edit: just made some calculations at 16 smite [ray of judgment] is good for around 338 damage at 16 fire magic [savannah heat] packs 315 fire damage compare recharge and energy cost and you'll pretty much know where this is going to RoJ = SH for monks with a shiney animation |
roj needs to get scatter added the fact that its armor ignoring aoe that dosent cause scatter is insane
cry of pain needs to get nerfed along with sy tntf sf and con sets. while none of these skills are as big an i win button as ursan there still ridiculous just because you need to have a few other skills to make the combo work dosent make the combo any less imbalanced . perma invincibilty is a stupid idea especially with the piss poor ai in this game that will ball around an sf tank and swing away till they all die from massive aoe armor ignoring cry spike
and people wonder why there are secret balance forums, because none of you seem to understand basic guild wars