The Definitive Storage Thread
something like a hall of monuments type thing for armour, books (library sounds cool) and weapons rack!! maybe placing your armour on the monument actually stores it there instead of the storage chests
With all the new books I think 1 extra 10 slot bag per char that can only hold consumables and books would be a great idea and still leave space to actually pick up some stuff from kills.
I completely agree. Add the books to our [H] Hero page. Open a tab for it after receiving the 'book.' Access the book from there. It's just an idea.
After filling them, you just talk to an NPC, and he simply erases the pages from your books again, but it stays in your [H] window.
Way better than the book-tab in the Xunlai chest, as that's account-wide, and the [H] window has THREE huge advantages over a xunlai tab:
- It's character based.
- It's always with you.
- It doesn't take up physical space anymore.
Awesome idea, and /signed!!!
Yeah what the hell? Tiny storage is the oldest complaint in Guild Wars, and adding more items we need to somehow fit in out TINY bags ISN'T HELPING at all.
I haven't played in quite a while because my storage space is filled up and well with that I just can't progress anymore. There's alot more stuff to get but I can't store it anywhere so why? And then I see patch notes like these.... really, wtf?
Are we really expected to buy character slots and extra accounts for storage or something?
I haven't played in quite a while because my storage space is filled up and well with that I just can't progress anymore. There's alot more stuff to get but I can't store it anywhere so why? And then I see patch notes like these.... really, wtf?
Are we really expected to buy character slots and extra accounts for storage or something?
It worked for the update itself. I'm pretty sure if we whine enough on Guru, they'll listen. Worked for Ursan too.
A schoolbag + a closet for armors?
A schoolbag + a closet for armors?

Abso-f*cking-lutely! We are in desperate need of somewhere to put the ridiculous number of books we now posess. I haven't got to Sardelac yet, but if it's not there I hope someone posts this as a suggestion.
Shayne Hawke
I'm appalled at how many people are asking for this, considering none of the books overlap in goals. If you're really trying to do all of those books, finish them one at a time, not everything at once. Divide and conquer.
There is no reason to be carrying around all 11 handbooks at once, either in your inventory or storage.
There is no reason to be carrying around all 11 handbooks at once, either in your inventory or storage.
I'm appalled at how many people are asking for this, considering none of the books overlap in goals. If you're really trying to do all of those books, finish them one at a time, not everything at once. Divide and conquer.
There is no reason to be carrying around all 11 handbooks at once, either in your inventory or storage. |
One thing I won't be doing is concentrating on the requirements of just one book and one character at a time, putting off all friends, guildies, allies, and characters who are engaged on something else. I'm not that single minded, nor are many of the players I know.
Thus, if I want to lock in credit for each of the things that each of my characters may do over the course of time, each character needs to have the appropriate set of books in hand. Either all 11, or a significant subset. What's so hard to understand about that?
Doing one book at a time would feel like being a hamster on a wheel. Most people want to skip around and do things when they feel like it after having already played so much content that having to straight up grind the campaigns isn't fun in of itself.
Shayne Hawke
The books don't overlap in goals, but the players do. Perhaps I will do a mission to advance myself in NF, which I have not completed yet. A bit later maybe I'll help a friend get masters on Eternal Grove. After that I may switch to a different character starting on the Guardian title track with Great Northern Wall.
Of course, nobody had problems with the system before when it didn't exist, but now if players play without the books, they feel like they're cheating themselves?
Look just spend the 10 bucks for storage. How so...Go the the online store and pay 10 bucks and get a new toon. Name new toon "My storage guy" then transfer stuff to him via the Chest and Voila you have extra storage. Ya. Storage. You should now have over 130 free spaces to hold your stuff.
Or just sell the jink that you have in storage and go from there. The armor that you have that you put in the hall can be Salvaged to make mats that can then go in your mats section of the chest. If you have 10 sets of armor then you can afford then you can simply salvage them. What it wont work? MINI pets worth the same way you do not have to have them once you put them in your hall.
Proff? Get a devourer mini and dedicate it. Then walk to an explorable area and drop it on the ground then go back to your hall. oh look its still there
Come on they try and help us out and we bitch and moan about 6 spaces in storage??? Who the heck is going to wants to get 4 normal and 4 hard mode book at the same time?. Complete the one and then do the other. People just want to moan and complain.
Think Positively people. Positive Thoughts. Have fun its a GAME and you paid for ONCE. they do not need to do these changes AT ALL. they do them for YOU. Are you BLIND and can not see that they are helping you out. Look at the attention to detail. Look at all the thought. Do you not think that this came up in their discussion about the books? Give it a rest. Just finish one book before you start the other. Common Sense here people's.
I am in the same boat as ALL of you and you do not see me complaining about the update only about Self Centered Gimmie Gimmi Mentality.
Rant over..
Just get one book at a time do it hand it in and go from there.
Maybe I should write a book on how to use these books.
Or just sell the jink that you have in storage and go from there. The armor that you have that you put in the hall can be Salvaged to make mats that can then go in your mats section of the chest. If you have 10 sets of armor then you can afford then you can simply salvage them. What it wont work? MINI pets worth the same way you do not have to have them once you put them in your hall.
Proff? Get a devourer mini and dedicate it. Then walk to an explorable area and drop it on the ground then go back to your hall. oh look its still there
Come on they try and help us out and we bitch and moan about 6 spaces in storage??? Who the heck is going to wants to get 4 normal and 4 hard mode book at the same time?. Complete the one and then do the other. People just want to moan and complain.
Think Positively people. Positive Thoughts. Have fun its a GAME and you paid for ONCE. they do not need to do these changes AT ALL. they do them for YOU. Are you BLIND and can not see that they are helping you out. Look at the attention to detail. Look at all the thought. Do you not think that this came up in their discussion about the books? Give it a rest. Just finish one book before you start the other. Common Sense here people's.
I am in the same boat as ALL of you and you do not see me complaining about the update only about Self Centered Gimmie Gimmi Mentality.
Rant over..
Just get one book at a time do it hand it in and go from there.
Maybe I should write a book on how to use these books.
God why do I read these forums, for every five thinking persons there's an apologist to troll the whole thread.
God why do I read these forums, for every five thinking persons there's an apologist to troll the whole thread.
Evil Neato
Character-specific armor storage tab at Xunali Chest -- meaning, you can only access it on that character.
Character-specific book storage tab at Xunali Chest, ditto above. No need to carry them all with you at the same time, it's just unrealistic. It's easy enough to stop by storage to pick up the correct book.
Dye storage, like material storage. Self explanatory.
As it is, I have to have an entire character dedicated to holding 15k armors, and an entire character that just acts as a mule to hold mods and pets. This is with already having a good portion of my other character's bags filled with weapons and armor... There really isn't much room for picking up much of anything.
I'd much rather be able to actually make 2 real characters and play with them, instead of having to use them for storage... Or at least one... having to have one dedicated mule for mods and random crap isn't so bad.
Or better yet...
Make armors not items. After you buy an armor, just make it go poof. And you'd click the armor slot in your body, and it would pull up a list of armors that you have for that particular body slot. You'd dye them and mod them if needed while wearing them, then that info would be saved when you change armors. I dunno. Not very well thought out, but kind of a nice concept, I think...
Character-specific book storage tab at Xunali Chest, ditto above. No need to carry them all with you at the same time, it's just unrealistic. It's easy enough to stop by storage to pick up the correct book.
Dye storage, like material storage. Self explanatory.
As it is, I have to have an entire character dedicated to holding 15k armors, and an entire character that just acts as a mule to hold mods and pets. This is with already having a good portion of my other character's bags filled with weapons and armor... There really isn't much room for picking up much of anything.
I'd much rather be able to actually make 2 real characters and play with them, instead of having to use them for storage... Or at least one... having to have one dedicated mule for mods and random crap isn't so bad.
Or better yet...
Make armors not items. After you buy an armor, just make it go poof. And you'd click the armor slot in your body, and it would pull up a list of armors that you have for that particular body slot. You'd dye them and mod them if needed while wearing them, then that info would be saved when you change armors. I dunno. Not very well thought out, but kind of a nice concept, I think...
School bag that we need
Gargle Blaster
i don't have a big problem(yes this is still a problem and i have 8 mules) with all the books taking up general storage... i do have a problem with them taking up storage space on the toon... there are only a small # of slots on each person for weapons/keys/books/hats/consumables(including holiday items)/... and still have space for items dropped from monsters.
Miss Puddles
shouldn't this thread be in sardelac?
either way, i agree. too many books, not enough space.
either way, i agree. too many books, not enough space.
I am a Hero not a librarian
I am a Hero not a librarian

Takeko Nakano
Shayne Hawke
One thing I won't be doing is concentrating on the requirements of just one book and one character at a time, putting off all friends, guildies, allies, and characters who are engaged on something else. I'm not that single minded, nor are many of the players I know.
Thus, if I want to lock in credit for each of the things that each of my characters may do over the course of time, each character needs to have the appropriate set of books in hand. Either all 11, or a significant subset. What's so hard to understand about that? |
If you're complaining about missing out on mission credit when you're trying to help out whoever, it stops being an issue of putting off friends and starts being an issue of pinching pennies and trying to get whatever little bonus you can scrape out of something. If you don't have a strong intention of following through a whole book, don't get one.
i want a power rangers lunch box too ^^
/agree whit school bag
/agree whit school bag
the idea of schoolbag is quite funny
and i agree all of these books are taking a lot of storage already from eotn
now for tyria cantha and elona too QQ
and i agree all of these books are taking a lot of storage already from eotn
now for tyria cantha and elona too QQ
more storage and larger bags. there's no reason the max expansion for bags is just 25 storage slots. i've wanted since september 05
/signed!!!! Please please please
Edit /signed for the book bag/storage tab idea I don't think we need larger bags
Edit /signed for the book bag/storage tab idea I don't think we need larger bags
I agree for a new storage option for the Storybooks. Myself I have guildmates who are doing various missions all over in GW. Far easier and economical to have all these books on my character than to go pick up a book each time a guildmate wants some company in a mission. Definately don't want to pay the platnium to fill out a complete book that I could have had on my character.
Lycan Nibbler
So, we have 17 books?
I normally play the game very randomly, so I have all books in my inventory. I think we need something for storing all books in one inventory slot.
EDIT: a "book container" like the Incubator.
I normally play the game very randomly, so I have all books in my inventory. I think we need something for storing all books in one inventory slot.
EDIT: a "book container" like the Incubator.
theres more than enough room for all these 11 books that must somehow fill an entire storage
if youve got all 3 campaings (assuming you do if youre bitching about 11 books) then youve got 40 slots in storage, and 45 per character with full bags/belt pouch, and 8 character slots just for buying all the games(i think) leaves you with another 400 slots for the characters, even if every one of your characters has 3 different armor sets, salvage/id kits, and 4 weapon sets thats 25 slots still leaving more than enough room for the 2 books of the story youre playing through at the time
so, unless for some unbelievable reason you save every single drop you get then i highly doubt you are so hard pressed for room that a few books is much of a hassle and if it is, quit bitching about more storage, buy a few character slots, make pvp chars, buy them bags and lookie there, 45 more storage slots
if youve got all 3 campaings (assuming you do if youre bitching about 11 books) then youve got 40 slots in storage, and 45 per character with full bags/belt pouch, and 8 character slots just for buying all the games(i think) leaves you with another 400 slots for the characters, even if every one of your characters has 3 different armor sets, salvage/id kits, and 4 weapon sets thats 25 slots still leaving more than enough room for the 2 books of the story youre playing through at the time
so, unless for some unbelievable reason you save every single drop you get then i highly doubt you are so hard pressed for room that a few books is much of a hassle and if it is, quit bitching about more storage, buy a few character slots, make pvp chars, buy them bags and lookie there, 45 more storage slots
Shayne Hawke
Yeah, there's like, six or seven grind titles now? I have a really hard time working on them all at once... We should MERGE them. Yeah! I can't bother to play focused on one goal at a time, so let me just put ALL of my titles together so I can just do that!
We do not need more storage. You (all) need to learn how to focus.
We do not need more storage. You (all) need to learn how to focus.
wind fire and ice
how about you just bring the book you need with you and leave the rest....?
Yeah, there's like, six or seven grind titles now? I have a really hard time working on them all at once... We should MERGE them. Yeah! I can't bother to play focused on one goal at a time, so let me just put ALL of my titles together so I can just do that!
[/sarcasm] We do not need more storage. You (all) need to learn how to focus. /notsigned |
Just because that's how you play, does not make it the right way.
You don't need to keep them in the inventory.
You can make the missions, go the the NPC, ask for a book, fill each entry onces per each time you made the mission by paying gold, then give back the book.
That's how Expansion books work.
If the campaign books don't work like the Expansion ones, then they should do.
We can get back Zho's Journal anytime after getting it the first time.
Same for the Golem manual.
Although we don't need to store them, it would be nice to be able to read them all anytime.
There could be a book sheld in the HoM, where you could click and read completed copies of the books you gave fully completed.
The only way. THE ONE AND ONLY way to really solve storage problems it's by removing the need for storage, NOT adding more storage. No matter how much storage you add, it will get filled sooner or later.
In the case of books, you can get them again any time.
And you don't need to carry them to complete them, you can make them missions, then get the book, then complete the books by talking to the NPC and paying gold.
For items with traders, no problem you can go to the trader and get them as soon as there is stock.
Armors, weapons, and miniatures are the only real problem when it comes to storage.
For that, the only way I can think to fix that it's unlocking them once per character.
You can make the missions, go the the NPC, ask for a book, fill each entry onces per each time you made the mission by paying gold, then give back the book.
That's how Expansion books work.
If the campaign books don't work like the Expansion ones, then they should do.
We can get back Zho's Journal anytime after getting it the first time.
Same for the Golem manual.
Although we don't need to store them, it would be nice to be able to read them all anytime.
There could be a book sheld in the HoM, where you could click and read completed copies of the books you gave fully completed.
The only way. THE ONE AND ONLY way to really solve storage problems it's by removing the need for storage, NOT adding more storage. No matter how much storage you add, it will get filled sooner or later.
In the case of books, you can get them again any time.
And you don't need to carry them to complete them, you can make them missions, then get the book, then complete the books by talking to the NPC and paying gold.
For items with traders, no problem you can go to the trader and get them as soon as there is stock.
Armors, weapons, and miniatures are the only real problem when it comes to storage.
For that, the only way I can think to fix that it's unlocking them once per character.
If you don't have a strong intention of following through a whole book, don't get one.
At this moment you could potentially have 17(!) books in your possession for a single char.
Surely there must be another way to store these books instead of cluttering you storage / chars with them?
More storage / book bag / ... plz!
Another thing I'd like to bring up for consideration is that you have to have a book half-filled for it to be turned in for anything. That means if you're running between NM and HM and different campaigns with all kinds of books, you're screwing yourself over because you can't focus on one thing to be completed enough to turn in.
If you're complaining about missing out on mission credit when you're trying to help out whoever, it stops being an issue of putting off friends and starts being an issue of pinching pennies and trying to get whatever little bonus you can scrape out of something. If you don't have a strong intention of following through a whole book, don't get one. |
Saying that we don't deserve books because we have no intention of following through is not only plain out idiotic but it's completely self righteous. Who are you to dictate how we play the game. We may perhaps have every intention of completing books, just in a different way and at our own pace.
Increase material storage, add dye, armour, and book storage and I will be a very happy lady.
Onyx Blindbow
I keep rare weapons etc... and have had to make 3 storage mules simply because of lack of storage.
They really need to add at least another 2 tabs to xunlai chest or a "safe" in your HoM where you can store upto 100 items
They really need to add at least another 2 tabs to xunlai chest or a "safe" in your HoM where you can store upto 100 items
I like the idea of book storage, and dye storage....
and I need KEY storage too....lockpicks are toooooo expensive for my chance of keeping them (even WITH decent treasure and wisdom I break them more than keep)....
and I need KEY storage too....lockpicks are toooooo expensive for my chance of keeping them (even WITH decent treasure and wisdom I break them more than keep)....
Phaedra Firesoul
Daedra Deinheart
So, as I read the comments, a "box" with all books inside is a BAD idea? Why could someone not sign this? I think 100% of players will like a feature like that, you can keep all the books in one slot at the same time, without any disadvantage, so WHY NOT? there are not true arguments to not sign.