Originally Posted by Kanyatta
That's why I say that:
The best solution for storage problems is the merchant.
After looking at that image, I just shook my head and lol'd a little. Seriously, 5 stacks of Tanned Hide Squares? That'll come in handy someday.. oh wait.. no it won't. I'm also pretty sure I see 17 swords in there. And 2 slots devoted to Stone Summit Badges? lmao
You cannot sell some items. Nor trade them.
When you sell something to a trader, you can always buy some more back sooner or later, when they are available.
But for things that have not trader, that could mean not being able to acquire the item again.
People store things to keep them for later use. If you sell something to a merchant, something you got, you will not be able to use it later.
And some things cannot be acquired again, EVER. Like Zho's Journal.
If Zho's journal was unlocked instead of stored, you'll be able to access it from the Quest log or something like that, and it won't take one storage slot.
So no.
The best solution for storage problems is removing the need for storage.
That is done with things like:
Unlocking, for things that take time to get and are expensive.
This would work now for
Armor pieces, books and miniatures as good as with Hats. Now that the HoM is becoming account-wide, they could make a miniature maker create customized versions of the miniatures added to the HoM.
Traders, for expendable stuff or things that are used and consumed. Right now the only thing left that needs traders is
Weapon upgrades. This would be specially helpfull for PvP-only account. But really helpful too for PvE characters.
Xunlai Marketplace. So people get rid sooner of items they are keeping to sell, leaving more room for other stuff.
Better customization(or even require customization to equip) This would be good for weapons and offhands, so people customize more items, and thus, more room for new drops is made in the market. And more people would want the weapons others have to sell, and a dinamic market with faster sells makes people have less need for storage. The sooner you sell the stuff, the sooner you get back empty slots.