There is 4 offensive damage casters in the Costume Brawl: Elementalist, Mesmer, Ritualist, and Monk. Out of those 4, 2 of them are also supportive backlines: Ritualist and Monk. (The Ele has no other ally heal spells, ditto for Mesmer.)
Out of those 2, the Ritualist heals for more, does more damage, and effectively has 2 elites (WoW and Caretaker's, WoW is just that good.).
And why, for some reason unknown to me, every thinks that your team will play against 5 GvGers in the opposite team? Monk has Smite Condition and Smite Hex, and both of these are GREAT. In just about every game I'm doing AoE dmg which Rt can only do with Ancestors and even then..
In balance discussions you have to assume everyone that is playing is good. Why? Because if you assume everyone is playing is bad, then nothing is balanced and one could argue Peace and Harmony is the best spell in the game of Guild Wars.
To answer your question, this is why the Monk sucks for the last time:
Now, good players, get this: they don't ball up. If they don't ball up, your AoE isn't doing much. Even if they don't ball up (note: this includes AR too on the balling up or being close) good players are almost always split in this mode, which means at most you're going to hit 2 people and that is if you're lucky. 70 damage is outhealed by every self heal in the game (of which only the Ranger, Monk, Paragon, and Necro don't have. The Monk can outheal it eventually, the Paragon bar just sucks, the Necro can outheal it eventually, and the Ranger is godlike and laughs at your 70 damage and destroys you). It's a non-issue that isn't going to bother anybody with 600+ Health by itself. Reversal of Damage is a non-issue because it relies on someone hitting it. A good player is going to be able to notice which target gets RoD'd because they are aware, and adjust their playstyle accordingly. No one with an adequate skill level is going to sit on you and spam shit on you while you RoD yourself for all eternity unless if they are sure they can make it through. They'll change targets. Healing Breeze is only good if the enemy team has no Necromancer. Even if the enemy team does have a Necromancer, it's an incredibly ineffecient heal (that half the time won't even actually heal, just prevent degen, it's also one of the most ineffecient heals in the game next to Mending and Orison) that any good team can outspike because every melee bar in the CB is a Spike bar (cept the War, which can obviously play Pressure effectively too), as is the Ranger's. Vigorous Spirit is an okay heal in this game mode, but if they have 2 damage dealers that coordinate in even a mediocre manner, you're done for and it won't save you and neither will your RoD.
Bane Signet serves as useful disruption utility, however the other classes have better forms of it that affect everyone instead just of just offensive classes. Castigation Signet is decent damage but its second effect is pretty much never needed unless if you are just spamming skills for some retarded reason. (probably to keep yourself alive with your subpar Vigorous Spirit). Signet of Judgement is the best skill on the bar, being a ranged insta knockdown on any class, which makes it one of the best disruption abilities in the game.
The removal effects of Smite ___ are not needed. For Smite Condition, let's run down the conditions encountered:
*Degen ones: Ritualist can outheal these without a sweat.
*Blind: Waiting it out isn't a difficult thing to do, and there's only one source of blind anyways.
*Deep Wound: While this is one of the best conditions in the game, it's nearly a non-issue in this mode. Every class has insane mobility except a few, and self protection. Proper kiting and being smart makes this not so bad. If a Deep Wound would cause you to die, you were most likely dead anyways in this mode. Even if you could remove it, every application of it in this game mode is covered by another Condition.
*Crippled: The only scary condition because it stops mobility. Too bad that every class that inflicts it can cover it or have it covered making your Smite Condition useless against it anyways.
Smite Hex:
*Faintheartedness: Recharges faster than your Smite Hex, hurts your melee, but it doesn't matter because of...
*Parasitic Bond: Recharges faster than your Smite Hex, pressures, is a cover hex, you'll remove this a lot. Enjoy not getting off the real hexes!
*Insidious: Is scary for bad players, can be waited out (no necro is gonna be dumb enough to just spam this on you, even with high energy), you'll have to be aware to pull this off and not have it covered but it's definitely one of the few dangerous hexes.
*Suffering: Strong AoE pressure but if your split it won't do much, can be outhealed.
*Empathy: See: Insidious.
*Shatterstone: You don't even want to Smite this unless if your on crack.
*Freezing Gust: A (stronger) Cripple that recharges faster than you can remove it.
*Ice Spikes: One of the deadlier hexes, but it's not that big of deal. It doesn't last too long. But if you can remove it and must be Monk, go for it.
*Hidden Caltrops: Recharges fastlike (ie: as fast as your Smite Hex.) and is going to burn your energy because you have to Smite twice to really get it off, which means you can't Smite anything else for a short bit. A decent Assassin isn't going to poof in as you do this though (unless if they are full health or close to it), which is why it's kinda lame to do this anyways.
So now that we've figured out that there's very little reason to use either because the damage is a non-issue cause of splitting and can be outhealed and because of stuff being covered or able to be ignored anyways and their heals being subpar because of no DB/SB, that their HoT is ineffecient and doesn't actually heal most of the time, that their other HoT is gonna die to spike, that their RoD is useless to anyone with half a brain, and that their signets are mostly useless, let's see what the Ritualist has.
The ritualist has (for the last time):
A spell that does more damage than anything on the Monk bar, gives them instant health (an actual direct heal mind you) and has better e-management than anything on the Monk bar.
One of the best unstrippable damage buffs in the game.
A direct heal that heals for a very damn good amount that they can use forever and ever because of having good e-management. (114 HP, instantly.)
The most broken unstrippable protective spell in the game that is considered by many to qualify for Elite Status. (Weapon of Warding)
A spell that not only gives them more energy management than anything on the Monk bar, but outdamages everything they got too.
A party wide heal that outheals everything the Monk has (net total healing) and makes them last super long in fights because of the Armor buff.
A decent damage spell to harass meleers against the Ritualist / linebackers on their frontline in addition to your other damage spells.
A spirit that does good life stealing damage.
Everything they do they do better than the Monk bar except for the removal which I already just established is a non-issue and not very important. (useful, but not game breaking useful, which is the point of their removal.)
The only time Monk's are useful in any important way is if the enemy decides to ball up all 5 of them, while applying massive Hexes and Conditions at the same time, and you have a ton of Monks, and for some god awful reason they just stand there and you go pew pew pew and kill them all instantly, if the enemy team for some reason can't even do a clean 2 person spike, or if you have a Dervish because you can fuel him with RoD if you really wanted to (although its mostly moot because of the HP/EN values.)
In every other (read: much more likely) scenario, a Ritualist is better. The only Condition and Hexes you have to watch out for are Cripple, Ice Spikes, Freezing Gust, and Hidden Caltrops. One of those is gonna be near impossible to remove anyways (Cripple, every class can cover it in some way.), IS and FG are annoying but eles are definitely a priority target anyways if they exist and you'll probably be fighting them or close to a shrine if you're getting hit with it anyways, and HC is just annoying and going to burn your energy over and over again.
Now, if you can show me how a Monk is useful with good players using actual good tactics including splitting, knowing when to run away and be mobile, know how to kite, and not use stupid stuff like "I just use RoD and spam it on me and they die cause I tank lololo" (no good player would just keep hitting you and let you kill them.), "I just Smite Hex and Condition AoE them to death" (why are they even letting you do this?), or anything related to the heals being good or the disruption (Rit is better and other classes have better disruption) than I'll argue with you then, but until then, no, they are bad.
Does that mean they can't win? Sure doesn't (I never said otherwise). But in a PvP game, you want the best builds so that you can win more. The Monk doesn't have anything substantial that sets them apart from Ritualists in the Costume Brawl that is actually effective in some way. They actually have far less survivability than Ritualists because of PwK and WoW, do less damage, and heal for less. There is absolutely no redeeming qualities in Monks except for their Removal and Disruption, the latter is seen better on other classes like the Warrior and Ranger. The former isn't even an issue that without it you're going to lose the game 100% of the time (and the Ranger's is better cause it removes stacks of Conditions). The removal skills are good if the enemy balls up, or spreads out the damage (damage as in Conditions, Hexes) across more than 1 character instead of piling it all up on one, but rarely if ever will they do this, instead they're going to mass apply them together on someone in a spike which means your SC/SH won't ever burn the appropriate thing which is terrible.
I'll quote Bhavv here from the start of the topic to illustrate my point:
They are meant to be offensive with a little healing, not pure WoH healers like you normally play in the game.
Note: This is exactly correct and I'm not arguing it, he is right, they are meant to be offensive with little healing.
But, The Ritualist is more offensive (higher DPS, higher spike potential, big damage booster) with more healing (every heal they have outheals every single thing you have as a Monk) and more survivability (+24 armor, and a 50% block chance).
Again, if you can show me how they are
truly useful over Ritualists, and are going to give me something besides screenshots of you winning 1,298 times or obviously bad play examples like people attacking you through RoD til they die, then I'm willing to think that over, but until then, they are just not as good as the Ritualist in every way, which makes it a bad bar. If the Monk had effective removal (something that could remove more than 1 Hex/Condition, like say, Spotless Mind/Spotless Soul), it'd go a lot farther over the Ritualists and that is with just 2 simple skill changes. As is, its removal isn't worth it, its damage is subpar, its healing is crap, its disruption is selective at worst and decent at best. It has nothing going for it if the people you are playing with it are good. (But if the people playing are bad, anything is good.)