Originally Posted by Lady Lozza
Mark, the problem L2 has is that all things drop loot upon death - unless they changed it since I played. This means that someone that does nothing wrong still drops things from their inventry - including any adana earned. This was what always frustrated me when I played on any character but what eventually became my main. Most players don't have too much on them but their adana. And if they had been out farming for a little while it could be a reasonable amount. So you get pk'ed 100 times by the same guy they could and would pick you dry.
The karma system didn't and doesn't work too well because a lot of the people who pk don't care. More to the point if you have a neat grind spot getting rid of it, while time consuming, is hardly impossible.
WoW tried a similar system very soon after release when players complained about the same thing. I'm not sure whether it is still in place, would need a WoW player to confirm this. But basically it was a failure precisely because the people ganking and pking didn't care about it. Their fun was in ruining the gaming experience of other players.
This is exactly the problem any game with worldwide pvp faces. Pking is not about testing skills, it's about griefing. And given the general immaturity of a large chunk of the mmo population it happens far too frequenly frustrating a lot of players.
Nah you dont drop anything if you dont have karma and die in PVP, its only if u get killed by monsters that you may drop, and you never drop gold.
I think all critical quest places in GW2 will be instanced still. Open persistent spaces will be areas where people grind.
They mentioned that certain enemies such as dragons would be fought in these areas because they would require huge numbers of players.
My prediction is that PVP and PVE will still be separate in GW2, unless they add some frontier areas where say Charr and maybe humans would fight against each other and so on.
In games like Lineage II, the game was designed around conflicts. The dev's want players to fight over in game things: castles, fortresses, hunting areas, raid bosses... you name it.
PK'ing is not as widespread as many people think. If you are harassed by someone from some clan you simply join their enemies and so on. The game is hardly playable outside of an active clan anyway.
I spent about 10 levels clanless minding my own business and not once during that period did I have to fight, except once when I had to pk someone who pk'ed a friend of mine. But believe it or not without PVP such games become boring fast.
I later joined a clan called RK who fought against the rest of the server for a while and it was the most fun I ever had in any online game. I only left when my clan collapsed.
Btw if you visit L2guru, the sister site of this GWGuru, you will see players there are mostly trashtalking each other over fights and stuff instead of discussing game content LOL