What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard While Playing Guild Wars?
Bright Star Shine
Aaaaand that's why "African American" isn't technically correct anymore.
There is no good term that will satisfy all American Negros. The words Negro and Colored work perfectly fine, but the terms are too old-school for most because they were commonly used in a derogatory fashion. But really they are accurate terms. You need no connection to Africa to be a negro.
Native American Indians have a similar issue with having "correct" names.(some of my cousins prefer Native Americans, some prefer American Indians, some use all the terms together)
I'm a mix of both and American Mutt works for me.
back to GW, I once made the mistake of joining a guild that had an issue with my toon. I get to the GH and the officer that invited me saw my Redhead Negro elementalist female and said "Oh I didn't know you were an ugly negro".
I had no issue with the word used, but I had an issue that ugly was paired with it. To him I'm sure those words were always tied so I exited the guild after I told him how much an arse he was.
Even at school when people used the word "coloured" even i saw from a young age how weird this is, as you are implying they are different. Personally i just say BLACK or not draw attention to that fact at all....
anyway back on topic...the stupid thing i heard today. Seeing someone from your guild..."how do i quit guild". After several funny comments from people in the district, i felt it necessary as an officer to kick them.
anyway back on topic...the stupid thing i heard today. Seeing someone from your guild..."how do i quit guild". After several funny comments from people in the district, i felt it necessary as an officer to kick them.
Well to be honest it's not very clear how you leave your guild. If you are just a member, there's never a need to click on the little face next to your name in the guild roster, so how would you know you have to click that to leave the guild? I think it's a very fair question.
Sword Hammer Axe
Chasing Squirrels
Warrior running assassins promise caller:S What has this game come to

Gabriel of Ravn
People using the word jelly in party search. Guess people still want to sound like they're in middle school.
I have a friend who's a 5-year veteran noob. When he found Discordway, he was convinced it was the answer to his prayers to actually allow him to get through the game. He wedges AP/YMLaD!/FH! in to all his characters. Don't know if he's done it on his warrior yet (I'm sure it's only a matter of time...), but he's currently running it on his paragon and thinks it's super efficient, despite a lot of advice to the contrary.
Sword Hammer Axe
I have a friend who's a 5-year veteran noob. When he found Discordway, he was convinced it was the answer to his prayers to actually allow him to get through the game. He wedges AP/YMLaD!/FH! in to all his characters. Don't know if he's done it on his warrior yet (I'm sure it's only a matter of time...), but he's currently running it on his paragon and thinks it's super efficient, despite a lot of advice to the contrary.

Eleonora Morgan
I have just been called the epitome of greed by some guy in Kamadan, for selling stacks of Lunar Fortunes for 100k. I told him my price was fair and others were selling for much more, to which he applied that I 'would find out from other people in the district that I was asking too much'.
Funny though, when I whispered him 30 seconds later that I had just sold 3 stacks with no problems he remained surprisingly quiet.
Funny though, when I whispered him 30 seconds later that I had just sold 3 stacks with no problems he remained surprisingly quiet.
I have a friend who's a 5-year veteran noob. When he found Discordway, he was convinced it was the answer to his prayers to actually allow him to get through the game. He wedges AP/YMLaD!/FH! in to all his characters. Don't know if he's done it on his warrior yet (I'm sure it's only a matter of time...), but he's currently running it on his paragon and thinks it's super efficient, despite a lot of advice to the contrary.

Karate Jesus
The stupidiest thing I've read/heard is "If there's no screenshot or link then it didn't happen" lmao Just because someone else didn't get the item or has never seen one it doesn't exist without a screenshot (which they will say it's photoshopped no matter what) or a link.
The stupidiest thing I've read/heard is "If there's no screenshot or link then it didn't happen" lmao Just because someone else didn't get the item or has never seen one it doesn't exist without a screenshot (which they will say it's photoshopped no matter what) or a link.
The stupidiest thing I've read/heard is "If there's no screenshot or link then it didn't happen" lmao Just because someone else didn't get the item or has never seen one it doesn't exist without a screenshot (which they will say it's photoshopped no matter what) or a link.
Current WTB adds for unded cele rabbit for 35-40k
Atm sellers try between 50-80k
Do they really think one of them is gonna sell it for 35-40k atm ?!
Yeah, they hope they get lucky...but how long do they have to wait for that!
Atm sellers try between 50-80k
Do they really think one of them is gonna sell it for 35-40k atm ?!
Yeah, they hope they get lucky...but how long do they have to wait for that!
TKK Guildie
So a couple years ago, I decided to do RA. I got there and I was a war. I spawned with 3 monks. 1 smiter and 2 healers. Of course there was a guy who didn't even want to try because we were a "fail group". I told him we should atleast try and then I ran in to fight. The rest of the team rushed in with me while he stayed back, reported us all for leaching, and left the game. What did I do? I sent an email to anet telling them that this person was falsely reporting people. I also supplied them with some screens. That persons account was banned
Xunlai Guru Agent
Current WTB adds for unded cele rabbit for 35-40k
Atm sellers try between 50-80k Do they really think one of them is gonna sell it for 35-40k atm ?? |
No more than 5 minutes if you must know.
Sword Hammer Axe
Current WTB adds for unded cele rabbit for 35-40k
Atm sellers try between 50-80k Do they really think one of them is gonna sell it for 35-40k atm ?! Yeah, they hope they get lucky...but how long do they have to wait for that! |
I normally sell my minis a bit below market price. They sell faster, and therefore I wasted less time, and time is money

Saw someone spamming this retarded shit:

And later he updated it to this:

And later he updated it to this:

Cant recall anything blatantly stupid, but seeing people selling "undead" minis always makes my eyes roll
The stupidest thing I've heard since day 1 until present is..."BALANCE".
The stupidest thing I've read happened within the first two weeks of playing the game and remains the stupidest after almost six years.
I spawned into Riverside Province with one of my toons and someone immediately typed publicly, "Hey look everyone, it's a ******!"
While Asian myself, the character I spawned in with was very dark skinned. I like an international cast of toons and I don't think I need to clue anyone in on what that particular word was. I wasn't particularly offended out of some sense of racial bigotry, but I screenshotted and reported just out of general principle and to punish the stupid.
I mean, really?
Are you retarded?
I spawned into Riverside Province with one of my toons and someone immediately typed publicly, "Hey look everyone, it's a ******!"
While Asian myself, the character I spawned in with was very dark skinned. I like an international cast of toons and I don't think I need to clue anyone in on what that particular word was. I wasn't particularly offended out of some sense of racial bigotry, but I screenshotted and reported just out of general principle and to punish the stupid.
I mean, really?

People tend to be more comfortable with their racial bigotry when behind the anonymous veil of the interwebz. Combine that with the largely racially monolithic MMO gaming population (particularly in the US) and you arrive at this common, sad point.
It wasn't necessarily stupid, but back before factions when SF had just been introduced and guildies and I were gear farming, my guild leader pondered, "I wonder what those guys are thinking when they're aggro'd to someone with the gear, 'OH NO HE HAS A GEAR!'" It was a fun night.
It wasn't necessarily stupid, but back before factions when SF had just been introduced and guildies and I were gear farming, my guild leader pondered, "I wonder what those guys are thinking when they're aggro'd to someone with the gear, 'OH NO HE HAS A GEAR!'" It was a fun night.
People tend to be more comfortable with their racial bigotry when behind the anonymous veil of the interwebz. Combine that with the largely racially monolithic MMO gaming population (particularly in the US) and you arrive at this common, sad point.
It wasn't necessarily stupid, but back before factions when SF had just been introduced and guildies and I were gear farming, my guild leader pondered, "I wonder what those guys are thinking when they're aggro'd to someone with the gear, 'OH NO HE HAS A GEAR!'" It was a fun night. |
concerning the gear thing... lol i remember those days, so funny
Yesterday, I encountered a ranger running a Panic build. He refused to change it, even though we had 2 mesmers in the group.
Yesterday, I encountered a ranger running a Panic build. He refused to change it, even though we had 2 mesmers in the group.

As a side note:
The internet removes that inhibition people exhibit when they know something they say can get their face caved in.
This noob insisted that no one sell ectos to the materials trader. He was trying to make a point that it didn't matter what the prices at the material trader were, only what people posted in their WTB/WTS spam.
The stupidest thing I've read happened within the first two weeks of playing the game and remains the stupidest after almost six years.
I spawned into Riverside Province with one of my toons and someone immediately typed publicly, "Hey look everyone, it's a ******!" While Asian myself, the character I spawned in with was very dark skinned. I like an international cast of toons and I don't think I need to clue anyone in on what that particular word was. I wasn't particularly offended out of some sense of racial bigotry, but I screenshotted and reported just out of general principle and to punish the stupid. I mean, really? ![]() |
