Xunlai Tournament House News
Wish Swiftdeath
I kinda see it as a necessary evil - one thing i'd say is that the lag is a bigger issue than this XTH. It's just a shame we probably won't even have a proper tournament never mind predictions since people will be lagging out left right and centre.
Prepare for the QQing
Prepare for the QQing
Thanks for the update Regina.
Thank you for taking the time to fix this!
dame nayru
....I think free money is not normal, so you don't have to apologize. That's a bonus you give us. If someone claim it like a child, he need to see himself in a mirror.
Information is a good thing, but apologize not
Information is a good thing, but apologize not
Helix Dreadlock
We’ve decided to take Xunlai down to ensure the issues are thoroughly resolved. As soon as we have a good estimate on when it will be available again we will let you know. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. |
2). Inconvenience.....complete understatement
Thanks for the update, and hopefully things will be up and working again soon.
Regina: what about the June voting? Will that be simply canceled or will this month's mAT simply be postponed (wich I'm guessing it won't)?
Regina Buenaobra
The tournament is scheduled, but there will be no June voting. XTH is down for extended maintenance. We're working with the web team to get a notification message localized into multiple languages and up on the XTH website, so this should be up tomorrow.
Helix Dreadlock
Is it down for good? or just temp?
I have to completely agree with this, free money is not something you need to apologize over.
Shit sux.
But you gotta do what you gotta do.
But you gotta do what you gotta do.
Cale Roughstar
Thanks for the update! Any word on when we might get our points now would be awesome!
In before all the ridiculous QQ about not getting your free money that you did nothing for.
Thanks for the update Regina.
Thanks for the update Regina.
Okay, thanks for the info.
Regina Buenaobra
Unfortunately, at the moment we don't have an estimate, because they're still doing some detective work on the back end. But as soon as they know and I'm cleared that we can let the public know, I will update this thread.
If Anet must disable the XTH for a month or two so that they can fix the reoccurring problems that they keep having then I'm all for it.
Goodluck to the team, I hope they can work out the bugs & kinks.
Thanks for teh infos.
Thanks for teh infos.
gee I guess I am psychic ....so no points for me this month and none for the next month (or two)....(one of my accounts did horribly and I didnt even bother to put in a ticket for it). I figured there was no way in this world they would have it working again quickly, and yep I was right.
oh well guess I will have to do some of them zaishen pvp-jade quarry and fort aspenwood-bounties for my keys this month.
oh well guess I will have to do some of them zaishen pvp-jade quarry and fort aspenwood-bounties for my keys this month.
Hmm..maybe the price of key will go up.
Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the info.
Thanks For The Info Regina... Cant Say Im Goin To Complain About The 'Lack Of Free Money' Lol... At Least Its Happened When I Cant Get On Gw !
Gun Pierson
Tx for the heads up. Good call imo to take xunlai down until it works properly.
okay i can understand it but it still kind of sucks. i too hope this wont effect those that havent gotten their points yet. but i dont get is, all this time they chose to do it now? why not these issues started happening?
I'm sorry about this, I'm about to be extremely cynical, but I feel like I have to ask. Regina, is the taking down of the tournament house a convenient way to phase it out? I always felt that the tournament house was something that wasn't going to last and this is giving me a bad feeling, especially with the lack of time line. I'm not saying a committed time line is needed though, it just gives me a bad feeling.
Good idea Regina. Taking the XTH will help fix it and I will be glad with that.
As long as XTH remains, I will be happy with Guild Wars.
Thx on the info.
As long as XTH remains, I will be happy with Guild Wars.
Thx on the info.
Probably because, as Regina said in a previous thread, the problems were not all caused by one single issue (as in, what was causing some people to not get points last month or the month before was not caused by the problem there was for the May points), and I don't think there was ever a problem so widely spread as the one this month.
A step in the right direction for admitting the failure and trying to fix it.
+1. Good luck and hang tough.
+1. Good luck and hang tough.
To all the people effectively saying "points are free, you did nothing for them, so shut up," please keep in mind that many people bought multiple accounts for the express purpose of XTH. They basically payed IRL money for those points, so try to understand where they are coming from.
Lord Xivor
Thanks Regina. I did not get my points and I did contact Customer Support as you had said originally. I am not griping about it. Its free in-game items. Life goes on.
Thanks for making us aware of what is going on. I will await the newly fixed and XTH!
Thanks for making us aware of what is going on. I will await the newly fixed and XTH!
Evil Eye
Just let everyone vote after the mAT is done.
Dont Nerf The Perma
yes hopefully the z key price will go up. This will probably make these 2 month's monthly tonics valuable since no1 has the zkeys to get them
thx for the info ^^
thx for the info ^^
Helix Dreadlock
Does the XTH get shutdown permanently or just temporarily?
Well a step in the right direction and now that its temporarily shut down the gtob will stop having QQ parties after every single update
Neo Nugget
Alright, that saves me the trouble of checking back every day to vote
Who needs june voting, the dragon festival should be coming up soon.
Thanks Regina.
Who needs june voting, the dragon festival should be coming up soon.
Thanks Regina.
False Maria
Does the XTH get shutdown permanently or just temporarily? |
It's temporary, but don't expect it to be back any time soon.
Divine Ashes
Yes, they would not be working on FIXING it if they were just going to take it down PERMANENTLY.
I'm just happy an announcement was finally made, and that some of the confusion as to what would be done has been cleared up. Maybe now we can all stop QQing and take it for what it is.
Thank you for the update.
I'm just happy an announcement was finally made, and that some of the confusion as to what would be done has been cleared up. Maybe now we can all stop QQing and take it for what it is.
Thank you for the update.
Shayne Hawke
Actually, I'd be all for not seeing the XTH come back at all. It eliminates a chance for people to gain money for doing relatively nothing, prevents people from abusing the system through multiple accounts, and cuts back on needless crying about "why can't I get my points yet," or "what teams/people will win the tourney this month." Plus, it'll take time away from ANet's already busy schedule to fix this system and put it back into motion. I'd much rather know that time was spent on skill balances or bug fixes.
Helix Dreadlock
pumpkin pie
Thank you Ms Regina B for news and stuffs.