Originally Posted by makoto
/notsigned Bad idea. You can't have cake and eat it.

pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by makoto
/notsigned Bad idea. You can't have cake and eat it.
pumpkin pie
Graphik Desine
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
QQing ftl |
Originally Posted by StelardActek
What is 'QQing' anyway?
John Panda
Killy D
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
Okay some of you /unsigned people seem to be confused or just stupid:
Some characters were made BEFORE titles existed, thus, they had no way of knowing that in the future there would be a survivor title. If they knew, those who wants the title now but can't on these characters would have never died if given the choice. For someone who wants to get LDS on a character, if they screw up and die, all they have to do is remake the character, which IS RESETTING ANYWAY. I don't see you people QQing about "OMG THAT IS SO CHEAP LOLOL". LDS was never that amazing anyway. All it takes is a lot of running around grabbing quests and standing back, which anyone with half a brain can do. The cost of gold is irrelevant, since it's around the cost of a 1.5k armor (which repays itself due to the massive amount of quest rewards). The OP has clearly stated on forcing your character to PAY gold to reset + reactivate the title. And for those people who keep whining about "Well, now you have access to areas that have better XP and stuff like FFF". You know how long it takes to get LDS with FFF alone? You know I can just pay some guy to run me half way through the Factions campaign for crap amount of gold? Again, look at the OP's post. He/she has proposed that you must PAY GOLD to reset and reactivate the title. Again: Read the OP's post before elaborating on why you don't think it is a good idea. If you don't have a good reason, don't bother posting. BTW: /Signed. |
Originally Posted by Killy D
I can see where your coming from but at the end of the day...once your dead you've lost the title track, hence the term "Survivor"
Killy D
Originally Posted by Killy D
And I think your getting caught up crying that you can't get Survivor on characters made before titles came in. The principle of the title is to get 1,337,500 xp from scratch without dieing once. Not, "I've died once lets get 1,337,500 xp again and lets call it survivor."
Originally Posted by Killy D
But I can see what you mean, make some other title regardless of death, get 3,000,000 xp without dieing once etc. But The Survivor title atm is 1,337,500xp without a single death and theres not much either of us can do to change that.
Originally Posted by Killy D
(...) then just make a new character (...)
Originally Posted by StelardActek
I think you're getting caught up on what the title means at present, not what it could mean. It doesn't HAVE to mean 'never died'. It DOES NOT mean 'never died', since once you have it you can die to your heart's content. |
As an aside, your assertion that 'once died, never a survivor' is rather morally bankrupt if you applied it to real life. Sounds a lot like 'once a criminal, always a criminal' to me.. |
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
Okay some of you /unsigned people seem to be confused or just stupid
Originally Posted by Loviatar
it means you created a character and *NEVER DIED* while getting the title ...
Originally Posted by Loviatar
dead is dead
Exterminate all
Calling folks stupid for disagreeing with you will surely make everyone respect your opinion and rally your cause to Gaile Grey |
Seraphic Divinity
Originally Posted by Riplox
If at any time before you reach LS, the survivor title counter resets to 0 and you lose whatever survivor title you had. The rest of the title details remain the same (xp required, what type of deaths count, which do not, etc.).
You can't see me
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
No. That would mean that people tha leave preSearing would lose LDoA. But that's for another thread.
Ascalon Runner