Originally Posted by Kendel
Yes because out of all the explorables in the game you picked ones that offer absolutely nothing to a Perma. Jade Sea? Who gives a crap. Expunge Enchantments screws over the Perma, Dark Apostasy screws over the 600. The only thing there worth 'farming' would be The Deep but frankly that place is so retarded i don't really include it as part of the game.
Luxon faction, perhaps? Though I'm glad you've come right out and admitted you will simply pretend counterpoints to your arguments don't exist.
Urgoz on the other hand, speed runners use Perma's for that. More importantly, they use it to pull mobs out of the way so they can run past because no other class can do it with such ease.
They can't do the mission alone. Permas in Urgoz SCs are part of a team build and they're basically just decoys.
DoA? Stygian Veil, they use Glyph to stop the Choking Gas. Symbiosis/Vital to boost hp. The other few skills that get by it are reduced using Barrier and some of the ele defence skills turning it into a super tank. 99% of the game is nullified, the other 1% can be built around with ease.
Yes, that rare, uber-leet triple-class, 11-slot permasin.
Just out of interest... wtf is in Old Ascalon that can stop a Permasin? Gargoyles, Devourers, Grawl and Charr? Since when?
Crown of Thorns (signets).
And we'll continue to do so until you stop being an ignorant tool by just dismissing everything about Perma because it can't do 'absolutely everything'. UWSC is its best example. Lone assassins solo'ing the majority of the quests in an endgame area in under 20 minutes?
Apparently UWSC is the
ONLY example or you wouldn't keep coming to it like some talkshow political pundit.
Clearly you just want to keep farming it or you have no concept of balance.
Pfft. I gave up on it because the effort isn't worth the reward, as far as I'm concerned. It's not particularly fun, and I can make more money per hour farming feathers, losing only the .00000001%^8[0] of getting some fancy skin out of the chest. I value a UWSC as about 4k since that's a fair average of what I get from the chest (might get an ecto, might get a crappy phantom key...)
I don't care if they nerf it, as I've said before (yet another point you pretend doesn't exist.) There are many ways to do so without rendering the skill useless everywhere else.
I could apply this to your entire post. 'SF isn't overpowered because i said so' is the jist of what you've said.
I could see why you would think that, since anything that goes against your preconceived groupthink notions dribbles right out your ear.
I'm not really sure you can call 'well it can't do everything' as a reason because someone else already pointed out that statement was clueless.
And the statement that it was clueless was clueless. "It can't do everything", with examples of things it can't do, is ENTIERLY appropriate as a response to "it can do everything."
Nope, quite sure it takes the edge off it though. Those caps halfway up Snake Dance? How about Maw the Mountainheart? All those caps in the Mineral Springs? How about Perdition Rock? Abaddons Mouth bonus area? Depths of Madness? Etc, etc. Tyria is notorious for bosses not spawning. It took me 2-3 hours to cap Ether Prodigy because going to the deeper spawns before you could flag heroes was suicide.
Yes, Tyria is notorious for that. Which means, if you fight your way through the entire area every time, and through every group on the way to the area, rather than sneaking past what you can, then just fighting to the nearest boss spawn point and rezoning if it is not the right boss, is a very inefficient way of doing it. Doing it the efficient way means maybe 300g/run. Doing it the ridiculously slow way just to make back the money for the signet is slower, less efficient, and is not fun.
Sorry but why did you feel the need to respond to a /sarcasm tag like i was being deadly serious?
Because you used sarcasm in a dismissive fashion against a point I never made.
Believe it or not i do play this game and i have 1 of each profession too. My Ranger is a GWAMM and all professions have at least all non-elites of their profession. Pretty sure theres alot of unnecessary expense there.
And if you prefer to grind through missions and vanquishes over and over to pay for those expenses, fair play to you. That's your prerogative. Insisting that everyone else should do it the way you do only entitles you to a stream of 4-letter words.
It helps if you consider what i wrote as a whole instead of ignoring the parts that quite clearly answer what you just replied with.
Mr. Pot? I have the attorney for Mr. Kettle on line 2. Something about a defamation suit...
[0] Before someone gets pedantic... No, I don't know the exact drop rates for the good skins. I chose a number suitably small to reflect the "effectively zero for the purposes of determining profitability" probability that I use.