Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
ll Jamie ll
Well, id give it about 22-23 hours from now. {although, ANET are hardly ever on time.} :P
I've heard about 5 PM GMT. Does that sound pretty reliable?
Well, it's 5:48pm GMT right now =P
I guess 5 PM GMT tomorrow then? xD
willie nelson
a-net is on pacific time not gmt i bet
own age myname
I'm pretty sure it changes on Monday when the new zquest come. Not 100% sure.
Lol ,he moves on Mondays at 4 pm GMT , or he has for the last 2 weeks.
Fril Estelin
Backward check: he was indicated moving on page 23 of this thread, post #441 by Racoon, on Monday 04th May 3pm GMT (I guess vBulletin indicates my time, which is GMT+1?). So keep calm until tomorrow.
So much anticipation in this thread, it's almost palpable! .
So much anticipation in this thread, it's almost palpable! .
You seem to be living in the future, because it's 5:01pm GMT right now
The timezone here is GMT...
I have several clocks here that all display the correct time...
My forum settings are set to show times in GMT...
You're clearly living in the past ^^;
I forgot it was summer already =P
You're absolutely right n.n;
Nicholas the Traveler provides Gifts of the Traveler in exchange for various items to those that can find him. His location and requested item changes weekly, the exact time when this happens is currently unknown, although it seems to occur around or before 15:00 UTC (8:00 PDT) on Monday.
Dee Cazo
there was 2 weeks in Tyria and this is first week in Cantha so I expect another location in there. Then again they arent showing any patterns especially in the Zquest's so it could be anywhere.
Kerwyn Nasilan
Hmmmmmmm, Jahai Bluffs, collectinggggggg corsair coins.
Apollo Smile
He will be at Heroes Ascent collectings Celestial Sigels.
So I finally got myself to get the 15 branches, which was quite annoying. All I got was 5 mysterious summoning stones, 5 mysterious tonics, 10 aged hunter's ales, and 10 blue rock candles. Oh well, hopefully I'll get something better tomorrow.
Andromath The Vile
I hope he relocates somewhere that doesn't require a giant battle to get to him.
I hate the afflicted in Cantha
I hate the afflicted in Cantha
Legion Magnus
Sometimes Professor Yakkington is a slow ride. Be patient.
From the movie "High Road to China":
The oxen (yaks) are slow, but the Earth is patient.
From the movie "High Road to China":
The oxen (yaks) are slow, but the Earth is patient.
Surprised nobody has found the listing in the .DAT for where Nick will be and what he'll be looking for. I'm sure they have all the info in (or at least most of it) and it is just a matter of deciphering the 'where'. His dialog will tell you what he wants, but his location may not be in his dialog in a way as easy to find.
Morgoth the dark
Surprised nobody has found the listing in the .DAT for where Nick will be and what he'll be looking for. I'm sure they have all the info in (or at least most of it) and it is just a matter of deciphering the 'where'. His dialog will tell you what he wants, but his location may not be in his dialog in a way as easy to find.
isnt more fun looking allover the maps, searching for him?
Amnel Ithtirsol
I hope he relocates somewhere that doesn't require a giant battle to get to him.
I hate the afflicted in Cantha |
Just as long as he doesn't need any more berries........... ectos, shards, anything! Just not the berries again!
He will probably move in 6h30m, or 8am PT (4pm UK time)
17:00 gmt +1
....hmmm im hopin i can get that mini brown rabbit... looks freakin awsome... not so excited bout the uninscribable vamp tho but w/e still an awsome update
I got the rabbit on my 13th present. Immediately went off and dedicated it, despite being offered 120e to sell it undedicated ...
Umm, the time you are referring to (4 hours and 15 minutes from your post) is 17PM GMT+1. Which is when he moved last week. 3 hours 11 minutes from now.
Because Greenwich should always be referred to as GMT+0, but with summer time it is now listed GMT+1 which is silly (I am 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, which should be GMT+1, not GMT+2 as it is quoted during summer time).
Very confusing.
Puddin Cheeks
Okay, I'll never get why daylight saving is included in the time count.
Because Greenwich should always be referred to as GMT+0, but with summer time it is now listed GMT+1 which is silly (I am 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, which should be GMT+1, not GMT+2 as it is quoted during summer time). Very confusing. |
Mine is normally GMT-6 central time (US), but right now is GMT-5(CDT US)
I think, because some areas of the world never offset there timezone with Daylight savings. So they never change for what ever there original +/- time is. But it is odd that Greenwich offsets to +1 and it is the one all of the others should follow.
I find that silly myself. There should be a norm every country goes with in regard of references to Time Zones.
Is it right that the quest doesn't work anymore atm? (for the 3 branches?)
Forgot to get it on my second account.
Forgot to get it on my second account.
He was still outside marketplace a few minutes ago. I would believe you would still have time if you went now. 8AM Pacific was about the time he moved last week.
he probably means the NF quest, something Appetite. you have to do 2 quest before its avaible
Puddin Cheeks
Originally Posted by Cebe
He's got so overweight gorging on Kournans and Mandragor that he's not allowed to do the quest any more for medical reasons.
In any case, don't you need juniberries for the Black Moa chick quest?
Is it right that the quest doesn't work anymore atm? (for the 3 branches?)
P.S. You probably haven't done the quests with your second account that are a pre-requisite for this one to work.
Yes, you do.