Yeah, same here. I'd clear out my storage every so often by going to Tsumei and giving out some of the weapons that had built up in there. I'd say something like "Free staff to the first Necro under level 10 to PM me/open trade with me" and find myself being cursed at by some level 20 Assassin because I wouldn't give them anything. I just merch crap now :\
What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard While Playing Guild Wars?
Voodoo Rage
Yeah, same here. I'd clear out my storage every so often by going to Tsumei and giving out some of the weapons that had built up in there. I'd say something like "Free staff to the first Necro under level 10 to PM me/open trade with me" and find myself being cursed at by some level 20 Assassin because I wouldn't give them anything. I just merch crap now :\
"Free q9 gold sword to first warrior lvl 10 or under to open trade with me"
Instantly get trade requests from lvl20s of every profession except warrior.
Lithril Ashwalker
i wont post the names nor the photo on here because showing the names in a screenshot is against the user policy for gwguru auctions, so i posted it from my photobucket
all in all it went down like this
JQ teammate: "too many warriors on here and not enough cappers"
Other JQ Teammate: "yep, warriors cant cap anything"
Me:"If you bring a warrior next match ill just leave"
Me: "Period"
The Idiot: "Dude your secondary ranger bow is melee noob"
me: "lol (*bad word* to insult someones common sense)
i was running a bow sin with a lil build ive been running for a few years with disrupting accuracy and quick-shot.
i wont post the names nor the photo on here because showing the names in a screenshot is against the user policy for gwguru auctions, so i posted it from my photobucket

all in all it went down like this
JQ teammate: "too many warriors on here and not enough cappers"
Other JQ Teammate: "yep, warriors cant cap anything"
Me:"If you bring a warrior next match ill just leave"
Me: "Period"
The Idiot: "Dude your secondary ranger bow is melee noob"
me: "lol (*bad word* to insult someones common sense)
i was running a bow sin with a lil build ive been running for a few years with disrupting accuracy and quick-shot.
I had this conversation with someone in GToB (My Character's name is "Fembot _______")

P.S. - Hope leaving the first name visible isn't a problem. (It makes the point)

P.S. - Hope leaving the first name visible isn't a problem. (It makes the point)
"Free q9 gold sword to first warrior lvl 10 or under to open trade with me" Instantly get trade requests from lvl20s of every profession except warrior. |

Raven Wing
LOL a few days ago I did the same. Was walking around with my lvl10 mesmer with grandmaster treasure hunter title. New char, old account, and I was grateful when I saw someone offering free greenies, I got a nice staff for my lvl10 Dunky
Not all are rude idiots, some people actually appreciate a little gift

Not all are rude idiots, some people actually appreciate a little gift

While I was trying to sell an EL tonic
I hate RA and RA hates me, but yesterday I was trying different professions to see which would make me hate it the least. I went out with my GWAMM-in-progress ranger to cap an elite for my PvP necromancer. Didn't do too well on the necro, so I put together a pure ranger interrupt bar on my PvX ranger and went in. I had my bow equipped from the start, and pretty much hung in the midline, but we faced a team with a monk and a mesmer, which we did not have, so we were toast.
As we're laying there waiting to map back, one of my teammates targets me and says "lol u gotta love touchers."
It took me a couple seconds to realize what the hell they were on about -- I still had R/N on from capping that skill.
I randomly switched to R/Mo just to avoid such idiocy in future.
As we're laying there waiting to map back, one of my teammates targets me and says "lol u gotta love touchers."
It took me a couple seconds to realize what the hell they were on about -- I still had R/N on from capping that skill.
I randomly switched to R/Mo just to avoid such idiocy in future.
As we're laying there waiting to map back, one of my teammates targets me and says "lol u gotta love touchers."
It took me a couple seconds to realize what the hell they were on about -- I still had R/N on from capping that skill. |
I have a R/N build for a bow that uses 0 touch skills and I still get called a toucher. I was busy rupting a monk once and he said "damn touchers ruining the game"
Me: "I'm not using any touch skills."
Monk: "You're R/N, thats a toucher."
Me " can't be serious"
Monk: "I am, uninstall"
Also, no one that uses a touch build anymore actually knows how to use it. Correctly used its pretty insta-win, but the touchers today get killed by the frenzy-mending warriors.
I Am The Fear
After a pretty nice UWSC run, I sold 7 unidentified golds from it to a guy.
He PM's me, stating that I scammed him because they weren't inscribable.
He PM's me, stating that I scammed him because they weren't inscribable.
Because its a universal fact that every single R/N is a toucher...even the ones with that use bows and stay in the back!
Also, no one that uses a touch build anymore actually knows how to use it. Correctly used its pretty insta-win, but the touchers today get killed by the frenzy-mending warriors. |
Sirius Bsns
Touch rangers in general are just bad. It's best just to run a normal ranger and degen everyone with poison and burning/bleeding, or take cripple.
Fay Vert
"What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard While Playing Guild Wars?"
Various people's comments on touchers in the last few posts
Various people's comments on touchers in the last few posts
While in Kamadan, trading....
"Stop wasting my time" (to another)
Me: "This game IS a waste of time..."
"Stop wasting my time" (to another)
Me: "This game IS a waste of time..."
Just now in ToA
guy: "How come these stupid obby behemoths won't drop obby shards? I did like 20 runs and got nothing."
me: "because nothing in UW drops shards"
guy: "lol noob! it's in the name"
guy: "How come these stupid obby behemoths won't drop obby shards? I did like 20 runs and got nothing."
me: "because nothing in UW drops shards"
guy: "lol noob! it's in the name"
Scarlett Romanov
Today in FA...
Red: random noob.
Other colors: Random people.
Red: random noob.
Other colors: Random people.
I was in kama selling that 50hp rune. guy wanted to buy it for 3k. and other weird things i hear when i sell are those that say gl with that when i wont accept their offer.
Gabriel of Ravn
A certain Shinobi nub threatened to report me gave me a good laugh for a while.
My latest thing was a typical trade barny...
Guy WHLHM: WTB Zealous sword hilt
Me: 2k
Guy WHLHM: wtf no 1k
Me: Sorry no ty
Guy WHLHM: Im reporting you for scamming me
Me: scamming :S wrong chat?
Guy WHLHM: trying to scam a newbie out of his money when its not worth that much
Me: Ok good luck with that, dont understand how me telling u a price is trying to trick u ....goodbye
Guy "Who Has Lost His Mind"
Guy WHLHM: WTB Zealous sword hilt
Me: 2k
Guy WHLHM: wtf no 1k
Me: Sorry no ty
Guy WHLHM: Im reporting you for scamming me
Me: scamming :S wrong chat?
Guy WHLHM: trying to scam a newbie out of his money when its not worth that much
Me: Ok good luck with that, dont understand how me telling u a price is trying to trick u ....goodbye
Guy "Who Has Lost His Mind"
Me: Looking for ferry to docks.
Guy: I'll take you for 1k
Me: 700g
Guy: 2k
Me: thats twice what you said the first time...still, 700g
Guy: 3k. It's gonna go up everytime you say something else.
Guy: I'll take you for 1k
Me: 700g
Guy: 2k
Me: thats twice what you said the first time...still, 700g
Guy: 3k. It's gonna go up everytime you say something else.
I was forming party for Zaishen Elite...and:
I was in kama selling that 50hp rune. guy wanted to buy it for 3k. and other weird things i hear when i sell are those that say gl with that when i wont accept their offer.
30 minutes later I'm back to buy something else and he's still there...
I think when you refuse an offer, most people get insulted

I don't have pic of it but...
During Wintersday i farmed a LOT of sweets for my title in form of Wintergreen candy canes. But cause there are the Peppermint candy canes that gives a similar effect, but 2 sweet points instead of 1, i've tried(and finally traded) to trade my Wintergreens candy canes for Peppermint ones.
Then someone pm'd me asking multiple time if i really want to trade wintergreen for peppermint. When i opened trade window he start shouting about scamming: he realised that i wasn't talking about weapons, after that i wrote clearly that i was trading sweets.
During Wintersday i farmed a LOT of sweets for my title in form of Wintergreen candy canes. But cause there are the Peppermint candy canes that gives a similar effect, but 2 sweet points instead of 1, i've tried(and finally traded) to trade my Wintergreens candy canes for Peppermint ones.
Then someone pm'd me asking multiple time if i really want to trade wintergreen for peppermint. When i opened trade window he start shouting about scamming: he realised that i wasn't talking about weapons, after that i wrote clearly that i was trading sweets.
From an Officer in my guild after someone pings him Discord builds (which also serves as an amusing note about the intelligence level of the average player running Discord) :
"So... since these Necros don't use any Soul reaping skills I should take the points out of soul reaping and put them somewhere else, right?"
This guy has 34/50 HoM points including a maxed faction title and Vanquisher/Guardian. I can not understand the utter stupidity required to not know about the effects of each profession's primary attribute after you have gotten out of the training areas.
"So... since these Necros don't use any Soul reaping skills I should take the points out of soul reaping and put them somewhere else, right?"
This guy has 34/50 HoM points including a maxed faction title and Vanquisher/Guardian. I can not understand the utter stupidity required to not know about the effects of each profession's primary attribute after you have gotten out of the training areas.
From an Officer in my guild after someone pings him Discord builds (which also serves as an amusing note about the intelligence level of the average player running Discord) :
"So... since these Necros don't use any Soul reaping skills I should take the points out of soul reaping and put them somewhere else, right?" This guy has 34/50 HoM points including a maxed faction title and Vanquisher/Guardian. I can not understand the utter stupidity required to not know about the effects of each profession's primary attribute after you have gotten out of the training areas. |

I'm 49/50 and 29 Max titles, r4 hero and I have no idea what Mysticism does. I've never played Dervish or used a Dervish hero. It's not information i've ever needed.
Just Sai
I can not understand the utter stupidity required to not know about the effects of each profession's primary attribute after you have gotten out of the training areas.
hordes of people are at the end of the game without a clue on how their class functions
Had a moronic guildie in gc just now say the rolling stone inscriptions are 20k each. then said i was trolling when i was trying to show them how it isnt that high. *shakes head* kids this days. if that inscription was really that much you would see it being sold alot in game..yet you dont rofl.
edit: now the person said they could hack my account. how nice *rolls eyes*
edit: now the person said they could hack my account. how nice *rolls eyes*
Gabriel of Ravn
This is why I end up leaving most guilds within a couple of days if I see in alliance/guild chat LFR or SC looking for I just have to leave drives me insane.
I love my alliance, all we do is bullshit around and joke in AC. I was in Inc at some point and the AC was a mixture of pants-on-head retarded and irritating.
Bright Star Shine
I love my alliance, all we do is bullshit around and joke in AC. I was in Inc at some point and the AC was a mixture of pants-on-head retarded and irritating.
We were in an alliance before, and I don't have anything bad to say about the leader, they were ok, but the rest of the alliance were a bunch of retards. Turning on AC resulted in a flood of utter retardedness and plain stupidity.. Now we've changed ally, and I can turn on AC, without being flooded with bullshit, trolls, and people bitching about not bitching in AC.. Most of my guild complain about the ally being german though, but I speak german, amongst other languages, so I like the multi-lateral concept of our new ally^^ And at least they're experienced, and aren't spamming in kama to get members..
Anyway, on topic.
I was in kamadan, selling a stockpile of armbraces I gathered over the weeks most likely, and some guy said "Wts Zodiac Shields, Pm" me, being a huge fan of both Zodiac Shields, and uniscr Shields, immediately thought "Hmm, perhaps this is one of those noobies that hasn't played that long and doesn't realize he might be having a little treasure in his possession.. gnignigni" So I pm'ed him:
Me: "Any uninscr Shields?"
Him: "No, only inscr."
Me: "Ah too bad then, gl anyway" (Friendly as always when trading, I don't think I ever was unfriendly against someone that wasn't a complete dick)
Him: "Wtf? What kind of noob are you?"
Me: "Hmm?"
Him: "Yeah, what stupid noob like you would want an uniscr shield?"
Me: "You don't seem to realise that uniscr shields have the potential to be worth a lot more than inscr ones."
Him: "Lol, what a retard are you? How long have you been playing? 2 Months?"
Me: "Yes, that might explain why I'm GWAMM. I've been playing for 4 years and a half now."
Him: "What's a GWAMM you noob? And 4 years doesn't mean anything."
At this point I opened trade and showed him my nice collection of ecto's, the exact amount I shall keep a secret, although it's still pretty modest in comparison with what some of you guys have

Him: "That proves nothing you noob."
Me: "Look, there is no point in this, you are obviously lacking the knowledge and decency that even the most undeveloped primate possesses, so I am no longer going to bother trying to explain to you why uninscr shields are worth more than inscr."
Him: "Lol, noob, you know nothing about this game."
Me: "Obviously.. I didn't know that people like you even existed."
To spare you all the rest, I actually tried to explain him why uniscr shields were more valuable to some of us, but he tried to keep explaining to me that uniscr shields actually had an inherent inscription, that could be removed, but not replaced, and some other bullshit..
It ended with:
Him: "Goodbye noob."
Him: "Goodbye noob."
He was one of the first people that made me snap and start raging like a maniac.. I do not approve of people trying to explain how to play this game, unless I know they are far more experienced than me, and know what they're talking about.
^people get all offended when you don't buy what they are selling. Not sure why, they just do...and then they take out their anger at losing a sale on you by coming up with the most random bullcrap you can't even imagine.
Bright Star Shine
In my opinion, they should be monitored, located, and sterilized in their sleep to prevent reproduction, because they are the most frustrating kind of people I have ever met.. If it were IRL, I would've placed my hand at the backside of his head, smashed it into the wall until nothing but pulp remained and then pored citric juice on it.. You could not imagine how angry this guy made me..
One of the most retarded things I've ever heared in GW has to be "respecting officers of guild leading the alliance". I got a nice AC and PM rant by the girl who was so offended by my lack of respect for her friends that were discussing if Healing Spring healed the mobs too.
Although... Getting kicked out of a pvp guild for knowing how much Healing Seed heals at 16 Healing Prayers takes the cake. Egotist leaders for teh lulz!
Although... Getting kicked out of a pvp guild for knowing how much Healing Seed heals at 16 Healing Prayers takes the cake. Egotist leaders for teh lulz!

Some idiotic monk in ZM today.
Purple: Other monk
Pink: Random
Green: The retard