The more I play Custom Brawl the more I realise how many retards there are in Guild Wars. Seriously, I think I'm hexed in someway that I'm always getting teamed up with these idiots that don't even get the basics of teamplay. To win a teamgame, communication is an important factor. Typing isn't handy at all, I know, but you have this awesome thing called a minimap where you can draw and ping stuff on ! Maybe it's just me, but I think none of these people even look at the minimap. Every game I try to explain how the team should be split and who should be capping which shrine - with text and the minimap - but when the gates open they all rush to the nearest shrine no matter what I friendly asked them to do =-/ |
Costume Brawl 2008
I gave up explaining how to split every time, it seems like the more I tell them to split the more they ball up. Perfect example : Telling my team to split up to cap the Energy shrine and health+BC, instead they chose to mob to the nearest shrine...
There is little point in explaining what to do. Idiots will ignore everyone and others already know what to do.
Perform well in one game, they'll listen to you on the next. At least they'll trust you more...
I don't know for the 3h I played this week end I've had about no problem with the teams I had with a correct setup.
If you start thinking aggressively first and assume everyone is retarded, you may aswell stop playing MMOs.
I couldn't play while it was on last year, and wow, I really, really like it.
Shame it has the same synch problems as RA tho, but still I find it very fun to play.
I might be one year late, but still, good job on that one arena net.
I can't log on to check, but aren't rangers', sins' and dervishes' attributes over what you can actually do with minors?
I don't know for the 3h I played this week end I've had about no problem with the teams I had with a correct setup.
If you start thinking aggressively first and assume everyone is retarded, you may aswell stop playing MMOs.
I couldn't play while it was on last year, and wow, I really, really like it.
Shame it has the same synch problems as RA tho, but still I find it very fun to play.
I might be one year late, but still, good job on that one arena net.
I can't log on to check, but aren't rangers', sins' and dervishes' attributes over what you can actually do with minors?
Perfected Shadow
Even if you're fortunate to not see syncing often, it's still an exploit that should be hammered.
I understand those who sync themselves so they don't want anet screwing syncs. What I don't get are those who feel like the problem should be ignored just because they don't come across it often.
Well at least we all agree it's exploiting right?
I understand those who sync themselves so they don't want anet screwing syncs. What I don't get are those who feel like the problem should be ignored just because they don't come across it often.
Well at least we all agree it's exploiting right?
Sync is not an exploit. It's just using of possibilites which this game gives. It's not using third software or other game bugs.
Anet should't blame ppl who can think.
That's all.
Anet should't blame ppl who can think.
That's all.
exploit = using an aspect of a product for something it has not been designed for.
It doesn't need to use a 3rd party program or a bug to be an exploit.
There may be good or bad exploits, it's still one.
It doesn't need to use a 3rd party program or a bug to be an exploit.
There may be good or bad exploits, it's still one.
Morgoth the dark
Ysterday i had a 27 winning streak match and then we just disbanded, becuase noone could bring us down and it was getting a bit boring...
Well, 500 gmaer points / run, 120 bags, nice
Well, 500 gmaer points / run, 120 bags, nice

i feel that events like the cb should not be random they should allow you to chose your team. or at least have it so you can eather go in as a team or let you go in as a random team.
Morgoth the dark
Well i got lucky, we got a perfect team (not synched) : warr, derv (me), ranger, rt and a monk, we all know how to split (4:1 or 2:3), and then things just went their way. Simple.
Sir Popel A Lot
The more I play Custom Brawl the more I realise how many retards there are in Guild Wars. Seriously, I think I'm hexed in someway that I'm always getting teamed up with these idiots that don't even get the basics of teamplay. To win a teamgame, communication is an important factor. Typing isn't handy at all, I know, but you have this awesome thing called a minimap where you can draw and ping stuff on ! Maybe it's just me, but I think none of these people even look at the minimap. Every game I try to explain how the team should be split and who should be capping which shrine - with text and the minimap - but when the gates open they all rush to the nearest shrine no matter what I friendly asked them to do =-/ |
its like they turned off the chat log or something, idk, how can ppl be so ignorant.... wasting other ppls time is so low, and if you leave your getting dishonoured => another waste of time... GG
btw n/c about runners in COSTUME BRAWL Oo (feeling a bit like playing RA)
Kyp Jade
Gotta like getting 500-1k gamer points a run.
I love the warriors that cry NOOB runner, when he is chasing a monk, and i have him mel shotted. And we watch him degen out.
Even more I like watching A war attack thru insidious AND empathy, I like it better when he uses his ias.
Things that bug me: When I am on a big consec streak, someone has to leave, we get a new guy, and he does things like saying "stay together", or tries to solo 4 people. (they are almost always lvl 11 warriors too)
I love the warriors that cry NOOB runner, when he is chasing a monk, and i have him mel shotted. And we watch him degen out.
Even more I like watching A war attack thru insidious AND empathy, I like it better when he uses his ias.
Things that bug me: When I am on a big consec streak, someone has to leave, we get a new guy, and he does things like saying "stay together", or tries to solo 4 people. (they are almost always lvl 11 warriors too)
Parson Brown
isamu kurosawa
especially those ppl that do not resign, even if 4 of their team already resigned at a standing of f.e. 14-2, make me really mad
its like they turned off the chat log or something, idk, how can ppl be so ignorant.... wasting other ppls time is so low, and if you leave your getting dishonoured => another waste of time... GG btw n/c about runners in COSTUME BRAWL Oo (feeling a bit like playing RA) |
Hope fully next year they will add what i wanted this year. A 2nd TA style CB.
It doesn't mater, communication is paramount in PvP, I don't care if 9 times out of 10 you have bad teams, that 1/10th of the time you could have just cost your one good team the game cause you can't see what someone said and it was actually important.
Servant of Kali
I can't believe people in this thread claim monk skills are bad.
Just because it's not a GvG build. Sigh...
Monk bar in costume brawl is IMO the best.
This is my list, based on current observations, and I may change oppinion of some later on:
Great: Monk, Ritualist, Ranger, Dervish (fine if mo/rt in team)
Fine: Assassin (great with mo/rt in team), Necromancer
Handicap: Mesmer, Paragon, Elementalist, Warrior
I can explain each:
1. Monk - it's simply great. It can solo anyone else, and moreover kill.
2. Ritualists - honestly have not play it, but I have good experience with them in CB. Also great for soloing which I feel is important in split random maps.
3. Ranger - speed boost, range, self-heal you can rely on, block. In other words, good self-survival while still doing nice dmg.
4. Dervish - haven't played it either. So how do I know it's any good? Well I could accept that it's merely "Fine" instead of "Great", but the thing is - it's playable.
5. Assassin - gotta love fast kills. It's fun to play with this build, but hexes really hurt it. If there's a monk or rt in the team, I'd put Assassin as "Great" and Dervish down at "Fine". Elite skill is actually useful in maps which consist of lots of running. Bad self-heal is why overall performance depends on others.
6. Necromancer - It's ok, but lack something. It can mess up all melee classes, but what If you run into casters or even ranger? What it does, others do better, IMO.
7. Mesmer - Yeah yeah.. it was always my fav class but let's face it, it's not that good here. Fun? Probably, but not as competitive. Empathy is strong, but I prefer Insidious. Interrupts while good will miss every now and then, even if you're skilled. Weak heal.
8. Warrior - the build in itself is good, but too many counters make it weak. Run skill is good, but it requires adrenalin. Self heal is ok, but it requires adrenaline. And if there's a monk or rt in the team, I'd prefer assassin.
9. Elementalist - ok.. I have yet to try this one so maybe better not to judge it too harshly. But I simply had bad experience with eles in my team so far, never did good with them. Bad self heal. Has snares though.
10. Paragon - Absolutely horrible and utter boredom. Don't touch this!
Just because it's not a GvG build. Sigh...
Monk bar in costume brawl is IMO the best.
This is my list, based on current observations, and I may change oppinion of some later on:
Great: Monk, Ritualist, Ranger, Dervish (fine if mo/rt in team)
Fine: Assassin (great with mo/rt in team), Necromancer
Handicap: Mesmer, Paragon, Elementalist, Warrior
I can explain each:
1. Monk - it's simply great. It can solo anyone else, and moreover kill.
2. Ritualists - honestly have not play it, but I have good experience with them in CB. Also great for soloing which I feel is important in split random maps.
3. Ranger - speed boost, range, self-heal you can rely on, block. In other words, good self-survival while still doing nice dmg.
4. Dervish - haven't played it either. So how do I know it's any good? Well I could accept that it's merely "Fine" instead of "Great", but the thing is - it's playable.
5. Assassin - gotta love fast kills. It's fun to play with this build, but hexes really hurt it. If there's a monk or rt in the team, I'd put Assassin as "Great" and Dervish down at "Fine". Elite skill is actually useful in maps which consist of lots of running. Bad self-heal is why overall performance depends on others.
6. Necromancer - It's ok, but lack something. It can mess up all melee classes, but what If you run into casters or even ranger? What it does, others do better, IMO.
7. Mesmer - Yeah yeah.. it was always my fav class but let's face it, it's not that good here. Fun? Probably, but not as competitive. Empathy is strong, but I prefer Insidious. Interrupts while good will miss every now and then, even if you're skilled. Weak heal.
8. Warrior - the build in itself is good, but too many counters make it weak. Run skill is good, but it requires adrenalin. Self heal is ok, but it requires adrenaline. And if there's a monk or rt in the team, I'd prefer assassin.
9. Elementalist - ok.. I have yet to try this one so maybe better not to judge it too harshly. But I simply had bad experience with eles in my team so far, never did good with them. Bad self heal. Has snares though.
10. Paragon - Absolutely horrible and utter boredom. Don't touch this!
Some teams can do that, but most of the time the outcome is clear from the first minute or so. Teams that drag the match on as a formality are somewhat annoying - but for the players just playing to mess around, you can't really blame them.
shadows of hob
On the first day, I tried to explain my fellow teamplayers that never played CB before what they had to do. I just stopped after a day, because they 1. dont listen anyway 2. mostly do exactly the opposite of what you say 3. say STFU noob and charge in and die. It only maked me feel very sad, because those players will never learn.
Even before the game starts, you can see which players are somehow decent anyway. Like people that still pick up their pre made weapon makes me /sigh.
Even before the game starts, you can see which players are somehow decent anyway. Like people that still pick up their pre made weapon makes me /sigh.
isamu kurosawa
It doesn't mater, communication is paramount in PvP, I don't care if 9 times out of 10 you have bad teams, that 1/10th of the time you could have just cost your one good team the game cause you can't see what someone said and it was actually important.
If you have 2 or more people on a team who dont suck you tend to win anyway.
I can't believe people in this thread claim monk skills are bad.
Just because it's not a GvG build. Sigh... |
Originally Posted by Kuro
Well 9/10 the other side sucks as well, You can tell if a team sucks because they dont know how to use skills like bulls.
If you have 2 or more people on a team who dont suck you tend to win anyway. |

Numa Pompilius
I played necro most of the day yesterday, because the bar is very similar to my "support-necro" bar I've played a lot earlier.
So I obviously don't think the necro bar was bad at all.
Anyway, my main gripe were the leavers. Sure, there's no dishonor in /resigning when you're down by ten points or more, but I had people start shouting "RESIGN" while dancing in the spawnpoint, or simply ragequitting, when we were down by two points. CB needs the dishonor hex.
Otherwise I had fun. Sure there was the occasional suicidal assassin, and it was rare to get some sort of agreement on what to do when, but that sortof comes with the format.
So I obviously don't think the necro bar was bad at all.
Anyway, my main gripe were the leavers. Sure, there's no dishonor in /resigning when you're down by ten points or more, but I had people start shouting "RESIGN" while dancing in the spawnpoint, or simply ragequitting, when we were down by two points. CB needs the dishonor hex.
Otherwise I had fun. Sure there was the occasional suicidal assassin, and it was rare to get some sort of agreement on what to do when, but that sortof comes with the format.
Anyway, my main gripe were the leavers. Sure, there's no dishonor in /resigning when you're down by ten points or more, but I had people start shouting "RESIGN" while dancing in the spawnpoint, or simply ragequitting, when we were down by two points. CB needs the dishonor hex. |
shadows of hob
You can /rage 1 time for ' free', that is why people are still leaving their groups, which i honestly can imagine if you are grouped with a lvl5w/mo, lvl 8n/mo, lvl 19 w/r and the other didn't even load.
Kyp Jade
playing with lvl 3 players almost always brings players that dont have a fragging clue how to use steam.
side note, weapon of warding needs to be elite, its strong enough
side note, weapon of warding needs to be elite, its strong enough
I wasted over an hour trying to sync 3 people into this... not even 5, just 3. Most of the time two ended up on opposite team (which was kinda fun, but counterproductive) and the third one got a NOP/got into another match.
WTB premade brawl format. Yeah, it wouldn't be quite the same nubstomp, but I'm sooo incredibly tired of all the stupidity.
On an unrelated note, this has to be the single worst assessment of classes in the whole thread:
You're bhavv's second account, aren't you?
WTB premade brawl format. Yeah, it wouldn't be quite the same nubstomp, but I'm sooo incredibly tired of all the stupidity.
On an unrelated note, this has to be the single worst assessment of classes in the whole thread:
You're bhavv's second account, aren't you?
On the first day, I tried to explain my fellow teamplayers that never played CB before what they had to do. I just stopped after a day, because they 1. dont listen anyway 2. mostly do exactly the opposite of what you say 3. say STFU noob and charge in and die. It only maked me feel very sad, because those players will never learn.
My biggest gripe is how few people seem to realize the power of the Battlecry shrine. Do people even understand what the shrines do? Especially in the small arena with the three shrines. Always get someone that's like "Hold the center!" Do people even understand that the center is worthless if the other team has both Battlecry and Energy? It's my favorite of the three arenas, but also the one with usually the worst strategies.
shadows of hob
I, personally, hate that area. Once fought a team with 4 rits and 1 monk there. They just went to the middle and didn't leave the whole game. We, obviously, could not kill them and in the end we lost because they managed to kill a few of us. (54 life steal/attack on 5 chars says hi)
But it is true that some people obviously don't even know what shrines do or even avoid them, ??.
But it is true that some people obviously don't even know what shrines do or even avoid them, ??.
My biggest gripe is how few people seem to realize the power of the Battlecry shrine. Do people even understand what the shrines do? Especially in the small arena with the three shrines. Always get someone that's like "Hold the center!" Do people even understand that the center is worthless if the other team has both Battlecry and Energy? It's my favorite of the three arenas, but also the one with usually the worst strategies.
Like, do people think AT ALL?
Sir Popel A Lot
SERIOUSLY. Center's pretty much worthless anyways. The only way to get a half decent amount of points compared to the speed of killing people is if you've got all the shrines, and if you do have all the shrines, then you're probably killing them into little bits anyhow. 2 pips of morale? Who gives a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO? What's that like one point every 45 minutes? Who cares? Get battle cry, kill team, win, repeat.
Like, do people think AT ALL? |
In other words, I couldn't agree more. I started saying "cap battle cry" at the start of every game after an hour of playing. The speed boost alone is worth more than the two health shrines combined. I also quite often try and tell people that killing gives more points than capping, but EVERY SINGLE GAME there is some AB-brainwashed noob who goes "cap omg" "cap cap cap".
EDIT: Wish I could make a macro to spit out all the strategy at the start of the game, like people do in AV in WoW. Hell, I wish I could just copy/paste it from the clipboard, but the dumbest limitation of GW won't let me do that. Ohai you can only say one-and-a-half lines of text at a time.
My biggest gripe is how few people seem to realize the power of the Battlecry shrine. Do people even understand what the shrines do? Especially in the small arena with the three shrines. Always get someone that's like "Hold the center!" Do people even understand that the center is worthless if the other team has both Battlecry and Energy? It's my favorite of the three arenas, but also the one with usually the worst strategies.
the 3 shrine map is the only one where i focus on the center most of the time (i play rit now, as ranger i camped the cry). for the others, i still run to battle cry right away .. if i won't get mobbed, at least. :P
anyways, uber defensive teams are total WIN.
i also give my team basic instructions in team chat, depending on our setup i'll decide the tactics we repeat each map .. or shout at them in caps if they run in mobs. works usually. :P until you get the first "sry im french ???????"
We should sync or something. (If only syncing worked >.<)
In other words, I couldn't agree more. I started saying "cap battle cry" at the start of every game after an hour of playing. The speed boost alone is worth more than the two health shrines combined. I also quite often try and tell people that killing gives more points than capping, but EVERY SINGLE GAME there is some AB-brainwashed noob who goes "cap omg" "cap cap cap". EDIT: Wish I could make a macro to spit out all the strategy at the start of the game, like people do in AV in WoW. Hell, I wish I could just copy/paste it from the clipboard, but the dumbest limitation of GW won't let me do that. Ohai you can only say one-and-a-half lines of text at a time. |
Like that 3 point Norn map for instance. Cake to win. You just send everyone to battle cry, then go to the middle. It's not like the middle is giving the enemy some kind of advantage. So you won't have it for the first 30 seconds of the map. Whoopdie shit. Big deal. You'll have it for the rest of the match and uh, like 5 minutes > 30 seconds. Derpa derpa derp. And that's not counting the 10 kills you just got from wiping them twice.
I didn't have to link many brain cells together to arrive at this conclusion. Three, four maybe. But yeah, the AB brainwashing is apparent. And it really is brainwashing since killing is an important and effective element in AB as well, but that's a hopeless debate for another day. I don't think they even learn from experience. On the aforementioned 3-point map some guy was going all "omg cap noobs" and I was like "chill dickhead, we're going to win" which we did, like 20-2. What else do you need to see to make this any clearer to you? Faster run, faster attack, faster skill recharge. If that doesn't make you cream your pants then you're clinically friggin' retarded.
I should start telling them it's like Chimera of Intensity and see if that clicks in at all.
if your team is defensive enough (2 rit, a rit/monk/ele/nec or anything) you can pretty much just camp the center, not ever die, kill at least one and /win.
My favorite team I've seen was a 4 monk and dervish team. They went down so fast.
as a big mesmer fan the bar kinda dissapoints, you can defiantely make it work if you know what youre doing but seriously, lyssas aura on a bar thats not that energy intensive
im on ranger and loving it, by far the best bar...if you know how to interupt you can 1v1 any class
almost 5 stacks of ToT bags and 24 z keys so far(turns out this damn busted knee has its advantages)
im on ranger and loving it, by far the best bar...if you know how to interupt you can 1v1 any class
almost 5 stacks of ToT bags and 24 z keys so far(turns out this damn busted knee has its advantages)
The Meth
Good comparison. I hate getting the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing noobs who insist that its impossible to win unless you hold morale shrines the whole time. I had one noob monk who was screaming on the 3 shrine map that we would never win unless all 5 of us camped middle. Battle cry is so fricken overpowered it should be obvious to go after it. In a game where movement is so important a passive unremovable speed buff is incredible.
who will teach my 4 team mates that if they step 3 paces to the right into shrine range they will outcap the 2 rts who are slowly getting the battlecry shrine...