Confirmed Mini Polar Bears


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006


just done my 200 run - no golden letters... i'll do 25 more and resign ;|


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by JSpayde View Post
I quit polar bear farming after a guild mate of mine got it in one (out of one run total), sold the damn mini, and started gloating to me at 8am about how much ecto he made and how he beat Guild Wars. He doesn't even like GW and he gets the effing polar bear.

Screw you ANET.
That's because the odds are so bad it's just playing lotto. Of course people who don't give a s.h.i.t. will get it in 1 run. They've got as much chance as someone doing 200. I warned people to stay away from this trap but Anet has fooled you again.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




Originally Posted by Zomeone View Post
Hi guys and chicks,

Thought i'd participate in this conversation. I did over 100 runs to get a miniature polar bear, frustrating... And i finally realized that it's not worth it, i don't care even if it's the rarest mini in the game, it's still virtual item. So, i made myself a REAL polar bear minipet, i posted the photo here. I'm actually proud of myself, took 3 hours to make and it's more real than the virtual minipet... lol

Regardless of how many polar bears you get, how much ecto you generate, it will never be as awesome as that home-made polar bear!
That picture really put a smile on my face



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Some people don't have a professional level understanding of statistics but that's completely ok. It's sufficient here to point out that there are different methods of estimating the probability of event X but the methods are not equal when in comes to their confidence levels. Specifically, the suggested 'tell how many times you tried until you got one' method has abysmal confidence level unless a significant portion of the runs are longer than 1/P (i.e., if the probability is 1 in 1000 then at least a quarter of runs should be longer than that to determine the shape of the cumulative probability function). Estimates based on duplicates have even worse requirements.

Let me tell what works. You must answer these two questions: how many times has the chest been opened during the event, and, how many MPBs have dropped? You can give a decent estimate to the first question by observing people who talk to the Rift Warden. There's one opened chest for every two talks (since you have to zone between claiming the reward and retaking the quest). Do this over all active districts at different times of the day to get an average activity level. According my observations, the chest is opened about once every second, which equals about 1 million openings since the event started. If that has produced 100 MPBs the best estimate would then be 1 in 10,000 or if there are 2000 MPBs in the circulation the odds would be 1 in 500. I feel pretty confident with the number of chests opened, so it's your turn to guess how many bears are out there. This is the most robust available method of estimating the MPB drop probability.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Odin's Hammer


Good point, T-Mack.

Pulling out my bat, time for some ballpark work, and assign some bounds to this problem:

Total minis generated fit into 3 categories:
Sold undedicated.
Dedicated & sold.

So, figure bounds on these three figures: Given what most people posting here said about the minis they got, I might put the bounds as:
sold undedicated: 5-30%
Sold dedicated: 10-30%
Kept: 40-85%

So, figure for each ten minis found, 1.5 to 6 get sold. Conversely, each mini sold likely represents ~ 1.5 - 7 minis dropped.

That leaves the million dollar (thousand ecto?) question: How many bears are in the market?
Combine with the expected drops / sale, and compare that against the ~ 1 million opens, and we start to get something like real bounds on the drop rate.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007



Not to start an argument or point fingers, but once a second for the chest opening, seems a bit high to me. Whenever I go and talk to the warden there might be 7 people there. And this is in the busy districts and on the weekend. During the non-peak times there might 2-3 people there and that is in districts 1-3. And so far there have been no more than 13 districts total in L.A. So assuming that Kamadan (and yes I have observed about the same there) matches L.A. I still don't see the chest opening once per second. Maybe once every 30 seconds. For instance just as I was typing this there were 4 people at the warden in dis. 2 and 2 at the warden in dis. 1.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008



take in the people who are already inside, people running 2 accounts , people in diff dists , , it all adds up to a lot



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by texeasons View Post
once a second for the chest opening, seems a bit high to me. Whenever I go and talk to the warden there might be 7 people there. And this is in the busy districts and on the weekend. During the non-peak times there might 2-3 people there and that is in districts 1-3. And so far there have been no more than 13 districts total in L.A. So assuming that Kamadan (and yes I have observed about the same there) matches L.A. I still don't see the chest opening once per second. Maybe once every 30 seconds.
Meditate on this: the number of players arriving to the Rift Warden over a given time is double the number of chests opened during that time. If it takes about 10 seconds to either claim the reward or retake the quest, then one player by the Warden in one district represents 3 chests opened per minute (60 / (10+10)). Then, 2 players by the warden in 10 different active districts (LA and Kamadan, American and different Euros) is 2 * 10 * 3 = 60 chests opened per minute, ergo one chest per second. This way of estimating the opening rate is so beautiful because the average time that people use for a run doesn't matter. You'll always go past the Rift Warden exactly two times per opened chest. If anything, the 1 chest per second is a low estimate, even by the numbers given by you. One chest per 30 seconds would mean that you'd have to wait for minutes on any given district until you see somebody talking to a Rift Warden. Numbers, they're a funny thing n'est ce pas?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007



How do you figure one person represents 3 chests per minute? I'm not trying to argue here, I just don't see how that is. It takes 5 minutes with a cupcake and assisting in battle. Not everybody uses a cupcake and not everybody assists in battle. So without a cupcake, and without assisting in battle it takes anywhere from 8-17 min. Yes I have had a 17 min. wait from running to the end, and waiting with no assisting in the battle. This averages 12.5 min. per run without cupcakes or battling yourself. Even with multiple accounts those people aren't averaging 1 per minute themselves (unless there is a ridiculous amount of accounts being run simultaneously). So again I don't see one per second. And just to reassure, I am just trying to figure out how you arrived at one per second. I am an accountant myself and understand numbers and stats, but I don't see how you arrived at one person at the warden represents 3 per minute on the chest. I understand your 60/ (10+10), but just because it takes (and you stated "if it takes") 10 seconds to claim reward and retake quest, does not mean that you divide 60 seconds by the 20 it takes for the quest turn-around to arrive at chests opened per minute. Some people are only doing the quest once, some their first time, others aren't grinding repeatedly quest, turn-around, quest, turn-around. There are breaks involved, starting the quest/turnaround process, and ending the process. There are those that take more time in between quest turn arounds.

CE Devilman

CE Devilman

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Do U Trust Anet


cupcake and GWx ...3.5min

1.start the first runner and taker first wave and kiss the door.
2.start the second runner and taker first wave and kiss the door.
3.first runner clean up CC and chest grap Reward and rezone and start run one more time...wave...door
4. second runner clean up..and so on

hell U dont need to be lvl 20...

so its more like 50-100 runs a day /acc to get a bear


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007



Another thought on one chest per second. If the run took an average of 3.5 min. there would have to be 210 people or accounts averaging that time all the time (60 * 3.5= 210). And my point earlier was that I don't see how 210 people or characters or accounts, however you wish to address it, are running this thing at all times. And if there are, I don't think all 210 are averaging 3.5 min/run. And the 3.5min/ run is also using gwx2, which actually makes it 7 min./run 3.5min/chest per person running 2 accounts. Which then doubles the 210 to 420 characters successfully running this quest at all times and averaging 7 min/run on each character.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Odin's Hammer


Originally Posted by komma View Post
hmm i expected to see confirmed MPB's here.....must be in the wrong thread....eek.
Right place, just too few of them dropping for that purpose of the thread to be very evident. I think we've had about 10 people post reporting having got minis.

The second purpose of the thread is to try and derive the approximate drop rate of the mini, and we've had our share of people who've never taken a statistics course in their life adding in their two bits by stating quite repeatedly that determining the drop rate is impossible.

I'd presently ballpark the drop rate as somewhere between 1:2,500 and 1:20,000.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006




Originally Posted by WhiteWasabi View Post
If I had a polar bear I would keep it quiet and sell it in 3-6 months for triple the going rate.

I did about 400 runs and 0 polar bears. The one I did get I had to buy for a MOUNTAIN of ectos
Are you still selling Andrew's Mask or w/e?

Originally Posted by RTSFirebat View Post
This polar Bear business is getting daft now. I remember the good old days when people simply just ENJOYED Wintersday without obsessing over a bunch of Pixels shaped like a Polar Bear. The sad thing is there are people out there who will do nothing else for the next week or so but do the Snowman Lair quests over and over again.
^Smart guy



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007



My theory is a Mini Polar Bear drops in the same manner as you get the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone in Harry Potter

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Dumbledore also explains that the Philosopher's Stone has been destroyed to prevent future attempts by Voldemort to steal it. He then tells Harry that only those who wanted to find the Stone, but not use it would be able to retrieve it from the mirror, which is why Harry was able to retrieve it.
When I think of "use it", I think of not sell it for 2000e. Probably why I won't get one. lol


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007



Right there with you Jasmine. I wouldn't sell it if I had a gauranteed payment of 4500 armbraces. I just want one to have. No selling, I just want the cute little fellar.

I pwnd U

I pwnd U

God of Spammers

Join Date: Oct 2005

in the middle of a burning cornfield...

Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)

Well I'm pretty sure ANet just hates me. 275ish runs and no bear. But my ele had her second birthday present. She got a Mini Prince Rurik first time around, my friend got his monks birthday present and got a purple miniature, don't remember exactly what it was. So I opened mine, got a Harpy Ranger... I already have one of those. <.< *slap* /sigh Some people have all the luck.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2008

In my own mind

The Dragon Exchange


well, i dont know how many runs i did, but i did save all my shards and i now have 18 stacks of candy shards. I farmed on 2 accounts with no consumables and i only joined at the end to clear the grench boss. each run took 5-10 minutes per account.
1: Account A, run to end stand at door
2: Account B, run to end stand at door
3: Account A, finish up the boss mob clean up shards and grab chest
4: Account A, Start from step 1
5: Account B, finish up the boss mob clean up shards and grab chest
6: Account B Start from step 2

oh yeah and i did finally find the bear yesterday, im not sure how many runs it took but if you do some math and take 10 shards as the average gain from one run you can determine how many runs it took. Just remember to cut the final number in half since i was using 2 accounts.
I went ahead and dedicated the bear then i sold it for a meager 5 stacks of ectos. Now the ectos are sitting safely on my separate stand alone GW account.

I never accepted the reward at the end, because when i accepted the reward at the end on my primary character, i was never allowed to repeat the quest.

I pwnd U

I pwnd U

God of Spammers

Join Date: Oct 2005

in the middle of a burning cornfield...

Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)

I actually figured it out to where its more around 20 shards per run if you accept the reward at the end. oO


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2008

[OHX]Experientia Docet


Updated Successful Run Count: 1404
MPB's 1(run#337)

Also, i finally decided to clock a 24 run set(8 accounts per set). The average time came out to 2.125 min/chest (51 Minutes/24 Chests) This includes startup the time it takes to get the quests and jump into SoS on the initial 4 accounts as well as getting all shards and W-Chests on all instances including the last 4.

I'm gonna keep going on the runs for the same of generating numbers. I will leave it up to the experts(wow, so many here ) to figure out the applications.

Also, soon enough I will start tallying some data together and updating the original post with it so we don't need to scan through the thread looking for info.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007



Originally Posted by daze View Post
I never accepted the reward at the end, because when i accepted the reward at the end on my primary character, i was never allowed to repeat the quest.
All you had to do was rezone into another district; then you'd have an extra 5 CCS for all those runs.

Noel Hope

Noel Hope

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2007




863 runs so far.

No miniature polar bear yet ...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2008

In my own mind

The Dragon Exchange


Originally Posted by Rexion View Post
All you had to do was rezone into another district; then you'd have an extra 5 CCS for all those runs.
well its kinda late for me to learn something new. sheesh

Feathermoore Rep

Feathermoore Rep

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Originally Posted by Noel Hope View Post
863 runs so far.

No miniature polar bear yet ...

dear god i hope you have been using multiple accounts.

I'm only at ~75 runs on one account. I have 4 alt accts, but none with eotn. That was a GG right there. So i just farm singed skulls during the afk time.

Still wish this wasn't so mindnumblingly boring...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006




do you need Eotn to farm SoS then? :|

ele pl

ele pl

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2007


^Yes, you need, the qeust is in Eotn dungeon.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2008

Kamadan Eu/Am Districts


Aprox 100runs, with 1 acc. now i have 2 stack and i shooted about 3stack before. NO BEARS (WHY NOT????)

Aussie Boy

Aussie Boy


Join Date: Mar 2007



It's too late now but next year Anet should do a really really hard quest across all campaigns ( well maybe not factions) to get one sort of like the Moa chick quest.
That was fun to do and beats all this grind grind grind.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


I lost my bear when after I got the Winterday chest to spawn. Before going to the chest I ran arround to pick up candy canes and for somereason nothing would work to pick them up. Then I got the "You have lost your connection would you like to reconnect". After clicking YES it followed with a .... long pause and then the charcter screen. Well the bear was in that chest I am for sure.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


For a positive contribution, if you insist on using the run-length data, I would like to point out that the distribution is of the form (1 - p)^n and that you should use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to gauge the merit of a given p. Also as mentioned before, because lim_{n -> /infty} (1 - 1 / n)^n = 1 / e you need enough samples that are longer than 1/p since about 37% of values in an unbiased sample are larger than that.

Bug John

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by tmakinen View Post
For a positive contribution, if you insist on using the run-length data, I would like to point out that the distribution is of the form (1 - p)^n and that you should use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to gauge the merit of a given p. Also as mentioned before, because lim_{n -> /infty} (1 - 1 / n)^n = 1 / e you need enough samples that are longer than 1/p since about 37% of values in an unbiased sample are larger than that.
why bother defining a distribution function ? all they want is a raw estimation of the droprate



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2008

Kamadan Eu/Am Districts


130+ runs stil no polar ... i want my obsidian armor!!!

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


Makes you wonder if A-Net will give us something similar to the mini polar bear on our 4th years birthday presents? We already got the black beast of Aaarrrggghhhh when they gave out the mini grease lightning as tournament prize.

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


Good news about these runs is that I'm average about 10 CCS per runs. If I do like 20 runs a day... that will net me around 200+ shards almost to a full stack. Hopefully those are selling well per stacks.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007



Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher View Post
Good news about these runs is that I'm average about 10 CCS per runs. If I do like 20 runs a day... that will net me around 200+ shards almost to a full stack. Hopefully those are selling well per stacks.
It was 25k a stack a few days ago, but now it's down to 20k a stack.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006


6 stacks of presents and atleast 500+ runs and still nothing

lobo fett

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2008

DeaD destruction ends at death


As posted earlier I got a mini, after about 25 runs, I was ccs farming. thinking a pb would be nice, but thats not why i was doing it.

I just want to add my thoughts

I did around 20 strength runs in la, then got bored and went to kamadan did about 3 strength, and decided to give straight a shot, thought it was great the return on ccs, but took a little more time and waiting for life regen. So back to strength for next one and got the pb.

One thing though i would like to add, is i was killing everything, to get more shards. I wasnt running through.

well now my goal has changed, im trying to get a stack of each christmas item without cashing in ccs. but im running through now to the final door where chest spawns. 10 stacks of ccs, and havent reached 250 on even fruitcake yet, and getting no polar bear either. another annoyance is yuletide tonic barely drops at all either, think i have got 2 in all the runs.

My thoughts are the game might just know what yr up to if yr running through, which is my guess for most of the grinders.

Would i want another pb??? no way, see i told a cpl ppl, and the msg got to more and more people, now i get begged for gold at least 5 times a day. I pretend to be offline. I know this will go away soon, and cant wait!!!

Day Trooper

Day Trooper

Frost Gate Guardian

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Guild With No [NAM???]


300+ runs here and - yooooouuuu guessed it!!


Anyways, just thought I'd inject a little 'bad humor' to uplift the spirits of those still trying to get the little fella

'Just grin and bear it folks.'

'This quest is frickin' unbearable.'

'I recently heard Polar Bears were put on the endangered species list. If the drop rate of MPBs in GW is any indication - they're already extinct '

And finally....

Conversation recently heard in LA:

Q: "Hey - how's that SoS quest going?"

A: "Still SoL!!!"




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006

Boise Idaho

Druids Of Old (DOO)


9 stacks of ccs, 2 stacks of spiked eggnogs... 345 runs - no pb.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Netherlands


Coming around 570 till 580 runs.
Been busy for 72 hours since it started.
I'm a big fool that i even go on and tried.

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


Anyone had any luck within their first 50 runs to get a MPB?