Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
Treasure Hunter/Wisdom:
-Both should be account-based, obv reasons.
What are these obvious reasons? Account based wisdom is not going to make more golds drop for your account so it does nothing to alleviate the grind of the title. If you think it does by eliminating the storage chest shuffle of ids to one toon to another is some sort of solution then you are wrong you will never max the title doing that. Treasure account wide would knock off possibly 1% - 3% just because some randomly encountered chest could be added to the title. 3% from 10,000 chests is a joke. The massive grind of chest running is not significantly eased by making treasure account wide.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
-No other changes needed to those titles as the other main problem with them is the current post-HM terrible economy state making treasure hunting just a painful time AND gold-sink (it was completely different before HM update)
Wrong here as well. There is a huge change that needs to be done ever thought about reducing the insane title cap? 10,000 of anything in this game is excessive. Instead of making treasure and wisdom account wide they need to be reduced to 5000 at least to give players relief from the ridiculous grind.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
Nightfall/EotN reputation titles:
-Maxing them ONCE is absolutely FINE, no changes required at all...
-Having to repeat that for every other character can become a painful grind - cut the grind - give so if you have already max'ed a title
-Those titles should NOT be account-based.
Reputation grind and SS/LB should not be lumped together. The rep grind is completely horrible and needs to be addressed. No sane person is going to max out these titles on every toon. These really need to be changed to account based attributes and taken out of the KoaBD track and replaced with quest based titles.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
Consumable titles - Drunk/Sweet/Party:
-Should all be account-based, just like Treasure Hunter, for the same reasons -
No they shouldn't and you didn't give any reasons anywhere in your post for TH or any other title to be account based.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
you shouldn't feel punished for wanting to eat sweets/drink/party with a different character than your main title-grinder.
You are not "being punished" use your consumables how you want to, but if you can't make a logical decision on how to use them you are punishing yourself.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
And the single most important title - The Kind of a Big Deal title track:
-Should count unique max'ed titles on the account - should reward a players achievements instead of extreme dedication to just one character.
Worst idea ever. After 2.5 years of people playing to a character based title worst thing you can do is make it account-wide. Hopefully you can see why in my response below.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
-This change is actually more important than Account-based HoM for making playing multiple characters a viable playstyle, and in fact this title takes a major role in the HoM itself.
Most GWAMM play more than one toon so what are you talking about? Making the KoaBD track account wide
hurts players of multiple characters by punishing people with duplicate titles on multiple characters. They will get screwed with every title that becomes account based. Especially people with multiple toons in the KoaBD track. This is probably the most unfair and punitive change possibly looming. If a person has three characters who are PKM or two characters GWAMM you think wiping that out and nullifying every character they individually developed is helping to make multi-character play a viable playstyle? You are destroying multi-toon play with that philosophy. There are people who have all protectors titles on every profession playing all 10 characters equally and you want to give some one with protecter on just one toon the same honor of wearing the title on every class that they have earned? You are beyond wrong.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
-This also solves the problem of old (pre-Factions) characters being permanently disadvantaged by not being able to be Survivors (Survivor title wouldn't need any change then)
No it doesn't. The account wide HoM solved that problem for these players my GWAMM is a pre-factions character, but thanks to the coming HoM update my LS and LDoA toons can be counted towards GW2 just like post-factions toons. Monkeying with GW1 KoaBD has nothing to do with it.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
-This change won't make GWAMM easier - .
Yes it will, which is why you want the change. It is a hella lot harder to max 30 titles on one toon than spreading it out across an account where you can use the optimum character for every situation. It waters the title down tremendously.