Originally Posted by A11Eur0
They already got your money. You're not a good customer anymore...because you already bought everything you need. Such is life dealing with a PROFITABLE BUSINESS, and it's something I've been saying for a while now. Anet doesn't care about the players, they care about their bottom line.
Your understanding of business is so vastly uninformed, and so wrong on so many levels, it is just amazing.
Customer relations outweighs simple dollars on so many levels, particularly in terms of ability to earn dollars.
We are all very valuable to Anet even if we never spend another dollar on an Anet product because we carry Anet's brand name in our pockets. Anet's image it what will determine whether or not it can continue to pull in revenue from new customers, and we are the ones who make the call over what that image is.
The power of having a game like GW is that Anet can get repetative contact with the very consumer base it is trying to make a good name with. Most companies spend very large budgets trying to persuade an unknown public that they have things that public wants. A company with an active community can get right in touch with the core movers and shakers of that public - the ones who set the trends for its public perception.
Even if we buy nothing more from Anet, we influence everyone else who may or may not choose to buy from Anet based upon our feelings towards Anet.
So... we are very valuable to Anet. More so than even a paying customer in a store. That customer has only marginal value until (s)he joins us.