What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard While Playing Guild Wars?
i loaded in one day and saw someone say thought i cant remember what channel it was in. They were going to smear honey all over their body and run around to catchs some swarm of bees. O.o
Draak Calinca
Someone wanted to sell me 10 ectos for 1k above trader price each
Damn, I wish I had been there. That could have been some fun flash-mob type stuff right there. For...y'know, about 5 minutes.
It's possible they were selling 6 stacks of feathers. I've seen a lot of trade ads lazily leave off the word "stacks" when that's obviously what it is.
It's possible they were selling 6 stacks of feathers. I've seen a lot of trade ads lazily leave off the word "stacks" when that's obviously what it is.
Quick side note: 40 slots, not 45. Pouch (5), backpack (20), bag (5), bag(5), equipment pack (5). And 1-2 in the active weapon set.
It's 50 if you apply Runes of Holding on both bags or get Charr Bags. More if you get an upgraded equipment pack. |


More stupidity in spamadan.
If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid...
Skyy High
Stupid or not, it makes me /facepalm, so I think it belongs here.
Besides, the fact that the messages are right next to each other qualifies it as an example of a stupid scammer, IMO.
Besides, the fact that the messages are right next to each other qualifies it as an example of a stupid scammer, IMO.
all you need is one fish, and placing the ads right next to each other makes for a juicy bait
stupid or not, this much disagreement undermines its position here
stupid or not, this much disagreement undermines its position here
Fay Vert
Similarly, many traders don't bother to read the trade chat themselves. I often see text like:
x: WTB Totem axe 4k
y: WTS totem axe 4k
x: WTB Totem axe 4k
y: WTS totem axe 4k
Just remember, there is someone for everyone, you only have to meet them
x: WTB Totem axe 4k
y: WTS totem axe 4k
x: WTB Totem axe 4k
y: WTS totem axe 4k
Just remember, there is someone for everyone, you only have to meet them

Chasing Squirrels
Just goes to show you that all this thread is picking on new players or people who aren't perfect.

I saw this guy, yesterday, selling 14 instead of 6.
Instead of laughing at his stupidity, which it isn't stupid, how about helping the new player with advice and/or tips.

I've whispered to him: sell them by the stacks, instead of individual, you have a better chance of getting buyers quickly and not have to remain at the trade channel long. It takes less than a min to farm 14 feathers.
Don't really see anything stupid about selling 6 feathers, I think the stupidity is more on the other side.
Bladed Tribble
Happened a while back.... Paraphrased since I lost the screenie a while back :/
I was running him from LA to Ascalon, and this was before the dervish update, so mods and scythes were still relatively cheap. It was so awesome I still remember it :P
Other guy: Man, I love this scythe
Me: What skin is it?
Other guy: Its a q 12 saurian, cost me 75k
Me: Wow :S you got ripped, they're worth like under 20k :/
Other guy: I know, the mods make it worth 75k >.>
Me: Scythe mods, even the expensive ones, dont even break 6k/each lol
Me: so modding a scythe doesnt cost 55k :P
Other guy: yeah it does!
*silence for the rest of the run*
^THIS is why I love to run
I was running him from LA to Ascalon, and this was before the dervish update, so mods and scythes were still relatively cheap. It was so awesome I still remember it :P
Other guy: Man, I love this scythe
Me: What skin is it?
Other guy: Its a q 12 saurian, cost me 75k

Me: Wow :S you got ripped, they're worth like under 20k :/
Other guy: I know, the mods make it worth 75k >.>
Me: Scythe mods, even the expensive ones, dont even break 6k/each lol
Me: so modding a scythe doesnt cost 55k :P
Other guy: yeah it does!
*silence for the rest of the run*
^THIS is why I love to run
Essence Snow

450 and 900......when you want to spend more time forming than actually playing..GENIUS!
900 stones?!
And I thought the 150+ groups were overselective...
And I thought the 150+ groups were overselective...
lol, I finally reasoned with myself and agreed that perhaps the 50+ groups weren't totally retarded, and now this!?
This is some random spouting from some guys who obviously haven't even played guildwars and still thinks they are pro at how the game works. 
I find it interesting how often as of lately it is proved they have became so bad at the game.

I find it interesting how often as of lately it is proved they have became so bad at the game.

That kind of "scamm" is really common those days...
But i was thinking : it is a real scamm, so bannable, or not?
I mean..can you report 2 ppl because one is buying for high price, and other is selling for a lower??
As far i know you cant report someone because try to sell one items for xxxxx e/armbrace or cash, because its a free market without values and all people are free to sell them for how much they want.
But here is different, it is something organized with the intent to scam..
But i was thinking : it is a real scamm, so bannable, or not?
I mean..can you report 2 ppl because one is buying for high price, and other is selling for a lower??
As far i know you cant report someone because try to sell one items for xxxxx e/armbrace or cash, because its a free market without values and all people are free to sell them for how much they want.
But here is different, it is something organized with the intent to scam..
That kind of "scamm" is really common those days...
But i was thinking : it is a real scamm, so bannable, or not? I mean..can you report 2 ppl because one is buying for high price, and other is selling for a lower?? As far i know you cant report someone because try to sell one items for xxxxx e/armbrace or cash, because its a free market without values and all people are free to sell them for how much they want. But here is different, it is something organized with the intent to scam.. |
You can do this in a game such as WoW but the reason it is non existent is because of the presence of the AH.

Some dipshit was standing in Senji's spamming people's hom points.
That guy is a genius. I should try it.
That guy is a genius. I should try it.
I like how his reason for why they don't have 50/50 is because they don't use discord.
That's much funnier than the fact he was spouting out people's points. God forbid people actually play the game without using one of the cheapest mechanics ever put into a game.
That's much funnier than the fact he was spouting out people's points. God forbid people actually play the game without using one of the cheapest mechanics ever put into a game.
Seriously, discord only shined before 7 hero update. Now people should be using more creative builds instead of discord's cheapness. The game is actually even more fun now with all the choices that are presented.
Horus Moonlight
I wonder how many people will become an hero if ANet ever nerfs discord.
I have 50/50 on my main account.....never used discord....if only I could have been there to shatter his delusion...
Robin Hood Uk
The other day I was selling a dhuum's soul reaper for 28e. Got a /w saying he'll buy it for 18e. After kindly telling him no, it's worth far more than that, he proceeded to flame me, call me a noob, and its worth only 15-20e. After asking how he came to that conclusion, his answer was 'because my guildies told me'