[Dev Update] Shadow Form Balance Changes - 2 July 2008
And now watch all the prices of everything go up because people can spent tons and tons of ectos that they farmed.
edit: and no i dont any ectos, thats why im saying it
edit: and no i dont any ectos, thats why im saying it
Monk Gsb
do somthing good for pvp now ? (aka, nerf the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO out of sway and all other degenerate builds. kthx )
Originally Posted by makosi
The damage is already done. -_-
It's can't be healthy to let ectoplasm prices yo-yo up and down by artificial methods. |
The Great Al
ugh, I couldn't care less about the farming, but there goes my ele runner

Does the new SF affect damage from hexes like [Empathy]? If no , and even if it's a yes I can still farm my lovely Yammiron
Won't Shadow Form assassins just move to Tomb of Primeval Kings, for some easy Banished Dream Rider farming?
If the -50% damage covers melee damage too, then that is a huge nerf. It nerfs more than UW, it will just about nerf Boss farming and any other things other than running.
That nerf is harsh enough to warrant removing the health loss or even to buff SF to be maintained by only Deadly Paradox.
That nerf is harsh enough to warrant removing the health loss or even to buff SF to be maintained by only Deadly Paradox.
I can't believe it happened, atleast so soon..
Originally Posted by AOD_EaSyKiLL
If the -50% damage covers melee damage too, then that is a huge nerf. It nerfs more than UW, it will just about nerf Boss farming and any other things other than running.
That nerf is harsh enough to warrant removing the health loss or even to buff SF to be maintained by only Deadly Paradox. |
Originally Posted by underverse_ninja
I think the 50% only effects the Chaos plains monsters mentioned.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Won't Shadow Form assassins just move to Tomb of Primeval Kings, for some easy Banished Dream Rider farming?
- There's a much lower chance of getting ecto
- It takes a while to play enough to get rid of the overfarming code - stages 3 and 4have the most drops but take about 40 mins to get to.
I'm not really that bothered about this change. I can still get my cartog. titles, still run people easily, and still farm places where there are so many enemies, Sliver Armor will still kill quickly (monolith temple, raptors, ice floe, vermin, etc)
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Won't Shadow Form assassins just move to Tomb of Primeval Kings, for some easy Banished Dream Rider farming?
soon? not really, atleast 2 weeks of braindead ecto farming in uw x] I don't think they should've nerfed SF tbh, just nerf Glyph of Swiftness to non ecnhantments only, or Elementalist spells only. This kills A/E solo for UW, all they did now is make a slower UW HM farm with 6 ursans and 2 monks zzz they should nerf Ursan aswell if they are going to keep this -.-
This also kills off the typical Terra farmer too doesn't it? If disenchant hits Ob. flesh, run is over. Course I could be wrong. I've been wrong before, will be wrong again.
I really really hope this isn't the only skill update Anet could muster for a whole month. As lousy a a state as PVP is in, I really hope there's more coming than just a pacifier for the ecto QQ crowd.
Originally Posted by underverse_ninja
I think the 50% only effects the Chaos plains monsters mentioned.
[shadow form]
now reduces the damage dealt by the caster by 50% while active.
This is intended to slow down killing while under the effects of Shadow Form. We recognize that this does not affect killing by Health degeneration. That is primarily being addressed through the creature changes listed below.
I take that to mean:
caster = the person casting Shadow Form
damage = any skill that does damage (98% of all non healing skills) and weapons
-50% = alot of a fudging nerf
Does not effect degen = we wish we could include degen in the nerf, but it tecnically doesnt cause damage, so we cant factor for it
Now, if EBSoH still adds full damage, there is some potential to farm still, but dagger builds are out of the question. DP already disables them for a while, then you add the fact you only can carry 3-4, then cut that damage in half, that means no SF dagger farming. Sliver would be the only way.
Daaaamn nice job anet 
Is Ursan next...? o:
Is Ursan next...? o:
Lector G
O.O ectos are back at 4.5k at the trader already lol YAY
The Meth
Anet finally nerfing imba PvE stuff?
This is madness...
This is madness...
Back to the W/Rt I guess
Depends on how many Mindflayers are spawned. If it's just one, a cover enchantment should be enough (eg. Aura of Restoration). If it's 3+6+9, gg.
Yaay finally all the QQ'ing can stop
Back to the ursanwhine? or maybe they'll find something else to whine about.
Back to the ursanwhine? or maybe they'll find something else to whine about.
Empathy/Backfire technically are not damage dealt by the caster. Neither is Wandering Eye or Clumsiness. So if ANet follows their wording (doubtful) then Me/A and A/Me can still solo at full efficiency
Sliver Armour is though, I think. Since it is effected by Intensity/EBSoH/etc.
Sliver Armour is though, I think. Since it is effected by Intensity/EBSoH/etc.
When's this being implemented? I thought they did skill changes every thursday if its tonight, not enough time for me to farm all the difficult bosses' greens

good job anet
unfortauntely, I didn't get to take advantage of this, oh well.
This is so dumb. Yes, SCREW US for complaining...a basic right in the producer & consumer relationship.
Tomorrow, when the DF starts.
good job anet
unfortauntely, I didn't get to take advantage of this, oh well.

Yaay finally all the QQ'ing can stop Back to the ursanwhine? or maybe they'll find something else to whine about. |
When's this being implemented? I thought they did skill changes every thursday if its tonight, not enough time for me to farm all the difficult bosses' greens |
I totally should have farmed a little before this.
Damn hero battles! drawing me in with their tempty-temptyness!
Damn hero battles! drawing me in with their tempty-temptyness!
Nice for some...
I sold half of mines for stuff to trade right before the drop a couple of weeks ago. That worked out well since I got cash and ectos back in trade. Bought the rest back for 3 - 3.3k each over the last few days and now just sold almost half of those for 3.75k, then 3.8k, and 4k each. Now it's easy 3.8k+ and rising just on speculation. The funny thing is that prices didn't move that much at merchants over the past day(s), but people perceived value went down and up like the tide. They 1st thought the favor running out would spike the ecots, but favor never did run out, and it bottomed out around 3k each or 33 ectos for 100k. LOL. I didn't know they were definitely going to nerf sins or I would have bought more ectos instead of buying for the lowest I could get them.
This permasin thing might have caused a spike in interest for fow armor. Prices could go back up to 5k+ for ectos and stay high for shards. Everyone has a set and you know how that goes...
Anyways is ursan next? Time to get back into Armbraces or something.
I sold half of mines for stuff to trade right before the drop a couple of weeks ago. That worked out well since I got cash and ectos back in trade. Bought the rest back for 3 - 3.3k each over the last few days and now just sold almost half of those for 3.75k, then 3.8k, and 4k each. Now it's easy 3.8k+ and rising just on speculation. The funny thing is that prices didn't move that much at merchants over the past day(s), but people perceived value went down and up like the tide. They 1st thought the favor running out would spike the ecots, but favor never did run out, and it bottomed out around 3k each or 33 ectos for 100k. LOL. I didn't know they were definitely going to nerf sins or I would have bought more ectos instead of buying for the lowest I could get them.
This permasin thing might have caused a spike in interest for fow armor. Prices could go back up to 5k+ for ectos and stay high for shards. Everyone has a set and you know how that goes...
Anyways is ursan next? Time to get back into Armbraces or something.
Squishy ftw
Why did they nerf Afflicted Assassin ? 
Poor guys.

Poor guys.
Originally Posted by Snoes
Yaay finally all the QQ'ing can stop
Back to the ursanwhine? or maybe they'll find something else to whine about. |
Angelina Collins
just use Asura scan, and problem solved.
Expected a nerf, so not shocked. Very creative. I will miss the speed runs. It was very fun trying to get faster. I farmed very little but did sin farm some.
Hm...I'm not so much against the update as I am at Anet appeasing the crowd crying about how they lost money on ectos. If they're going to balance the game based upon a commodity and the players which invest in it, it's not a good sign.
Better late than never... too bad i just gave away 88 ectos to help a friend get fow armor :*(
Originally Posted by The Arching Healer
Nerf more please, please nerf Guild Wars oops you allready did. Lets have this clear. People cried long enough to get a nerf on Shadow Form.
I like nerfs, i dont think there was really a bad nerf in the 2 years i've been playing (inc. AoE, lootscale etc.) havent been playing much attention though in the last month or 2.
I can see why they were in place, (from a pve point of view, cant find the right pvp guild)
but yeah, Anet shouldnt have broguht it in in the first place.
Burst Cancel
Originally Posted by Hiotoko
Hm...I'm not so much against the update as I am at Anet appeasing the crowd crying about how they lost money on ectos. If they're going to balance the game based upon a commodity and the players which invest in it, it's not a good sign.
wow that really sucks with SF like this..its going to be so hard to Chest run now
Nobody, has really pointed out, but the changes to Choas plains should also effectively nerf Terra-Tanking and Fast UW runs depending on how many and where they spawn.
Angelina Collins
lucky I bought my chaos gloves yesterday when the price was 3.7K per ecto, now 4.7K per ecto, and I bet will soon be higher.
So ANet thinks it's better to address a skill that makes farming ridiculously easy rather than a skill that makes the game ridiculously easy? I don't follow the logic but okay...
Originally Posted by Burst Cancel
Funny, that's what the other camp was saying when they buffed SF to make farming easier. Fancy that.