I really hate to disagree with you MithranArkanere, since you seem the biggest proponent of this idea, but I'm not sure I see how this would bring back the encouragement not to die for people who have the title.
That said, on my character which has LS, I have been trying not to die still. Want to see how high I can get that XP thing to go.

I imagine I'd do the same on my main, if it was implemented as I've suggested (the XP count in the title window is different to your actual XP count, only showing how much XP you've gained since the 'reset').
Hanok. I can only speak for me, but keeping my character alive when I first got the game was no big deal because there was NO reason to bother at first. Pre-Searing has no DP as you point out, and much of it was done solo. Only after leaving and playing with others does it become annoying, and after that of course I started playing properly. But I already had deaths at that point, and since I view the game as something fun to do, I never went to the extreme lengths necessary to totally avoid deaths from that point on.
Example: You're out playing with a party. Party wipes except for you, but you can't get in there to res them without dying. So, with the party's encouragement, you let the monsters kill you so you can all respawn at the shrine, and everyone can go on playing. You can't do that kind of thing if you're avoiding all deaths. Nor can you play your PvE character in PvP, something I like to do.
Death is part of the game. Totally avoiding it is fine and good, but you can't do it all the time, unless you're willing to go to extreme lengths and avoid certain things, or bail out of dangerous situations. This idea would allow people to play the game and have
fun, without throwing away the chance to get the survivor title later.