Originally Posted by Lady Yuna
So as letting these players selling them for 100k+??? The newer pig doesn't well match the "polar bear description" if you get what I mean here.
I've purchased for 10k myself
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Lady Yuna
So as letting these players selling them for 100k+??? The newer pig doesn't well match the "polar bear description" if you get what I mean here.
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by Savio
The problem is that people absolutely hated the minipig and other common minipets because they are so common and worthless. People like minipets that aren't so common and worthless, but hate them when they don't have them.
People want minipets, but they don't want others to have them. The solution? There isn't one. People will complain no matter what happens. |
Originally Posted by Navaros
Warn players right off the bat that mini pigs may be made worth a lot in the future due to direct intervention by the devs. This way, those who gave away or trash canned their mini pigs wouldn't feel (and rightly so!) screwed over by this action.
Another solution could have been: make mini pigs obtainable this year too, but harder to get than they were last year. |
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
Refute my point with sound economic explanation instead of dismissing it with your usual bullshit.
The change aids poorer players with minipigs they had purchased for the sake of having them, as well as from the charity of players like Rahja and myself. |
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Savio
What do you mean I know it all? You're the one that can explain Arenanet's actions, and with clear, sound reasoning behind them too.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Gli
If I must.
A) People with low funds have no reason at all to stock multiples of any minipet, not even cheap ones, because it serves no purpose to own more than a single one on an account. I find it much more likely that the only people who have stashes of mini pigs have them because it's their habit to keep stashes of things, i.e. the packrats. B) Your assumption about who actually has these stashes of mini pets is just that: an assumtion. Not only is that an assumption, it's an assumption based upon an argument that holds no water. C) Having established that you have no clue at all as to who actually owns stashes of mini pigs, it follows that we can't conclude that this change aids poorer players. Moreover, I won't even grant you that aiding poorer players is a good idea to begin with. |
Feathermoore Rep
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Savio: Gimme a break. ANet suddenly, after a year of not caring, decides to intervene to raise the price of the most common and worthless mini in the game. Since you know it all, you tell me why.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
Then who else the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO has hordes of minipigs?
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
apparently some people just don't get it. my pc exploded, so I am typing on my ps3. in short, anet rewarded greedy people. that's injustice. have a lovely evening.
Originally Posted by elk00k
You pegged it Rahja. Whether or not ANET actually meant to reward the greedy, that is exactly what has happened. They were greedy to horde all of those mini pigs, and now they are greedy again - milking them for as much as they can get. I'm not QQ about that. People are greedy. Hey, I'm no saint, either ... but ...
What I am QQ about is that they are also punishing the generous. I gave away 5 mini pigs last year. I never sold one. Consequently, I am 3 pigs short for the trade. What's that? Sell the two I have left at inflated rates? No, I'll keep them and give them to some guildie who comes along without a mini. |
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
This isn't about greed.
It's about a poorly implemented reward system for participating in last years event. Considering storage space at the time, mini pets being COMPLETELY useless, and how easy they were to come by, I just can't imagine anyone keeping more than one. So why does ANet think we were hoarding these? All I'd like is some official response as to why they implemented this the way they did. |
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I have $10. I give it to the Salvation Army bell ringers at Christmas. I feel good, someone else benefits, all is well. I have $10 and I don't give it away. I can go buy a pair of socks with the money. I don't feel as good, no one else benefits, but in a different way all is well. I think the difference that someone will say is "We didn't know the miniature rat was a commodity." My answer is "Yes, you did, because all miniatures have a sales price." If the sales price is higher right now, because of the trade offer, I understand -- it's like a fluctuation in the economy, and my $10 is suddenly worth $20 or two pairs of socks. But does that automatically mean that we shouldn't have offered the miniature, because some people don't have the minis, never had the minis, had the minis and sold them, had the minis and gave them away, etc., etc.? I don't think it means that, while I understand that some of you do. My nephew had all the Star Wars (first run) action figures as a child. His mother gave them to charity. Should they hit the charity for some money off of those figures, because the figures are worth more than the family thought they would be? No. They did what they wanted to do, when they did it, and if in hindsight they regret it, they still know they did a positive thing. As to finding a way to "reward" those who were generous: It's a nice idea, and I wish it were possible. However, it's not possible for us to go back in time to inspect an account and find out "Fred had five minis and gave them to friends." We cannot tell if he had them, didn't have them, gave them, sold them, or binned them because of space considerations. So ultimately, the reward that you got for being selfless and giving your miniature pigs to others was their gratitude and the good feeling that you had from the giving. If that is not worth as much to you as a ham hock on the new mini, I'm sorry. I gave a lot of miniature pigs out myself, as I was at all events last year and had a few to share, plus I bought some when the price was low to give to new players. I'm not bitter that I can't capitalize on those minis, or that I can't make a bunch of celestials and sell them for a high price. I got my reward through what I did. I hope that at least some of you feel the same way and I am sincerely sorry if others do not. |
Feathermoore Rep
It's "weird" no reply from Anet staff about this, they don't seem to accept that they are wrong and we're right. Truth hurts huh |
Alex Morningstar
Originally Posted by Feathermoore Rep
Your all completely missing the point. The point is not to reward the greedy or punish the generous or casual player. The point is that ANet put WAY more mini pigs into the economy then they desired. So inorder to remove some of the mini pigs from the game, they basically offered an upgraded celestial pig for the trade of 5 old mini pigs.
And you give gift to be nice and take care of your friends. If I buy a friend a present and then a year later he sells it for whatever reason, I'm not going to be like WTH I GAVE THAT TO YOU! I gave it to them, and they have every right to do as they please with it. Just like I'm not going to be like Oh thats now worth alot of money can I have it back please? As well, all of this is free from ANet. They don't have to give us jack sh!t. But instead we have an awesome festival to coincide with the real life chinese new year, complete with mini games, prizes, and mini pets. But hey, I've said this three times now, and no ones seems to get it still. |
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I don't even know if I can answer this, because the question just seems so wrong. I'll try with an analogy.
I have $10. I give it to the Salvation Army bell ringers at Christmas. I feel good, someone else benefits, all is well. I have $10 and I don't give it away. I can go buy a pair of socks with the money. I don't feel as good, no one else benefits, but in a different way all is well. I think the difference that someone will say is "We didn't know the miniature rat was a commodity." My answer is "Yes, you did, because all miniatures have a sales price." If the sales price is higher right now, because of the trade offer, I understand -- it's like a fluctuation in the economy, and my $10 is suddenly worth $20 or two pairs of socks. But does that automatically mean that we shouldn't have offered the miniature, because some people don't have the minis, never had the minis, had the minis and sold them, had the minis and gave them away, etc., etc.? I don't think it means that, while I understand that some of you do. My nephew had all the Star Wars (first run) action figures as a child. His mother gave them to charity. Should they hit the charity for some money off of those figures, because the figures are worth more than the family thought they would be? No. They did what they wanted to do, when they did it, and if in hindsight they regret it, they still know they did a positive thing. As to finding a way to "reward" those who were generous: It's a nice idea, and I wish it were possible. However, it's not possible for us to go back in time to inspect an account and find out "Fred had five minis and gave them to friends." We cannot tell if he had them, didn't have them, gave them, sold them, or binned them because of space considerations. So ultimately, the reward that you got for being selfless and giving your miniature pigs to others was their gratitude and the good feeling that you had from the giving. If that is not worth as much to you as a ham hock on the new mini, I'm sorry. I gave a lot of miniature pigs out myself, as I was at all events last year and had a few to share, plus I bought some when the price was low to give to new players. I'm not bitter that I can't capitalize on those minis, or that I can't make a bunch of celestials and sell them for a high price. I got my reward through what I did. I hope that at least some of you feel the same way and I am sincerely sorry if others do not. |
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
Then who else the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO has hordes of minipigs?
Originally Posted by Gli
I find it much more likely that the only people who have stashes of mini pigs have them because it's their habit to keep stashes of things, i.e. the packrats.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
You're just as bad as the rest of them.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Why would poor players have hordes of minipigs? Poor players would likely have sold off the surplus, as 1K is real money to them.
IMO the people with hordes of minipigs are people with multiple accounts and/or numerous mules - guys with lots of storage space and for whom 1-2K/ea isn't enough money to sell. |
Jongo River
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
apparently some people just don't get it. my pc exploded, so I am typing on my ps3. in short, anet rewarded greedy people. that's injustice. have a lovely evening.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
Do you want Goodwill to give your clothing back?
Originally Posted by enmitee
Originally Posted by ForgeWhelp
But it certainly is a pain that the average player who either didn't save 5 pigs from last year or doesn't have the 100k-500k to buy the 5 pigs, or doesn't want to spend the 100k-500k to buy the 5 pigs are pretty much screwed or encouraged to break the EULA just so they can havethe nice new 'FREE" mini pet...
Originally Posted by ForgeWhelp
Last year:
What's that you say? You missed the event and didn't get a pig? Here, take one of mine.... This year: What's that you say? You didn't keep at least 5 pigs for yourself? HAHAAHHAH LOL PWNT NOOB. Would you like to buy one of mine? It's on sale for 50k. |
Originally Posted by Randvek
The thing that really sucks about this is that it's a reward to people who hoard. I've given away tons of minipigs. So have hundreds, nay thousands, of other people.
Good thing we have ArenaNet to tell us that no good deed goes unpunished, eh? |
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray The Miniature Pigs: There are just too many of these "out there" in the overall scope of things. Too many people got them in too many final events last year and they have (or at least had) a rather pitiable value. The fact that too many received them last year is the reason that minis are not the end-event gift this year. Changing that will make things more meaningful on several levels. The large number of minis is why the designers came up with a nice (and agreeable) means to balance the Miniature Pigs while rewarding players who did have them and did choose to keep them. For if you think about it, the most dedicated miniature collectors are probably the ones for whom a trade-in will mean something, and they are the ones who may still have them, or will be incented to trade for them. A lot of the dissent about the exchange offer seems to center on elements other than the core factor, and that core factor is this: Players have the ability to acquire a new item, which is something that players request all the time. |
Originally Posted by Firebaall
Are you telling me that not one single person is selling mini pigs in Kamadan? We both know that's bull. The difference is that you don't want to pay the asking price. You'd rather whine, and whine about it. Stop being spoiled and lazy. Go play the game for the rewards you want to EARN instead of crying on a forum.
Originally Posted by raven214
Let's see. I have about 25k right now and 2 pigs. So, using 50k per 3 more pigs as an example, I "only" need 125k. Oh, also, I have only till Monday to get this. And I have work this weekend. And I'm not a farmer. And this is all for a freakin minipet. Well, guess I'll go earn over 100k in the next few hours of game time...
GG ANet. |
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Yeesh. While I may agree with the principle, 125k for 3 pigs? Where are you shopping? Last I saw people were selling undedicated at 15k each, and dedicated (which does work with the trader) at 10k or less. It does suck to have to shell out money in such a limited amount of time to get this, but you can do it even in a few hours.
Also, it might be best to just wait. These celestials will be around 15-20k after the event, at most. If you sell the two extra pigs you have now, you could probably use that money to buy this bugger later, and you get the same end. I mean, unless you were planning on making a profit on this. If so, I have no pity. |