Originally Posted by traversc
Off-topic QQQQQ.
(This discussion isn't about HOW to nerf SF, in case you haven't figured it out. There's a million +1 ways to nerf SF, and yours aren't any cleverer. )
"Once again, I'd like someone to give a reasonable explanation why they CARE if other people use SF."
Farm's in the past have been nerfed/changed that had a fraction of the impact UWSC has now which begs the question why waste dev time in the first place changing these farms.
We might as well revert some of the nerfed farms from the past. Hey might as well bring back the very first 55 UW solo.
Why do people seem the care that other's where botting HFFF... its not effecting you.
Why do people care that people where farming mallyx over and over from an outpost people where not supposed to have access to. Its not effecting you...
Why do people care that an expolit allowed people to dupe items. Its not effecting you...
Would you approve an update that gave a player true godmode, and/or the ability to kill every enemy in the instance with little to no effort. Again you don't have to play with these people, it doesn't effect you...
As long as this game is multiplayer to an extent people will "care" what others do in this game, even if they don't even play with them. Its pathetic seeing that as a justification for keeping broken farms/builds/skills because i don't play with you, it doesn't effect you.
Oh and i'm getting that some people seem to think that nerfing Shadow Form is some kind of attack on assassins and regardless of the balance issue or discussion at hand they feel the need to constantly defend it.