DragonRogue said "Many of you are spouting off like you KNOW what you are talking about but in reality, only 117 of us REALLY know"
Wrong, there are a good few people know how the exploit worked, I even gave a step by step account on how it was done in an earlier post here, the reason I know was that I was invited to join one of the "new farming guilds" after someone explained the process I politely declined as I had no inclination to give any possibility to lose my account.
I was advised that there were actually only 3 people over the xmas period whom knew how to use the clientside exploit to emulate GM status and take a party into what should have been an unaccessible area and it was these people that were ferrying parties in and repeat farming Mallyx.
The one thing I would like to say to put this into perspective is there have been a lot of stones thrown upto now and although I agree with bans for the people using this exploit I don't believe that perma-bans should be implemented for the none hackers.
Maybe accounts stripped of all gold, armbraces, gemsets, ecto's, items etc.. and a length of time in relation to the amount of runs they had completed (like a 1 week ban and a further 72 hours ban per run after 5 runs) as was suggested by another poster, but only if they are willing to admit that they knowingly exploited the situation, as a few have willingly done and those I applaud for their honesty after the matter (such as DragonRogue).
But, the instigators, the people that actually were the party leaders deserve the perma-ban, the reason for this is they were knowingly manipulating the game client to produce the ability to ferry these parties, there is no excuse on their behalf.
I hope that a-net do relent to some degree, stripping accounts and banning them for
x weeks is punishment enough for those that knowingly entered the parties.
Lets be honest, get rich quick in GW = lose your account soon, as there is no shortcut to making money (aside from small party farming or ursanway elite areas legitimately)