Thursday November 13, 2008 - update notes
*scratches head*
Economy? I thought the idea behind this update was to make some titles less grindtastic but for the books we need to repeat something many of us have already done multiple times.
No disrespect intended but that is the essence of grind, nay?
Economy? I thought the idea behind this update was to make some titles less grindtastic but for the books we need to repeat something many of us have already done multiple times.
No disrespect intended but that is the essence of grind, nay?
I'm really sad about this update. There are some of us who have been playing loyally and thoroughly for years. These books will force me to do all the title work I already did again to be able to do anything with them and thanks for wasting even more already precious inventory slots with non-stackable books.
To top it off, I don't even know if it's worth it because they don't tell you what a full book will be worth and they kept the cap so damn high. Adding the kurz and luxon faction is nice to retro fit what quests we've done. But stupidly they give them to us at the same time, so when we donate one, the other goes down and makes it pointless. Ridiculous, too long to wait until gw2 and now to punish those who have been playing all this time is a slap in the face. Add me to the "i'm out of here" group of whiners. Thanks for the pointless update and loss of a huge fanbase. |
the rest of your post can be basically summed up as: "you gave me free stuff, but i want more free stuff, so you fail." please try to reduce your sense of entitlement please.
OK i have a QQ not a big AB player after the update my Lux went higher than Kurz, my alliance is Kurz I can't dump off the Luxs without losing the Kurz, sheeeesh ANET give us easier ways of dumping off points that we don't care for, without getting a benefit.
Stolen Souls
WTB: Bookshelf
Players who have lost their copy of Zho's Journal can speak with Zho [Interrupt Henchman] in Gunnar's Hold to get a new copy. |
Commander Ryker
tl;dr lol j/k
Lot's of nice updates. As for the books, I'll just hold on to them and just fill them as I help friends and such with missions.
It's only a grind if you have to do it.
Lot's of nice updates. As for the books, I'll just hold on to them and just fill them as I help friends and such with missions.
OK so the books are not retroactive which means to get anything out of them you have to redo everything, so as far as i am looking at this that means an increase in grinding, makes these retroactive so each can be used once without ahveing to redo everything at it wouldn't be a lot better
Kerwyn Nasilan
ANet, very good job, very good indeed, gunna go collect a ton of shiet in GW right now.
And to all the PvP grievers, get the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO over yourselves
And to all the PvP grievers, get the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO over yourselves
Also another problem, if SS/LB doesn't give favor anymore than how are we going to get it? Sure there will be a boost in the upcoming months because of this title update but after that it's going to decline so bad.
wait... where does it say that the books will "FORCE" you to do those missions again? will your character somehow perform worse if it didn't complete the books? i really don't understand your logic here... how is it that you are FORCED to complete the books on older characters?
the rest of your post can be basically summed up as: "you gave me free stuff, but i want more free stuff, so you fail." please try to reduce your sense of entitlement please. |
Hyper Cutter
They decided not to allow people to pay to add pages because they were concerned about the negative effects on the economy.
And I was so excited about the books until this. I'm sure as hell not doing every mission 9 more times to get the rewards I should be getting for the original time I did them...
Keira Nightgale
Yeh seriously I don't get their point, they are not forcing them to redo any missions, on top of that they are not removing their titles. Anet added a thing to the game, if you want a nice reward fill the book, if not you can it alone.
The campaign books (Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall) are normal mode and hard mode books for the missions from respectively Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center and Kamadan.
The Young Heroes of Tyria book is only in Hard Mode form, and is for all the missions before Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center and Kamadan.
I'm just wondering about the rewards.
The Young Heroes of Tyria book is only in Hard Mode form, and is for all the missions before Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center and Kamadan.
I'm just wondering about the rewards.
Our bad for wanting our issues fixed instead of you getting easier titles.
They decided not to allow people to pay to add pages because they were concerned about the negative effects on the economy.
Nice update, but the books are a let down for people who have already completed the game multiple times in normal and hard modes.
i did not state my own logic on anything, merely questioned someone else's logic. therefore, you cannot say my logic is faulty, because i didn't present my own logic.
People didn't have to do titles but they choose to, so i guess titles are not grinding either, and on that note, if you want to get rewards from the books you have to do it again, just like to get rewards from titles you have to do them..... grind
but the logic you used to question his/her logic was faulty
but the logic you used to question his/her logic was faulty
Wooot! Very good update. Thanks Linsey, Regina and everyone else who worked on this update!
HELL YEAH! I'm stocking up on these bad boys alright!
P.S. If you don't already know, it summon Siege Turtles!
Alaris [Consumables] has arrived in The Deep outpost and crafts Jadeite Summoning Stones. |
P.S. If you don't already know, it summon Siege Turtles!
It was just yesterday when a bunch of undeserving degenerates were crying about how this update was small and unfulfilling. From the looks of this update Anet put in ALLLLLLLLLLLLLOT of work. The amount of changes are staggering. Anet gave us an inch and we asked for a mile. Well, we got our mile now. I suspect a few ungreatful individuals are gonna ask for a light year?
Konig Des Todes
Liking the new books, although sad that I can't pay to fill one out for those who did the missions. But I just hope for new lore by them! 
Glad you posted this before I posted anything. (Although, economy? That will need a LOT more work, if Linsey can fix that, I shall worship her). While it prevents the economy from getting worse, it doesn't help. Hope the Live Team gets to this though. Update for December?
I think that's the point. Give Kurzicks the advantage in FA, Luxons in JQ, help bring back JQ.
Although I don't like that the K/L faction was given at once - should have been given by talking to the reward NPCs. I lost 80k Luxon points to the title by this. But meh, I'm 20k from r6 now for Kurzick. WOO!
And Haha to FFF. ^^
And to the QQ'ers. Shut up PLEASE. This update is not perfect, Linsey might be great for ANet, but she is still human. This update could not possibly fix every issue. So the things YOU wanted done did not get touched, that means that they may be in the future. So PLEASE just stop complaining.
They decided not to allow people to pay to add pages because they were concerned about the negative effects on the economy.
Does this not give the Kurzick side a decidedly overwhelming advantage?
Although I don't like that the K/L faction was given at once - should have been given by talking to the reward NPCs. I lost 80k Luxon points to the title by this. But meh, I'm 20k from r6 now for Kurzick. WOO!
And Haha to FFF. ^^
And to the QQ'ers. Shut up PLEASE. This update is not perfect, Linsey might be great for ANet, but she is still human. This update could not possibly fix every issue. So the things YOU wanted done did not get touched, that means that they may be in the future. So PLEASE just stop complaining.
Keira Nightgale
Yeh seriously I don't get their point, they are not forcing them to redo any missions, on top of that they are not removing their titles. Anet added a thing to the game, if you want a nice reward fill the book, if not you can leave it alone.
Oh shut up. Anet is trying their best to please every one of us so the least you can say is Thank you Anet for your efforts.
Nothing can be perfect so accept it. |
Don't tell me to shut up because I'm actually caring about getting something I worked hard for - I deserve the same benefits as someone who can now use the numerous overpowered consumables (that they keep added) and the broken skills that they don't care about balancing. If you're fine with getting screwed over by something, that's your problem, but if I have an issue with something in this game that's added/changed, I'm going to speak my mind. I'm still a member of the GW community; I have a right to be concerned about changes in the game and what it says about the future. And as I stated, I said that the people who did the faction/rep changes should be proud of themselves, but the update isn't completely awesome unfortunately.
People didn't have to do titles but they choose to, so i guess titles are not grinding either, and on that note, if you want to get rewards from the books you have to do it again, just like to get rewards from titles you have to do them..... grind
like i said, some people here have some serious entitlement issues... or just really screwed up logic.
Really nice update, so what's the total final cap on the Alliance Faction?
It was just yesterday when a bunch of undeserving degenerates were crying about how this update was small and unfulfilling. From the looks of this update Anet put in ALLLLLLLLLLLLLOT of work. The amount of changes are staggering. Anet gave us an inch and we asked for a mile. Well, we got our mile now. I suspect a few ungreatful individuals are gonna ask for a light year?
Tom Swift
Over all - excellent update
A little disappointed that SS and LB no longer count toward favor of the gods but I've got 50 UW scrolls sitting in storage so it won't hurt me too much.
Something is still wrong with Xunlai Tournament house though - got 80pnts on one account and 155 points on another although they both made the exact same predictions (not complaining though since I in no way deserved them for my picks anyway).
Oh, and jadeite and amber are now sold out at merchant (that plus the extra drops from the end chests just might make Urgoz worth doing again) that little change should have an interesting effect on the economy.
A little disappointed that SS and LB no longer count toward favor of the gods but I've got 50 UW scrolls sitting in storage so it won't hurt me too much.
Something is still wrong with Xunlai Tournament house though - got 80pnts on one account and 155 points on another although they both made the exact same predictions (not complaining though since I in no way deserved them for my picks anyway).
Oh, and jadeite and amber are now sold out at merchant (that plus the extra drops from the end chests just might make Urgoz worth doing again) that little change should have an interesting effect on the economy.
People were never forced by the game or anet to work on titles, but yet you guys got what you wanted, because you were not willing to work on the titles to get the just reward for that
I just did the first mission in Nightfall in Hard Mode for test the book and it is still empty. Bug?
People were never forced by the game or anet to work on titles, but yet you guys got what you wanted, because you were not willing to work on the titles to get the just reward for that
if anything, the kurzick/luxon points are slightly harder (or at least more involving) to get. you can't exactly HFFF anymore. vanquishing and playing alliance battles are certainly not hard, but still harder than clicking a bunch of heroes around every 1 minute or so.
Master Ketsu
Sorry for wanting the game to be what it was originally advertised as: a PvP based ORPG where player skill > time spent. This update is utter trash. It just makes optional grind easier, which really isn't grind at all.
Keira Nightgale
What are you implying? Basically you just wanted a reward for having completed these areas, but you already got your reward (your title). The addition of these books is finalized to have people do these titles, thus is directed to the average player (not title grinder), you can see the books as a further motivation.
The alliance battle updates are pretty nice.
What are you implying? Basically you just wanted a reward for having completed these areas, but you already got your reward (your title). The addition of these books is finalized to have people do these titles, thus is directed to the average player (not title grinder), you can see the books as a further motivation.
The Chahbek Village mission shows fine for me - pg 11 of the Young Heros book
Awesome update.
However, I agree pages should have been filled retroactively. A little gold inflation wouldn't have been that bad. Meh.
I like seeing Urgoz abuzz again. Hopefully, some more teams will be filling up there soon.
However, I agree pages should have been filled retroactively. A little gold inflation wouldn't have been that bad. Meh.
I like seeing Urgoz abuzz again. Hopefully, some more teams will be filling up there soon.
Originally Posted by travaail
there is nothing left for endgame players now except pvp since even FoW and UW are noobzones now with permaform dominating
decent update
but its of no use to me
and im sure many others who r already done wit their titles
but im happy to those that did get a benefit from this update
and it definately improves the gw game quality
i was really hopin that i could get back into pve wit this update
but im not goin to be, cuz i've already been there done that
to be honest...theres nuthin really new here
they jus tooked the "refined" system of nf/eotn
and applied it to the "unrefined" system of proph/factions
while its a lot of coding work
there wasnt much thought process required
even still, i think lindsey put way more thought into this update
than izzy did in last weeks skill balance
i hope for next month...
lindsey gets her well deserved vacation
and izzy steps up his game
Fay Vert
Some nice (and much needed) changes to K/L faction, but the simultaneous faction add was a blunder. You can't get the SS/LB book in normal mode if you are advanced in those titles (presumably because SS/LB is the reward), and all the books not being retro (presumably because the reward is cash doh!) and consuming so much valuble story all add up to bad.
Poorly thought out update FailNet
Poorly thought out update FailNet