving away something cool and you don't have a credit card? if you come up with an answer, the I guess you should've done the same.
If they were to make this available a different way, then I would also like the option of buying it THAT way, get a refund for the 2 Gwen copies I bought, and go to any retail store so I can add that GWEN Box to my collection.
Originally Posted by crazy diamond
You really can't be this pig-headed, can you?
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
And I wouldn't mind. Makes it fair, since those who qualified for the pack to begin with deserve something unique that future customers shouldn't get.
There are a lot more in this game, as soon as they're given the occasion they never miss it to show up.
Chris Blackstar
Originally Posted by Mordakai
You're just as bad as the people who want to sue Anet for offering the BMP in the first place!
No one here has any authority over what a company decides to sell or not sell in the future. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if Anet decides to sell the BMP at a later date, they are free to do so. Your recourse is to quit GW. |
Like I said before, if they reoffer it if you buy $30 dollars worth of merchandice on the store again like before, then I am ok with it, but to just sell it is kind of unfair to all the loyal customers who sacrficed buying a boxed copy of a game, which saved money for Anet and helped the envirorment, to offer it for sale, that is a big stab in the back, IMO
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
All Your Bmp Belong To Us!
mafia cyborg
i bet the bonus pack will be made available to all for free in a few months.
Originally Posted by Chris Blackstar
study corprate law, example, the end or supersized meals from McDonalds, thank you healthy people. Hell I could name thousands of other examples, but don't have time to do so.
Like I said before, if they reoffer it if you buy $30 dollars worth of merchandice on the store again like before, then I am ok with it, but to just sell it is kind of unfair to all the loyal customers who sacrficed buying a boxed copy of a game, which saved money for Anet and helped the envirorment, to offer it for sale, that is a big stab in the back, IMO |
Im lovin It'
That would offer a nice fish slap in the face to all the Negative Nancies here...
Wow... As this thread goes down in flames... that made me laugh
Wow... As this thread goes down in flames... that made me laugh

Originally Posted by crazy diamond
I guess that's your way of bowing out "gracefully". Don't worry, I wont press the subject anymore. Your ego obviously can't take it.
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
My ego started to make a joke of this along time ago, you lost a few posts back mate'. Sorry.
*Gets out Popcorn*
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
*Gets out Popcorn*
Ailyrr Merlena
I have too many friends who were given an error code when they attempted to buy EoTN through the online store. As a result, they were unable to purchase ANYTHING and receive access to the BMP.
Personally, I would've been more than happy to have purchased a "special edition" of EoTN that included the BMP for about $5-$10 more at a store. That would have allowed those who do not own credit cards (myself included-and its for various reasons, one being the principle, don't use money you don't really have) and those who couldn't access the online store due to the error codes they received.
Yes, I have the BMP. I have a pre-paid credit card that I use for online purchases. I have to budget in the money for anything I do use it for, just as if I were using cash. If I don't have the cash, I can't buy it.
And as far as I know, pre-paid credit cards require that you be 18 yrs old to use them, just as any other credit card. Visa/MC gift cards are another story. But again, you need the cash for them.
The above still doesn't take into account those who cannot use the online store due to errors on Anet's part.
I have too many friends who were given an error code when they attempted to buy EoTN through the online store. As a result, they were unable to purchase ANYTHING and receive access to the BMP.
Personally, I would've been more than happy to have purchased a "special edition" of EoTN that included the BMP for about $5-$10 more at a store. That would have allowed those who do not own credit cards (myself included-and its for various reasons, one being the principle, don't use money you don't really have) and those who couldn't access the online store due to the error codes they received.
Yes, I have the BMP. I have a pre-paid credit card that I use for online purchases. I have to budget in the money for anything I do use it for, just as if I were using cash. If I don't have the cash, I can't buy it.
And as far as I know, pre-paid credit cards require that you be 18 yrs old to use them, just as any other credit card. Visa/MC gift cards are another story. But again, you need the cash for them.
The above still doesn't take into account those who cannot use the online store due to errors on Anet's part.
note all the threads yelling i should have it popped up after those screenshots were posted.
the posters about the BMP except for literally a handful of posts are all centered on the weapon skins not the missions.
it is the want to be an epeener who is yelling
it is the i thought it would be crap and didnt waste my money now i want it
it is the i will laugh at you when it comes out and you are not happy with it.
the wanna be epeener is yelling not the mission player
Casts ...
:Wastrel's Collapse
I am spent...
:Wastrel's Collapse
I am spent...
Originally Posted by crazy diamond
Actually I've been yanking your chain from the start.
I knew all along!
I said maybeeee your gunna beee the onneee that saves meeee
and afterrallll
Originally Posted by Loviatar
you have that backward.
note all the threads yelling i should have it popped up after those screenshots were posted. the posters about the BMP except for literally a handful of posts are all centered on the weapon skins not the missions. it is the want to be an epeener who is yelling it is the i thought it would be crap and didnt waste my money now i want it it is the i will laugh at you when it comes out and you are not happy with it. the wanna be epeener is yelling not the mission player |
It is the I?
Originally Posted by Sekoria
I got BMP the "regular" way, but that doesn't mean I'm against other people buying it in the online store. However, if they do that, then they should make collector editions ingame boni (plural of bonus for those who wonder) available through the online store.
The problem is that Gaile Gray told us that the collector boni will never be availble on the ingame store, so I suppose that the BMP, which can be seen as "collector" material, will follow that path. That being said, I'm against that way of thinking, but I'm not megalomaniac enough to think that my opinion matters much to anet. |
playable content = prophecies, sorrows furnace, factions, nightfall, gwen, BMP (missions & quests - this is important)
visual content = coke items, preorder/prelease items, hats, collector aura, extra dances etc (all this additional stuff - this is not important)
btw. i hope my opinion matters something to anet, becouse i can put them 'out of business' by not buying GW2

Originally Posted by Garvey
notice there is playable content and visual content
playable content = prophecies, sorrows furnace, factions, nightfall, gwen, BMP (missions & quests - this is important) visual content = coke items, preorder/prelease items, hats, collector aura, extra dances etc (all this additional stuff - this is not important) |
Friar Khan
I'm cool with whatever Anet decides because they made the content and they have the right to distribute it as it best suits them.
Originally Posted by crazy diamond
*swipes some popcorn*
Whos got popcorn?
Mork from Ork
It doesn't do me any good either way because I refuse to link my main account with PlayNC and the new weapons are customized so I could not transfer them from my secondary account even if I bought the BMP
But I will sign because
if they are going to put a lot more work into the "free" promotion than they did the crap GWEN skins, the least they can do is give everyone the chance to get it now that they know what ANet was wasting their time on instead of finishing GWEN properly.
But I will sign because
if they are going to put a lot more work into the "free" promotion than they did the crap GWEN skins, the least they can do is give everyone the chance to get it now that they know what ANet was wasting their time on instead of finishing GWEN properly.
/not signed you had your time to get it.
oh boohoo
you missed your chance, tough luck
congrats to those who bought it from store (specially extra slot buyers
you missed your chance, tough luck
congrats to those who bought it from store (specially extra slot buyers
I spent 45 bucks at the store on char slots, BEFORE the BMP was even being made. So now I get nada. Lammmeeeeeeee
I Phoenix I
What's the point anyways?
The BMP will (if it does get sold) most likely be sold in the in-game store as well, so those who missed out because of the lack of a credit card will miss out again as well.
For those that chose not to buy GWEN online, it's their loss, as I chose to give up the box and items in exchange for buying GWEN online.
What's the point anyways?
The BMP will (if it does get sold) most likely be sold in the in-game store as well, so those who missed out because of the lack of a credit card will miss out again as well.
For those that chose not to buy GWEN online, it's their loss, as I chose to give up the box and items in exchange for buying GWEN online.
I believe they should have offered an outright buy of it in the first place. I already have all the games and a few extra slots. There was nothing to spend money on in order to get the pack that I didn't already have.
I believe they should have offered an outright buy of it in the first place. I already have all the games and a few extra slots. There was nothing to spend money on in order to get the pack that I didn't already have.
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
Hey wake up, people wrote here they wasted money for extra slots they would never have bought, and you call them smart?
Everyone with just few milligrams of brain and common sense would have found better uses for this money, rather than wasting for something unknown in a videogame. You make examples of real life, well in real life every normal person thinks twice before spending his hard earned money, even if the amount is small. Take a breath of real life before giving lessons on a forum. Loser. |
...who then resorts to sniping remarks.
Clever. This "real life" you speak of must be a real hoot.
Wish Swiftdeath
i would have bought the game online if i could, my parents are paranoid about internet security and won't buy anything online - what can i do?
If it was available in a store id pay $15 for it
If it was available in a store id pay $15 for it
ume kurosaki
blah blah 12 characters
blah blah 12 characters
Count to Potato
to be qualified to have the BMP u basically need a credit card that —if you are too young (13ish) — you would buy GW stuff through stores not online... i just dont use NCstore, but seems like it could be part of expansion
Hollow Gein
/signed......I bought G:WEN retail and all I got was this lousy 'reskinned' T-shirt.
Mystic Reaper
/not signed for a few reasons.
as others have said...
if u didnt have the cash, its unfortunate, but thats life, it happens, more important things then a game.
if u had the means, and still chose to buy from a regular store just for the "box", well then, your a moron. plain and simple.
its a "bonus" for buying from their store. thats it, end of story. if u truely could not get it, im sorry for u, and if u chose not to use the online store and u could have, no sympathy here pal!!!
u dont see me complaining about not getting an ultra rare mini. a few did, most didnt. it happens.
and if u ask if i got it, yes, i did. and the only reason being is that i chose to buy GW:EN from the online store, rather then driving to the store.
and if they did make it available(which i doubt) to purchase at a later date through the online store(ONLY, IMO), it should be for $30 same as the requirments as the original promotion, making it fair to those that did spend the cash in the first place. and for those peolpe saying they should make it available to buy in regular stores for $10-$20...no way in hell thats gonna happen. they r in business to make money, and doing that would cause them to lose more then would be made.
and on a side note, by making the weapons customized, they made it so u couldnt make tons of cash off it in game selling to those that dont have the BMP. which was a good idea.
IMO, if they were going to make the weapons customized, i wish they would have made it acct wide instead of individual characters so we could share weapons with others chars and heros of other chars. that way we eliminate the "grind" of repeating it over and over and......yea, that. as i thought the original concept of the game was skills over (grind) time spent. o well.
as others have said...
if u didnt have the cash, its unfortunate, but thats life, it happens, more important things then a game.
if u had the means, and still chose to buy from a regular store just for the "box", well then, your a moron. plain and simple.
its a "bonus" for buying from their store. thats it, end of story. if u truely could not get it, im sorry for u, and if u chose not to use the online store and u could have, no sympathy here pal!!!
u dont see me complaining about not getting an ultra rare mini. a few did, most didnt. it happens.
and if u ask if i got it, yes, i did. and the only reason being is that i chose to buy GW:EN from the online store, rather then driving to the store.
and if they did make it available(which i doubt) to purchase at a later date through the online store(ONLY, IMO), it should be for $30 same as the requirments as the original promotion, making it fair to those that did spend the cash in the first place. and for those peolpe saying they should make it available to buy in regular stores for $10-$20...no way in hell thats gonna happen. they r in business to make money, and doing that would cause them to lose more then would be made.
and on a side note, by making the weapons customized, they made it so u couldnt make tons of cash off it in game selling to those that dont have the BMP. which was a good idea.
IMO, if they were going to make the weapons customized, i wish they would have made it acct wide instead of individual characters so we could share weapons with others chars and heros of other chars. that way we eliminate the "grind" of repeating it over and over and......yea, that. as i thought the original concept of the game was skills over (grind) time spent. o well.
Onarik Amrak
Well, too freaking bad.
Doesn't affect me though if you get it or not.
Anet will do what Anet will do.
But you can make a lot of noise if you really want to...
Doesn't affect me though if you get it or not.
Anet will do what Anet will do.
But you can make a lot of noise if you really want to...
It was very specific; buy 29 dollars worth of products from the ingame store to gain access to the BMP. It's a once-off promotion that was designed to cut down on ANet's shipping costs for EOTN.
It was very specific; buy 29 dollars worth of products from the ingame store to gain access to the BMP. It's a once-off promotion that was designed to cut down on ANet's shipping costs for EOTN.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Im gonna have to agree.
It was obvious from the beginning when the BMP limited offer was exactly during when GWEN would be released. I made the decision to buy online and not have the box. |
Put the simple thing on the GW store for however much and see if others want to buy it separately.
My loverly story; When GW:EN was released I physically couldn't buy it online... no problem anet can penalize me for whatever they want right as there making less profit from my buying in store upon it's release?
However later on this physical obstruction of what I could choose to do with my money changed (I switched banks because the other one was an asshat). So if I wanted to I could have brought material from the online store... Oddly enough I didn't... It's not me begin fussy. Fact of the matter, I had all the GW games, Why on earth would I want 2 copies of a game I already have not to mention I suspect there would be validation problems if I attempted to do so. (Unlocking + buying an unlocked + Brought campaign and all)
Had the bonus missions been open as a sand alone feature/upgrade for me to activate I would have brought it there online and gladly made up the profit deficit that Anet had lost selling game instore. But I cannot do that making them seem completely irrational and Obtuse on the point.
You can buy a cake from a dispenser machine or you can buy it in an individuals shop. The dispenser however oddly dispenses Cakes with cherries on top.
Problem here is that I brought my cake from the Shop minus cherry. When asked why?
"It's not cost effective when considering the rent of this place" This answer given EVEN if I offer to pay more to make it up. Well fine fair enough.
Can't I just goto the dispenser and get it to deposit a cherry alone for a comparative fraction of the cost? NO the answer is amazingly. Yet I don't really want 2 Cakes (one with cherry one without) because I've got to look after my figure an all.
Normally what one would do is realize that the Bakery is duffing up on a good business by denying and flexibility in supply even if you cannot afford yourself to ship and I'd still go buy my own cherrys from the supermarket for 50p or whatever for my £1.20 cake.
course Anet can't loose business to malpractice unlike normal businesses because there the only supplier in the market. I trusted them and they seem to have betrayed it.
Ultimately in future I hope they don't sell in stores at all, Then they loose or at least struggle with business like me. I mean hey why not?
/not signed. It would never be fair to the people already have it. Like many have said, if you truly wanted it, you would have found a way to get it. If you couldn't make the money in the 3-4 month span it was offered, maybe you should worried more about something than a video game. The excuse about being a kid and not having a credit card is old. You can find a prepaid card at almost any major store.