Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
The respawned essences do drop but they seemed to taper off quite a bit after I respawned them more than once. Only did two bosses as well, then backtracked. The phoenix is the toughest because of the degeneration.
don't pay more then 300-500 gold each, people will be giving these away by Wednesday.
Turns out I didn't have as many of these as I thought and had to farm a few for my alt. I went out the left-most portal to Kaijun Don. Did him and moved forward to the Turtle boss, then backtracked to kill their essence spawns. I had to bring Displacement to block the ranger tengu.
Having another party member loaded seemed to help with this one. If you have an alt account, doesn't hurt to have them stand there at the beginning (with a rez, if dying is a problem for you).
Having another party member loaded seemed to help with this one. If you have an alt account, doesn't hurt to have them stand there at the beginning (with a rez, if dying is a problem for you).
I recommend simply running this mission in NM over and over with 7 heroes. As you progress, more Celestials spawn and thus the liklihood of getting Essences increases. Spirit spamming, or other solo methods, don't get this benefit.
man another week that he wants stuff from the canthan new year--good thing I had just taken a bunch of mules thru that mission (and outside of tons of koi scepters and feathers essences dropped quite a bit)
Damn. I had a bunch of these and then I went and traded them all in for Gemstone staves for my Mesmer heroes.

I farmed my first 4, then ran the mission with a full group for the fun of it. Got maybe 2 per run. Then farmed the last 3. So, yes you can get all the Essences you need just by blasting through the mission repeatedly with 7 heroes. But I did not see any Essences from respawns. Was curious about that but did not see any. Overall, farming was faster. Running the mission more fun.
I farmed my first 4, then ran the mission with a full group for the fun of it. Got maybe 2 per run. Then farmed the last 3. So, yes you can get all the Essences you need just by blasting through the mission repeatedly with 7 heroes. But I did not see any Essences from respawns. Was curious about that but did not see any. Overall, farming was faster. Running the mission more fun.
Chuy Dog
I ran through the mission three times last night with 7 heroes. I mean ran, it is super easy with all heroes. I had to backtrack several times because I get lost in Factions very easy. I got essences drop from respawn twice. The bad news it I only got 10 over the three runs. The good new is I got that many without much of a try, and picked up a whole lot of feathers. I can't believe people are selling them for 2K each.
I've been doing runs with just 4 heroes. Party of 5 seems to be the point where speed and comfort meet for me. Getting around 10 essences per run, though I have to say I take a route through the mission that has me killing a lot of extra groups.
Edit: are you guys sure you're getting drops from respawns while backtracking, and not just from the newly spawned, not-yet-killed before essences that appear when you kill another boss?
Edit: are you guys sure you're getting drops from respawns while backtracking, and not just from the newly spawned, not-yet-killed before essences that appear when you kill another boss?
Premium Unleaded
Respawned celestials shouldn't drop items nor give exp afaik.
Bellerophon Krysaor
Essences drop from respawns after each Boss dies ... but do not loot from the respawns that automatically appear after

Raven Wing
To avoid the confusion:
After each of the 4 bosses die it will spawn a number of duplicates all over the map. I don't regard these as respawns since these small celestials haven't spawned before. It's advisable to backtrack and kill them, since they DO drop essences. But if you are in the map long enough the same duplicates WILL respawn, same celestial monster on same location. These are the respawns and they do not drop any loot nor give xp when killed.
After each of the 4 bosses die it will spawn a number of duplicates all over the map. I don't regard these as respawns since these small celestials haven't spawned before. It's advisable to backtrack and kill them, since they DO drop essences. But if you are in the map long enough the same duplicates WILL respawn, same celestial monster on same location. These are the respawns and they do not drop any loot nor give xp when killed.
Wiki says Shattered Ravines,1 Sandblasted Lodestone per gift.
Easier farm than expected,just agroo the annoying monsters and afk while yunudu heroes kill eveything
Easier farm than expected,just agroo the annoying monsters and afk while yunudu heroes kill eveything
June Bug
Yeah, also says it. Oh well, off to farm the elementals.
Da Kenster
Well crap, salvaged these for granite since I figured he wasn't going to collect them >.>
Two Crag/Mesa in The Ruptured Heart just outside north exit of Ruins of Morah.
Around 2 minutes zone to zone. 6 runs so far, 2 Lodestones.
Around 2 minutes zone to zone. 6 runs so far, 2 Lodestones.
6 runs 0 stones. Anyone have a farming location with more than 2?
Edit: 12 runs 0 stones, do these guys really drop them?
Edit: 12 runs 0 stones, do these guys really drop them?
Go outside Bone Palace,the southern exit, go a bit north and u have 3 patrols.
U can aggro them all with 1 undead group and go afk for 4-5 mins.
U can aggro them all with 1 undead group and go afk for 4-5 mins.
June Bug
I have been keeping these since there is a pretty good focus you can get from the collector for these.....ah well, all my heroes are geared up--might as well use them for nic
In joko's domain, starting from the Bone Palace, you can have your heroes kill quite a bunch of elementals in wurm while you drink your coffee.
Even if you're not in aggro range, they'll drop.
Hell, they're aggroing a group of 10 elementals right now.
There's a locked chest on the path, also.
Even if you're not in aggro range, they'll drop.
Hell, they're aggroing a group of 10 elementals right now.
There's a locked chest on the path, also.
Tenchu The Overseer

Leave from Lair of the Forgotten with 2 Charge warriors, Charge to worm spoor (X). Avoid or break aggro along the way with Charge.
Tunnel to the desolated area avoiding all non elements.
Kill first six en route to point to (A).
Turn left and kill the next six until point (B).
Return to point (A) and proceed to point (C) killing the next 2.
Tunnel past the overhead enemies and take out a further 2.
Wait for patrol to cross bridge by Nick then proceed to the last 6 ending at point (D).
Resign and repeat, did it twice for 6. All you will fight are elements nothing more....or else you went to far.
Joe L.
Thank you Tenchu. Worked like a charm, and even better if you have a partner to chain res.
Bellerophon Krysaor
I farmed them in the Gate of Desolation's mish, in NM, with my 55 Mo ! Often 2 per group of five, but tough run and random loots

In Poisoned outcrops, leaving from Lair of the Forgotten, there is a number of elementals close by that outpost and further up. Maybe 8-10 of them, didn't count. I got three in one run doing this run: |
As Siljo and Turbobusa said, right outside Bone Palace in Joko's domain. Kick your soft heroes, add ones with best armor; things die quick. Except for stinking desert worm. So, got 5 fairly fast, two in one run. Then right through the zone gate in Joko's domain. Go up, to the left, and around and Nick is at the end of a bridge over the ravine. Few Margonites here and there.
In addition, think I collected 8 mummy wrappings which might be collected one of these days. All this lazy full group, no farming.
In addition, think I collected 8 mummy wrappings which might be collected one of these days. All this lazy full group, no farming.
As Siljo and Turbobusa said, right outside Bone Palace in Joko's domain. Kick your soft heroes, add ones with best armor; things die quick. Except for stinking desert worm. So, got 5 fairly fast, two in one run. Then right through the zone gate in Joko's domain. Go up, to the left, and around and Nick is at the end of a bridge over the ravine. Few Margonites here and there.
In addition, think I collected 8 mummy wrappings which might be collected one of these days. All this lazy full group, no farming. |

Yeah, but I've been holding on to things he's already collected that are a PITA to farm. Figure I'd rather be safe than sorry for a couple of months until we see if he's going to repeat or not.
Not at all fair. Can't farm this week so can't get those presents. They should make the area accessible to all. My nearest character is 7 quests away from the area. Not happy at all

The areas Nicholas visits are as accessible as they can make them. Finishing a campaign, such as Nightfall, on at least one character is no less essential than ID'ing all the whites you don't salvage or not buying materials from traders.
Once I looked on Wiki to see what these were, I was pretty sure I didn't have any. Luckily though I went through my mules and found 10. Easy week for me.

@ the complaints of difficulty this week - Guys! This week is SUPER EASY! Start in Basalt Grotto, exit towards Joko's Domain, get in wurms, kill 4 large groups of crags, repeat. Takes like 30 min.
You *can* avoid two small insect patrols to get the wurms, or you can just kill them. Otherwise, don't kill anything but crags. Zip-Zop.
You *can* avoid two small insect patrols to get the wurms, or you can just kill them. Otherwise, don't kill anything but crags. Zip-Zop.
Carinae is exactly right. First run was 2 stones, 2nd none, 3rd 1 stone, 4th one stone. I had one in storage. Not much time at all.That was with a full party. This was right outside The Bone Palace.
In Poisoned outcrops, leaving from Lair of the Forgotten, there is a number of elementals close by that outpost and further up. Maybe 8-10 of them, didn't count. I got three in one run doing this run: |
Maria Murtor
Nicholas is hanging around in the Vulture Drifts and shouts for Forgotten Seals (2-10).
wartower found him
2 Forgotten seals per gift.
e2: pretty easy,the drop rate seems good
2 Forgotten seals per gift.
e2: pretty easy,the drop rate seems good
Da Kenster
Right outside Dunes of Despair using the teleporter, as described above