Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
A little map help
looks like I'm doubling feather farming duties, ty for the quick find!
cleared the Yeti cave twice with my bf.
He got 11, I got 2
He got 11, I got 2
June Bug
Did 3x5 minute runs for 16, not too annoying.
RedDog91 there really a caravan nearby, or is Nicholas throwing some B.S. in order to get free stuff?
Quote: there really a caravan nearby, or is Nicholas throwing some B.S. in order to get free stuff?
Possible farming route.
Just a heads up on your route, there's a whole area to the left that has about 9-12 more yeti's including a yeti boss (Sanhan Tall Earth).
Just gotta make sure to not aggro a crapton of Sensali's. |
Two-pass farming route (rezoning at Jaya Bluffs/Haiju Lagoon portal)... (IMHO first map I've posted seems to offer faster times.)
Maria Murtor
We found him in the Eternal Groove, searching for 5 Skull Jujus.
We found him in the Eternal Groove, searching for 5 Skull Jujus. |
Da Kenster
Above locations is confirmed.
A shame I don't have any of these in storage.
Edit: Above guy beat me to it, heh
A shame I don't have any of these in storage.
Edit: Above guy beat me to it, heh
Can confirm. 1 Skull Juju per gift.
Fortunately for me I had exactly 5 on a mule character. I think I got them from grinding The Scar Eater a long time ago.
I recommend trying to farm Drazach Thicket's two Rit bosses which are right beside eachother. Not sure how those could be farmed effectively given the current nature of Sliver Armor and Shadow Form though.
I recommend trying to farm Drazach Thicket's two Rit bosses which are right beside eachother. Not sure how those could be farmed effectively given the current nature of Sliver Armor and Shadow Form though.
had 2 in storage --- 4k ea too much? lol
yay! saving them has finally (potentially) paid off. I have about 50 of them in storage...
yay! easy week for me i had 11 from all my kurz vanqs. i found i got them to drop more from the two rt bosses and from the scareater and his companions
I had just 1 in storage, for the other 4 I guess I am going to skip this week.
June Bug
Got bored with the farm after grinding solo for an hour and just getting one. Since I made a couple of 100k just casually farming and selling last weeks item I might splurge for the last 4 gifts.
Da Kenster
Yeah, I just bought mine after a few runs of the Scar Eater saw nothing. Got another keg though, that's 4 weeks in a row, so it kind of evened out.
Man i used to have so many of these when i farmed the scar eater with A/E....damn 5 of them gonna be Hard to get...
14 total for me....think I will sell the jujus and forget about going to see nic! (got my gwen doll last week so only have one more nic item I even want--so can be picky now).
How and where did u farm em? 14 skulls!? I got only 4 in more then 1 hour farming..
that's from the 6 years of playing---I think the first few years the only place I got any was the elite mission.....but since vanquishing, I got the rest (and yeah I keep everything especially rare-er drops).....not farming, just playing.
Got one Juju on my fourth run & then had to take a picture from the fifth run.
Pic is my first run. IMO a lot easier pulling the bosses away from the other foes. Will be switching out some of the skills, experimenting in my next runs. The nearby mountain is convenience to hide behind.
Had no real problem with this. Ranger/Ritualist SoS Spirit Spam, make sure to include Disenchantment Spirit and Armor of Unfeeling to avoid becoming bereft of spirits and dying. The Scar Eater dropped two at once twice, and a stray Gaki gave me the last one. As an experiment, I added Livia, Olias, and Melonni with Avatar of Melandru and went out as a party. Homicidal killing machine party and I mowed down many groups with gakis but no juju skulls dropped. it may be that you have to be solo to get them to drop.
By the way, the Professor and Yakkington are on the old run for Everthorn's Chakrams so when you go out with a party to turn in, might as well go on down the trail and take down Bramble Everthorn. Might get lucky. Not a popular dagger set these days, but they are zealous and I am still using mine. Might be worth another 4k.
By the way, the Professor and Yakkington are on the old run for Everthorn's Chakrams so when you go out with a party to turn in, might as well go on down the trail and take down Bramble Everthorn. Might get lucky. Not a popular dagger set these days, but they are zealous and I am still using mine. Might be worth another 4k.
Ran SoS Rit with no problems, but they dropped very rarely for me. Took me an hour and a half.
Maria Murtor
We found him in Boreas Seabed. He's searching for 10 Kraken Eyes
Da Kenster
Right outside Zos Shivros channel
I remember framing them in the Boreas Seabed mission, during canthan new year. Don't know if it's the best spot though...
The group (3 or 4) right outside Zos Shivros gives quick access, a minute to kill and I averaged an eye every third run.
Hard time with spawns, drop rate is very very low at least for me, I don't understand why Nicholas doesn't ask for only 5 i got 3 in 1 hour - .-
Anyone find another good option?
Da Kenster
I did the ones outside Zos Shivros a few times, got a gold, some dyes, a monstrous eye, but no kraken eyes. Decided to give Boreas seabed a try, brought heroes for the first part, then left them behind. First two krakens killed dropped eyes. Got 5 total that run as a warrior running a spirit build, always funny.
Humdrum, Ranger SoS spam right outside Zos Shivros. Got 10 quickly, maybe one every two runs. Downside, felt like a bot. Thought of reporting myself. At least the turnin point was convenient.
My first attempt at farming Kraken eyes, I started out solo from Zos Shivros Channel, in a counter-clockwise loop around Boreas Seabed. Had to fight two Naga patrols and about 5 groups of Oni pop-ups. Haven't recorded the time it took to make a complete loop around the area, but I figure > 15 mins.
Decided on my second attempt to try solo farming the 2 patrolling groups of Kraken spawns in Unwaking Waters by using the re-resing trick by dying at the Harvest Temple entrance. But despite how much Kurzick faction (that is currently controlling the area) I had, I was never able to res at the southeast shrine. So I took my nec trio and fought my way to the shrine where I used them to clear out the patrolling area of other foes then I pinned the heroes back to southwest of the res shrine until they were grey out then I picked off the Kraken spawns. Total time: 9 mins (could have been quicker if I took a full party of heroes.)
For my third attempt, I went back to Boreas Seabed with a full party of heroes. I exited Zos Shivros, took the priest blessing, then I pinned my heroes to just left of Geoffer Pain Bringer's bunch while I went east and took out the four Kraken spawns. After this, I went back to my party who have already finished off Pain Bringer's group. I moved/pinned my heros to a Naga patrol west of that area. Just north there is a single Kraken spawn that took me about 1-2 mins to kill -- On later runs I discovered the outcast may kill it before I can get to it.
After the Naga patrol is killed, I pinned my heroes to the furthest southeast corner of the map (so they are greyed out) while I walked my way northward to the group of Kraken spawns and finished them off. Total time for killing 6-7 Kraken spawns: 5 mins.
Decided on my second attempt to try solo farming the 2 patrolling groups of Kraken spawns in Unwaking Waters by using the re-resing trick by dying at the Harvest Temple entrance. But despite how much Kurzick faction (that is currently controlling the area) I had, I was never able to res at the southeast shrine. So I took my nec trio and fought my way to the shrine where I used them to clear out the patrolling area of other foes then I pinned the heroes back to southwest of the res shrine until they were grey out then I picked off the Kraken spawns. Total time: 9 mins (could have been quicker if I took a full party of heroes.)
For my third attempt, I went back to Boreas Seabed with a full party of heroes. I exited Zos Shivros, took the priest blessing, then I pinned my heroes to just left of Geoffer Pain Bringer's bunch while I went east and took out the four Kraken spawns. After this, I went back to my party who have already finished off Pain Bringer's group. I moved/pinned my heros to a Naga patrol west of that area. Just north there is a single Kraken spawn that took me about 1-2 mins to kill -- On later runs I discovered the outcast may kill it before I can get to it.
After the Naga patrol is killed, I pinned my heroes to the furthest southeast corner of the map (so they are greyed out) while I walked my way northward to the group of Kraken spawns and finished them off. Total time for killing 6-7 Kraken spawns: 5 mins.
I've tried different ways to do out of Zos Chivros -- just doing the first group, running counter-clockwise and fighting the few spawns and oni, and taking heroes to clear some areas to get to faster patrols -- none have been very satisfying for me. But I'm doing pretty well in the Boreas Seabed mission with spirit-spam. It's mostly just kraken in a small area (the few other patrols that might get in the way are dispatched quickly). And even though Zhu spawns after getting down to a couple kraken left, the heroes help dispatch him and he has a chance to drop eyes, as well. He dropped 2 on my last run, giving me a total of 6 in 15 minutes work.