This thread will become the centralised place for discussion relating to new Storage ideas. New threads on the subject of storage will likely be closed, or merged with this thread. The previous thread became too messy in the end, so many of the ideas relating to storage are quoted below. If you want me to quote a new storage idea in this post, please PM me, or another sardelac moderator.
Originally Posted by Lexxguard
/Storage I'm a bit tired of running to storage, it seems I do it in every town i go to and some towns are a pain when it comes to storage, i.e Vasburg Armory, Droknar's Forge just to name a couple. It would be nice to be able to just walk up to the merchant type /storage and bam sell all those whites, instead of having to run to storage afterwards (already getting old) then walk to the merchant, material trader or rune trader. It would help with spontanious trades with other players as well, say you have to switch dis to meet with another player and make a trade but you forget or you dont have storage up and the item is still there, switch /storage trade simple. People might call this lazy but lets not all forget that this is a video game.This would not be hard for the designers to add into the game, and of course it will onoly be aloud while in a town with a storage chest. I don't think we should have any other things like /merchant, storage takes of almost half the time spent getting rid of your junk and would make me happy. And for those who would think that this would take away some of the realistic features of the game no one is forcing you to do it you can still walk if you want. /signed |
Originally Posted by Tarun
Suggestion: Allow Runes to stack in inventory Plain and simple idea. Scrolls now stack in your inventory, so let runes stack in your inventory as well. It would definitely beat having a bunch of runes crowding your storage. I personally buy some runes and save up in case of price changes. Look at prices of Superior Vigors lately, their price is getting to be that of what Superior Absorbtion used to be. |
Originally Posted by Roo Ella
Mini Pet Storage please I know this has been an idea before. But it is even more needed now with all the minis available and new ones coming out like the Ceratadon just recently. Could we please have a new tab in our storage box OR something similar like the storage but IN our Homs for Minis Dyes and Weapons ect. I am willing to pay for this say 500g or 1k as I am sure many would and before you say just go buy a slot for a mule and do it that way. I got too many slots now trying to keep track of whats where. ![]() If the Hom had it's own Storage separate from the normal storage I think it would be easer to implement ( but I'm not a programmer so don't really know) than tweaking the normal storage and adding tabs and such. Thanks for reading. |
Originally Posted by CyberNigma
Collector Item Storage Tab Here's one I think should be pretty easy to understand. Add a tab in the storage vault just for collector items (the drops that collectors trade for) from the campaigns/expansion similar to the materials tab. Collector items take up an ungodly amount of space if you...collect them. Just an idea. EDIT: I wanted to clarify, the collectors items I meant are like Skale Fins, Mummy Wrappings, Skelk Claws, stuff like that. The little stackable items that collectors in-game will trade for. These add up and you never know how far down the line we're going to use them. They sure do throw a lot of collector mats in the game.. |
Originally Posted by Thy Flesh Consumed
Dye Storage IMO, we really need a Dye tab in the Storage. Just like you have for your regular items and materials. What are your thoughts about this? |
Originally Posted by Killing strife
buy more storage space in game storage box Hi, We currently have 4 tabs u can get max in ur storage space chest. I would like to see a way we can buy more of those slots. My preference would be unlimited, but even up to 10 tabs would be a HUGE improvement. I would like to see the ability to buy this with GW gold. Also maybe there's a way we can make the number of spaces bigger per tab. |
Originally Posted by Killing strife
easy armor switch mechanism that doesn't take up storage space Hi, Corrently we have the ability to get 4 weapon options to switch easily. For armor however we don't have that choice. I would like to see that option 2 for armor. Also it shouldn't take up space in ur inventory when u switch the armor/weapons. It should all be "on" you already, without the need to hold them in ur bags/backpacks. The space u have is limited enough already, we shouldn't have to waste slots on things like this. |
Originally Posted by bilateralrope
key/quatermaster token storage tab When I look at the items sitting in my xunlai vault, I notice that half of them are either keys or quartermaster tokens (the things that the quartermaster NPCs want such as battle commendations, luxon totems, etc) that I'm probably not going to make use of for a while as I only really tokens for getting exp salvage and ID kits, which will take up even more room if I cash them out now, and I don't usually go chest farming, I just take keys if I'm in the area. So could ANET please make another tab in the xunlai agent like the material storage for keys and for the quartermaster tokens ? |
Originally Posted by Sample Attack
Armor Storage Even Tho I bought so many slots , Still Issue with my clothing closet. Everytime I want to wear some differrent armor I have to look through all my storage charcters. Plz is there anyway you can do it like Materials storage? So I can buy more Armor, I love shopping for Armor and look good/different. Maybe armor storage NPC? or add to the same storage NPC with the tab "Armor" , So I can Have it all !!! Plz /sign |
Originally Posted by dark
New Storage Tab Idea Trying to search on forum gave no answer, i know that storage request are boring ... but what about a GREEN items storage? Each place has his name (as for materials) and you can stock up only 1 each type ... probabily easy to implement... if they could track how much materials you have in storage what would cost to track a boolean for 1 object? Obviously same name items (waywars wands, straw effigy and the like) could be omitted... atm i think there are less than 255 greens (i count ~241) prevent too small icons they could split greens "per chapter"... PS : if this has been told before... i'm sorry for my bad search... please... delete this thread. |