I'm going to break up this post into a few sections in case someone actually cares to read the whole thing.
1. Response to Zsig
2. Shadow Form
3. Other Reverts
4. "Win" Button in PvE
1.================================================ ========
Originally Posted by Zsig
What's the purpose of PvE skills in the game anymore?
I never really thought I'd say this but, might as well go ahead and remove them all.
If you're saying they're underpowered... try [Ursan Blessing][Save Yourselves][There's Nothing to Fear]
If you're saying they're overpowered, then they'd have been even more overpowered before some other skills were pumped up to "match."
I guess I don't see the rationale behind your post in either direction.
2.================================================ ========
Someone back a few pages ago mentioned that if Shadow Form last 30 seconds at 12 SA then "following the pattern" would make it 32 at 16. Does not compute? 30-5 = 25 gained from adding attributes, over 12 points is about 2 seconds per point. 4 more points is 8 more seconds. My first post in the thread tells how if the ratio between 16:12 Shadows Arts is the same with the new duration it'll last about the same. Notwithstanding a 20% enchanting mod in either case and both of which allow Deadly Paradox to keep it up full time.
3.================================================ ========
I had almost forgotten about the Mind Blast + Rodgort's nerf. I would very much like to see that come back into play as that really made Ele PvE more exciting to me. Also some of the Paragon Motivation line should make a return appearance. Though there's the obligatory argument that Paras are already ridiculously overpowered in PvE, I think it would help the class as a whole to have a little more variety available. DA is a very bland revert.
4.================================================ ========
Honestly, this can't have taken much thought or maturity. It's always fun for that first time when you get the godmode cheats in any game and can rampage through just mauling anything and everything, but after a while, surely it gets boring. Even if not the "challenge" just the fact that you're actually playing the game instead of watching things die as you look at them and they fall dead from your omnipotent presence.
Really, none of these skills break the game. Yes, the Shadow Form revert/buff is pretty ridiculous, but guess what -- perma-Shadow was /autowin in most areas where it functioned properly already, it just required half a brain and knowing how to use it. Now it takes less and yes, more people (the turds that couldn't figure it out before) will throw it on their bars. I don't really understand why people are complaining about rolling PvE being too easy. None of these updates break the game in any way. LoD might make an Ursanway monk require less attention and SF requires less intelligence and concentration. Who cares?
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I could probably say more but I doubt anyone will read this whole thing anyway, so I'll just count on being back with more short snippets.