UWSC going to be nerfed?
I have heard a rumor that arenanet is going to nerf UWSC... is it true?
Ask Anet, not us. How do you think we would know something that is done by Anet? Unless you speak to someone who works for Anet, AND is on the team involved with skill updates, you will only be getting rumor. Since you already have rumor, you won't get anything new.
I for one, sure hope they do, as speed clears is not how I think the game should be played.
I for one, sure hope they do, as speed clears is not how I think the game should be played.
I have heard a rumor that arenanet is going to nerf UWSC... is it true? |
Joke aside: Anet has mentioned they are watching UWSC. So a nerf is possible. Beyond that, they have said nothing.
They nerfed it a long time ago. Dying Nightmares have rend enchantments.
Captain Bulldozer
Well... we're not Anet really.. but the answer to your question is yes. They will nerf either UW or SF... they never intended their elite areas to be finished in 15 minutes successfully, so any skill/team setup that allows for that will eventually get nerfed. Only question is... why are they taking so long to do it?
They nerfed it a long time ago. Dying Nightmares have rend enchantments.
If they do nerf it, people will just find a new way to speed clear. If there is a change I hope that it's making UW harder, instead of changing SF again which will inevitably just cause lots of QQ here, there and well, everywhere.
Regina, I think, said that they were watching the TEAM farming builds closely. That's why Cry of Pain took a nerf a while ago. A-Net doesn't mind solo farming, but the team builds knock things out of kilter.
I think the writing is on the wall for team speed clears and team farms.... but as someone above me said: why is it taking so long?
I think the writing is on the wall for team speed clears and team farms.... but as someone above me said: why is it taking so long?
Regina, I think, said that they were watching the TEAM farming builds closely. That's why Cry of Pain took a nerf a while ago. A-Net doesn't mind solo farming, but the team builds knock things out of kilter.
I think the writing is on the wall for team speed clears and team farms.... but as someone above me said: why is it taking so long? |
Kerwyn Nasilan
I hope they nerf it so I can laugh at QQ'ers cause they are funny
Remember that the GW Live Team is very small. They have to get assistance from GW2 workers on quite a lot of stuff, especially when it comes to testing. That assistance is usually given in the form of no-pay overtime work and, therefore, is hard to come by.
When was the last time you worked for free?
When was the last time you worked for free?
if they kill SF, everyone will QQ, QQ a bit more and we will make a new build.
55HP monks or obsidian flesh ele's
if they make UW harder, like adding creatures with signet of disenchant everyone will say deja vu and wait.
they did thet before, end changed it becouse of to much QQ
55HP monks or obsidian flesh ele's
if they make UW harder, like adding creatures with signet of disenchant everyone will say deja vu and wait.
they did thet before, end changed it becouse of to much QQ
Regina, I think, said that they were watching the TEAM farming builds closely. That's why Cry of Pain took a nerf a while ago. A-Net doesn't mind solo farming, but the team builds knock things out of kilter.
I think the writing is on the wall for team speed clears and team farms.... but as someone above me said: why is it taking so long? |
The fundamental problem that makes ridiculous speed clears and solo farms possible is the predictability of the AI and the spawns. For example, if behemoths used WD when they got hit with a staff or charged patrols were more random would I be able to have Mtns don at /age = 10? Probably not or at least not consistently. I doubt this predictability can be solved in this version of gw at this point but correcting a few silly quirks with the AI like the one with the behemoths would make sense. There are many more like that such as the Sapping Nightmares in the Deep only using Chaos Storm if you are wielding a staff. The list can go on. And for the randomness have you seen how many times most ATFH runners restart if Deeds spawn? Can you imagine UWSC restarts because of the spawns? The QQing in team chat when they saw the spawns would be hilarious.
The fundamental problem that makes ridiculous speed clears and solo farms possible is the predictability of the AI and the spawns. For example, if behemoths used WD when they got hit with a staff or charged patrols were more random would I be able to have Mtns don at /age = 10? Probably not or at least not consistently. I doubt this predictability can be solved in this version of gw at this point but correcting a few silly quirks with the AI like the one with the behemoths would make sense. There are many more like that such as the Sapping Nightmares in the Deep only using Chaos Storm if you are wielding a staff. The list can go on. And for the randomness have you seen how many times most ATFH runners restart if Deeds spawn? Can you imagine UWSC restarts because of the spawns? The QQing in team chat when they saw the spawns would be hilarious.
Bob Slydell
It always sucks when arenanet concentrates on one thing like this to possibly nerf is, and don't realize they pissed off a load of other PvE players who use the corresponding skills and then they messed up more than they planned.
At least with the team builds people are playing together but at the same time completing UW in 11 min and a DOA quad run in 40 is a bit ridiculous. Things have gotten a bit extreme from the days when noone believed you when you said you completed UW in an hour. I can hear the QQ now if it took 30 minutes to clear UW because of a nerf.
The fundamental problem that makes ridiculous speed clears and solo farms possible is the predictability of the AI and the spawns. For example, if behemoths used WD when they got hit with a staff or charged patrols were more random would I be able to have Mtns don at /age = 10? Probably not or at least not consistently. I doubt this predictability can be solved in this version of gw at this point but correcting a few silly quirks with the AI like the one with the behemoths would make sense. There are many more like that such as the Sapping Nightmares in the Deep only using Chaos Storm if you are wielding a staff. The list can go on. And for the randomness have you seen how many times most ATFH runners restart if Deeds spawn? Can you imagine UWSC restarts because of the spawns? The QQing in team chat when they saw the spawns would be hilarious. |
It's a possible way to deal with the situation without resorting to the dreaded, expected, and-in the end-boring nerfbat...
so what you basically saying is nerf the one skill they have never gotten right and ruin the fun for some people.
why are people here so mean and hateful?
add monsters make it more difficult whatever, but seriously another freaking nerf of shadow form is NOT needed.
Great Idea
why are people here so mean and hateful?
add monsters make it more difficult whatever, but seriously another freaking nerf of shadow form is NOT needed.

One potential way around the problem is to make the monsters in any given area-along with their skillsets and all-variable. Don't have the same monsters in the same areas all the time, and make how the AI decides whech monsters to load in variable too, to whoever goes in, doesn't really know what monsters-and what skills-they'll be facing whenever they enter the Underworld...
It's a possible way to deal with the situation without resorting to the dreaded, expected, and-in the end-boring nerfbat... |
x sithis x
Martin Alvito
so what you basically saying is nerf the one skill they have never gotten right and ruin the fun for some people.
why are people here so mean and hateful? |
Why are people hateful? Well, people like you ruin the fun for other people. If you liked to play UW with something other than SF, then the existence of SF makes it nearly impossible to find a group. If you like to do things other than UW, then tons of people farming ectos makes you poorer and makes the stuff you want to buy more expensive.
add monsters make it more difficult whatever, but seriously another freaking nerf of shadow form is NOT needed.
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It shouldn't be that hard to see that indefinite immortality is a terrible idea.
Remove cons from the game pls?
leave it alone. after 4+ years and doing everything whats left in the game but farm the ecto's to get a set or more of FoW armor. not like the drops were ever really good in the UW. nerf one of the few things that alot of people do then you just lost some of the player base thats left in the game
Naah. They just like nerfing mesmers (cry of pain...) which were always an uber class in gw. Why would Anet ever nerf any sin skill?
Why do these PvPers always abuse their skills in PvP and then make it so our farm builds get nerfed?

Lawliet Kira
SF is basically godmode.....pls nerf it
add monsters make it more difficult whatever, but seriously another freaking nerf of shadow form is NOT needed.
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Some genius needs to come up with a new Shadow Form.
leave it alone. after 4+ years and doing everything whats left in the game but farm the ecto's to get a set or more of FoW armor. |
The Air Revenger
they dont need to nerf any farm builds just make the UW a ot harder to farm, add more monster with enchant removal that can get rid of SF, OF, SB so its hard to farm. Also make it so everyone has to take each quest so its not like everyone can just run annd do 1 quest. Basicly make it so a blanced group can run the dungon within a reasonable time for an elite area but make it un SCable.
I find it amazing how they do things, several places in the game need looked at, take
Amatz Basin.
Go try beat this with a normal team ( no permas ) and see what happens, even with cons this is next to impossible, why have an area that NEEDS perma assassins to actually do it.
The game is 4+ years old now, people are running out of reasons to play, if Anet keep nerfing the areas that have high volumes of people playing, people will go and find a new game.
The nerf to UB was shocking, needed yes, should it have been done maybe, i know people who started playing after the game and some things are just impossible to catch up to now, they left the UB to long to nerf, same with the perma's why leave it for a year before nerfing it, it serves no purpose to kill off your own community 1 year after they been running something.
Keeping in mind that there maybe another year before GW2 is released, to push more and more people away from the game now would be madness.
Amatz Basin.
Go try beat this with a normal team ( no permas ) and see what happens, even with cons this is next to impossible, why have an area that NEEDS perma assassins to actually do it.
The game is 4+ years old now, people are running out of reasons to play, if Anet keep nerfing the areas that have high volumes of people playing, people will go and find a new game.
The nerf to UB was shocking, needed yes, should it have been done maybe, i know people who started playing after the game and some things are just impossible to catch up to now, they left the UB to long to nerf, same with the perma's why leave it for a year before nerfing it, it serves no purpose to kill off your own community 1 year after they been running something.
Keeping in mind that there maybe another year before GW2 is released, to push more and more people away from the game now would be madness.
~If anything half the stuff they Nerf provided fun for players who have literally ran out of things to do. I rarely play due to the things I enjoyed they destroyed. It seems like half the whining comes from people who exploited something for a year,got bored of it and now don't want other people to be able to do it.
I hope if they Nerf it they bring back Ursan just for spite. I quit doing UWSC almost a year ago and listening to people trying to stop it cause they don't enjoy it is moronic.
Why is it people think that if they stop people from doing something suddenly there will be normal groups looking for balanced parties in UW, there wont be nothing there just like everywhere else this has happened. I have been on GW's since early betas and stuff like this is what pushes people to other games so keep complaining and pushing nerfs people, Before long you and your 3 heros will have the run of the place.
I hope if they Nerf it they bring back Ursan just for spite. I quit doing UWSC almost a year ago and listening to people trying to stop it cause they don't enjoy it is moronic.
Why is it people think that if they stop people from doing something suddenly there will be normal groups looking for balanced parties in UW, there wont be nothing there just like everywhere else this has happened. I have been on GW's since early betas and stuff like this is what pushes people to other games so keep complaining and pushing nerfs people, Before long you and your 3 heros will have the run of the place.
If they are going to nerf UWSC, make it more difficult. Give blackness another skill to go through Shadow Form(armor ignoring, very powerful) so it will make pools more difficult. Make nightmares N/Me and give them Signet of Disenchantment. Make the AI target the necro who spams SS on them.
Also making cons unusable in FoW and UW will make UWSC obsolete.
Also making cons unusable in FoW and UW will make UWSC obsolete.
If they are going to nerf UWSC, make it more difficult. Give blackness another skill to go through Shadow Form(armor ignoring, very powerful) so it will make pools more difficult. Make nightmares N/Me and give them Signet of Disenchantment. Make the AI target the necro who spams SS on them.
Also making cons unusable in FoW and UW will make UWSC obsolete. |
Ghost Dog
Amatz Basin.
Go try beat this with a normal team ( no permas ) and see what happens, even with cons this is next to impossible, why have an area that NEEDS perma assassins to actually do it. |
The skill is broken, it's abused by people that are greedy and they say "make your own SF" #1 some of us just plain don't want to use the cheapest crap in the game and #2 like your group is going to accept a newbie SF tank in the first place get real.
This ability to plow elite areas dozens of times daily has made rare weapons into common skins, made rare mats into worthless crap and floods the banks of bad players with platinum for no risk and all reward, quite frankly it's laughable I have always stood by ANET but this is just stupid.
It has turned this game into a joke of accomplishments and grossly resembles a WoW private server with it's fast gratification for players that don't so shit.
But what's the point now these skill lacking special ed farmers already have everything they want and then some, some of them have so many ectos/keys they are selling them IRL for cash money and ANET just doesn't really give a shit.
I thought we had a goal to reach for right? We had a HoM to fill in order to get things to reward our loyalty to this game and receive said items in GW2, what's the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing point ANET?
When you do post a release date for GW2 any tom dick or harry who hasn't played 1 hour of GW1 can sign in do work on a sin for a day or two then rape the game for every reward we were supposed to gain over a period of time they will have it in a month or more just in time for the release of a game they don't know shit about.
They will definately nerf something. You will have to deal with it. Like so many times before with other nerfs. Life goes on (if you have one)
Anyone remember Mantra of Celerity? Its very simple, remove SF from the game, thats right, Take it out of the game, problem solved. As for the QQer's, eh people come and go all the time, nothing to worry about really.
The Air Revenger
they nerfed ursan and everyone QQ'ed for a week and then something new came along wont be any different when they nerf SF, Mabey my ele or monk will get a chance
Ectos have been staying at a fairly good price for a while now so I'm not sure why they'd nerf it.
Athrun Feya
Nerfing skills really isn't the way to go if you want to stop speed clears in general - nerfing CoP had no effect to those at the top of the tables from getting really great times (it only really effected pugs and unorganised groups). Really it only causes people to move the goal post and say the next set of skills are "broken".
What needs to be addressed is the bad monster design (general lack of skills that counter a wide range of things) and bad level design (which is particularly distinguished when you break elite areas down into actually what needs to be killed to continue - often very little). Though doubting anyone is too bothered to fix it this late on in the game.
What needs to be addressed is the bad monster design (general lack of skills that counter a wide range of things) and bad level design (which is particularly distinguished when you break elite areas down into actually what needs to be killed to continue - often very little). Though doubting anyone is too bothered to fix it this late on in the game.
Here we go again.... lets nerf SF.
As ANet have said in terms of monitoring the problem, they have said they do not wish to remove the fun element of SF. So they are probably trying to balance out a needed and necessary change against keeping playability of said skill(s).
What I would like to see, as part of the next major update, is a change to an area that is 4 years old and has only realistically ever seen one major change that was permanent (Dying Nightmares). Since this area is accessible to all campaigns, yep the skills should be in there too. ANet tried it once and failed.
Change in how the areas open up. The Chamber quest opens every door to each area atm. Why not change this so that areas are opened up individually each time (in conjunction with new skills/foes). Chamber opens Wastes, Wastes opens Vale etc. Even change the quests and how they are structured, maybe adding in one or two along the way. There is so much scope for ANet to be imaginitive with this.
Speed clears become different, almost obsolete. Teams would still be able to blast through eventually but would require time (and thought) before getting anywhere near this. UW becomes a "team" area again (maybe). If UW has this done, so should FoW too since it suffers the same issue on age and design.
Anyway thats all been posted/suggested before. The best way of solving the issue (for now)? No damage while in SF being possible. Sure solo farms die but other professions can still do these.
But people still can use SF as it is now, just only to keep alive.
As ANet have said in terms of monitoring the problem, they have said they do not wish to remove the fun element of SF. So they are probably trying to balance out a needed and necessary change against keeping playability of said skill(s).
What I would like to see, as part of the next major update, is a change to an area that is 4 years old and has only realistically ever seen one major change that was permanent (Dying Nightmares). Since this area is accessible to all campaigns, yep the skills should be in there too. ANet tried it once and failed.
Change in how the areas open up. The Chamber quest opens every door to each area atm. Why not change this so that areas are opened up individually each time (in conjunction with new skills/foes). Chamber opens Wastes, Wastes opens Vale etc. Even change the quests and how they are structured, maybe adding in one or two along the way. There is so much scope for ANet to be imaginitive with this.
Speed clears become different, almost obsolete. Teams would still be able to blast through eventually but would require time (and thought) before getting anywhere near this. UW becomes a "team" area again (maybe). If UW has this done, so should FoW too since it suffers the same issue on age and design.
Anyway thats all been posted/suggested before. The best way of solving the issue (for now)? No damage while in SF being possible. Sure solo farms die but other professions can still do these.
But people still can use SF as it is now, just only to keep alive.
They should finally hit the *real problem* that is Shadow Form. A skill THAT overpowered should just not exist. It causes problems just everywhere, it's not only about UWSC.
They should do a MAJOR rebalance of PvE skills, nerf all the most stupidly degenerate builds and make many more different strategies viable.
They should do a MAJOR rebalance of PvE skills, nerf all the most stupidly degenerate builds and make many more different strategies viable.
Nerfing skills really isn't the way to go if you want to stop speed clears in general - nerfing CoP had no effect to those at the top of the tables from getting really great times (it only really effected pugs and unorganised groups). Really it only causes people to move the goal post and say the next set of skills are "broken".
own age myname
If they do nerf UWSC, don't nerf Perma, cons are the problem.
Konig Des Todes
Anet has mentioned they are watching UWSC. So a nerf is possible. Beyond that, they have said nothing.
Shadow Form look out, dunno when they'll strike next! *hopefully soon!* *hopes for a removal of damage and degeneration from player*