Yah, toons in GW1 aren#t individual enough ,when you own all campaigns, stupidNet forces you to take only hair styles and Face Styles for example of Campaign 1, when you start a Character in Campaign better.
Better concepted would have been, that with each Campain you own, that you get then the ability to choose out of Hair Styles and Face Styles of ALL your Campaigns, that you own, regardless of where your new character should start.
Beign able to create tyria Charas with maybe Cathan Hair Style and an Elonian face Style..that would have been the right way to do it, but lazyNet didn't never and i doubt it, they ever even thought about that just for a stupid second, that it might be a good idea to change this stuff to give us more individuality -.-
That are the important visual differences, that the game offers the player big enough amounts of different good looking Hair Styles and especially Gace styles (that doesn't look like ugly crap from some zombies other than faces from humans >.>) and then especially, that ALL of them are EVER usable. The difference between races plays yet absolutely no role, because it does only with GW2, where we will be able to play them.
A much bigger amount of Professions is no real problem, when all of them are based on a certain amount of Core professions and are just only higher Career Tiers of the Core Professions.
Best examples for such a system would be:
Warrior > Barbarian > Berserker
Thief > Rogue > Outlaw
Archer > Scout > Ranger
Magus > Sorcerer > Elementalist
Merchant > Bard > Minstrel
Thief > Clown > Harlequin
Scholar > Sage > Prophet
Sailor > Corsair > Pirate
Monk > Cleric > Exorcist
Knight > Crusader > Paladin
Knight > Lancer > Dragoon
Magus > Necromancer > Occultist
and and and...
with such a CTS (Career Tier System) it's completely simple to give a game lots of different profession, which are all based on certain Core Professions.
Those professions all would be then not very much different from the Core Professions.
The only thing, that would be different between a Warrior Player and a Berserker Player would be for example, that the Berserker Player wears a different Armor, that is only able to be worn by Berserkers but has the same Max AL, as Max AL Armory for Warriors and thta Berserker Characters would have more Attributes, than Warriors, because Warriors would have only their 4 Core Attributes, while Berserkers are far more speciliazed Warriors, they have naturally more attributes, that fit to that Profession.
Warriors have also 4 attribute, while a Berserker for example would have then 8 or more Attributes (general +2 Attributes per Career Tier, but could be also more in regard of the Profession, because each profession has a different potential for more or less Attributes), what doesn't mean, that professions with more Attributes would be automatically more powerful. Those higher evolved Professions would have just more Skills to choose from their bigger amount of Attributes, thats all. When you evolve from a Warrior to a berserker, its normally clear, that you will receive through that special Berserker Skills in the End.
The needed Core professions for the optimal CTS would be:
Magus (Mage)
Farmer < as that would start all Beginners, kind of "Novice" which role would be the political Career Ladder, becoming from a Farmer with hard work with the Time one day maybe a King/Queen of your own Land, but only when you choose at the start to stay on the Way of the Farmer and not to choose one of the other Core professions as your Main Core.
That are exactly 10 Core Professions with that you can build in the way I showed you with my exaample every possible imaginable profession.
To emphasize that a bit more, here soem more examples, on how that CTS can pop ut lots of different professions, that are all based just on 10 Core professions.
Magus > Fortune Teller > Oracle
Merchant > Blacksmith > Whitesmith
Thief > Assassin > Shinobi
Monk > Acolyte > Priest
Warrior > Legionaire > Dark Knight
Magus > Wizard > Witcher
Sailor > Seaman > Captain
Warrior > Samurai > Shogun
Thief > Gypsy > Dervish
Merchant > Architect > Engineer
Archer > Hunter > Sniper
Merchant > Alchemist > Druid
Scholar > Runologist > Chronomancer
Thief > Mesmer > Charlatan
Magus > Astralist > Medium
Knight > Templar > Guardian
Scholar > Analyst > Navigator
Monk > War Monk > Shaolin Monk* (rename it maybe Zhaoshin or Xuolin)
in regard of either Zaishen or Xunlai ^^
Farmer > Citizen > Aristocrat > Count > Lord > Baron > Prince > King
You see, what is all possible to create, just out of 10 Core Profession, when all those Career Tier 2 and 3 Professions add just only more attributes to your Core Profession and enable you to wear new armor Sets, that you weren't able to wear before.
this CTS would be nothign different, than GW1's actuall 2 Class System, with the only slight different, that the CTS is far more specialized on keepign the changes just at your chosen Core Profession. What in GW1 would be the other Core professions, would be in the CTS just only the different Careers of your self chosen Profession, which you could use also just only, once your character would have learned the basics of the other career jobs of your chosen Core Profession.
This way, GW2 would not again have such things, like Wammos.
Then for example we would see in GW2 this:
"W/Be" which would stand for "Warrior that went the Way of the Berserker" in short Warrior/Berserker
then we would see a W/Dr, what would be a Warrior, that uses currently the Dragoon Career or a Mo/Pr, which would be a Monk, that has become a Priest. Right in front of that player stands then a Mo/Ex, a Monk that has not chosen the Career of becoming a Priest, but has chosen the Way of the Exorcists.
So on and so on. I think you get it, what I mean with all that.
In short: The CTS is imo the absolutely way better concepted 2 Class System, which even when done seriously good could be shown even as a single class system, where each career just gets shown to other players in their full letters.
Means, that when your mouse goes over a monk, that hasn't evolved in his/her career yet, that you see then "Monk" and not just a shortcut thing like "M20" and when you go now then over a Priest, that you see then also "Priest" on the screen and not "Mo/Pr" or somethign dumb else like that.
These 10 Core Professions can offer Profession Creations for really everyones personal taste.
That examples sound to be very much, but in the end it would be far letter, than you think, when they are all just only based on the 10 Core professions as higher Career Tiers. it would be really somethign completely different, if you would suggest now, that all these mentioned professions should become all for themself OWN Professions, that aren't based on something.
That would be naturally impossible to make