My $.02
For my first actual working prediction (tried a couple times but couldn't make it work, probably due to browser issues), I won 55 points. That is 11 Zkeys. I can earn 6k Faction a day farming Elite, which takes me around 20 minutes or so. In thirty days, that would be 180k Faction, which I could redeem for 36 Keys. So I would posit that XTH doesn't really add anything to the game that can't already be gotten through normal play. |
It does not take nearly as long to make the predictions as it does to farm the Zaishen Elite for 11 zkeys. Or farm UW for 10 ecto. (11 now?) Or farm up 50k from critters. This math compounds as the number of accounts per player increases.
Upshot: XTH increases the total amount of valuable "stuff" in the economy. It permits every member of a very large community to get stuff that they would otherwise have to invest time to get.
Since there aren't many gold sinks in this game, the newly created "money" cycles through the economy. Much of it ends up in the hands of the wealthiest players. These people have figured out how to make in-game cash efficiently and have the available time to convert into in-game cash.
Additionally, a system like XTH creates a class of "nouveau riche" that bought 30, 50, or 100 accounts for the purpose of getting zkeys. These people exist.
The above means that the ability of wealthy players to pay for things increases and the number of wealthy players increases. This increases the prices of the stuff that YOU want to buy. Further, it does so *faster* than you are making money from the XTH with one or two or three accounts!
If you've never bought an item worth 100k, perhaps the attitude of "I don't care" is justifiable. If you want to own nice stuff in this game, you should want XTH removed if you ever want to own it. If you already own lots of nice stuff, you should be pleased that XTH is running up the value of your nice stuff.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm thinking that the majority of the community wants nice stuff, doesn't have it, and is unable to see how this system hurts them.