Isn't that a bit like me deciding to set up a preservation society to protect the Dodo?
SF is fine in it's current form though.
(I need to farm to buy me grogg for drunkard harrr.... )
so wait, ANet. nerf it next year please
Amnel Ithtirsol
Wow, again, ANet fails....
Vanquishing rewards .. lol? i suspect you kill like 300-400 enemies per zone (non retroactive again ... me, who vanquished everything, didnt get anything again ... thx for that.. damaging the "title-economy" again?), which would make it a 15oo-2ooo points per area, which is approx 1-2hrs work ... lol? getting that with hfff took me like 6 minutes. That much for wasting time, eh? Please take a break.... |
Morgoth the dark
Okies. *notes to mods* if u dun RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO like my post, tell me. Don't do a shinobi & stealth kill my post so many times.
The update is an epic failz. Since as someone pointed that all posts with epic fail got deleted & he thanks God for it. I will say why it is an epic failz. When Linsey said that she can assure players that the new methods of gaining factions is much more efficient then HFFF. After a few rounds of testing (when ABing, doing some competitive missions, vanq, etc) which is the boosted form of faction gaining. Nothing, I REPEAT, NOTHING comes close to gaining factions as efficient as HFFF(maybe for the lux but definately not kurz). This was one of the main issues Anet is supposed to address. instead, they made it worse. Thank God for epic failz update (as usual) The only thing I believe which is thankful is for the HARD work, NOT GOOD work. |
VQ an area with 200+ enemies in less than 35 minutes (or 300+ enemies in less than 50 minutes) and you should match the old HFFF rate. Add to that the bonuses from the shrine blessing for each kill/boss and you're well ahead of the old HFFF.
Are you saying that isn't the case? Or is it just that you suck at PvE/VQing? Or did you simply lie about trying a vanquish? |
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra ![]() They decided not to allow people to pay to add pages because they were concerned about the negative effects on the economy. |
Isn't that a bit like me deciding to set up a preservation society to protect the Dodo?
Jongo River
Yes vanq gives more points than HFFF but wait ..... 200+ enemies in less than 35min on HM ? Wooah ! u get them all in line and use a sniper or what ? killing 7+ enemies per min . Dude we got Terminator here !
![]() |
Riot Narita
Yes vanq gives more points than HFFF but wait ..... 200+ enemies in less than 35min on HM ? Wooah ! u get them all in line and use a sniper or what ? killing 7+ enemies per min . Dude we got Terminator here !
![]() |
the Puppeteer
Wrath of m0o
They decided not to allow people to pay to add pages because they were concerned about the negative effects on the economy.
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Linsey
Funny you should mentioned this today. Tolkano is being added to all the AB outposts in today's (hopefully not delayed) Live build. Way ahead of you buddy. Cuz I'm just THAT good. ~_^
Takeko Nakano
I don't see how this makes it less grindy.
K/L are now basicly pve wtf? |
So what happened to the big HoM update? Account wide titles yadayadayada.
Is it just me or did they only make 2 titles account wide? And not one update to the HoM mechanics. Its not going to do much to my HoM. /yawn |
Garreth MacLeod
L|S >+>+G+<+<
They cheated on the "Longest Update Ever." Did we have to know EVERY quest updated? Just saying "updated a bunch of quests" would have worked.
wow.I must say...ive been waiting for this exciting update a long time now,but what did I get..well..2account based titles which are really good...but about the kurzick title,did anet think thru this before they implemented it....they nerf hff and they add more on like I gotta do all missions in cantha and stuff to obtain kurzick faction...and about the bounty for kurzick..srsly?so basically they added 2 account based titles and they make kurzick/luxon more wtf..and it seems this update is more about kurzick/luxon,must be the baddest update in gw history in my opinion....thoughts anyone?
I'm confused. The update says that if you don't have a book with you the NPC will fill in the pages. Or does that only become available after the update and not for what happened before?
If it is the case that you can't buy pages for missions already completed I want to add my comments to those protesting the fact you can't buy pages. Those of us who invested time and energy getting the mission titles should be able to get the books filled. Ok, perhaps you could increase the cost of buying pages so that the net money benefit wouldn't be that high for a period of weeks, but otherwise it seems very unfair to me - we should get the non-money benefits at the very least! |
Shayne Hawke
Fril Estelin
If it is the case that you can't buy pages for missions already completed I want to add my comments to those protesting the fact you can't buy pages. Those of us who invested time and energy getting the mission titles should be able to get the books filled. Ok, perhaps you could increase the cost of buying pages so that the net money benefit wouldn't be that high for a period of weeks, but otherwise it seems very unfair to me - we should get the non-money benefits at the very least!
its like anet forces ppl who are going for the title do vanq,and the books,its like dont we have enuf books in gw already,primaris,dungeons,mox+and now missions. People shouldnt be forced to do missions and vanq to get more faction for the title....its the biggest crappyiest update ever,thats what I think...I dont really care,I dont need the title so,but it sucks for other ppl.
Riot Narita
Like i said i agree with you but 200 in 35min doesnt happen in ALL zones , u cant state it like a fact and u know it
We shall all start petitions so that GW1 revolves entirely around ME, ME and ME, what I do, what I think and what I want. My time and energy is much more important than the time and energy that people will spend now on new books. And as everyone knows, time works both ways and we can simply ask Anet to reverse time and see what I did, and give me credit for it. I mean, I paid for this!
Rocky Raccoon
I don't think I've seen a more retarded post. Saying 'epic failz' over and over doesn't make you cool. In fact it makes you look illiterate and stupid, which I'm guessing you are. As for the update, this DOES make it more efficient than HFFF. Doing a vanquish gets you huge amounts of faction, with no effort and in no time.
If your post was deleted once, why repost it. Clearly it wasn't worth posting in the first place, which is blatantly obvious by the content. |
Fril Estelin
Fril, your attitude has always been that of supporting in everything they did, and to shut down every kind of criticism from the community.
Fril, your attitude has always been that of supporting in everything they did, and to shut down every kind of criticism from the community.
All that comes from is pure gold for you, and every time you start a new crusade against those who criticize, contempting them in a very bothering way. |
Learn to read please. I did NOT say "in every area you can VQ 200 enemies in under 35 minutes".
I said IF you can VQ an area of 200+ enemies in under 35 minutes, you're ahead of the old HFFF from the VQ alone. This IS a fact. I can state it like a fact, and I know it. |
Spyda Prince
Takeko Nakano
We shall all start petitions so that GW1 revolves entirely around ME, ME and ME, what I do, what I think and what I want. My time and energy is much more important than the time and energy that people will spend now on new books. And as everyone knows, time works both ways and we can simply ask Anet to reverse time and see what I did, and give me credit for it. I mean, I paid for this!