Majority of players in the game suck, and they should determine the difficulty for non-endgame areas, get over it.
Then they should stick to normal mode, that's what the difficulty split is supposed to be there for.
By introducing titles, Anet made titles the new endgame. Get Anet to drop the reputation gain cutoffs for normal mode, and I'll give you that the majority of players should stay in normal mode.
Why are people still playing the game if they don't find it fun to play?
They do find it fun to play. You're the one proposing to take that away from them because you disapprove of how they do it.
Because that's the only reasonable way to do them (more below).
No it's not. If you expect to just grab 7 other randoms, people you have never played with and have no idea of their experience or skill level, and roll through an area on HM then you are seriously deluded.
The odds of getting one of the good drops are low enough that a month of speed clears still doesn't guarantee you one, much less a "decent" one.
I hear this thrown around but I rarely find it to be true. I've had more than my fair share of high end drops from end chests.
No one ever mentioned pugging. I suggest that anyone I know quit the game rather than PUG, it's that bad. I'm talking about guild/alliance grouping or, the preferred method of playing for the majority of players, H/H.
The effort required is not balanced by the rewards gained. You may be particularly lucky (more power to you) but the drop rates do not hold with your assertion (if they did, those skins would be far less valuable, which is one of the most common arguments against letting dungeons be farmed).
Going by my personal statistics (the more samples, the more accurate, but I go with what I have) of VSF/Thommis runs.
Out of about 60 runs I've been on, for example, 1 VSF has dropped (not q9 and not for me). Given 2 drops per player per run, that's roughly 1/120, or about 0.8%. That doesn't even take into consideration that VS might not even have a heavier weight than any other gold drop, but be one of however many golds in the drop table for that chest. But even if you assume it does, you're talking about spending an 45-60 minutes where the only really desirable result has less than a 1 in 100 chance of occuring. And that's one of the FASTER ones. A bunch of the dungeons don't have ANY good drops in them, and they're even more annoying to play through (*cough*Frostmaw*cough*).
Unless you're working on something else at the same time (say, LMotN title), the opportunity cost there really doesn't balance the reward, especially with what little we know about drop rates (you'd think there'd be other players besides me who like to metagame enough to keep logs of this stuff :P) and whether q9-13 all have equal chances of dropping or whatnot...
Originally Posted by Grj
Most farmers don't care about grouping, all they care about it getting the most amount of loot in the shortest time with the least amount of effort.
What, pray tell, is the impetus to go back to UW after the first time (for the statue) if not the loot? (And "Fun" isn't a valid answer in the context of this argument, because if enough people found it "fun" then the existence of farmers would have no effect on them. One of the great advantages of an instanced world)